Sidebar Discussion #3

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Don't panic - I understood it to be like the pardon process - but it doesn't even start until the five years - and takes a long time to process. I think it's five years to ask to be able to vote again - that kind of civil rights things that I can only guess OCA cares nothing about.

Don't know the answer to your IRS question - I just don't think there is anyway she could leave the US is there? You can't get on a plane without a passport these days. Can she even get a passport?

Thanks lg.
I agree she probably cares nothing about her civil rights as far as voting.
Ya know lg as lucky as OCA is, it wouldn't surprise me if she were able to leave the US and I'd bet her lawyers could get her a passport some way. Ya know how slime slithers through the smallest cracks.
Went to our lawyer thread and spied this from Katprint.
"Am I eligible for restoration of civil rights?
You are eligible to apply for restoration of your civil rights if (1) you have completed all sentences imposed and all conditions of supervision have expired or been completed, including but not limited to, imprisonment, parole, probation, community control, control release, and conditional release; (2) you have paid all restitution pursuant to a court order or civil judgment and obligations; and (3) you have no outstanding detainers or pending criminal charges. However, depending on your offense there may be a waiting period or a hearing."

Soooo, if she does lose her civil cases and has to pay up then BAMM no civil rights returned to her for decades.
Went to our lawyer thread and spied this from Katprint.
"Am I eligible for restoration of civil rights?
You are eligible to apply for restoration of your civil rights if (1) you have completed all sentences imposed and all conditions of supervision have expired or been completed, including but not limited to, imprisonment, parole, probation, community control, control release, and conditional release; (2) you have paid all restitution pursuant to a court order or civil judgment and obligations; and (3) you have no outstanding detainers or pending criminal charges. However, depending on your offense there may be a waiting period or a hearing."

Soooo, if she does lose her civil cases and has to pay up then BAMM no civil rights returned to her for decades.

Yes, that is what I was loosely quoting AND I note that in the US, being charged with a crime and going to trial even if you are not convicted shows up on a criminal record and cannot be expunged from your record IF you have been convicted of any other crime AND if that charge was taken to trial.

Bwahhahaha! Locked in no matter which way she turns. A Felon forever!
So I copied this from the US Passport website...a little information...
not sure if she could get away with the private plane departure...

4. When do I need a U.S. passport to travel?

You will need a passport to travel every time you leave the United States or its territories. There is one exception to this rule for American citizens, traveling by land or sea to Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Bermuda - a passport card can be used.

5. Is there any way my passport application can be denied or rejected?

Passport applications may be denied or rejected for several reasons. The most common reason is missing the necessary documents - if the Birth Certificate (when required), the Letter of Authorization, proper photographs, correct fee, or the itinerary are missing. Also, passports will be denied for the following reasons: outstanding child support, outstanding felony/criminal warrant (not including civil infractions or parking tickets), or prior felony conviction that prohibits international travel. Please be advised that the Department of State has the right to request additional documents at their discretion.

BBM - not sure what prior felony prohibits would involve...
So, what kind of story will Casey... ummm... I mean a source close to Casey... leak leading up to the December 11th Anniversary? We know how much she hates when all anyone cares about is Caylee. :banghead:

Oh I think it will definitely be the story of her grieving for her little girl now that she is free and could be a caring and good mother to her again and how it's all been taken from her - should be one good one about sinking into a depression and needing support and therapy for her loss as Caylee's birthday draws closer.....:maddening:

Save your breath one will be buying that!!!
Oh I think it will definitely be the story of her grieving for her little girl now that she is free and could be a caring and good mother to her again and how it's all been taken from her - should be one good one about sinking into a depression and needing support and therapy for her loss as Caylee's birthday draws closer.....:maddening:

Save your breath one will be buying that!!!

I just hope she doesn't have the nerve to show up to Suburban Drive on December 11th! You know Cindy and George will show up as they no longer see a problem with visiting the location Caylee's "shell" was dumped. :banghead:

She wouldn't dare, would she?
I just hope she doesn't have the nerve to show up to Suburban Drive on December 11th! You know Cindy and George will show up as they no longer see a problem with visiting the location Caylee's "shell" was dumped. :banghead:

She wouldn't dare, would she?

I don't think so - don't think she cares enough to want to but wouldn't that blow the whole afraid for her life, has to wear a disguise to do a depo etc thingy wide open?
Then again, if she's looking for a key time to debut before the world completely forgets who she is ...well....:innocent:

Hmmm - almost worth a double dare isn't it?
I just hope she doesn't have the nerve to show up to Suburban Drive on December 11th! You know Cindy and George will show up as they no longer see a problem with visiting the location Caylee's "shell" was dumped. :banghead:

She wouldn't dare, would she?

I don't know how I feel about memorializing that date anymore. It's so sad, the only date I'd like to see any public memorialization is August 5, and even that's a stretch for me to say I'd like to see the Ants doing anything publicly. If they go to that site on December 11 and there is a news crew, I'll just cry.
Well, Ms. A still has quite a few court appearances to make and she has been court ordered to pay back all the LE Departments in reference to the Lying Conviction...when is that appeal/court date?

I don't see her getting a passport any time soon.
I don't know how I feel about memorializing that date anymore. It's so sad, the only date I'd like to see any public memorialization is August 5, and even that's a stretch for me to say I'd like to see the Ants doing anything publicly. If they go to that site on December 11 and there is a news crew, I'll just cry.

Wouldn't be more appropriate for KC to show up at the backyard pool since that is where the "accident" occurred rather than Suburban Drive where Caylee's body was deliberately thrown away like trash. jmo
It is my sincere opinion that it the family, the lawyers , the paparazzi, the govt...whomever...should be keeping a close eye on this girl. She clearly is not able to take care of herself. So what now? Please don't tell me it is about money anymore...that ship has appears to me that it is about her very survival.

Due to the horrendous lies of the defendant and her attorneys this girl really has no recourse anymore. She was better off in jail. Or maybe a hideout in a nunnery...if they would take her.
Wouldn't be more appropriate for KC to show up at the backyard pool since that is where the "accident" occurred rather than Suburban Drive where Caylee's body was deliberately thrown away like trash. jmo

Thanks LambChop - you are always here to bring us back to the reality of the matter....:innocent: .....:floorlaugh:
It is my sincere opinion that it the family, the lawyers , the paparazzi, the govt...whomever...should be keeping a close eye on this girl. She clearly is not able to take care of herself. So what now? Please don't tell me it is about money anymore...that ship has appears to me that it is about her very survival.

Due to the horrendous lies of the defendant and her attorneys this girl really has no recourse anymore. She was better off in jail. Or maybe a hideout in a nunnery...if they would take her.

Casey Anthony has a parasitic lifestyle. It probably played a role in her estrangement from her family. She is a gold digger.

Oh, I believe 100% that if Casey wasn't tied up somewhere on a leash that she would have reoffended months ago. Especially if she had to move back in with her parents. Casey Anthony, imo, had every intention of murdering her parents back in 2008. I believe 100% if Cindy would have given Casey "one more day" that Casey would have murdered her parents the night of July 15th, 2008. The day in the courtroom when Cindy hugged George... if no one had been there to stop Casey... she could have easily murdered them that day... right there in that courtroom.

I believe her lawyers are simply trying to keep Casey out of trouble while she is on probation. Once her probation is up, they will give one big interview as a family (the new family) and get Casey a little bit of money along with themselves and then hope that she can go out and live her own life.

Problem is... Casey Marie Anthony has no intentions of going on and living her own life. The minute they welcomed Casey into their homes and into their family... they opened up the door for Casey to do exactly what she did to her own family... to them. They are her life now and in her entitled opinion... they owe her everything because it is because of HER that they have everything. Doesn't matter that they (some of them) were well accomplished before her... she made them famous! It's all about her.

I believe that once Casey's probation is up... we'll see an interview. After that... everything is going to come tumbling down around their happy little family.

It's interesting that you mentioned that Anthony may have planned on killing her own family. I am guessing when Caylee went missing, she could not do that. Anthony is a self-centered, immature, and narcissist. It is very obvious that Anthony's relationship with her family is turbulent. I would not be surprised if she leaves a long trail of estrangement from relatives to friends. She lives a destructive lifestyle. Frankly, I would not be surprised if Anthony commits another crime. The more I think about her, the more I realize she could be a person obsessed with power and control. I don't think she is pathologically paranoid like we have seen in the past. Case in point; Seung-Hui Cho, Eric Harris/Dylan Klebold, Charles Manson, Osama bin Laden, Adolf Hitler, or Joseph Stalin.

Here are handwritings of Casey Anthony, Diane Downs, and Lori Drew. Psychologically speaking, they are similar.
Casey Anthony's handwriting looks like a child wrote it. Indicates someone who is self-centered and immature.
I am not sure about Diane Down's handwriting as it just shows her signature.
Lori Drew's signature somewhat resembles Jeffrey Dahmer's handwriting. Indicates someone who is emotionally volatile and insecure.



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It's not even lunch and I'm wanting a drink. I just know that judge is not going to rule in ZG's favor. Casey might as well stamp 5th on her forehead. So frustrating to me that on LIES she can invoke the 5th. She must be laughing behind closed doors. The only thing that makes not so angry is that invoking the 5th will count against her in a civil trial...
It's not even lunch and I'm wanting a drink. I just know that judge is not going to rule in ZG's favor. Casey might as well stamp 5th on her forehead. So frustrating to me that on LIES she can invoke the 5th. She must be laughing behind closed doors. The only thing that makes not so angry is that invoking the 5th will count against her in a civil trial...

How the LIES of one, Casey Anthony, has wreaked havoc on the lives of so many.
How the LIES of one, Casey Anthony, has wreaked havoc on the lives of so many.

Oh, just wait until Princess "Post-it-Note" Assassin gets mad at her keepers! Time is ticking. She has no money. She has no freedom. The longer and longer she has to wait for her pay day... the more mad she is going to get. Wait until one of them finally says no to her.

It's a ticking time bomb. I wish I could say I feel sorry for her lawyers, but they welcomed Casey Anthony into their personal lives. I just hope it isn't someone in their family, who didn't ask for this, being the next victim.
Oh, just wait until Princess "Post-it-Note" Assassin gets mad at her keepers! Time is ticking. She has no money. She has no freedom. The longer and longer she has to wait for her pay day... the more mad she is going to get. Wait until one of them finally says no to her.

It's a ticking time bomb. I wish I could say I feel sorry for her lawyers, but they welcomed Casey Anthony into their personal lives. I just hope it isn't someone in their family, who didn't ask for this, being the next victim.

ITA! And I can't wait for the explosion! I can see her threatening each and every one of them. I hear her telling JB that SHE didn't tell him to say all those things at trial! That is why she was crying and angry, because he was saying all those things that weren't true and not allowing her to speak! I can see her telling CM if that if he doesn't ..........(fill in the blank with whatever) she will tell everyone about the affair that they had. How she felt coherced by the older, powerful attorney who held her very life in his hands! She will threaten them with ruining their personal and professional lives! And, funny enough, she actually CAN do it! 12 people from Pinellas County have said she is Not Guilty. She is free to continue manipulating people and ruining lives! She can now say all sorts of things and there will be nothing that JB or CM or any of the others can do about it! She is free to say what she wants! They are bound by A/C privledge! IF they break that privledge, she can sue the pants off of them! They are

How the LIES of one, Casey Anthony, has wreaked havoc on the lives of so many.

The sad fact is Casey Anthony does not know it because she is so selfish, self-centered and narcissistic. Typical narcissist if you ask me. She leaves a trail of destroyed relationships whether it is friends or family.
It makes me so happy to know that OCA is backed into a corner. She will never be able to bring a wrongful death civil suit against GA. She will never be able to tell "her" story and be paid for it cuz she will name people (real or phony ie ZG, JL) who will turn around and sue her just as some are doing now. She will never know the true love of a real family. She will never be truely trusted by anyone (her family and lawyers can pay lip service to this but we really know that they are affraid to turn their backs on her). She will never know the true meaning of life period. I do think today that karma may be at work. not as visible as we would love to see. Now, tomorrow I may feel different but today I'm trying to look for the positive to make my heart feel better for Caylee, a whisper of such a little thing that I refuse to forget the murder of her or the injustice that was delivered to her.
(snipped)By next year, she'll also be as interesting as yesterday's mashed potatoes.(snipped).
This is what I don't agree with. Yesterday's mashed potatoes are great the next day. Just chop up some onions or bell pepper and stir in. Lightly grease your frying pan and fry into patties. Season with salt & pepper and top off with a quarter slice of cheese or a chunk of sharp cheese while still hot.

You beat me to it! I was going to say the exact same thing about the M. Potatoes! Can also fry them up like a pancake, or make pierogies-Yumm good stuff!

FCA wouldnt last too long in Mexico if that's what she's aiming for. I'm sure in some beautiful rainforest somewhere they also know about FCA. Nothing more to say in the media that anybody will believe, nothing she can file against GA or anybody else will be believed. She's done as done can be. Her fame, if that's what she's banking on, is also shot down the tubes. She only has her gross infamy which still leaves that bad taste and sad feelings lingering & will linger for a long time-For her daughter, not for her. KC just doesn't matter, unless something new comes along & she's in trouble again.
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