Sidebar Discussion #4

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They didn't even take their note books with them or ask for them!!!! :banghead:

They were done with this and it was time to make a safe quickie verdict and go home. They could not connect the dots...

L .................... A .................... Z .................... Y
Do you ever wonder if those folks, the ones who had vacation plans, enjoyed their time away?
Do you wonder if that woman, the one whose grandchildren live up in NY (IIRC), thinks of Caylee everytime she hugs them?
Just wondering. I do.
If that million dollar handshake deal was any good, then Baez would have hung in longer.
I think he knows that is not going to happen or he would be going for it already.

I think that was the deal that said there was to be a lie detector test upfront. LOL I would LOVE to see that. But we all know the princess will never allow that to happen. It would probably explode midstream if they ever hooked it up and let her start talking anyway.

I'm not sure if having a LDT done would really make any difference where it only relates to her, I mean since she was judged NG. Seeing that would just prove what we all have known all along, and it might bring up something else, never know. I know after watching for 3 + years, I'd want to see the results of that test. Not too many care about her anyway, so what's the difference to her, kwim? The double jepoardy.
Not sorry he's gone. Saves the state time & money etc and I can't say I'm sorry about that. I'm glad no taxpayers have to support his lifetime behind bars!

BUT this is VERY bad for whatever agency was supposed to have him under their watch. Something like this should NEVER happen. Having to go through a trial that publicly proves your guilt is part of the punishment for being a sick monster IMHO so I am really disappointed that justice was now denied in this case.
He already pled was a done deal.
[ame=""]Bill Withers - Ain't No Sunshine - YouTube[/ame]
Hey - don't ya'll just love this sidebar thread? There are about 5 different convos going on at once. You can jump in and then go to another if you so desire. Kind of like a big family gathering!

I know right? Oh, how I love it here. I'd never be able to count the ways. But, I can say we have the greatest posters in the world.
You could be right alright. But recently I dig my heels in when we start talking about George.

He has been so consistently vilified for the last 3.5 years for his weakness and much much more that I just don't feel up to doing what I did for almost two years straight - which was to be highly critical of him and said so over and over again.

George is a weak weak man. He adored Caylee and now's she gone, and he has a broken heart that will never mend. It's done - he knows what he's done. Even if he'd gone completely in the other direction that he did - I honestly don't think it would have made a darned bit of difference. Not with that vicious lying murderer sitting in the courtroom, not with Baez saying anything to give him that win, and not with that jury who could have cared less and just wanted to go home. But I'm done with it.

Bravo, Logicalgirl! I totally agree. George is weak, he will always be weak, and it's just not worth it to keep dragging him over the coals. He is who he is, and it's just sad to me. He does need someone, and will cling to Cindy for the rest of his days, even if she lets Casey come home. That is just his way. Like you, I'm just going to leave him alone from now on. He is not why the jury acquitted Caylee, you are so right about that. And I'm sure he's suffering right now, wishing this sexual abuse nonsense would go away. I surely wouldn't want to be him.

ETA: I don't feel sympathy for him, but I think I have finally realized there is no saving George if he refuses to save himself. He has chosen his misery, except for Caylee's death. He did not choose that and did not deserve to lose Caylee. But everything after up until today, he chose. And he has to be the one that lives with it. If he doesn't want to save himself, he won't be saved. No one can force him to stand up for himself no matter how much we may want him to.
You could be right alright. But recently I dig my heels in when we start talking about George.

He has been so consistently vilified for the last 3.5 years for his weakness and much much more that I just don't feel up to doing what I did for almost two years straight - which was to be highly critical of him and said so over and over again.

George is a weak weak man. He adored Caylee and now's she gone, and he has a broken heart that will never mend. It's done - he knows what he's done. Even if he'd gone completely in the other direction that he did - I honestly don't think it would have made a darned bit of difference. Not with that vicious lying murderer sitting in the courtroom, not with Baez saying anything to give him that win, and not with that jury who could have cared less and just wanted to go home. But I'm done with it.

Well said. It is obvious that the Anthonys are dysfunctional. Here is the family dynamics for the Anthony family.
George Anthony-Weak and irresponsible
Cindy Anthony-Enabler and control freak
Casey Anthony-Bully, control freak, and rageful

Reminds me of the Drew family.
Lori Drew-Control freak, domineering, and rageful
Curt Drew-Weak and possibly an enabler
Sarah Drew-Obedient and easily influenced

Both of them are immature.
No apology necessary, but I do think you misunderstood.

My point is that George has always taken the easy route, to shut up, sit down, and be led by the nose. Had he taken a firm stance with Casey early on, Caylee would likely still be among the living.

I do agree with you that it was by Cindy's ordered hand that George became voiceless, but I have a difficult time conjuring up respect or sympathy for weak men.The way George has thus far handled this rumor-mill of sexual and perverted accusations against him is no different than the route that he chose with Casey in past years. DO NOTHING, ignore it until it goes away. It didn't "go away" with Casey, it spun out of control and cost Caylee her precious life.

This sexual issue with George is no different.

I don't see anything in the future that's going to make people stop rumoring that George is a sexual pervert, steals panties, blah, blah, blah, until he takes a legal stance against it. First for his own dignity, and secondly to for once in his life, put Casey in her place. Firmly!

Same here Dignity4Victims. Andddd it's way to late in my book for him to stand up and do what he should have done years and years ago and mostly in the last 3 years or so for Caylee. Too flipping late period.
Apparently I haven't read back far enough because out of context your 'button problem' sounds .... er ...... never mind :floorlaugh:

Now, now-lol. The Thanks button isn't working so good here for me-to thank all the posters. It refused to work all day long and now decides when it wants to work, or not. Must be a diva thing, mind of her own or something like that:floorlaugh: I'm limited now, I push it 3 times, and then it refuses to cooperate without a refresh. I think I need to stop the explaining now, it's starting to sound funny:floorlaugh:
I think George is the kind of a guy who has to has somebody. He's lost Caylee in a horrible way and will always be devasted by that, he's lost OCA a daughter he loved, and he never had a relationship with Lee that could be considered close. He doesn't have anyone but Cindy now so I think he is so bruised he's hanging on to her because she is all he has. Some people just aren't strong at all, even when they need to be.

I absolutely hate that I have to disagree with you on the bold LG as your one of my favorite people but I personally think he hated/hates OCA as much as she hates him.
RBBM and ITA! Have you read their Church Restoration (basically it's the doctrine they follow for church discipline)? If you even glance through it I believe it will give you an idea about the makeup of the members. (They are all required to sign a statement that they will submit themselves to the discipline and agree to hold other members to it as well.)

It's a very informative read, if anyone's interested:

OMGosh. :nerves:. Talk about your red flags. That is just scarey.
I know right? Oh, how I love it here. I'd never be able to count the ways. But, I can say we have the greatest posters in the world.
Best part? At least we disagree with each other one minute, and stand side by side at the bar the next.
That doesn't happen many places. I believe it's because at the end of the day we have a common cause (as we were kindly reminded by the mods yesterday).
I'm going to take an "educated guess" and say there is NO way her MAC laptop was hacked.

Macs are not able to be hacked. She's not offered up her laptop to be analyzed. We'd have heard by now.
She made a complaint to her PO..why didn't the PO take the laptop and have it analyzed if FCA is making such huge accusations?

BBN - Respectfully disagree. While they are much less prone to hacking & getting viruses than other operating systems, it can be done/happen.

My uncle has used Mac's for years & has received ONE virus, so he now uses an anti-virus & malware/spyware programs on his. :twocents:

ETA: This article is from 2008, but my uncle told me tonight it still CAN be done by someone that knows what they're doing...
It was at the very end of the State's case. They explained to the jury that Casey's photobucket account, her cell records, and Cindy and George's work records were submitted into evidence. They were available for the jury to go through. Just like any of us who had gone through them for three years. They obviously chose not to.

Ohhhh, okay. Thank you LolaMoon.
You could be right alright. But recently I dig my heels in when we start talking about George.

He has been so consistently vilified for the last 3.5 years for his weakness and much much more that I just don't feel up to doing what I did for almost two years straight - which was to be highly critical of him and said so over and over again.

George is a weak weak man. He adored Caylee and now's she gone, and he has a broken heart that will never mend. It's done - he knows what he's done. Even if he'd gone completely in the other direction that he did - I honestly don't think it would have made a darned bit of difference. Not with that vicious lying murderer sitting in the courtroom, not with Baez saying anything to give him that win, and not with that jury who could have cared less and just wanted to go home. But I'm done with it.

You are either nicer than me or just more worn out on the subject! :)

Seriously though, I think we agree on the fundamentals - whatever his faults George has been dragged through the mud and put through hell.
He already pled was a done deal.

I know but I still hate it when these killers deny society it's justice by offing themselves. On the one hand they are doing us a favor & on the other it's their last eff you to the world.

Mostly I'm concerned about the lapses in the system that allowed him to do that. It should never happen that way.
Ok, so I am trying to catch up but I am about 40 something pages behind lol. If this has already been discussed, please let me know. I just read the NE article where her secret boyfriend "Steve" is mentioned, and they go on to say that he was outed as SH who is a People magazine writer and says he has never even spoken to FCA. I also read the article about FCA staying with a pastor and his wife at their church. Has anyone noticed that the pastor's name is Steve? Could she be carrying on an affair with this man? Or just causing her usual drama in other people's lives? I'm just wondering if this is the Steve she supposedly told her supporters about.

NE Article’s-twisted-world

The Daily Beast Article
This entire group brings to mind one of my favorite albums back in the day, "Brain Salad Surgery",
Welcome back my friends
To the show that never ends.
We're so glad you could attend.
Come inside, come inside.

The lyrics just are stuck in my head.
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