SIDEBAR #57 - Travis Alexander forum

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Yes, Anna and I prefer the pencils. There are quite a few brands and sets. Prismacolor's are nice. It a softer lead, they are pricey, about a hundred bucks for 130 shades, and they have smaller less expensive sets, and to tell the truth those will work. You can layer colors and make different shades. Start light and darken to soften or make the colors more intense. If you get a blender pencil you can blend edges of flowers, plants water, a few. Primsa also makes a good pencil sharpener, if you going to spend a lot of money then are the better one to go with. They also make a left handed one.

Sargent pencil are a drier pencil and somethings had to blend, but they work well when used as an over coat. You can also layer colors to make them a different shade or darker.

You can use fine leaded sharpies, now they come in many colors. The colors will be more intense. The new Gel pens look interesting, and they come in many colors too. There are also watercolors and water colored pencils


I just got done with all my Christmas shopping over the weekend. Yipeee.

As all of us know it is hard to find something unique and "surprising" for our significant others and last year I did real good by buying my wife a nice pair of Oakley Sunglasses with a nice case. It worked. LOL You can always tell if someone likes a gift or not. LOL

This year, whether she likes it or not, I definitely am going to "win" in the surprise department as I got her 3 adult coloring books. I think its a great idea and she is always complaining about having nothing to do so hopefully it will work. LOL

I think she will probably not think it is good at first but I bet she thanks me by mid summer on a hot boring summer day. :)

Even if she doesn't like it then I will be glad to take them off her hands. LOL

I also had to make a decision at the store about pencils or markers and didn't even think about that until I started looking at the books. I ended up getting some of each. LOL

I got a set of pencils and also some Sharpie color markers which have really nice colors.

Thanks for the tip about the certain brand. If we start to like doing these books then I will write that down to know what kind to get for the future.

And thanks to everyone here to give me the great idea about the books. I ended up getting 3 different "books". I cant remember the other 2 but one of them is Lost Ocean by Johanna Basford. I also got an easier one and one kind of like that one.

They are so neat and if she doesnt like them I will gladly "inherit" them from her. LOL

We always get multiple gifts for each other so if one doesn't quite work out then we have defaults as stand byes. LOL
Anyone can ask for a new thread, it's easy :) just click on the black triangle on bottom right side of your post, the one that alerts the MODS. Then ask for a new thread. What I do. I can't make new threads; I ask for them :) ops! that's bottom left side!!

Both hubby and I are sick and been in bed most of the weekend and going back bed real soon...

:grouphug: :loveyou:
Annie Em and Sam were beautiful dogs. Well tempered, but combing their coats out was a chore when they ran through the orchard and got burrs.

I took Mona to the vet last week for an ear infection, and when I opened the door to the waiting room there was this huge GSD, and Mona backed right out the door, and we went in on the other side of the counter. Then a pitbull came in and I was nervous, and wondering how the staff handled a dog fight in there.
After the vet saw Mona we walked back into the waiting room and as I stayed between the doors and the counter, and a young woman that had some mental disabilities that was with the GSD came over to Mona and grabbed her nose and I have a tight hold on her leash and trying to back up when she grabbed her snout again and Mona snapped at her, and the people with her pissed me off that instead of watching her more closely (in a damn vets office full of animals) they told her it was OK, that she, Mona wouldn't hurt her as they took her back on the other side of the room. I wonder if Mona did bite her how that would work out? I say they were at fault for let her get up and approach a strange dog and grab Mona's snout. What say you? Ever been in the situation?

We have a Vet here that has a bad setup right near the front door. They way everyone comes in with there dogs is bound to setup a dog fight. I am sure they have had incidents because as soon as you walk in the door then other people with dogs are waiting right near the door.

Not good.

Its hard to try to tell the owners of the place that they need to re-arrange their entrance. LOL
I may have to kindly mention it to them next time. I bet they have been told already by others.

Since mine is small yorkie I always carry mine in through the door until I see who is around.
Other people with large dogs cant do that.
This and your other post about Travis' texts, all sounds so sad to me, too. :( Travis seemed to need a lot people in his life- maybe more than other people need them- for validation, just as you have said. Validation is an important part of who a person is- to some.

Since Travis didn't have a good childhood and had a lot of siblings, he may have felt.... "lost in the shuffle", if you will. This brings something to my mind about my SIL wanting more children- she had 2 boys/1 girl- and my BIL telling her that, from his experience, he didn't want anymore because then the children wouldn't have enough attention from their parents (he grew up in 6 child household).

Well- Travis had the additional burden of parents who were drug addicts, too. What a horror that must have been for all involved. Thank goodness for his grandmother, who gave him some stabilization, but it may have been too late by then for Travis to validate himself, so- constant validation by others? If someone was not validated as a child, they can end up looking towards other people to fulfil their needs that were not met during these years. And if one didn’t get the validation they needed from their parents growing up, it could be that they would unconsciously look towards other people to validate them as an adult. Years may have passed, but the need to be validated for who they are won’t just disappear.

I think Travis needed people to tell him who he was/what he was worth and did not value his own judgement or even himself enough. He may have had no "core"- no sense of "self". His life was based entirely on trying to mask that feeling with stuff- house, furniture, cars, lots of approval from people, ..whatever, so that he was reliant on external validation from others. Internal validation is your sense of confidence and self-esteem; you believe in your own value and worth. Maybe because his parents didn't "value" him as their child and "valued" their drugs instead of him, this must have caused him to lose his "self". Other's validation gave him that and, like a drug, if you will, Travis needed that more and more from others (instead of from just himself).

I know that on the outside, Travis appeared pretty put together, but that didn't mean he was, IMO. What others may see is not what may be. I mean, in general, everyone is like that. People have, what I call, a "mask" on for the world to see, and an "inner core" for what is inside of them, that is private. Some people do not need others to validate their "self-worth", others need validation from others for validation/approval of their life.

What does it take to make you feel good about yourself? What is your source of validation? How do you prioritize the importance of how others see you versus how you see yourself?

People need to be able to self validated, so they will no longer need to be validated by everyone they meet or have a tendency to look in all the wrong places for it (like Travis' "need" for the murderer). By relying on external validation, you are "surrendering" your identity and self-worth to others, IMO,- or, as my mother would say, you are giving others too much importance in your life.

Travis, who may have relied on external validation, could have been compensating for a lack, a hole in his life. The murderer filled that hole with all her flattery (real or not)- telling him how wonderful he was and Travis not seeing that he was wonderful all by himself- without anyone having to tell him.

Besides from my mother, I learned about validation when I first became a nurse's aide at classes that I attended. Validation is a way to communicate with people who are in Alzheimer's. By validating what the resident is saying, whatever it happened to be at the time, you stepped into their "world" - not the one that you may want them to be in at the moment. But, in doing that, it makes the resident less combative- you are listening to them because what they are saying is important to them (and you). So you're validating that the resident needs 'to catch that bus/drive the car to go to work/go to school" and at the same time helping them get dressed/take shower- whatever was going on at the time.

The need for validation can be a good thing in someone's life- something everyone needs at times, but it can be bad. too, IMO. When that need is where people have to consistently seek the approval of others because without it… well, they don’t really have anything- there’s no sense of "self" to maintain them- no "inner core" ("light") of worth- no internal validation. Life becomes a recipe for misery- they are ultimately ensuring their own unhappiness; no matter how much they may achieve it simply won’t ever be enough. So sad, IMO

Internal validation- so important in life, IMO- the source of esteem and satisfaction comes from within you- it means that you believe in your own value, regardless of how others see you, and setting your own standards, not the standards that others set for you.

I do think that Travis was trying hard to reach his goals, but what goals? his or other's (or maybe those goals were the same) or just because something/goal is “the way things are”- letting self-worth be dependent on other's judgement)? I don't know.

I didn't mean to go on and on, but that word "validation" struck me- reminded me, and it's a perfect word, in my mind, for Travis' need for it.

And after all this..:blah::blah::blah:... I agree with you- that Travis opened the door for the murderer that horrible day because he needed validation.

And thanks for more info on Laurence's interview.

Wagara- just love those crocheted hats!

It's freezing- 28 degrees! :coldout:

Waiting for my son's return- he called that he's coming home. I made a pot of chili for dinner. :)

Oh- he's home- gotta go- see y'all later.

Yes/No ...THANK YOU for this post.

I had never thought about "validation" needing to be important to Travis. I think you hit the nail on the head. Its important to everyone and especially was important to Travis due to his childhood.

I think it helps explain some things.
I have been trying to finish my Christmas crocheting. If they post here are some pics.




Just beautiful!!!

I am sure the recipients will treasure these. They are lucky to have you.

I still have one of my Gram's crocheted Afghans. I treasure it.

She could knock out a full size afghan like nobodys business. I was just amazed. She did the kind of pattern like ZZZ's. And always made them with neat colors. I miss her :(
One of a kind she was. She had a little "fire" in her in a good way. She would tell it like it was, if you know what I mean. LOL



Not for me though with my last minute Christmas shopping over the weekend. I was following the RED path. I closed the store down at Target. LOL

I thought I would have time to hit a few stores and never made it out of Target. LOL
So then I had to go to the 24 hour Walmart and spent another 3 hours in there till 3 AM.
It was a true Christmas Marathon shopping event. LOL


Yesterday was freezing- this AM, it's 40 degrees :sheesh:


No More ‘Cruel and Unusual’ Food for New York State Prisoners

"ALBANY — Of all the punishments meted out upon prisoners in solitary confinement, the most unsavory may well be a misshapen one-pound brick of cuisine.
It goes by several names — Nutraloaf and Disciplinary Loaf among them —...

The version in New York State prisons used a motley assortment of baking staples and hard-to-overcook vegetables, including shredded carrots and unskinned potatoes. It was served with little more than water, to choke it down, and cabbage as a side.

But under an agreement announced on Wednesday, the loaf’s long reign as the worst food in the worst corners of New York prisons came to an end, a symbolic victory for inmates’ advocates and state officials seeking more humane, and more appetizing, treatment for prisoners.

“We will eliminate the loaf,” said Alphonso B. David, the chief counsel to Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo..."



Listen To Women Describe The Horror Of Being Shackled While Pregnant (with clip)

"It's still perfectly legal to shackle incarcerated pregnant women in New York, but that may soon change...

A state bill that would outlaw the use of shackles on incarcerated women during all stages of pregnancy is headed for New York governor Andrew Cuomo's desk.

A new video, produced by The Correctional Association of New York, a nonprofit group that monitors prison conditions in the state, features a handful of women talking about the physical and emotional pain of being shackled while pregnant..."

Extreme Couponer Says Target Ruined Her

"McKINNEY, Texas (CN) - An "extreme couponer" sued Target, claiming it maliciously prosecuted her on bogus claims that she cost it $26,650 through fraudulent coupons.

Elyse Rumenapp says that all of the coupons she used were legitimate, that Target should have known it, and that defending herself from its malicious charges cost her two years of her life, her life's savings, and that the stress of her felony trial caused her to lose her unborn baby...

On Jan. 29, she says, Target's asset protection manager, co-defendant Jeremy Martin, reported her to the Wylie Police Department for theft.

She was arrested at her workplace, a Baylor hospital, on Jan. 31, 2013, and Matthew and Darrien also were arrested. All three were charged with theft of property worth more than $20,000 and less than $100,000 Rumenapp says in the complaint. She was jailed on $50,000 bond, according to a public database...

Rumenapp says she was acquitted on Dec. 9, 2014..."

Do Prisoners Deserve Free Medical Treatment?

"...In 1976, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that prisoners were entitled to the same medical and dental treatment as everyone else in their communities. Since then countless state courts have upheld that ruling and repeated that prisons that withhold treatment can be held liable for violating the U.S. Constitution’s ban on cruel and unusual punishment. Well, I know lots of folks in my community who can’t afford to go to doctor when they feel sick and they may go to the dentist only when they have a raging toothache..."

Connecticut will open a special prison for young adults

"Connecticut will open a specialized prison for 18-to-25-year-olds in a bid to reduce recidivism rates among the age group, state officials said Thursday..

Corrections officials at the prison would receive training for how to deal with younger people, and the inmates would get specialized programming for their age that would be aimed at helping them avoid re-offending..."

Rats, bugs and ‘natural’ deaths at nation’s largest women’s prison

"...Lowell, the nation’s largest women’s prison, has two doctors, two advanced nurse practitioners and about two dozen LPNs for nearly 2,700 inmates, according to the FDC.
Families who have lost loved ones say that while the deaths have been attributed to natural causes, many would not have died had they received adequate and timely medical care...

.... inmates told the Herald they are not only getting sick, they also are finding themselves cursed at for complaining — and punished for pleading with nurses and doctors for help. Even those with serious, visible health problems are sometimes thrown in disciplinary confinement for “disrespect” if they question their medical diagnosis, inmates said..."
Behind Kirk Nurmi’s “Trapped With Ms. Arias.”

"...Full disclosure dictates that I admit that I haven’t read Nurmi’s book. I won’t spend a dime on anything that will benefit L. Kirk Nurmi. In my mind, he’s collected his thirty pieces of silver over and over again (yes, when you run with your guilty client’s need to paint her already destroyed victim as a sexual deviant with whom we are better off without, you’ve wandered into Judas Iscariot territory). I’ve read the section of the book that Nurmi offers for free on Amazon, and I’ve read plenty of excerpts online. I’ve read the reviews of his book, and I’ve seen him interviewed by numerous television hosts as he continues on his publicity (pity) tour...."

Murder, Especially the Jodi Arias Case, Can Be Mesmerizing

"...Dr. Bonn, author of a recent book on serial killers, has written to Jodi Arias to ask her to participate in a book about how her legal process has proceeded over the years under the white hot glare of unrelenting media coverage. If she says yes his readers may get a glimpse of what it’s like to be on the receiving end of a justice system that struggles mightily — yet fruitlessly — to stay detached from public opinion."
This Could Be 'One Of The Warmest Christmas Days Of Your Lifetime'

"Dreaming of a white Christmas? Depending on where you live, you might want to keep dreaming, according to current weather reports.

If you live in the eastern or central United States, Friday could be “one of the warmest Christmas Days of your lifetime,” The Weather Channel reported Sunday. The outlet also noted that the entire Christmas week could be one of the warmest in living memory.

While this winter’s unusually warm temperatures have been dipping down to more typically cold levels this week, The Weather Channel noted that “abnormal warmth” has begun to return to the central U.S. and is expected to be back in full force in “most areas east of the Rockies” by Christmas. They do note that a cold front may make Christmas itself slightly less toasty in the Northeast...."

Monday's winter solstice marks the longest night

"Here comes the dark. The winter solstice — marking the longest night and shortest day of the year — is Monday night.

The solstice occurs at the same instant everywhere on Earth. In the United States, it happens at 11:48 p.m. ET Monday (or 10:48 p.m. CT, 9:48 p.m. MT and 8:48 p.m. PT).
In Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia, that means the solstice actually comes on Tuesday..."

Everything you need to know: December solstice 2015

"Late dawn. Early sunset. Short day. Long night. For us in the Northern Hemisphere, the December solstice marks the longest night and shortest day of the year. Meanwhile, on the day of the December solstice, the Southern Hemisphere has its longest day and shortest night. This special day is coming up on Tuesday, December 22 at 4:48 UTC (December 21 at 10:48 p.m. CST). No matter where you live on Earth’s globe, a solstice is your signal to celebrate. Follow the links below to learn more about the 2015 December solstice..."


(Sunlight on Earth, on the day of the winter solstice. The north polar region of Earth is in 24-hour darkness, while the south polar region is in 24-hour daylight. Gif via Wikimedia Commons.)

Climate Change and Mental Health

"...The purpose of this article is to highlight the mental health consequences of global warming. In the article “Extreme Weather Events and Mental Health: Tackling the Psychosocial Challenge,” Jyotsana Shukla4 describes the effects of climate change on mental health under the following categories: direct impact, indirect impact, and impact on children..."
Why your parents are disappointed in you
"Baby Boomers are disappointed in their children. The younger generation whines too much, feels entitled to success, and lacks the responsibility of their parents, we hear...
Of course, Baby Boomers' parents held their kids in equal contempt. Tom Brokaw's book The Greatest Generation tells a story of Baby Boomers' parents disappointed in their children's' lack of values and work ethic. "The morals have changed tremendously," lamented one. Another's "only regret is that the lessons of his generation" weren't passed on to his kids. "The idea of personal responsibility is such a defining characteristic of the World War II generation," Brokaw wrote, "that when the rules changed later, these men and women were appalled."

Decades before, the greatest generation was criticized by their elders, too. Woodrow Wilson, who grew up on horseback, said widespread use of the car promoted "the arrogance of wealth." The younger generation was criticized for abandoning church, dressing provocatively, and leaving the rigors of farm labor for the ease of factory machines. Modern times stole their grit,...


Here's one explanation: Things get better over time. As you see younger generations bypassing problems you yourself dealt with, you become resentful. People can appear lazy when they don't have to suffer as much as you did. This comes through as disappointment in younger generations who don't seem to care about the same threats and worries their elders did.

The blog The School of Life calls this Future Envy...."


Hours after grandson’s death, Jimmy Carter teaches Sunday school

"PLAINS — On Sunday, two weeks after making the cheerful announcement that there was no remaining sign of cancer on his brain, former President Jimmy Carter shared much more somber news with his church family in Plains.

His grandson, 28-year-old Jeremy Carter, had died just hours earlier...

Carter told the crowded church that his grandson hadn’t been feeling well Saturday and laid down to take a nap at his family’s home in Peachtree City. His mother checked on him later and discovered his heart had stopped.

He died early Sunday at the hospital. A cause of death was unclear..."

May his grandson RIP :candle:
Say goodbye to 'country of origin' labels on red meat :scared:

"WASHINGTON – Shoppers could soon have a harder time finding out where some of their red meat comes from.

The World Trade Organization ruled Monday that U.S. "country of origin" labels on certain cuts of red meat put Canadian and Mexican livestock at a disadvantage, rejecting a U.S. appeal after a similar WTO decision last year. The current labels on packages of steaks and some other meats say where the animals were born, raised and slaughtered..."

Dogs Are Mysteriously Vanishing In Northern New York

Authorities suspect the dogs are being taken as part of an organized theft ring.

"..."There's something going on," St. Lawrence County Animal Control Officer James McConkey told The Huffington Post. "Most dogs that disappear are found in a few hours or a day at most, but these dogs are never seen or heard from again. And dogs don't just disappear."...

"There have been a few where people had them in a fenced-in yard, with no way for the dog to get out, and they disappeared," he said. "In another, a dog was removed from its chain."

The phenomenon does not appear to be afflicting a particular breed, but those disappearing are larger dogs, and the majority of cases involve unneutered males..." 00003


"All across America, for decades, a strange cultural ritual has been enacted. Students at the end of elementary school are herded into rooms and handed a simple, hard white plastic instrument called a recorder that seems pathologically incapable of creating any complex music..."

Just beautiful!!!

I am sure the recipients will treasure these. They are lucky to have you.

I still have one of my Gram's crocheted Afghans. I treasure it.

She could knock out a full size afghan like nobodys business. I was just amazed. She did the kind of pattern like ZZZ's. And always made them with neat colors. I miss her :(
One of a kind she was. She had a little "fire" in her in a good way. She would tell it like it was, if you know what I mean. LOL

BBM Sounds just like my mother, may she RIP

Not for me though with my last minute Christmas shopping over the weekend. I was following the RED path. I closed the store down at Target. LOL

I thought I would have time to hit a few stores and never made it out of Target. LOL
So then I had to go to the 24 hour Walmart and spent another 3 hours in there till 3 AM.
It was a true Christmas Marathon shopping event. LOL

Anyone can ask for a new thread, it's easy :) just click on the black triangle on bottom right side of your post, the one that alerts the MODS. Then ask for a new thread. What I do. I can't make new threads; I ask for them :) ops! that's bottom left side!!

Both hubby and I are sick and been in bed most of the weekend and going back bed real soon...

:grouphug: :loveyou:

Hope both of you get well soon.
Feel better real soon, coffeeJ! your hubby, too.
Morning all! :wave:

Hatfield said:
Not for me though with my last minute Christmas shopping over the weekend. I was following the RED path. I closed the store down at Target. LOL

I thought I would have time to hit a few stores and never made it out of Target. LOL
So then I had to go to the 24 hour Walmart and spent another 3 hours in there till 3 AM.
It was a true Christmas Marathon shopping event. LOL

and this was probably you walking out of the store...

YESorNO said:
Listen To Women Describe The Horror Of Being Shackled While Pregnant (with clip)

"It's still perfectly legal to shackle incarcerated pregnant women in New York, but that may soon change...

A state bill that would outlaw the use of shackles on incarcerated women during all stages of pregnancy is headed for New York governor Andrew Cuomo's desk.

A new video, produced by The Correctional Association of New York, a nonprofit group that monitors prison conditions in the state, features a handful of women talking about the physical and emotional pain of being shackled while pregnant..."

This reminds me of Casey Anthony tripping on her shackles and falling face first... :laughcry: I know she wasn't pregnant, but just reminded me of that! :D

How sad about Jimmy Carter's grandson... :rose:

YESorNO said:
"WASHINGTON – Shoppers could soon have a harder time finding out where some of their red meat comes from.

The World Trade Organization ruled Monday that U.S. "country of origin" labels on certain cuts of red meat put Canadian and Mexican livestock at a disadvantage, rejecting a U.S. appeal after a similar WTO decision last year. The current labels on packages of steaks and some other meats say where the animals were born, raised and slaughtered..."

:thinking: I don't recall seeing anything on my packaged meat?? I now buy all my meat at a butcher shop here in town! Meat is from California!

coffeejunkie - hope you and husband feel better SOON!!! :hug:

Okay - I'm going to hit the "Alert" button on Hatfield's post, since it's the last one I see - and ask for a new thread, as STILL having problems getting in here this morning!

Annie Em and Sam were beautiful dogs. Well tempered, but combing their coats out was a chore when they ran through the orchard and got burrs.

I took Mona to the vet last week for an ear infection, and when I opened the door to the waiting room there was this huge GSD, and Mona backed right out the door, and we went in on the other side of the counter. Then a pitbull came in and I was nervous, and wondering how the staff handled a dog fight in there.
After the vet saw Mona we walked back into the waiting room and as I stayed between the doors and the counter, and a young woman that had some mental disabilities that was with the GSD came over to Mona and grabbed her nose and I have a tight hold on her leash and trying to back up when she grabbed her snout again and Mona snapped at her, and the people with her pissed me off that instead of watching her more closely (in a damn vets office full of animals) they told her it was OK, that she, Mona wouldn't hurt her as they took her back on the other side of the room. I wonder if Mona did bite her how that would work out? I say they were at fault for let her get up and approach a strange dog and grab Mona's snout. What say you? Ever been in the situation?
The diminished capacity young woman needs to learn to not approach dogs without the permission of the owner. If Mona had bitten her, IMO it would be the fault of the "bitee", not the owner of the "bitor". Never be afraid to correct or stop someone from touching your dog.

In the summer, when I take my dogs with me to Dunkin Donuts, I leave the car running with the air conditioning on and the windows half way open. I am only in there for 5 minutes btw.

Two young tweens passed by my car, saw the dogs and put their heads up to the window where Zuri licked them to death. OMG! Who in their right mind puts their head/face up to German Shepherds that they don't know? I always watch out the window while I am waiting for my order and saw this happen. Fortunately, my dogs are well socialized and I knew that they would love the attention, but still! I walked out right away to make sure nothing happened as there are no guarantees. I did say something to their mothers though in a nice way. I would have been totally liable if Zuri bit either one of them and felt horrible.

This young girl could have grabbed either of my dogs' muzzles and nothing would have happened. Probably. But I wouldn't want to test them. They both have Canine Good Citizen certification, however I am very vigilant anyway.
CJ, hope you and your DH feel better quickly. I don't want Santa to catch what you have and bring it my way. I have been very good this year...
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