SIDEBAR #5- Arias/Alexander forum

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To the Jury---I will pray for all of you today...If some of you are having personal difficulty imposing the death sentence---reread you oath as a juror and than just follow the laws of the state of Arizona..You have to balance the weight of the aggravating factors vs the mitigating factors. Personal views should not enter in. You have already found the major aggravating factor of cruelty. I can assure all of you as a physician that TA suffered immense pain and horrendous psychological suffering until his blood ceased flowing from the slash to his neck..Remember in JA's concocted Ninja story that TA screamed " I can't move my legs"--I believe this was from nerve damage from the stab wounds to his spine. On scale of 1 to 10 his suffering was a ten. Than look at the mitigating facts offered by the defense---are they really mitigating factors or not. In my opinion not one of these factors mitigate against what JA did to TA...Even if you consider the effects on her family I would only score it a 2----it is nothing weighed against the cruelty factor.....the other mitigating factors are just bull. Also consider not just the cruelty to TA but the continued unending cruelty JA has shown the Alexander family. Its called rubbing salt in to the wound. Do the math---in my most generous mood that aggravating factor still heavily outweighs any mitigation...And, according to the law of the State of Arizona this means you MUST render the penalty of DEATH.. this is a matter of the law---all personal feelings aside you must follow the law. Personally the only other thing that as a juror would tend to make me grant mercy would be the presence of sincere remorse. There is no remorse from the defendent in this case. She is glad she killed him and
I believe she will kill again if given the opportunity----she would kill anyone who "crosses " her. Think about this.

:clap: :goodpost:
:seeya: Morning,

I think the jury will come back with a Verdict today, and I hope it is DP -- the Penalty should be equivalent to the Conviction, and also because of the extreme cruelty in which she murdered poor Travis, as well as her continuous lies and "bashing" of Travis !

Oh, I just realized tomorrow is Friday -- and they have no court -- and it's a 3-day weekend ...

So I think they will want to get this over with -- but I hope they "get it right" !

:please::please::please::please::please: for Travis and his Family !
I'm going back to watch the whole mitigation phase again...except for Stabby!!! I wish there was a 'barf' emocon!

In addition to actually having some significance, JM talked about a mitagator having some relation to the the crime...not sure on that either.

Perhaps I'll have a solid understanding sometime before she gets the night-night needle!

:please: :scared: :facepalm:

While doing so, notice again, how many sidebars JW was granted for seemingly no reason whatsoever. I don't think she even ruled on them. Like they were just taking a smoke break or something! I think it was unprecedented for closing remarks and kept waiting for her to put a stop to them. Did not make me happy with this judge. Even the THs were saying it was unheard of and ridiculous.

After this sloppy mistake yesterday, I'm really skeptical.

But my big point is, I had a hard time following JM because of all the interruptions. I'm sure the jury was getting lost also.
Good Morning Team Travis I am praying for a verdict today.....prefer death for her but I will be OK with LWOP ...I just want that she never be allowed out of prison. I don't know if what I heard the judge say or what others say she said is true....I just know it is time for this to be over for the Alexander Family. They are being eaten alive. Every day takes a little piece of them. They need to be able to start healing and IMO they will not be able to do that until she is convicted and know she will never be out. I did not read back so if there is anything new...someone please update. Thanks

Hey chicky ! I dont really think there is anything new...just alot of us doing a double take on the wording of that message yesterday and wondering if the jury even really is in a deadlock...
I have been thinking that maybe the judge misunderstood..then I think , no she surely is brighter than that ...then I thought maybe she used the opprtunity to try to head off a deadlock... I am soooooooo confused...guess we will find out...sometime ... :fence:

Yesterdays message...the big IF....

Tensions are high....just thought I'd throw this out there...
Off to work...Sunny call me if anything happens if you can plz !

Right on. There's another Devil Woman song too. "She's just a devil woman, with evil on her mind..." "She's gonna get you from behind..." . Yeah, that's her alright.

CLIFF RICHARD - Devil Woman (1976) - YouTube

Oh, yes. Of course, if you were me in 1976, you thought the lyrics went like this:

"She's just a devil woman,
With evil Autumn eyes."

Made perfect sense to me. It was not until a year or so ago that I was finally disabused of this notion.

[video=youtube;px7ilisAGj0][/video] - YouTube[/url]
This is what we know....

1.) The jury has been focused on this case for 5 months.
2.) According to Juror 8, they are a tight-knit group.
3.) They have unanimously reached verdicts in all phases of the trial so far.
4.) Jury instructions were "inadvertently" left out of the instructions they received before deliberating.
5.) Shortly after receiving the omitted instructions, a juror question comes out asking what form they should use if they cannot come to an unanimous decision. This causes some major confusion :scared:
6.) The judge reiterates that both she and the lawyers are available to the jury, should they have any issues they cannot resolve.
7.) The jury never asks for further help.
8.)Jury eats through deliberations, even skipping smoke breaks.

So...why would this dedicated jury receive their final instructions, go back to deliberations for twenty minutes and throw in the towel?
If they were indeed deadlocked about something, why weren't further questions asked?

It just doesn't make a lick of sense, imo. This jury isn't hung and today is the day when Jodi will be sent to death row. :jail:

I concur. There is NO way this jury that has sat there for all these months is going to just quit that easily. NO WAY. I almost wonder if they are toying with Arias. Giving her a little glimmer of hope only to SQUASH IT! I would love to think so anyway...
Hey chicky ! I dont really think there is anything new...just alot of us doing a double take on the wording of that message yesterday and wondering if the jury even really is in a deadlock...
I have been thinking that maybe the judge misunderstood..then I think , no she surely is brighter than that ...then I thought maybe she used the opprtunity to try to head off a deadlock... I am soooooooo confused...guess we will find out...sometime ... :fence:

Yesterdays message...the big IF....


Morning!! I can't think about it brain is scrambled:facepalm: check your PMs please
My daughter is going to college now for Graphic Design at Indiana University but is planning on heading out to California to study at FIDM. Worried she is going to have a hard time finding work unless it's in large cities? Thanks for the information!

Another graphic designer here - albeit in the UK. I'm freelance - nearly 20 years' now and I've been in work all that time. Most of the time I've got too much work - lots of late nights and working weekends, but it's worth it to be my own boss. I live in a fairly urban area now, but when I started I lived in a tiny village in a very rural part of Wales and I had no problem getting work.

There are plenty of jobs for graphic designers and the opportunity to go freelance as well. It's a good career for your daughter and I wish her every success.
I am just looking for an end of this today, so the folks can all go home to their families.
I havent read it yet, but here is Lillian Glass' body language report on JA in the interviews....


"Jodi Arias Media Interviews Full of Contradictions, Deception, Anger, and Narcissism As ABC Reporter Confronts Her and Is Called A Hater"

off to read :seeya:

ETA - OMG this is SUCH a good read! Lillian has her pegged!!!!

Thanks for that! This is fascinating:

"She was LOVING all of the attention on each of the media venues . She was relishing in the attention as indicated by her completely different demeanor in terms of her body language. When asked about her enjoyment for the media attention she leaked out a smile (duping delight) as she denied it."

You can almost see the little wheels turning in JA's brain when she's about to say something, as she tries to figure out what she SHOULD say. It took a lot for her, IMO, not to say "Are you kidding? I LOVE all the attention! I'm on TV, and have you seen my fan mail? People ADORE me!" :floorlaugh:
While doing so, notice again, how many sidebars JW was granted for seemingly no reason whatsoever. I don't think she even ruled on them. Like they were just taking a smoke break or something! I think it was unprecedented for closing remarks and kept waiting for her to put a stop to them. Did not make me happy with this judge. Even the THs were saying it was unheard of and ridiculous.

After this sloppy mistake yesterday, I'm really skeptical.

But my big point is, I had a hard time following JM because of all the interruptions. I'm sure the jury was getting lost also.



The DT team's repeated interruptions and sidebars were unreal. Never seen anything like it. That aspect alone turned proceedings into a complete circus and JSS allowed it.

What truly frightens me is that if the jury comes back with life, JSS will have the option to give this convicted murder a chance at parole. When I first realized that, I felt so lightheaded I thought I'd pass out.

What reason, given her track record during the trial, would we have to trust her NOT to give LWP? The idea that this <self snip> could do what she did and be given a chance at freedom? Freedom at a relatively young age to enjoy things that we enjoy, to have opportunities similar to ours when we have lived law-abiding honest lives? Are you kidding me?

JSS could, in effect, validate the original blackmail plan to the State, where the convicted murderer wanted murder 2 and a 20 year cap in prison. At least if that extortion plan went through, Travis Alexander's reputation wouldn't have been smeared for months. Should LWP happen, this <self snip> gets what she asked for AND an extra helping of revenge. Utterly sickening.

I truly hope the juror/jurors holding out or on the fence are aware of this. Return life and you have opened the door that this <self snip> could be out, walking amongst them in the future. :help: :help: :help: :help:
Call me a little confused (and maybe because I haven't had time to go read all the past posts from late last night up to now, LOL!)

*** How do we know that the jury asked a question, "If" ? Is it only because of one reporter's comment?

*** Second question - IF the jury asked a question, and the judge did make a mistake in comprehending what she was reading, and took it as a note that stated they were deadlocked...legally, what does that ultimately harm, court wise? Other than putting everyone (especially Travis' family) through unnecessary stress, does it hurt Jodie's legal case, and make it an issue for appeal? Someone educate me if it does, because I don't see how the judge hurt the court case, legally, by actually reiterating how it would work, IF IF IF they were deadlocked. They just got an early schooling in what would happen, LOL

Anyone have any thoughts on that?

In relation to some posts above regarding mitigation. I also believe it was stated maybe by JSS that the defense has to PROVE that the mitigating factors outweigh the aggravating factors. That the burden of proof was on the defense. IMO..the defense didn't prove anything except this CM has done so little in her life that she has NO ONE to stand up for her and say something positive about her. And that her mitigating factors are BS compared to the mitigating factors of the last woman the state of Arizona sent to death row. I also agree with someone above who stated if the jury follows the jury instructions they are required to impose the death penalty. She can't be given life just because someone feels sympathy for her family. :moo: :twocents:
I am just looking for an end of this today, so the folks can all go home to their families.

One of my greatest hopes after all of this is that Steven can get the help he needs and reunite with his wife...perhaps have more children later on. My heart broke for him so much during his statement.
I have tried not to get too emotionally attached to the DP, because I'm not sure we will get it. (I am a late to this case, only following it on websleuths since the end of March, so I had a lot of catching up to do.) But after hearing Steven and Samantha speak last week, I couldn't help but want the DP. That was the first time I learned their parents died when Travis was 28, and that their grandmother passed away shortly before jury selection. Devastating. I also was saddened to hear that the family has not been together since Travis' death, because they can't bear the sight of an empty chair.

But, I know that the DP is difficult for juries. So when Jodi can her speech, I listened to it through the ears of my friend who finds it VERY difficult to take a stand against someone. Plus she loves to be the martyr. So as Jodi started her speech ( And remember, Websleuths was down at that time, so I had to listen to it without the benefit of reading what other members were thinking at that time. Whew! That was rough, but I digress!) I heard a very well written speech that was delivered with a totally different demeanor than what we had seen before.

I heard Jodi apologize at the beginning of her speech. I know she didn't say "I'm sorry" but she apologized using different language. That scared me right there. All it takes is one juror who wants to think the best about Jodi, and she (and I think it will be a woman) will want to give her a chance.

This jury took 3 days to come back with a murder 1 conviction, and I thought they should have been done in less than a day. This jury took 2 hours to agree that there were aggravating circumstances, and I thought it should only take 15 minutes. So I predict that this jury will take at least a week to make a decision about the DP. The earliest I see them coming back is Friday afternoon, but then I think I read somewhere that they get a four day weekend, so maybe they will not even deliberate tomorrow. But deciding today is too soon for this jury. If they decide today, I'm afraid it won't be the DP.

However...if they come back with LWOP, the one good thing about that is that JA has to pay for her own appeals. And that's what I'll hang my hat on if the jury chooses LWOP.
I don't believe DB, that he didn't marry Jodi because it would have taken time away from his son. Both of them said she liked to spend time with his son, so I think the marriage would have only increased the time they - he and his son - spent together.

He did say Jodi had changed a lot, like, well, JA wasn't EVIL back then!

I believe she was but she was playing the game. She's very good at that, she will be anything she thinks you want her to be as long as it's serving her purpose. I'm sure she played wifey/stepmommy real well back then. As she was maturing so was her inner demon. DB was not necessary anymore, she found something better. I think DB was happy to see her go, I never heard him say that he was crushed or anything like that (correct me if I missed it).

In fact iirc he said in the interview that she started to change from the time that he LEFT her. So I think that was key, he left her for a reason that he isn't saying. I believe that she was showing her true colors before they split and not after and that is why he left her. She then attached herself to PPL, the Mormon Church and TA. She then became what they wanted her to be, many said they liked her at first.

Now what ever evil is within her was fully mature and sadly we are here today.
A friend gave me good advice on packing. This method is the Most Critcial first, and then work your way backwards from there.

She said you first fantasize dressing yourself from naked to your final main outfit and place everything on the bed.
Like underwear first, then socks, then pants, then shirt, etc.

Once you have the main outfit layed out on bed, then just replicate it with however many copies of outfits you need. Lets say 3 sets for a week.

Then, throw in extra pairs of underwear and socks ONLY for the extra days because the outfits can be re-used, but underwear cannot.

Then go right to main KEY things like billfold and/or purse, money, passport, etc. which are your main key items that you absolutely have to have to get on and off plane and rent a car. Once you have those things,

Then, it is just a matter of the extra hygiene products like toothbrush, combs, etc.

Dont pack the suitcase until everything is out and you are all done because you dont want to have to try to remember if you packed it already. And if there are any items you need to use during the day before you leave, just write those down on a piece of paper and be sure to pack them before you leave.

:floorlaugh: Wow! You're organized. I just make sure I'm clothed when I leave. What happens after that is anybody's guess.
Here ya go...official twitter from the court....

From the Maricopa County Superior Court Official Twitter @courtpio:
MC Superior Court @courtpio 7h

Jury's question is what to do if they can not reach a verdict #JodiArias Judge is giving them further instruction
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