Sidebar Discussion #4

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You could be right alright. But recently I dig my heels in when we start talking about George.

He has been so consistently vilified for the last 3.5 years for his weakness and much much more that I just don't feel up to doing what I did for almost two years straight - which was to be highly critical of him and said so over and over again.

George is a weak weak man. He adored Caylee and now's she gone, and he has a broken heart that will never mend. It's done - he knows what he's done. Even if he'd gone completely in the other direction that he did - I honestly don't think it would have made a darned bit of difference. Not with that vicious lying murderer sitting in the courtroom, not with Baez saying anything to give him that win, and not with that jury who could have cared less and just wanted to go home. But I'm done with it.

:clap: :clap:
my goodness.... well FCA falls under #5..

Oh dear God...this tells me this church is looking for it's own glory...seeking out an infamous criminal rather than minister to its own... blinded by fame, while thinking they are serving the Lord.
If I remember correctly, not only were the cell phone records admitted, but Casey's photobucket account, and Cindy and George's work records. I think the prosecution trusted that they would look over all the evidence admitted and work as hard as some of the people here at Webslueths have in order to put everything together. Unfortunately, these jurors didn't even ask to see these documents.

Sorry, but I'm catching up again.
Am I missing something? Because not all of the photo's in the photobucket account were shown and the phone records weren't discussed at all during trial so would the jury have even thought of asking for those things?
RBBM and ITA! Have you read their Church Restoration (basically it's the doctrine they follow for church discipline)? If you even glance through it I believe it will give you an idea about the makeup of the members. (They are all required to sign a statement that they will submit themselves to the discipline and agree to hold other members to it as well.)

It's a very informative read, if anyone's interested:

WOW, I read through the beginning and skimmed through some parts, who reads that long document of rules and b.s. and says "Yes, I would love to join your Church??" :crazy: sooo, if they let FCA join, she would be excommunicated within the first minute for her Insufferable Wickedness?? they don't even mention Murder as one of the offenses.... wonder if there is a #6 classification of sinful behavior especially for FCA?? :floorlaugh:

ETA: I guess she could be subject to Clause 5(a), WHO READS THIS DOCUMENT and then WILLING signs up to join this kind of church?? I guess that is what makes the world go round, all kind of nutcases. ..... I need to take a break from all this craziness today!!
I, for one, cannot believe that George has not risen up and demanded the Truth. Isn't there one lawyer out there who would represent him in this manner? Seriously, hasn't he allowed his name to be sludged through the mud just to save his daughter long enough? Hell, she is free and she is still doing it! Hello...George...she did it. She is free. Now...come on and come clean!

I don't think he can fight it. How could he ever PROVE that he did not molest Casey? He cannot prove it so it is just his word against hers. Now we all know she is a big fat liar. But some people want to use her lying as proof that she was abused as a child. So it makes it really hard for George to stand up for himself.

Justice wasn't denied as regards to not being a trial. There wasn't going to be a trial, he pleaded guilty this week to all charges and got sentenced to LWOP.
Not only that, but it will insure that he is never released into the public again if some governer gets a hair up his/her you know what.
RBBM and ITA! Have you read their Church Restoration (basically it's the doctrine they follow for church discipline)? If you even glance through it I believe it will give you an idea about the makeup of the members. (They are all required to sign a statement that they will submit themselves to the discipline and agree to hold other members to it as well.)

It's a very informative read, if anyone's interested:

So I guess this is a closed cult community and the general public is not allowed?
Sorry, but I'm catching up again.
Am I missing something? Because not all of the photo's in the photobucket account were shown and the phone records weren't discussed at all during trial so would the jury have even thought of asking for those things?

It was at the very end of the State's case. They explained to the jury that Casey's photobucket account, her cell records, and Cindy and George's work records were submitted into evidence. They were available for the jury to go through. Just like any of us who had gone through them for three years. They obviously chose not to.
IMO, sure, George leans to the weak side and I don't think many would condone some of his actions over the past three years.
Please remember though that this is a man who lost his beloved granddaughter AND his daughter, and is <add a word here> whipped by an apparently controlling wife.
You might say, well why not just release himself from the grips, but what would he do then? Where would he go? Who is to say that by his perception he's not better off right where he is .... as bad as that might be?
This has no doubt been a horrid time for George because anybody here who is a father and has watched their angel grow into a woman will know what I'm getting at when I say 'she's ALWAYS your angel'.
I don't condone a lot of his actions either but I'm glad I'm not him - you wouldn't be condoning mine.
There is one perpetrator and one perjuror in this case .... and George is neither of them.
Indeed, if it were not for this sordid affair and we were to meet George Anthony at a BBQ, it is my opinion we'd probably be saying what a nice guy he is.
Soooooooo who does (still) have Authority to promote OCA???? Who...I ask?

According to Mason they are "unsolicited". But ya know he's old and can't hear to well so I'm guessing his eye's are a bit worse for wear as well.
RBBM and ITA! Have you read their Church Restoration (basically it's the doctrine they follow for church discipline)? If you even glance through it I believe it will give you an idea about the makeup of the members. (They are all required to sign a statement that they will submit themselves to the discipline and agree to hold other members to it as well.)

It's a very informative read, if anyone's interested:

Thanks for the link. Goodness gracious! I never knew a person who is a member of a church had to submit and agree to these kinds of things. FGS! No freedom there. Imo, cult-like is correct and now I sit on my hands.

:seeya:Thanks to everyone here for today! Lots of great topics to read and discuss, and thanks for helping with my button problem. Only works when it wants to now, but that's ok I guess. I think you all know how much I like it here :rocker:
If that million dollar handshake deal was any good, then Baez would have hung in longer.
I think he knows that is not going to happen or he would be going for it already.

I think that was the deal that said there was to be a lie detector test upfront. LOL I would LOVE to see that. But we all know the princess will never allow that to happen. It would probably explode midstream if they ever hooked it up and let her start talking anyway.
Thanks for the link. Goodness gracious! I never knew a person who is a member of a church had to submit and agree to these kinds of things. FGS! No freedom there. Imo, cult-like is correct and now I sit on my hands.

:seeya:Thanks to everyone here for today! Lots of great topics to read and discuss, and thanks for helping with my button problem. Only works when it wants to now, but that's ok I guess. I think you all know how much I like it here :rocker:
Apparently I haven't read back far enough because out of context your 'button problem' sounds .... er ...... never mind :floorlaugh:
WOW, I read through the beginning and skimmed through some parts, who reads that long document of rules and b.s. and says "Yes, I would love to join your Church??" :crazy: sooo, if they let FCA join, she would be excommunicated within the first minute for her Insufferable Wickedness?? they don't even mention Murder as one of the offenses.... wonder if there is a #6 classification of sinful behavior especially for FCA?? :floorlaugh:

ETA: I guess she could be subject to Clause 5(a), WHO READS THIS DOCUMENT and then WILLING signs up to join this kind of church?? I guess that is what makes the world go round, all kind of nutcases. ..... I need to take a break from all this craziness today!!

I was wondering where posting nekkid pictures on the net fits into those various categories...:waitasec:
If that million dollar handshake deal was any good, then Baez would have hung in longer.
I think he knows that is not going to happen or he would be going for it already.

I think that was the deal that said there was to be a lie detector test upfront. LOL I would LOVE to see that. But we all know the princess will never allow that to happen. It would probably explode midstream if they ever hooked it up and let her start talking anyway.

Well, ya never know. Jeff Ashton said he thought she would pass a lie detector test with flying colors since she can lie so well and change her story on the fly with no hesitation or bumps along the way.

If she knows he said that about her, she just might think what the heck, bring it on then.
So I guess this is a closed cult community and the general public is not allowed?

. . . but Jeremy Lyons is. And IIRC he participated in helping to vilify RK, George, TM, all the searchers and others that don't come to my mind now ~ then can we consider him an example of how closed off from society and reality these people may be? I am suspicious of this church and I don't like JL's conduct (perhaps because I received a couple of those "calls" from one of his cohorts) so I am leaning towards thinking they may have been/are providing sanctuary for Casey for self gain ~ not, as they might try to rationalize, out of love.

MOVBO ~ my own very biased opinion!
I suspect that FCA purposely began distancing herself from JB as soon as the trial was over because she recognized that through his suspect behavior throughout her representation he was looming on the horizon as her next possible victim to be thrown under the KC Bus. He mishandled her money and got her in hot water with the IRS. Not to mention other claims she might concoct from the twizzler stories and spending all that time in his office for months.
They are both a couple of grifters and I always thought it would be a matter of time before she turned the same harsh light on him that she turned on her father. All the males in KC's life, regardless of their actions or intent, are just so much fodder for collateral damage. If you're not busy helping her with her agenda, expect to have tire tracks on your back.

Thanks button wasn't enough. I expect to see law suits flying just before the statute of limitations runs out.
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