Sidebar Discussion #12

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Yes, and while he had quite the hysterical lawyer over kept over reacting in the media, they were talking about the LE questioning him about the computer. That was very early on in the case when everyone was a suspect. But the LE completely cleared him.

I was very suspicious of Lee - partly because of his over-reactions out on the lawn that day, because he always seemed so shifty and closed off and gave odd answers. So I read anything and everything I could find about him, and most of it again recently after being away from it for a year.

I just can't find anything about him except his overly emotional and extremely inappropriate reactions and responses. He's just....odd. IMO

I do remember the computer issue(blue screen, crash) but that was very very early on and I was certain there was another issue in regards to Lee' actions that LE had found out about.

Something Lee had done while "conducting his own investigation" into Caylee's disappearance.

"There were a number of instances where he was acting on behalf of his sister, or on behalf of law enforcement, that now could be seen as something less than benign or could be seen as hindering the investigation instead of assisting it," Luka said.

Luka said he fears his client may be charged with obstruction of justice or evidence tampering.


I am still leaning on Lee did something during August to December 2008 that LE considered illegal and made his attorney, Luka, think that the State Attorney would charge Lee...but for whatever reason decided not to.
I do remember the computer issue(blue screen, crash) but that was very very early on and I was certain there was another issue in regards to Lee' actions that LE had found out about.

Something Lee had done while "conducting his own investigation" into Caylee's disappearance.

"There were a number of instances where he was acting on behalf of his sister, or on behalf of law enforcement, that now could be seen as something less than benign or could be seen as hindering the investigation instead of assisting it," Luka said.

Luka said he fears his client may be charged with obstruction of justice or evidence tampering.


I am still leaning on Lee did something during August to December 2008 that LE considered illegal and made his attorney, Luka, think that the State Attorney would charge Lee...but for whatever reason decided not to.

Yup, completely agree with you! However, we at WS get irritated with FCA defenders, or those who read Baez's book and think it's fact. Yet, at times, because of our general distaste regarding the Anthony family during this case, and their chase for the almighty dollar rather than openly supporting Caylee, carry forth suggestions such (bbm) did something - as if it is fact rather than our opinion.

I am of the same opinion. But my point was - the actual facts do not support our opinions, unless more evidence comes forward. And we at WS have a standard of sticking to points of evidence unless we are theorizing, wouldn't you agree? IMO

I think the actual facts support endless evidence to support our feelings about their behaviour. My apologies for harping on but vigilante-ism makes me very uneasy.
"odd answers"
"extremely inappropriate reactions and responses"

That's kinda the entire A family, isn't it? I think it might even be on their family crest: Shiftus Inappropriatus, or something.

Making a joke but it really ain't funny. Nothing funny about this clan. I know I should be over it by now, but when I think of how they have profited from sweet Caylee's murder, I just want to....well. You know.

Yes, I share your....frustration....annoyance......anger........those descriptions could go on and on.
I do remember the computer issue(blue screen, crash) but that was very very early on and I was certain there was another issue in regards to Lee' actions that LE had found out about.

Something Lee had done while "conducting his own investigation" into Caylee's disappearance.

"There were a number of instances where he was acting on behalf of his sister, or on behalf of law enforcement, that now could be seen as something less than benign or could be seen as hindering the investigation instead of assisting it," Luka said.

Luka said he fears his client may be charged with obstruction of justice or evidence tampering.


I am still leaning on Lee did something during August to December 2008 that LE considered illegal and made his attorney, Luka, think that the State Attorney would charge Lee...but for whatever reason decided not to.

Yes. the FACT is that LA and his attorney expected LE to file charges against LA.
TL was obviously aware of the details of LA's interference with the investigation, based on his statement.
Common sense tells me that LA did something or we would not be having this discussion..
Yup, completely agree with you! However, we at WS get irritated with FCA defenders, or those who read Baez's book and think it's fact. Yet, at times, because of our general distaste regarding the Anthony family during this case, and their chase for the almighty dollar rather than openly supporting Caylee, carry forth suggestions such (bbm) did something - as if it is fact rather than our opinion.

I am of the same opinion. But my point was - the actual facts do not support our opinions, unless more evidence comes forward. And we at WS have a standard of sticking to points of evidence unless we are theorizing, wouldn't you agree? IMO

I think the actual facts support endless evidence to support our feelings about their behaviour. My apologies for harping on but vigilante-ism makes me very uneasy.

Who is being a vigilante?
I quoted a statement from LA's own attorney that acknowledges LA did
some things that were construed as interfering with the investigation into Caylee's disappearance. I have no idea what he did, and have not speculated as to what it might have been - nor does anyone else outside the principals, but I do know it was serious enough that he was motivated to seek legal representation as a result. I'm not sure how you could know if his Atty was "over reacting" to impending charges unless you know the details of LA's actions.
Yup, completely agree with you! However, we at WS get irritated with FCA defenders, or those who read Baez's book and think it's fact. Yet, at times, because of our general distaste regarding the Anthony family during this case, and their chase for the almighty dollar rather than openly supporting Caylee, carry forth suggestions such (bbm) did something - as if it is fact rather than our opinion.

I am of the same opinion. But my point was - the actual facts do not support our opinions, unless more evidence comes forward. And we at WS have a standard of sticking to points of evidence unless we are theorizing, wouldn't you agree? IMO

I think the actual facts support endless evidence to support our feelings about their behaviour. My apologies for harping on but vigilante-ism makes me very uneasy.

What vigilante-ism?
Did I miss something? I am confused.
Has someone taken the law into there own hands to avenge a crime?

As per WS policy, I posted a link to a statement from attorney Luka who, at the time of making such statement, expected his client (Lee) to be charged with a crime.

We did theorize here on WS, based on the statement Luka made and the statement by LE that Lee knows what he has done, that Lee had done something.

I agree, do not have evidence that tells us what Lee may have or may not have done...but something led his attorney and LE to make those statements.
I think I remember reading an email that Lee sent Dominic Casey about ZG being a "squatter" and moving from apartments to apartments to hide from LE? And that was why there were no records of her at Sawgrass. I thought it was an odd statement to make and wondered why he wasn't giving this information (if it were true) to real LE to help find Caylee and free Casey.

I will never understand the show Lee put on about being left out when Casey had Caylee. That was not normal. Did Lee think he was Caylee's dad and that was why he was so upset? But by then he knew he wasn't, so why the show on the stand?

We could only hope new depositions of George and Cindy would be more entertaining than their last ones. I hope Cindy brings plenty of gum to chomp on when she "mikes up" this time.

The Anthony family is such an affront to anything close to normal.
My apologiies ZsaZsa and Intermezzo - Please forget I ever raised the subject.
I was making a point and forgot where the point took me the last time. Ponts are misconstrued easily in posts and misunderstandings begin. So I'll just drop it and step away from the conversation Please carry on.
I think I remember reading an email that Lee sent Dominic Casey about ZG being a "squatter" and moving from apartments to apartments to hide from LE? And that was why there were no records of her at Sawgrass. I thought it was an odd statement to make and wondered why he wasn't giving this information (if it were true) to real LE to help find Caylee and free Casey.

I will never understand the show Lee put on about being left out when Casey had Caylee. That was not normal. Did Lee think he was Caylee's dad and that was why he was so upset? But by then he knew he wasn't, so why the show on the stand?

We could only hope new depositions of George and Cindy would be more entertaining than their last ones. I hope Cindy brings plenty of gum to chomp on when she "mikes up" this time.

The Anthony family is such an affront to anything close to normal.

What I got from LA breaking down in court and why he was upset at being left out of things is that LA may have found out that KC suggested/told/hinted that LA might be Caylee's father to her parents. There is no evidence but it appears from JB's cross that this is where he was leading LA. It could be he felt he was left out of things because KC had blamed him for her pregnancy. He may have felt let down by his family that they never asked him directly and just believed KC. How do you ever maintain a normal life while living with a liar???? jmo
My apologiies ZsaZsa and Intermezzo - Please forget I ever raised the subject.
I was making a point and forgot where the point took me the last time. Ponts are misconstrued easily in posts and misunderstandings begin. So I'll just drop it and step away from the conversation Please carry on.

I know, this family will drive you batty....
You know what? None of these conversations would be going on if the Anthony's had called the cops from the tow yard in the first place. Just saying. :(
Wasn't it brought up during the trial that the computer files were deleted in the early morning hours at a time when there was a break in the questioning leaving us to believe it was KC who did the deleting while she was waiting for Yuri?

I feel bad for LA because he has tried to get on with his life for sure. I don't believe he ever thought his sister would try and throw him under the bus and it must have been a shock to him. He is the only one, so far, that has not sold an interview. You have to give him credit for that.

I also think what might have happened with the immunity deal is he was doing his own investigations and he may have interviewed someone who was a witness and it could have been viewed as interferring with a witness. It's possible his attorney thought he might get into trouble for that contact. Just a guess on my part but I could see it happening. jmo
My heart really goes out to. It's hard enough being a single parent and needing that job and some things can very easily bowl you over. Do ask for help at school. I bet there will students that will give you a hand.

Not to make light of your worries and hope I can bring a smile.
My husband would go on fishing trips twice a year with my dad and brother.
We had never been apart till then and it was hard being alone without him. He'd walk down to the marina and call me each evening (taking much joking by my dad about it) and I'd count the days till he was back.

On the fifth evening (with two more to go) he called, we talked, and he went on to bed. I put the kids to bed and went to bed later. I woke up at three in the morning to the smell of smoke and flames. Our waterbed was on fire. I jumped out of bed screaming and luckily put it out quick. We had smoke detectors and they would only go off if I was cooking, but they didn't that night. I didn't sleep until he got back home on Sunday evening. I did call our insurance company to file a claim, told them what happened, was told to hold on and they never came back to the phone.

Something would happen every time. My dad told my husband, one year, to have all the utilities turned off till he got back since several were related to them. I had to deliver a baby one time and thought I'd made it the next trip until I broke my little toe as he was packing that night to leave. Then the next trip as I was watching my dad, brother and husband drive around the corner, our daughter came and found me. She was burning up and we went to the Dr. the next morning.
She had pneumonia. My husband said it was like Rosanne Roseannadanna said "Well it just goes to show you, it's always something".

You're not alone if you have us with you. Thinking and saying good thoughts do work. We'll all put our collective thoughts together and get you through this.

I thought of this post after I saw the good news and wanted to add maybe another smile.....

My husband is going on a fishing trip to Toledo Bend on Sunday. He hasn't been since the last trip with my dad in 1992.

My sisters are taking bets from the rest of the family. Really ,how many times can your waterbed catch on fire?
I was flying an airplane once and I decided to land at this tiny airport, it was night time and the airport was closed so I called my friend who was going to meet me there and had her drive onto the tarmak and turn on her car head lights so I could see to land, if she hadnt been there with her car lights on I might have crashed the cha LOL would you believe that story?
I was flying an airplane once and I decided to land at this tiny airport, it was night time and the airport was closed so I called my friend who was going to meet me there and had her drive onto the tarmak and turn on her car head lights so I could see to land, if she hadnt been there with her car lights on I might have crashed the cha LOL would you believe that story?

Bwaaahaha! The unfortunate thing is only someone who has read the book o' lies will get that. ;)
Bwaaahaha! The unfortunate thing is only someone who has read the book o' lies will get that. ;)

LOL I didnt read it I swear LOL I saw a posting about it and the publisher was messing with me when I questioned him about the truth to this stupid story LOL he made 90 excuses trying to validate the claim LOL
LOL I didnt read it I swear LOL I saw a posting about it and the publisher was messing with me when I questioned him about the truth to this stupid story LOL he made 90 excuses trying to validate the claim LOL

Oh really? Now that sounds like an interesting story! Good for you for following up. I'm surprised they tried to justify anything in that fractured fairy tale.
" OMg after all this time I could have died with CA in the plane next to me " give me a break and what is sad is the real truth is a nice family of 6 really did die in that plane. Someone said a piece of evil was left in it
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