Sidebar Discussion #4

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Prayers for justice And a shout out to the lawyers ;-)

also - lovely fellow - such a nice kid.:innocent:

Can someone start a thread for this case, please. I'm still shaking and can't even think straight. Start a thread and post a link here so i can post there when i finally stop shaking. Cleveland was such a wonderful, smart, good hearted child and it just killed me to hear that he had died. I still have papers that he drew for me. He always called me "Mrs. B". I am so thankful that justice will finally be done for this beautiful child. His brother Jarvis survived the fire but was so injured that he was brain damaged and is in a residential hospital to this day because the damage was so severe.
Here is a case where a guy was acquitted of four murders but yet the Feds stepped in and , well just go read. Why don't they do this for Caylee? :(

Here's the story of a man, in another state, that murdered his daughter and 3 others, was acquitted by the state and indicted 3 years later by a federal grand jury. Jurisidication? The apartment building was used in interstate commerce. Well, the feds could show that bio mom used the internet to search how to make cholorform which was used in the murder

Here's what I find interesting, wish this could be done for Caylee.

(snipped)That's generally done "in those cases where the facts cry out for another prosecution," he said.

"It's not an everyday phenomena," Rosenberg said. "It certainly allows the federal government or the district attorney's office some latitude if they think justice has not been served." (snipped)

The facts in Caylee's case sure cry out for another prosecution and justice certainly was not served. That should about cover it.
Here's what I find interesting, wish this could be done for Caylee.

(snipped)That's generally done "in those cases where the facts cry out for another prosecution," he said.

"It's not an everyday phenomena," Rosenberg said. "It certainly allows the federal government or the district attorney's office some latitude if they think justice has not been served." (snipped)

The facts in Caylee's case sure cry out for another prosecution and justice certainly was not served. That should about cover it.

Has anyone asked about this in the lawyers thread?
Can someone start a thread for this case, please. I'm still shaking and can't even think straight. Start a thread and post a link here so i can post there when i finally stop shaking. Cleveland was such a wonderful, smart, good hearted child and it just killed me to hear that he had died. I still have papers that he drew for me. He always called me "Mrs. B". I am so thankful that justice will finally be done for this beautiful child. His brother Jarvis survived the fire but was so injured that he was brain damaged and is in a residential hospital to this day because the damage was so severe.

Here's what I find interesting, wish this could be done for Caylee.

(snipped)That's generally done "in those cases where the facts cry out for another prosecution," he said.

"It's not an everyday phenomena," Rosenberg said. "It certainly allows the federal government or the district attorney's office some latitude if they think justice has not been served." (snipped)

The facts in Caylee's case sure cry out for another prosecution and justice certainly was not served. That should about cover it.

Not only has anyone asked this on the lawyers thread, but has anyone asked Jeff Ashton if this is a possibility? He has a FB page that is separate from his campaign one.
Not only has anyone asked this on the lawyers thread, but has anyone asked Jeff Ashton if this is a possibility? He has a FB page that is separate from his campaign one.

Yes, members were discussing this a month or so after the verdict - I have such a problem sorting out time right after the verdict because I was in shock and when I got back on the board there were many "nyah nyah n'yah yah yah " folks here who showed up on the board and expressed their happiness about the acquittal. It was really rough and a lot of time blurred together.

But yes, there were members who brought up the possibility of federal charges but I'll be darned if I remember why they were shot down.
Not only has anyone asked this on the lawyers thread, but has anyone asked Jeff Ashton if this is a possibility? He has a FB page that is separate from his campaign one.

I haven't seen it asked. But you can ask him. Sent him the link from the above poster that posted the article and ask the question. It would make my day if the can do it and if they do, do it.
Trying to catch up, so much is going on and I think there will be.more to come!!! I posted in the video thread an answer to a question about reporting sexual abuse of a child. That thread is closed, but I wanted to answer further questions from logical girl and ziggy.
A mother would be expected to report that her child was being sexually abused if she knew about it. She could be considered condoning it or allowing it if she did not protect her child and report it. Some moms might not report, but will remove the child from contact with the perp. I have worked with moms who really had no idea of the abuse until after the fact. Some moms do not want their children to re-experience the trauma by testifying or even being interviewed about it. There is no law that states parents must report this, but we do expect parents to protect their children.
The laws that usually apply would be the neglect and abuse laws and the most likely outcome is removal of the child from the home. FCA was charged with neglect and was not found guilty although I don't think anyone could have been more neglectful.
So there are no other charges that could have been brought against FCA, that I know of.
Sorry if this is rambling, it the professor coming through plus sitting for 2 hours while my son worked on a group project with classmates, plus my mom was hospitalized in another state and am dealing with that long distance. I teach psychopathology, too, so I do enjoy explaining these things. :laugh::great:
Yes, members were discussing this a month or so after the verdict - I have such a problem sorting out time right after the verdict because I was in shock and when I got back on the board there were many "nyah nyah n'yah yah yah " folks here who showed up on the board and expressed their happiness about the acquittal. It was really rough and a lot of time blurred together.

But yes, there were members who brought up the possibility of federal charges but I'll be darned if I remember why they were shot down.

Going on memory here but was the reason due to the fact that Casey's initial statement was not given to a Federal Agent? So no federal offence?That the lie was given to local LE? That's what popped into my head???
Here is a case where a guy was acquitted of four murders but yet the Feds stepped in and , well just go read. Why don't they do this for Caylee? :(

Here's the story of a man, in another state, that murdered his daughter and 3 others, was acquitted by the state and indicted 3 years later by a federal grand jury. Jurisidication? The apartment building was used in interstate commerce. Well, the feds could show that bio mom used the internet to search how to make cholorform which was used in the murder
Cause they were able to get him on a federal charge. Very clever IMHO.
Yes, members were discussing this a month or so after the verdict - I have such a problem sorting out time right after the verdict because I was in shock and when I got back on the board there were many "nyah nyah n'yah yah yah " folks here who showed up on the board and expressed their happiness about the acquittal. It was really rough and a lot of time blurred together.

But yes, there were members who brought up the possibility of federal charges but I'll be darned if I remember why they were shot down.
I checked with one of the attorneys who wrote about the case...the guy from Washington IIRC who took the jury to task...anyway, he said nothing's there.
IMO, KC is still young and look at her rap sheet..........
She will slip up, either on IRS tax or something and land herself in jail again and
opefully stay there til she dies.
IMO she s a parasite, like a lifetime criminal, lying, stealing, murder, you get the picture!
ITA it is maddening. If I would have been on that jury, I would have stuck by my GUILTY verdict until I turned blue in the face from defending it. I still cannot believe there was not one strong person on that jury to stand up for CAYLEE. :furious: Not over it..

ITA I bet if there had been one hold out which resulted in a mistrial that juror could have made a lot of money on interviews. Now I could watch that.
Trying to catch up, so much is going on and I think there will be.more to come!!! I posted in the video thread an answer to a question about reporting sexual abuse of a child. That thread is closed, but I wanted to answer further questions from logical girl and ziggy.
A mother would be expected to report that her child was being sexually abused if she knew about it. She could be considered condoning it or allowing it if she did not protect her child and report it. Some moms might not report, but will remove the child from contact with the perp. I have worked with moms who really had no idea of the abuse until after the fact. Some moms do not want their children to re-experience the trauma by testifying or even being interviewed about it. There is no law that states parents must report this, but we do expect parents to protect their children.
The laws that usually apply would be the neglect and abuse laws and the most likely outcome is removal of the child from the home. FCA was charged with neglect and was not found guilty although I don't think anyone could have been more neglectful.
So there are no other charges that could have been brought against FCA, that I know of.
Sorry if this is rambling, it the professor coming through plus sitting for 2 hours while my son worked on a group project with classmates, plus my mom was hospitalized in another state and am dealing with that long distance. I teach psychopathology, too, so I do enjoy explaining these things. :laugh::great:

Thanks Momshrink - that was helpful for me and as general info for others on threads asking about situations they know of. Appreciate you taking the time out of what sounds like a crazed schedule to give us an answer!
Going on memory here but was the reason due to the fact that Casey's initial statement was not given to a Federal Agent? So no federal offence?That the lie was given to local LE? That's what popped into my head???

Yes, that is sounding familiar - the feds came into it later but none were involved in the initial charges. Thanks Bravo!
Yes, that is sounding familiar - the feds came into it later but none were involved in the initial charges. Thanks Bravo!

I believe in the cited case it could be shown that Chloroform was used in the crime after being searched on the internet (internet use makes it 'interstate' and therefor federal).

In Caylees case, unfortunately the autopsy could not show that Chloroform was indeed used in her murder (the trunk evidence could be explained as a spill or whatever).

Rest assured that whilst FCA has eluded justice this time, on her next go around she will get the book thrown at her. OJ also escaped justice, then lived an underground lifestyle, then was betrayed by his 'friends' when some lesser poop hit the fan.

I have faith that FCA will also lurch from sleazy drama, to slimy friends, and end up in jail again. I hope that she takes some of her family to jail with her next time.
When I read this quote on cfnews13 tonight I thought ooooo how true! Regarding Dr. Danziger's exam of Casey, and how he just couldn't figure her out:

According to Assistant State Attorney Linda Drane-Burdick, Danziger said to her inside the Orange County courthouse "I have no explanation for this, other than just plain evil."

(Even though he says he doesn't recall making that comment to her, I believe LDB's memory is jusssst fine)
I just get so mad at how the one male juror was the last one holding out and he folded? How do you go from 2 people believing she is guilty of 1st degree murder. Than have it split 6/6 with the 2nd degree murder. To everyone agreeing on a Not Guilty on all major charges? I just wish one of them would have stood up for Caylee and what was right. They knew she was guilty of something and all have admitted to it. Well, if you believe she is guilty... how can you find her not guilty? They just make no sense at all!
Because dessert and making DisneyWorld in time for the 4th of July was more important to them!!!:banghead::banghead::banghead:
Wondering if Ted Bundy's evals were ever released and if so, did they match FCA's?
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