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Just letting you know that I am here and have read your post, I have a lot on my mind. A monkey has thrown a wrench at us and I'm trying hard deal with it. When I am ready, I will talk about it. Keep us in your you all.
Need some advice from anyone.

Wondering if anyone with Windows 8, 9, 10 use a 2nd login ID. ?

I have Windows 8 and the other day I wanted to setup windows to not have to login using my Microsoft ID+PW because I didn't want to have to be logged into Microsoft and did not want to use a password. I was successful in setting up another USER that didn't need to use a Password and I gave myself administrator rights with that 2nd USER ID but what surprised me was the screen settings started out all fresh for that ID. So when I logged into windows using that 2nd ID it did not have all the settings I had changed to customize the look and feel of windows.

I guess that is normal and I guess I would have to make the same updates all over again for that 2nd ID if I want to use the 2nd ID all the time. Does this sound right?

I was hoping the 2nd ID would end up looking the same as my 1st ID but I guess it makes sense that Microsoft is allowing 2 users to have their own customized views on the same laptop.

Does this sound normal and is there anyway to have my 2nd ID use the same settings as my 1st ID that set the machine up?

P.S. Microsoft really has made this logging-in thing much more difficult than I ever wanted. What happened to the days when we could push a button and it would come on. LOL
Just letting you know that I am here and have read your post, I have a lot on my mind. A monkey has thrown a wrench at us and I'm trying hard deal with it. When I am ready, I will talk about it. Keep us in your you all.

Prayers, hugs, and Jingles :grouphug: I am sorry you are going through a rough time.
Just letting you know that I am here and have read your post, I have a lot on my mind. A monkey has thrown a wrench at us and I'm trying hard deal with it. When I am ready, I will talk about it. Keep us in your you all.

Hang in there CoffeeJ.
I know what you mean as it seems like we cant have a smooth year or two in a row without some kind of catastrophe happening. Take care and hope all goes ok for you.


Groundhog Day: Punxsutawney Phil Did Not See His Shadow

"...Interpreting Phil's behavior, the Groundhog Club emcee proclaimed, "There is no shadow to be cast! An early spring is my forecast!"..." :spring:

What are the Origins of Groundhog Day

Serial killer known as 'The Pusher' has killed at least 60 men in Britain by pushing them into canals, some people claim

"A serial killer known as "The Pusher" is terrorizing a British city and has taken more than 60 lives, some people claim.

Family members and experts say dozens of men have been pushed into canals in Manchester, but cops say there is no evidence of foul play. A documentary airing on Britain's Channel 4 on Tuesday night is set to examine the deaths more closely and add fuel to the debate.

There were 61 bodies found in local canals between 2008 and 2015, according to a Freedom of Information request, the Mirror reported.

“It is unlikely that such a high number of cases are the result of just accidents or suicides as canals are not popular suicide spots, especially for men," Professor Craig Jackson of Birmingham City University said, according to the British newspaper..."

Reddit users reveal what it's like to know a murderer or serial killer
Reports give fascinating insights into Ted Bundy, Colorado gunman James Holmes and 'American Sniper' killer Eddie Ray Routh

"*Warning: the following article contains details of murder that some readers may find upsetting. The accuracy of the claims cannot be independently verified.

Reddit users have gathered together online to reveal their startling personal connections to some of the world's most notorious and prolific murderers or serial killers.

If taken as read, the anecdotal discussion - which cannot be confirmed - could provide a useful and revealing insight into the emotional aftershock experienced by the families and friends of those who kill.

Titled: 'People who have known murderers, serial killers, etc. How did you react when you found out? How did it effect [sic] your life afterwards?', the thread has had more than 6,000 responses.

Some mention the infamous kidnapper and rapist Ted Bundy, Colorado movie theatre gunman James Holmes and 'American Sniper' killer Eddie Ray Routh, while others talk of childhood friends or classmates who are arguably less well-known, but were once at the centre - or cause - of similar tragedy..."

China to execute two for killing British monk: report

"...Akong Tulku Rinpoche, co-founder of Scotland's Samye Ling monastery, was found dead with multiple stab wounds at his home in the southwestern city of Chengdu in 2013.

A court in the city sentenced two men, named in Chinese as Tudeng Gusang and Tsering Banjue, to death for the murders of Akong and two other men, while an accomplice was sentenced to three years in jail, the state-run China News Service reported late Sunday.

It cited authorities as saying that Gusang, who had worked at the Scottish monastery, and Banjue had stabbed Akong, his nephew and a driver to death in a dispute over a 2.7 million yuan ($410,000) payment.

The verdict, posted by the court on social media, said the murders were "brutal" and that the suspects would be "treated severely in accordance with the law".

Britain said in a statement that it communicated its opposition to the death penalty to Beijing..."
Morgan Freeman visits Illinois serial killer Brian Dugan for documentary

"IN the three decades that he has been in prison, Brian Dugan has had few visitors and certainly never a celebrated Hollywood icon.

That changed this month when actor Morgan Freeman interviewed the Illinois serial killer at Stateville Correctional Center near Joliet.

Freeman attempted to plumb Dugan's mind as part of an upcoming six-part documentary for the National Geographic Channel. The series will take the Academy Award winner to remote corners of the world as he immerses himself in religious experiences and rituals, while also exploring how frontiers in neuroscience and creation intersect with traditional beliefs.

For an episode examining the concept of evil, Freeman's production company is working with neuroscientist Kent Kiehl, author of "The Psychopath Whisperer," who specializes in the use of clinical brain imaging technology to better understand major mental illnesses, with a specific focus on criminal psychopathy...

Dugan, 59, is serving a life prison sentence for three murders and a series of sexual attacks on young women who survived his violence decades ago...

Dugan readily admitted he is a psychopath. He acknowledged that he remains a danger to society, because of a "very strong rage," and is not rehabilitated. Yet, Dugan said, through aging and his own efforts at self-improvement, "I can remember my old self, but it's like a different person now."

He continued, "I've changed to a point, but I'm still dangerous. ... He still lives in me."

Dugan said his crimes were motivated by sexual compulsion, self-preservation and an emotional "numbness." He attributed that feeling to his drug and alcohol use, an abusive upbringing and his psychopathic nature.

"I was driven by some kind of an impulse that kept growing," he said. "It was like being a hamster on a little wheel."...

"I know I'm a psychopath. I know I'm impulsive. I know I don't have much empathy. I know I used to be glib. I've improved myself on each point. I still have impulses, but they're controlled now."...

The documentary series is set to air on the National Geographic Channel in the middle of next year (2016)."

Former judge pleads guilty to having defendant shocked

"...Robert Nalley of La Plata, Maryland, pleaded guilty in federal court in Maryland on Monday. According to a statement of facts he agreed to, Nalley was presiding over a criminal trial for a man in July 2014 when the incident happened.

The man was representing himself and during jury selection, he read from a prepared statement, objecting to Nalley's authority to conduct the proceedings. After the man repeatedly ignored questions and commands to stop speaking, Nalley ordered a deputy sheriff to activate a so-called "stun-cuff" the defendant was wearing..."

The Grisly, All-American Appeal of Serial Killers

In trying to make sense of the darkest extremes of human behavior, the public turns murderers into myths and monsters.

"...If you were to carefully calibrate your fear of being murdered according to statistics, you should be 12 times as afraid of your family members as of serial killers. Less than one percent of murders in any given year are committed by serial killers, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s report on serial murder; in 2012, 12.5 percent of murders were committed by victims’ family members....

Sadly, tales of domestic violence zoom in and out of the news so frequently that they rarely capture the public’s attention, and when they do, they don’t hold it for long. Meanwhile, Gacy’s story, along with those of other serial killers like Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, and David Berkowitz, are remembered even decades later: They’re so well-known that we continue to hear casual references to them in pop culture...."


(When police pulled over Ted Bundy in this Volkswagen Beetle in 1975, the car was filled with suspicious items including garbage bags, an ice pick, a flashlight, gloves, handcuffs, and a mask made out of panty hose. [Museum of Crime and Punishment])

Child Serial Killer Robert Black Dies In Prison

Black killed four children in the 1980s and was caught red-handed with a girl bound and stuffed in a sleeping bag in his van.

"Child serial killer Robert Black has died aged 68 at Maghaberry jail in Northern Ireland..."
Signe Anderson, Jefferson Airplane's original singer, dies at 74... on the same day founding member Paul Kantner died

"Signe Toly Anderson, a vocalist and original member of the Jefferson Airplane has died.

The singer, who left the band after its first record and was replaced by Grace Slick, died Thursday at her home in Beaverton, Oregon, according to her daughter, Onateska Ladybug Sherwood.

Anderson was 74 and had been suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Anderson, who survived cancer in her 30s, died on the same day that another Airplane member, Paul Kantner, died..."




RIP :candle:
Conviction: The Untold Story of Putting Jodi Arias Behind Bars Hardcover – February 16, 2016
by Juan Martinez (Author)

14 more days!!!! :happydance:


The Latest: Lawyers say death sentence is disproportionate

"ATLANTA (AP) - The Latest on legal challenges filed by a Georgia death row inmate who's scheduled to die this week. All times local:

12:35 p.m.
Lawyers for a Georgia death row inmate set to die this week are asking the state's highest court to throw out his sentence, arguing that it's disproportionate to his crime.
Brandon Astor Jones was convicted in the 1979 killing of Cobb County convenience store manager Roger Tackett. Jones is scheduled for execution Tuesday.

Jones' lawyers argued in a court filing Monday that even at the time when he was convicted, a death sentence for a murder during a robbery at a place of business was rare. The lawyers say that it has become even more unusual recently, with no death sentences imposed for a murder during an armed robbery in Georgia in the past 20 years.
The lawyers say that makes Jones' death sentence excessive and, therefore, unconstitutional...."

A Life On Death Row

"...Jones remained on death row — today he is 72. He no longer publishes articles, and some years back, Marcum stopped receiving letters from him. Then, earlier this month, Marcum came home to a message I left on his landline. Georgia had set an execution date for Jones — the state planned to kill him on February 2.

IF JONES DIES by lethal injection on Tuesday, less than two weeks from his 73rd birthday, he will be the oldest prisoner ever executed by the state of Georgia. After more than 35 years facing execution, he embodies what Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer last year called the “unconscionably long” time prisoners spend on death row, many of them elderly and infirm. But Jones is also a relic of an earlier era of the death penalty in Georgia, the roots of which remain impossible to ignore...

Bridging the disconnect between the “new Georgia,” as Dunham put it, and the state’s recent spate of troubling executions are people like Jones. “We have this very strange situation now in which these people sentenced to death a long time ago — and who managed to get through all the stages of review — are now being executed,” said Stephen Bright, president of the 40-year-old Southern Center for Human Rights in Atlanta. “They almost certainly would not be sentenced to death today.” (In court filings, lawyers for Jones point out that death sentences for killings carried out in the course of a robbery have “fallen into complete extinction.”) Bright describes them as “zombie cases” — convictions that “remind us of just how unfair” the system used to be..."

Trial date set for Corwin murder

"...The trial for Christopher Brandon Lee is set for 10 a.m. on Feb. 29 in San Bernardno, Calif., according to The Hi-Desert Star newspaper in Yucca Valley, Calif. The Oak Ridger in September reported the trial location had been moved to San Bernardino after the two judges in the town of Joshua Tree had been disqualified from hearing the case. A hearing to assess court readiness will occur on Feb. 26 in San Bernardino Superior Court.

Lee stands accused of killing 19-year-old Erin, whose body was found on Aug. 16, 2014, at the bottom of a mine shaft in the California desert near the Twentynine Palms Marine base. She had been missing since June 28, 2014, when she left her home early on what her husband, Jon Corwin, believed was a sight-seeing trip to the Joshua Tree National Park..."


(Special to The Oak Ridger Erin Corwin)

WS thread:
Just letting you know that I am here and have read your post, I have a lot on my mind. A monkey has thrown a wrench at us and I'm trying hard deal with it. When I am ready, I will talk about it. Keep us in your you all.

My best thoughts are with you!!!!!!
Feel better soon!
'I was a thief': Jewel-pilfering woman reflects on life

"ATLANTA — Doris Payne exudes a seemingly effortless elegance, her white hair neatly smoothed back and gold hoops dangling from her ears. She speaks calmly and deliberately, inspiring the kind of trust that would ease any jewelry store employee eager to make a high-dollar sale.

And that's exactly how authorities say the 85-year-old has managed to walk off with pricey jewels in countless thefts around the world over six decades...

She was arrested in October and accused of pocketing a $690 pair of earrings from a Christian Dior boutique in a Saks Fifth Avenue department store at a mall in Atlanta's upscale Buckhead neighborhood.

Because of the pending charges, her lawyers won't let her talk about that.

Court papers in Atlanta reference six prior cases, mostly in southern California, dating to 1999...

The legend of Payne's alleged thefts have long fascinated the public and media, with countless news stories and a documentary film detailing her feats. And while she said she doesn't have an ego and doesn't read all that's written about her, she wouldn't mind seeing a movie made about her life. Her pick to star: Kerry Washington from "Scandal."

"If it should happen, I hope I'm around long enough to make sure it happens right," she said. "I know what I've done. I'm not too ashamed of it.".."

Decades-Long Search for "Mr. Wonder" Ends With Arrest

"Neighbors in a well-to-do section of this San Diego suburb knew him as Frank Szeles, a friendly Cub Scouts leader who frequently gave swimming lessons to young children in his backyard pool.

The federal agents who arrested him last week knew him by a different name: "Mr. Wonder," the host of a popular children's television show who vanished decades ago amid allegations that he sexually abused several kids during a camping retreat in central Louisiana.

The man who faced a San Diego judge Wednesday denied he is the 76-year-old fugitive named Frank John Selas III who allegedly fled to Brazil in 1979 after Louisiana authorities secured a warrant for his arrest.

Back in Louisiana, Rapides Parish Sheriff's Office investigators are convinced the right man is in custody. Meanwhile, officials in California are suddenly facing fears that Selas could have preyed on other children during the 37 years that he eluded capture.

"It's absolutely shocking the level of access that this guy had to children, even now," said Steve Jurman, supervisory deputy U.S. marshal in San Diego. "If there's a playbook for pedophiles, he checked off every single box."... :(

The man believed to be Selas remains in jail without bail in San Diego. He is due in court Feb. 11 for a hearing to establish his identity. In the meantime, Louisiana authorities are reviving a long-dormant investigation.

The Rapides Parish sheriff said his detectives have spoken to some of Selas' alleged victims from the 1979 camping trip and they are willing to testify.
"It's been a long road and it's not nearly over," Hilton said."
The Simple Reason College Tuition Costs Have Exploded :(
"...The Fed’s assessment is that a vicious cycle has taken hold of the education market, and increasing costs are being fueled by an increased demand for loans and student aid. “While one would expect a student aid expansion to benefit its recipients, the subsidized loan expansion could have been to their detriment, on net, because of the sizable and offsetting tuition effect,” the study says.

In a nutshell, what’s happening is that the expansion of federal student loans and aid is causing schools to drive up what they charge in tuition. Why? Because they can, basically. It’s as simple as seeing more money available, and taking the necessary measures to secure it. In all, for every dollar awarded in grants and federally-backed loans, tuition goes up 55 to 65 cents.

“We find that institutions that were most exposed to these aid ahead of the policy changes experienced disproportionate tuition increases around these changes,” researchers write. “We find a passthrough effect of Pell Grants and subsidized loans on sticker price tuition of about 55 and 65 cents on the dollar, respectively.”..."

Cats in Maine still await inheritance from $200K estate

"DIXFIELD, Maine (AP) — A Maine town and a group of cat caretakers have sued estate trustees in a long-running dispute over a woman’s wishes that her life savings go to care for abandoned cats.

Barbara Thorpe died in 2002 and left most of her $200,000 estate to give food, shelter and veterinary care to the stray cats of Dixfield. The Sun Journal reports that only a few thousand dollars have been given for the cats’ care. Lawyers have taken more than $16,000, and the estate’s trustees received over $22,000...."




The Different Ways The Universe Might End Are Fascinating And Horrifying

"The power of science has enabled humans to do everything from study distant galaxies to take high-res photos of Pluto. But one thing science has struggled with is understanding the limits of our universe, and particularly how it will end (or not end). To try to fill this gap in human knowledge, theoretical physicists have come up with a litany of possible ends for the universe, and they're pretty darn interesting. .."



WHO Declares Public Health Emergency Around Zika Virus

"The World Health Organization declared a "public health emergency of international concern" on Monday morning due to the clusters of microcephaly and other neurological abnormalities that may be caused by Zika virus.

This designation, also known as PHEIC, has only been applied to three other illnesses in the past -- most recently to Ebola during the 2014 to 2015 outbreak in West Africa.

The determination is intended to mobilize an international response to combat mosquito-borne Zika virus, which has spread throughout Central and South America and the Caribbean and is suspected to be the cause of a sharp rise in birth defects in Brazil..."
No, I don't believe they ever tried me with antibiotics for that. I luckily don't get my stomach pains anymore that much. I will still occasionally get a mild stomach pain when I get too stressed out and then I just chew up a few Gaviscon antacid tablets which takes care of it. Which is why I think too much stomach acid for me was my main issue which ended up causing real sores on my stomach.

Back before I had found Gaviscon on my own some doctors thought for sure I had an ulcer which could have developed from having too much acid in my stomach. They even ran a scope down my throat to my stomach to look around and found sore spots on the lining of my stomach which made sense since that is what it felt like. Like knife sticking me in stomach. They were really bad at the time. I literally would bend over and had to stay in that position because it hurt too much to straighten out. So I would lay in a bed with knees pulled up to my chin to try to stop the pain. I would lay there for hours until the pain would somehow go away on its own.

Once I found the Antacid GAVISCON it was like a miracle cure for me as it neutralized the acidity in my stomach after about 30 minutes of taking it. But I would have to chew a lot of tablets. I would chew about 8 of them and it would cure it.

The really strange thing is no other Antacid tablets worked. It was so bizarre how other antacids did not help cure those pains. Something about Gaviscon was the only one that worked. Really bizarre as other types had similar ingredients. It didn't make a whole lot of sense but I wasn't asking any questions once I found something that worked.

I only get them now when I get really stressed out which makes sense because I think my stomach secretes more acid when under stress.

I luckily don't get them hardly at all anymore. Just mild ones every once in a while.

Also it was interesting that back then my Mom would tell me to drink milk and it would make it ten times worse. Which is how I finally learned I was also Lactose intolerant. The milk was the worse thing for my stomach pains as it made it worse. LOL

My mom was so frustrated as well as myself. She almost didn't believe me about the pains. I got them too often and no doctor was helping.

BBM If your MD did not get a tissue swab of your stomach or do the other tests available for H. Pylori, you may have the H. Pylori bug and that may be the reason you still have stomach pains occasionally. I don't think it's normal to have stomach pains.

Please do yourself a favor and reread that article I posted yesterday. H. Pylori can/does cause stomach cancer (what my grandmother died of :( ) and it is better to be safe than sorry, IMO. H. Pylori can be a silent killer. :scared:

And read this one:

H Pylori: The silent killer living inside all of us

"...“H Pylori is one of the most widespread infections in the world and around 60 per cent of the UAE population has it,” says Dr Gopalan. “Yet most people don’t know about this silent infection until they start suffering from gastritis or the painful effects of ulcers.”

Its presence is hard to detect, but delayed discovery can give rise to a number of problems as H Pylori is associated not only with ulcers, but also with stomach cancer and gastric malt lymphoma, which is a stomach cancer affecting the white blood cells of the immune system.

Thankfully, once the cause of Alisha’s problems had been pinpointed, her infection was easy to eradicate. “She was put on a course of antibiotics for 14 days, after which the symptoms she had been suffering from for so long subsided remarkably,” says Dr Gopalan...."

(guess I'm just a little paranoid about H. Pylori because of my grandmother's stomach cancer....:scared:)
Just letting you know that I am here and have read your post, I have a lot on my mind. A monkey has thrown a wrench at us and I'm trying hard deal with it. When I am ready, I will talk about it. Keep us in your you all.

Keep strong CF :blowkiss:

We will all pray for you and your family (whatever it is).
Morning all! :wave:

coffeejunkie said:
Just letting you know that I am here and have read your post, I have a lot on my mind. A monkey has thrown a wrench at us and I'm trying hard deal with it. When I am ready, I will talk about it. Keep us in your you all.


YESorNO said:
Conviction: The Untold Story of Putting Jodi Arias Behind Bars Hardcover – February 16, 2016
by Juan Martinez (Author)

14 more days!!!! :happydance:

:juanettes: :juanettes:

I take it you'll be buying his book?!! :juanettes:


It's RAINING!!! :happydance:

See you all later! :seeya:
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