SIDEBAR #5- Arias/Alexander forum

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So I just watched AP interview CMJA and she says she deserves a shot at freedom someday. Wow. This felon isn't even on the same planet I live on.

Bank in it that if the jury gives her life that she AND her DT will might like hell to get the Judge to give her the option of parole after 25 years. And before Stephens had lifted the ban in Jodi I thought there was no chance in hell that would happen, now I'm not so sure. This jury needs to either hang or give her death.
I'm so behind. Please can you link to what you were responding to. I decided to not watch her interviews and then wish I had when she gives so much GOOD stuff in them. Let's face it, she is the gift that keeps on giving. Dead or Alive, she'll never stop giving :)

I don't know where they got it, I was just making an off the cuff JM impression.
Also if this jury hangs I don't think Jodi will accept a deal of LWOP. She wants a shot at parole someday. And would rather take her chances with another jury and Judge Stephens.
I have been thinking about this and I don't think the jury was actually deadlocked at the time the question was asked. I think that those instructions were missing and the foreman decided to ask about them because he was surprised that every juror wasn't ready to vote for the DP.

We have to remember that we have had the opportunity to talk about this for months. I know my thinking has evolved as a result of discussion. And of course our penalty 'vote' doesn't count. If it did, if we were on the jury, I am sure we would all respect the process and let every juror talk over the issues without getting impatient. This is a serious decision that the jurors will have to live with and each one should feel that they have given it due consideration and made the right choice. As much as I think I know what that is sitting here at my computer, I would have to talk more about it as a juror.

I hope you're right! I cannot believe this Jury has been present since January, heard all this disgusting evidence, agreed on first degree murder and is taking this long to make their minds up....
Ok autocorrect FAIL on my last few posts. On plane now and trying to type too fast.
Let's say you got a juror who is asking for life because he/she believes JA has no priors and was too young.
How does one change this opinion?

If they can't vote for death, they just can't.

But Jodi was not too young to premeditate his murder. And I would remind them they did vote FOR premeditation AND cruelty.

As far as priors, a lot of convicted murderers had no priors. Or, maybe just didn't get caught the first time.

Both are poor mitigating factors.
I kept wondering why JM didn't counter JW's talk about the emails/texts and the "I hate you" "you're the worst thing..." by saying what he had mentioned in trial. The fact that there were like 35,000(?) emails/texts and THAT's all the negative things the defense could find??
Because, obviously, JA WAS the "worst thing that ever happened" to him!! AND, you can see Travis wasn't a liar like JA.
:( It is all so surreal. I do know some people who will judge us but that's just what happens. .

Anybody who would judge you for doing the right thing is not worthy of your concern. Anyone who would judge you based upon the actions of your son is equally of no value. Please surround yourself with people who are going to lift you up, and steer clear of those who want to tear you down. I would be honored to be friends with a couple, such as you and your husband, who dedicate their lives to helping children. In fact the world needs many more such people.

I'd like to clarify that when we judge the families of defendants in these cases, its usually because the family has made excuses, or even lied for their children (Cindy Anthony, anyone?). You didn't do that. You called the police which was absolutely the correct decision. My heart goes out to your family (((HUGS)))
I agree completely!
This jury would NOT have went this far ONLY to deadlock, NO WAY. This jury found for Cruelty and I CANNOT fathom them going that far in finding CRUELTY only to NOT reach a unanimous Verdict of DEATH. NO WAY. I think they took their time, went through the Instructions meticulously and then they ASKED A QUESTION and that was misunderstood and got everyone panties all in a knot. This jury knows the games that CMJA has played this entire trial, they also know that the Alexander Family has suffered immensely, there is NO way they are going to bring this trial THIS FAR, this MANY MANY MONTHS into it and DEADLOCK after they have invested 5 months of their lives in this case, they will not allow another jury to end this case, no way! The Verdict will be today, the Jury won't allow this to go to the Memorial Weekend, this Jury will give the Alexanders the Memorial Weekend to spend remembering Travis the way he should be, WITH JUSTICE!! Never fear! GOOD ALWAYS OUTWEIGHS EVIL!!!!


Breathe deeply everyone and stay optimistic!
Good Morning Team Travis I am praying for a verdict today.....prefer death for her but I will be OK with LWOP ...I just want that she never be allowed out of prison. I don't know if what I heard the judge say or what others say she said is true....I just know it is time for this to be over for the Alexander Family. They are being eaten alive. Every day takes a little piece of them. They need to be able to start healing and IMO they will not be able to do that until she is convicted and know she will never be out. I did not read back so if there is anything new...someone please update. Thanks

BBM It occurred to me last night that the sentencing system in AZ is flawed. The jury can only decide life or death. They cannot decide LWOP, that is left up to the Judge at sentencing. If I were a JA juror, that could seriously tangle me up if I thought she should get LWOP not death. The jury has seen the judge seemingly bending over backwards for the DT during the trial. Could they completely trust her not to give LWP? I think it would be very difficult.

Basically, the jury is being asked to give her death or hand over control of her sentence to the judge. It's like they're being told, "We trust you enough to decide if she lives or dies, but not to decide HOW she lives." :(
I'm with the jury no matter their decision. I'm a big supporter of DP but I often wonder if me , myself personally, could dish that punishment to someone , even if I felt they were surely deserving of it. I think I would always wonder in the back of my mind ' what if i'm wrong'...... so those 12 men and women have to live with their decision. What good is a DP we all want to hear if those 12 cannot sleep at night for the rest of their lives? We should back them and their choice. It's easy to say what we would choose, but when it comes right down to it, I doubt many of us know what we do in their shoes. TEAM JURY. They found her guilty, that's the biggest part. I don't mind the idea of her spending eternity spinning her wheels inside her little brain in prison.

I do not support them if they don't give the death penalty. If they are morally unable or opposed to the death penalty they are not allowed to be on the jury...this case is the ultimate example for a death penalty being necessary.
That Court is never open on Friday, that is a day for the Judge's and staff to catch up on paperwork, etc. Monday there is no Court as it is a Federal Holiday.

Oh, OK. They've had a few court days on Friday, so I thought that maybe they weren't having court those days because another conflict. Nice to know these little details. Thanks! :)
OMG I didn't see that part!

Unless someone tries to abuse her again? OMG.

This chick is delusional, crazy, and a psycho. I always said she would kill again. Guess she thinks her little dog was abusing her when she kicked it real hard?

I agree with the post that said she's developed a taste for killing. When she said in her allocution that she knows the Alexanders grieve because of her, and that Travis had his last photo with Samantha because of her, etc., I really felt that she was happy and satisfied with her "work." And remember how she was drooling to get a look at the crime scene photos with Flores.

Something about the twisted look of satisfaction in her face reminds me of seeing Dennis Rader's excitement during the recitation of his crimes. She's also detached in the same way he is and she also can apparently fake a life in the same way he did..... Not saying she'd be the next BTK but....
ITA! Jury, do not put this in JSS's hands!

Oh and good morning :seeya: I am in an extremely foul mood today, I have no idea why, but I will just try to sit on my hands.

I hope this Jury had a good night's sleep, and will deliver the right verdict for this .

Agreed. And I think the defense team showed a total lack of respect toward the court, judge, prosecutor and victims family.

Smile and look up. A verdicts coming.
Let's say you got a juror who is asking for life because he/she believes JA has no priors and was too young.
How does one change this opinion?

I don't think you change that opinion, you try to put it in perspective. She didn't have any priors and 27 seems young to me from my perspective at 60. Okay. But you ask if those things outweigh the cruelty of the crime she committed. I would point out that I was living a stable, law abiding life at 27. I was married, a mother, and I had a career. I lived in the same house I live in now! You point out that most people who commit murder because they are angry about how a relationship turned out do not have priors. They get caught before they can do it again, as the prosecutor pointed out.
I agree with the post that said she's developed a taste for killing. When she said in her allocution that she knows the Alexanders grieve because of her, and that Travis had his last photo with Samantha because of her, etc., I really felt that she was happy and satisfied with her "work." And remember how she was drooling to get a look at the crime scene photos with Flores.

Something about the twisted look of satisfaction in her face reminds me of seeing Dennis Rader's excitement during the recitation of his crimes. She's also detached in the same way he is and she also can apparently fake a life in the same way he did..... Not saying she'd be the next BTK but....

Absolutely agree, she's proud of herself! It's an accomplishment to her. She had a goal and saw it through to completion, probably for the first time in her pathetic life. She's not horrified at what she did at all.
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