Sidebar Discussion #12

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Hmmm, according to CM in the above linked video, Casey has been working. She's a clerk. She earns her keep.

Since she has reported zero income on all her past probation forms, does that mean she's been "clerking" at the office of someone we might know, in exchange for them paying her room and board?

So Cheney is admitting she lied on her :gasp: sworn probation statements!? No. I hope Cheney is stuck with her for the rest of his miserable life. And I bet if the Felon doesn't make his life miserable, that barbie wife of his will.

Asked if Casey was aware that her father went to congratulate Jeff Ashton last week, after his defeating incumbent State Attorney Lawson Lamar, Mason said, "Well of course. She saw it. Can you imagine a father going to Mr. Ashton's victory campaign party and congratulating the guy who tired to kill his daughter? That's one of the sickest things. To say, 'shame on George is not enough.' It's despicable."

George has come up in my hate meter a few notches for going to Mr.Ashton and congratulating him, after all he was trying to kill it.

Oh you are so correct, Mr Mason, we mustn't congratulate daughter-killers, must we, we must not celebrate their victories, raise our glasses to them, that would be plain despicable, wouldn't it? And then to follow it up with months of shambling, disingenuous, misdirected pompous windbaggery, that would not be so admirable either, would it, Mr Mason?
But luckily JA has done nothing of the sort.
I have nothing negative to say about Jose. He did his job and apparently he did it exceptionally well. Kudos to him.

Personally, I'll never understand how defense attorneys sleep at night. Our justice system demands them and they have a hugely important role to play in it.

I am stunned to read George congratulated Jeff! I'm thrilled actually.

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Who says she has to hace a Florida drivers license? She was allowed to travel while on probation with her PO permission, and her traveling permits wouldn't be public record. And wasn't she alledged to have been in Ohio BEFORE she was officially on probation? Not too mention, she may have enough money now, from her supporters, to hire a driver.

She is required to have a Florida license - she has been resident more than 6 months
and is 'working' there.
I have nothing negative to say about Jose. He did his job and apparently he did it exceptionally well. Kudos to him.

Personally, I'll never understand how defense attorneys sleep at night. Our justice system demands them and they have a hugely important role to play in it.

I am stunned to read George congratulated Jeff! I'm thrilled actually.

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Trying to blame innocent people over the course of three years, when he KNEW they were not involved in Caylee's death is not in Baez' job description though..
I’ve been thinking of GA’s visit to Jeff Ashton. I’m really curious about GA’s statement that included “more than anyone knows” I wonder who “anyone” is???
I’ve been thinking of GA’s visit to Jeff Ashton. I’m really curious about GA’s statement that included “more than anyone knows” I wonder who “anyone” is???

Well, Mr. Ashton isn't in on the secret as he said he hadn't had contact in a long time and was surprised to see him at his party. I think it's just George trying to be relevant. He's dying for someone to call him up, preferably with a big TV camera, and ask him to explain himself. I'm glad he's hearing ::crickets::
Well, Mr. Ashton isn't in on the secret as he said he hadn't had contact in a long time and was surprised to see him at his party. I think it's just George trying to be relevant. He's dying for someone to call him up, preferably with a big TV camera, and ask him to explain himself. I'm glad he's hearing ::crickets::

Jeff Ashton did say he was surprised. I agree GA is up to something. I'm thinking he's sending someone a message. And with FCA getting set free in a few days???? I think something's up, with that family you never know.
Well Casey's Driving license has not been renewed, so she hasn't gone far on her first day of 'freedom'....

Remember when all GA was worrying about IT's license when she was on death row? What did he know then?
Jeff Ashton did say he was surprised. I agree GA is up to something. I'm thinking he's sending someone a message. And with FCA getting set free in a few days???? I think something's up, with that family you never know.

I've got to admit grammie - it has crossed my mind. As for IT - go (oh my gosh, I almost typed something totally inapproiate!!) - continue to to clerk for Cheney - for ever and ever and ever....
Well, she could have had the Sunfire to drive....but she ditched it. I'm sure Cindy would still be cleaning it all these years later just waiting on her baby ki, err, girl to come home.
Well, she could have had the Sunfire to drive....but she ditched it. I'm sure Cindy would still be cleaning it all these years later just waiting on her baby ki, err, girl to come home.

I suspect she's moved on to a Ford Focus - silver...

What is wrong with this woman!!!!!

(don't answer that - it's too easy - also (why do I imagine CM's wife as a wannabe Linda Lay - in leather pants - on the Today show?))
Oh you are so correct, Mr Mason, we mustn't congratulate daughter-killers, must we, we must not celebrate their victories, raise our glasses to them, that would be plain despicable, wouldn't it? And then to follow it up with months of shambling, disingenuous, misdirected pompous windbaggery, that would not be so admirable either, would it, Mr Mason?
But luckily JA has done nothing of the sort.

Wow, I was just going to post something like that but you said what I wanted to say very well, thank you!!

How dare Mason comment on how despicable someone else's behavior is when he and his cronies celebrated well into the night when the baby killer was acquitted! I understand they feel as if they won, but for some odd reason that DT group seems to believe that upon acquittal it suddenly became innocent as charged. It being set free was not and never will be a good thing for society, and it certainly was not something to be celebrated. Good grief, every time that dude opens his mouth I see all over again exactly why he and it deserve each other.
I’ve been thinking of GA’s visit to Jeff Ashton. I’m really curious about GA’s statement that included “more than anyone knows” I wonder who “anyone” is???

George wants everyone to know how important he is now. HE knew who kidnapped Caylee cause HE was watching them. HE knows Jeff Aston more than anyone. HE is the one who taught Caylee the sunshine song because HE made a twenty minute speech at her memorial about teaching it to her. :maddening:

Asked if Casey was aware that her father went to congratulate Jeff Ashton last week, after his defeating incumbent State Attorney Lawson Lamar, Mason said, "Well of course. She saw it. Can you imagine a father going to Mr. Ashton's victory campaign party and congratulating the guy who tired to kill his daughter? That's one of the sickest things. To say, 'shame on George is not enough.' It's despicable."

George has come up in my hate meter a few notches for going to Mr.Ashton and congratulating him, after all he was trying to kill it.
I've been re-reading JA's book...and CM has it all wrong. It's not JA who'd decide Casey's was the jury. And it wasn't JA who sought the death was the State of Florida (with LL's approval). Mr. Mason is just trying to incite, IMHO. Shame on HIM!
...why am I thinking of Marshall McLuhan? ;)

CrackerJax - the need ended a loooong, long time ago

Marshall McLuhan! Had to take a class on that/his subject in the 70's. Thank you for the reminder!!!!!! :floorlaugh:

"The Medium is the Massage..."
Who says she has to hace a Florida drivers license? She was allowed to travel while on probation with her PO permission, and her traveling permits wouldn't be public record. And wasn't she alledged to have been in Ohio BEFORE she was officially on probation? Not too mention, she may have enough money now, from her supporters, to hire a driver.

If she is driving in FL she has to have a FL license. It doesn't matter if she has a license from any other state. Even if your not a resident of FL, if you work here even temp you have to have a non-resident drivers license.
Hmmm, according to CM in the above linked video, Casey has been working. She's a clerk. She earns her keep.

Since she has reported zero income on all her past probation forms, does that mean she's been "clerking" at the office of someone we might know, in exchange for them paying her room and board?

CM knows Casey is reporting to PO she never worked then he's on TV telling how she has. He goes on to say he will have Judge Perry sign a paper saying Casey fulfilled her probation. Judge Perry should look at Mason laughing at the system and how he thinks its funny Casey has been lying in her monthly reports. How can someone so publicly get away with the laws of FL?? Based on Masons statement on the news Casey should be violated!
I don't know if anyone would be interested in having my copy of Jeff Aston's book. I'm through with mine and wondered if anyone would like for me to pass it on.
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