Sidebar Discussion #4

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This isn't the one that Padilla was talking to who was living outside the grounds of the prison in a trailer was it - who told him his partner was talking for a reward so he should give it up, and the guy committed suicide? Trust Padilla to again get his face into a case again.

No, surprisingly, :rolleyes: Padilla didn't have his mitts on this case!
Completely O/T - but our 29 year old freestyle skier who was very badly injured in Salt Lake City in a practise/trial run has just died of cardiac arrest in the hospital there after not regaining consciousness.

Very sad - a true athlete who was did a strong push to get freestyle skiing accepted into the Olympics. A huge loss to her family and the sport.

:( I was praying she would pull through. :(
This isn't the one that Padilla was talking to who was living outside the grounds of the prison in a trailer was it - who told him his partner was talking for a reward so he should give it up, and the guy committed suicide? Trust Padilla to again get his face into a case again.

No, Padilla's guy was one of the "Speed Freak Killers." Brunn is the young man who brutalized and murdered little Jorelys Rivera.

*takes quick Sidebar head count, heaves sigh of relief, waves to all :seeya: *
Personally I'm having trouble with the word AUTHORITY.
That woman will be 26 in March. She's an adult of consenting age and has been for a long time now. She is the only real authority she has and if she falls flat on her face then so be it. She can just pick herself back up and go on or she can just lay there to be trampled. Her choice. I also think with all of these shenanigans that are going on kinda proves that.

Well, by authority I take that to mean doing something on her behalf by being given authority by her to do so. Like signing a marketing representative or agent to negotiate on your behalf for a contract, etc.

The character part was courtesy of his ex-wife...never heard about the panties.


And there was also the thing that I can't bring myself to quote but involved a hamburger. WTH??? I'm absolutely certain I would have remembered THAT if I had ever heard it before.

I'm truly asking - where is Ablow getting this info?
Dr. Drew had an "off air" interview with GA's ex wife. Now I don't remember anything about the panties, but some have speculated it was a college prank, that is if it even happened. George, by his passiveness is an easy punching bag if you ask me.

So Dr Drew got this info from the ex-wife and then repeated it somewhere publicly?
But it would have proved she wasn't asleep when Caylee supposedly drowned. Except...those were Casey's words in the interview...don't think that's what Baez said in the OS. Anyone remember?

IIRC, JB said Casey came around the corner into the back yard and George was at the pool with Caylee, and then he started yelling about, know the rest.

Guess JB thought that scenario would be a tad more believable than Casey being asleep and George waking her up to tell her Caylee had drowned but not to worry, he'd take care of everything.

I'm pretty sure the records were admitted as evidence, but certainly the prosecution could have made more out of the cell phone activity in argument.

Agreed. But with the P12 being predisposed against GA due to the OS and abuse claims then I think this could have just reinforced GA having the opportunity and KC's complete dysfunction, hiding out in the bedroom while Daddy took care of it.

JB kept the timeline VERY fluid and related the events far different than what KC does in her testimony to the psychs.

GA exacerbated his self incrimination by testifying he saw KC and Caylee leave the house for the last time and yet could describe clothing in detail.

I think the SA gambled on the 31 days and the forensics than detailed timeline common sense and logic that tragic day. They also did not have the CA-KC fight to leverage as the catalyst and trigger.
Ashton mentioned something about this - it was because cell towers that produce these kinds of records can't be relied on to be specifically accurate or something like that.

But the texting couldn't possibly be under that same category? Texts are time and date stamped and not affected by cell towers? At the least they could have proved she sent the texts at a certain time - if not where she was when she sent them.

Sorry, I don't text so I don't really know first hand how all that works...
Now...I'm not saying this is altogether a bad thing...but you would have thought they would have been keeping a watchful eye on this guy.

Not sorry he's gone. Saves the state time & money etc and I can't say I'm sorry about that. I'm glad no taxpayers have to support his lifetime behind bars!

BUT this is VERY bad for whatever agency was supposed to have him under their watch. Something like this should NEVER happen. Having to go through a trial that publicly proves your guilt is part of the punishment for being a sick monster IMHO so I am really disappointed that justice was now denied in this case.
Oh for Pete's sake. I may have to make myself go read it now as he didn't personally talk to Caylee's murderer himself.

I guess I just can't get over the fact that it is apparently ok to publish any old thing you want to - even something as defamatory as this! With no proof, no sources stated etc.

I'm totally ashamed of the state of what passes for journalism in this country!
Well, by authority I take that to mean doing something on her behalf by being given authority by her to do so. Like signing a marketing representative or agent to negotiate on your behalf for a contract, etc.


I am a little behind, so if you have already answered this please ignore, but I took it to mean Casey has no rights to authorize the release of her image, etc. That she is acting as a free agent against the contract she signed. Correct me if I am wrong. IYKWIM and If you don't its okay. I don't speak lawyer well.
But the texting couldn't possibly be under that same category? Texts are time and date stamped and not affected by cell towers? At the least they could have proved she sent the texts at a certain time - if not where she was when she sent them.

Sorry, I don't text so I don't really know first hand how all that works...

actually the texting itself would tend to support the story for that day - it's the computer usage and myspace stuff that shoots it down.

She talks and texts till past three a.m. there's a one second "where's my phone" type of call at 7:45 a.m. - then very little till she leaves the house at ten to 1pm - then nonstop talking till 3-4 (top of my head - I have the original records....)
I'm pretty sure the records were admitted as evidence, but certainly the prosecution could have made more out of the cell phone activity in argument.

If this case isn't a classic example of why you should never think you can rely on a jury to actually examine the evidence then I don't know what is! I strongly believe the prosecution should have laid it all out and explained it clearly for the jury - not saying it would have made a difference with this particular bunch - but it would have been better procedure for the prosecution to have handled it that way.
I'm pretty sure the records were admitted as evidence, but certainly the prosecution could have made more out of the cell phone activity in argument.

If I remember correctly, not only were the cell phone records admitted, but Casey's photobucket account, and Cindy and George's work records. I think the prosecution trusted that they would look over all the evidence admitted and work as hard as some of the people here at Webslueths have in order to put everything together. Unfortunately, these jurors didn't even ask to see these documents.
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