Sidebar Discussion #5

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I think Lee is out to protect Lee. I think he's on his own side, and does whatever it takes to protect himself inside that family. If that means high fiving CA one moment, he'll do it so Casey will think he's on her side. It that means acting weird at the memorial (probably doing what his mother told him to do), he'll do it so mom is happy with him. I think he is terminally in the middle of that dysfunctional mess and does what he needs to keep the peace and survive. And he's like minded with them in that no outside forces should get involved. It's just a family matter, and he deals with it in such a way to keep himself from being dragged down or connected to what Casey does, yet also keeps Casey from lasering in on him and destroying his life.

He is sucessful at keep the wolves of his family at bay, something he probably learned to do over his lifetime. Now he lives in silence and no one even really talks about him anymore. He has successfully disconnected himself from all of that drama, even if Casey said he molested her. No one talks about that at all. All eyes are on GA and CA when it comes to that. I think Lee likes where he is and will do anything to stay there. If you look at him from the concept of being terminally in the middle and a peacekeeper, he makes a lot more sense.

ETA: And it could be that he was really on Caylee's side, but he is too entrenched in that family dysfunction and not willing to do anything to upset the balance so that family anger would be directed at him. So he'd never say it where media could hear him or the family could hear him. I know he wasn't happy with Casey and what she did to Caylee, which is why he went silent and never spoke to the media. I also think it was drilled into his and GA's head that if they didn't do what they did, Casey would die. He might be mad at her for what she's done, but he never wanted her to die, IMO.

He lacked the spine to stand up for Caylee. He's just as bad as the rest of them imo. Poor Caylee had the worst luck in terms of the family she was cursed with.
I don't really know what to think about Lee. He was so wishy-washy during the years of the search and then the trial. He was doing his own investigation, tearing down memorials for Caylee, helping LE, hi-fiveing FCA, confusing everyone at the memorial, helping both the PT and DT, going on a vacation cruise with his parents and crying his heart out at the trial. He stays out of the public eye and so people give him a break as being the poor misaligned guy.

He looks to be happy now judging by the pictures at the Q chili day. He has gained some weight and doesn't look as gaunt as he had been looking.

Apparently, he is in daily contact with GA at work and reports say that he is in contact with CA and FCA.

It would seem that Caylee is out of sight and out of mind to the whole family. Her death is over and done with.

I just don't get it!
I don't really know what to think about Lee. He was so wishy-washy during the years of the search and then the trial. He was doing his own investigation, tearing down memorials for Caylee, helping LE, hi-fiveing FCA, confusing everyone at the memorial, helping both the PT and DT, going on a vacation cruise with his parents and crying his heart out at the trial. He stays out of the public eye and so people give him a break as being the poor misaligned guy.

He looks to be happy now judging by the pictures at the Q chili day. He has gained some weight and doesn't look as gaunt as he had been looking.

Apparently, he is in daily contact with GA at work and reports say that he is in contact with CA and FCA.

It would seem that Caylee is out of sight and out of mind to the whole family. Her death is over and done with.

I just don't get it!

I agree. The whole thing where he was advertising for unpaid 24-hour assistants had me reeling. None of them went out and actually DID anything to find Caylee. They only tried to control, malign and impede the situation from their air conditioned home. Even more bizarre is that he found someone to stay with him through this fiasco.
I don't really know what to think about Lee. He was so wishy-washy during the years of the search and then the trial. He was doing his own investigation, tearing down memorials for Caylee, helping LE, hi-fiveing FCA, confusing everyone at the memorial, helping both the PT and DT, going on a vacation cruise with his parents and crying his heart out at the trial. He stays out of the public eye and so people give him a break as being the poor misaligned guy.

He looks to be happy now judging by the pictures at the Q chili day. He has gained some weight and doesn't look as gaunt as he had been looking.

Apparently, he is in daily contact with GA at work and reports say that he is in contact with CA and FCA.

It would seem that Caylee is out of sight and out of mind to the whole family. Her death is over and done with.

I just don't get it!

I totally agree. On one hand, he was just as inappropriate as Cindy at times, yet on the other hand, he seemed to interrogate Casey and acted like a cop that didn't believe her. The creepy creepy "I love you" he mouthed to his sister who had just accused him of molestation was way over the top and bizarro as well.

He was all over the map with how he handled the situation.

The final straw for me was when he took the stand and suddenly came down with a severe case of amnesia regarding damning testimony that he had already sworn to in his depositions. He was purposely being evasive.

Then there was that very strange moment at the end of his final day of testimony, when he seemed to throw Cindy directly under the bus. Does anyone remember that? He sort of slammed her, lending credence to the defense theory that Casey was a mess because her family was so dysfunctional. And his whole emotional breakdown about not being invited to the baby shower was just so WEIRD and full of B.S.. Men are generally not invited to baby showers, and even if they were in this case, would you really feel so SLIGHTED that you would react they way he did on the stand? It was ridiculous.

Lee does not get a pass from me. Not even a little bit.
I totally agree. On one hand, he was just as inappropriate as Cindy at times, yet on the other hand, he seemed to interrogate Casey and acted like a cop that didn't believe her. The creepy creepy "I love you" he mouthed to his sister who had just accused him of molestation was way over the top and bizarro as well.

He was all over the map with how he handled the situation.

The final straw for me was when he took the stand and suddenly came down with a severe case of amnesia regarding damning testimony that he had already sworn to in his depositions. He was purposely being evasive.

Then there was that very strange moment at the end of his final day of testimony, when he seemed to throw Cindy directly under the bus. Does anyone remember that? He sort of slammed her, lending credence to the defense theory that Casey was a mess because her family was so dysfunctional. And his whole emotional breakdown about not being invited to the baby shower was just so WEIRD and full of B.S.. Men are generally not invited to baby showers, and even if they were in this case, would you really feel so SLIGHTED that you would react they way he did on the stand? It was ridiculous.

Lee does not get a pass from me. Not even a little bit.

Nor me. I can't join the sympathy bandwagon for any of the Anthony's.
He lacked the spine to stand up for Caylee. He's just as bad as the rest of them imo. Poor Caylee had the worst luck in terms of the family she was cursed with.

This is so true. Now what's done is done, sadly nothing can bring her back, why can't someone come out with that evasive truth? I mean if OCA did it, no double jeapordy so say it and get it over with, if GA, LA, CA or the man on the moon was involved, so say it already and get it over with, take that bitter pill and fess up already. What is there to possibly hide now? Everybody knows what sort of characters they all are, what would be so different except the big black eye. Somehow I think each of them are very afraid of the other one, for whatever reason and they'll stay shielded as long as they can. They all will be forever tied to each other whether they like it or not. Nobody did a very good job on that talk show, nobody will ever be able to explain any of it, it also will never go away. That's what's left for all of them. It will never go away.
I agree they were, up until Christmas of the year Caylee was found. After that CA continued to write and George wrote his famous why one, but we have no evidence at all that OCA ever answered and her DT has made statements to say she had no communication with her parents from October on.

OCA was with Robyn Adams for about a six month period, from late 2008 to early 2009.. here is a sniplet from one of their letters.

"My attorney is keeping tabs on my family for me, and exchanges letters between us."
OCA was with Robyn Adams for about a six month period, from late 2008 to early 2009.. here is a sniplet from one of their letters.

"My attorney is keeping tabs on my family for me, and exchanges letters between us."

Uh huh - those are FCA's words - when did we start believing her? Seriously?? Like the rest of the information in her letters to Robyn - I suspect it was carp - and don't think we can use pick and choose from her information just cause it "works" for us....I do believe Baez delivered letters to her from CA and perhaps the rest of her family. But I don't believe for one second he took letters from her to her family. He couldn't take that chance with her after the jail house tapes I think he learned his lesson - to not allow her to say one more word...
This is so true. Now what's done is done, sadly nothing can bring her back, why can't someone come out with that evasive truth? I mean if OCA did it, no double jeapordy so say it and get it over with, if GA, LA, CA or the man on the moon was involved, so say it already and get it over with, take that bitter pill and fess up already. What is there to possibly hide now? Everybody knows what sort of characters they all are, what would be so different except the big black eye. Somehow I think each of them are very afraid of the other one, for whatever reason and they'll stay shielded as long as they can. They all will be forever tied to each other whether they like it or not. Nobody did a very good job on that talk show, nobody will ever be able to explain any of it, it also will never go away. That's what's left for all of them. It will never go away.

IMO, it's because if they speak the truth the law suits will never end and I don't think they know how to speak the truth because their whole lives has been nothing but a sham. Can you imagine living the life they have? I sure can't.
Nor me. I can't join the sympathy bandwagon for any of the Anthony's.

Is anyone on the site showing sympathy for the Anthony's? For me it is one thing not to go along with something someone says about George or Lee in a comment which I do not believe to be true, but in no way can that be construed as "sympathy" for any of them. To me some of their behaviors were appalling enough without taking a broad brush and saying everything was horrific.

It is more my attempt to be objective instead of letting my anger and disgust get in the way of what I believe I saw....:waitasec:
Nor me. I can't join the sympathy bandwagon for any of the Anthony's.

I'm in your camp, as well. I CANNOT for the life of me understand why a man (George) would stay with a woman (Cindy) who fully supports, believes and makes excuses for someone who (a) killed their grandchild at WORST, (b) lied and deceived everybody within spitting distance about her daughter accidently drowning (I WILL NEVER BELIEVE THAT ONE), including calling her (Cindy) husband (George) a child molester/murderer and her (Cindy) son (Lee) a sicko.....

In what world does that make any kind of sense? Oh yeah, ANTHONYLAND. That is the only place that pig will fly. That's why they all stick together. Lee got up on that stand, did what he had to for the defense and stepped down, while stepping on his niece's grave.

Sick. All of them.
Is anyone on the site showing sympathy for the Anthony's? For me it is one thing not to go along with something someone says about George or Lee in a comment which I do not believe to be true, but in no way can that be construed as "sympathy" for any of them. To me some of their behaviors were appalling enough without taking a broad brush and saying everything was horrific.

It is more my attempt to be objective instead of letting my anger and disgust get in the way of what I believe I saw....:waitasec:

I can have empathy for grieving grandparents who lost their grandchild. Period. That's all.

I cannot have sympathy for someone who I perceive as having HELPED in getting the killer of that grandchild off. Yes, yes, yes I know that IF THEY HELPED CONVICT THE KILLER THEY HELPED KILL THEIR DAUGHTER. I get all of that.
But.....they could have sat down, shut up and let the trial take its course. Justice would have prevailed. But instead, they took a proactive roll in getting the killer off.


and I love you LG!!
Well, we know from OCA (during the jail house videos), that they were exchanging letters via JB. CA & GA also spent time in JB's office.

IMO, CA & GA were agents for the defense - I could be wrong, but that is what I believe.

OCA's "don't worry Mom, I haven't told them anything", and CA's lack of response to that statement - what could that possibly mean? I see that statement as collusion, not a need to find Caylee.

eta: bet those letters would make for some interesting reading - or a book deal for anyone who has copies of them.

Yet another thing JB was allowed to get away with.
I can have empathy for grieving grandparents who lost their grandchild. Period. That's all.

I cannot have sympathy for someone who I perceive as having HELPED in getting the killer of that grandchild off. Yes, yes, yes I know that IF THEY HELPED CONVICT THE KILLER THEY HELPED KILL THEIR DAUGHTER. I get all of that.
But.....they could have sat down, shut up and let the trial take its course. Justice would have prevailed. But instead, they took a proactive roll in getting the killer off.


and I love you LG!!

Love you back and not disagreeing with you at all! But I hear posters saying George didn't grieve, etc., etc. and statements like that I just don't believe are true.

Yeah, he's a weak useless guy who is so crushed by these events he is clinging to the only person he has left, whether or not it is for financial or emotional reasons who knows - he is spineless, always has been - nobody is arguing that.

I just don't understand why, knowing all that, we now expect him to act differently...
I could have sympathy for CA and GA even in the face of all they have done to help a murderer--the murderer of the grandchild they claim they loved.

Because...I think they love their daughter and they didn't want to see her get the death penalty. I doubt she would have, but the threat was certainly there, and they did not want to take the risk. Caylee was gone and was not coming back no matter how the trial came out; they had a desperate need to save their daughter. We see that as sick and selfish or whatever, because we cannot see anything loveable about KC.

Again, I could have sympathy for Caylee's grandparents--but I don't! And the reason is that even though I might be able to rationalize most of the things they have said and done, I simply cannot rationalize their making money off Caylee's death. That, to me, is the most despicable thing they have done. It is unforgiveable. It makes me want to hurl that their "grief" was so fleeting and so quickly extinguished once they saw the dollar signs.
Love you back and not disagreeing with you at all! But I hear posters saying George didn't grieve, etc., etc. and statements like that I just don't believe are true.

Yeah, he's a weak useless guy who is so crushed by these events he is clinging to the only person he has left, whether or not it is for financial or emotional reasons who knows - he is spineless, always has been - nobody is arguing that.

I just don't understand why, knowing all that, we now expect him to act differently...

MY DD feels like you do....that nobody but GA can say why he stays in that sick relationship. I get that. I don't understand it, but I have never been in that position. I do believe with all of my heart that George loved Caylee. I believe he was heartbroken when she was killed. I just cannot understand why or how someone who evidently lost the love of his life could stand by and go along with what happened. I just can't.
I guess if George and I were to sit down across the table from each other and have a conversation, and he would pour his heart out and tell me everything....even then if I KNEW everything hidden in his heart and soul...I still couldn't understand.
And I don’t understand this about me because I’ve never had to face that part of me before this case. I am SUCH a sympathetic and empathetic person. I cry at the drop of a hat. I am so softhearted I CANNOT even watch those Sara McLaughlin rescue videos or JVM animal cruelty messages....I just can’t do it.
I have seriously carried around canned goods in my car at during 2008 and 2009 would hand them out to beggars on a street corner when I stopped at a light because the thought of people losing everything during the economic collapse tore me up. Not that I have much myself, but I am always willing to give what I matter what.
But these people. THESE PEOPLE...they truly bring out the worst in me. Maybe I hate them for that as much as I hate them for the injustice to Caylee.
Armchair psychoanalyzing ....
I'm in your camp, as well. I CANNOT for the life of me understand why a man (George) would stay with a woman (Cindy) who fully supports, believes and makes excuses for someone who (a) killed their grandchild at WORST, (b) lied and deceived everybody within spitting distance about her daughter accidently drowning (I WILL NEVER BELIEVE THAT ONE), including calling her (Cindy) husband (George) a child molester/murderer and her (Cindy) son (Lee) a sicko.....

In what world does that make any kind of sense? Oh yeah, ANTHONYLAND. That is the only place that pig will fly. That's why they all stick together. Lee got up on that stand, did what he had to for the defense and stepped down, while stepping on his niece's grave.

Sick. All of them.

If you recall, Cindy went alone to meet with Baez right before the trial.

I fully believe that she encouraged Baez to go after George with the sexual accusations and murdering Caylee in order to help Casey walk. When she returned home, she only told George that they would be using him to blame, but didn't take any of the blame herself for the plan.

Did you notice that it was only during the trial that we saw Cindy so lovey-dovey with George, rubbing his back, etc.? It was over the top by comparison the past 3 years of interaction between the two of them.

It has long-since been known that during their previous filings for divorce, that Cindy stated she didn't want to pay alimony to George. Making love to him in that court room and thereafter, pretending to "soothe" him for what he was put through was her "insurance" that George would cling to her, not file for divorce again, so that Cindy could retain her one and only love - money.
IMO, it's because if they speak the truth the law suits will never end and I don't think they know how to speak the truth because their whole lives has been nothing but a sham. Can you imagine living the life they have? I sure can't.

Yeah buddy. And let me just say..those civil lawsuits can be doozies. I watched all three documentaries this past weekend on the West Memphis 3....I never followed that case, but boy I find that case just as interesting as this one, in an OPPOSITE and BACKWARDS kind of way. I was glad to see I could feel as strongly about someone being innocent and wrongly convicted as I can about somebody being guilty and wrongly acquitted.
But I digress....anyWHO....that civil lawsuit between the now possible suspect and Natalie Maines of The Dixie Chicks was something else. That deposition opened the door to all sorts of stuff.
IMO we can only hope one of these lawsuits agains Casey goes to the mat....AFTER her appeal time is up. WHAT FUN THAT WOULD BE!!!!!!
Sorry I'm hogging the thread all of a sudden...but I needed to unload for a second!
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