Sidebar Discussion #8

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Doing a happy dance! This is O/T but I just had to share today's events with you guys! :D
Formal sentencing!

Bailiff, All Rise!
Judge, You may be seated.
Ok gentlemen, lets get this Berry hall sentencing over with!( he was the 8th on the docket but the judge wanted him GONE!)
They bring Berry in, and he goes and stands before the judge.
Judge: Is there anything you would like to say Mr. Hall before I impose your sentence?
Berry: uh yeah, I want an acquittal.
Dead silence...
Berry: Ok I want a mistrial.
Berry's lawyers: son you better hush.
Judge: (after a priceless look) ok I will impose your sentence as follows. You are to be handed over to the office of corrections to serve out two LWOP. In addition, I will add Five years per child that was in the home at the time of the shooting which equals out to be 20 more years.
Berry: When I get down there will they give me my medication?
Judge: That's up to the parole board. Further more you will reimburse the counties that housed you for the past four years at the cost of $85 a day. You will also pay ALL court costs incurred during this trial. All monies sent to you will be compensated to put toward these costs!

Kentucky does it right! The judge threw the book at him! I have lol'd all the way home. I think it's called Karma! ;)

BRAVO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I just knew one day I would like living here in KY! LOL)

"Would he do the same again?" "I should have copyrighted the photo and sold it on E-Bay and made lots of money."

Wait, wait, wait -----> Isn't CM an attorney????? How can he copyright someone's photo that was taken on a public street??????

AZLawyer, your needed in the back room for a legal question!

If I am right on my thinking he just made an a$$ out of himself again. Read between the lines for the first time he did it! :rocker:

(Oh and if I am wrong, who cares I am not an attorney nor do I play on on the internet! LOL)
Lemme see....:waitasec: she moved two weeks ago because she still feared for her life but they will be showing a photograph of what she currently looks like because she's vain and hates being called someone has "folds"? ...

"Would he do the same again?" "I should have copyrighted the photo and sold it on E-Bay and made lots of money."

Wait, wait, wait -----> Isn't CM an attorney????? How can he copyright someone's photo that was taken on a public street??????

AZLawyer, your needed in the back room for a legal question!

If I am right on my thinking he just made an a$$ out of himself again. Read between the lines for the first time he did it! :rocker:

(Oh and if I am wrong, who cares I am not an attorney nor do I play on on the internet! LOL)

Oh mah gawd. Honestly.

No, you can't copyright a photo someone takes of you.

Furthermore, if you did own the copyright to a photo, you wouldn't have to "copyright" it in order to sell it. The point of "copyrighting" something is mainly so you can sue for damages if someone else steals it--not so you yourself can sell it. That right is automatic.
Yep, and it get's even worse:

"Recognized by many as the brilliant defense lawyer who achieved a victory acquittal verdict for Casey Anthony and the recent representation of Gary Giordano, the suspect in the high-profile missing woman Aruba case, few know who attorney Jose Baez is outside of the courtroom. Baez is a man with commitment to the Hispanic community and to social justice." . . . [ad nauseam] . . .


O M G! Now I see why one of their PR associates won the PT Barnum award :floorlaugh:
In My Opinion Only.
4 years ago tonight or early hours of the 16th, Caylee was murdered by her mother for her own selfish rageful reasons.

I think of Caylee every day and will never get over CFCA walking away from murdering Caylee. I don't know when karma will slug CFCA in the face but do think it has been creeping up on her.

These folks were also promoting JB's new book that is coming out, they are his P.R. firm. So wouldn't HE by paying THEM to say this about him?? that is my perception, anyway, i distinctly remember seeing this exact firm promoting his book when it was first announced several weeks ago, so they are working for JB at his behest. I remember because there was a webpage where they were promoting his book, at first you could comment on that page and folks on twitter were going wild with negative comments about the book and about JB, and then they quickly disabled the "comment" feature LOL. do people typically pay their PR firms to promote them? when I first saw them promoting his book, I thought he must be going to give them some of the proceeds as payment for the promotion, some kind of deal like that.

Wow, they run the gamut promoting people don't they? from attorneys to wedding planners and celebrity designers .... wonder if they would promote me for the right price LOLOL!!

IMO, MOO, etc.
These folks were also promoting JB's new book that is coming out, they are his P.R. firm. So wouldn't HE by paying THEM to say this about him?? that is my perception, anyway, i distinctly remember seeing this exact firm promoting his book when it was first announced several weeks ago, so they are working for JB at his behest. I remember because there was a webpage where they were promoting his book, at first you could comment on that page and folks on twitter were going wild with negative comments about the book and about JB, and then they quickly disabled the "comment" feature LOL. do people typically pay their PR firms to promote them? when I first saw them promoting his book, I thought he must be going to give them some of the proceeds as payment for the promotion, some kind of deal like that.

Wow, they run the gamut promoting people don't they? from attorneys to wedding planners and celebrity designers .... wonder if they would promote me for the right price LOLOL!!

IMO, MOO, etc.

hope they cashed the check BEFORE they printed that... er... press release. :floorlaugh:
These folks were also promoting JB's new book that is coming out, they are his P.R. firm. So wouldn't HE by paying THEM to say this about him?? that is my perception, anyway, i distinctly remember seeing this exact firm promoting his book when it was first announced several weeks ago, so they are working for JB at his behest. I remember because there was a webpage where they were promoting his book, at first you could comment on that page and folks on twitter were going wild with negative comments about the book and about JB, and then they quickly disabled the "comment" feature LOL. do people typically pay their PR firms to promote them? when I first saw them promoting his book, I thought he must be going to give them some of the proceeds as payment for the promotion, some kind of deal like that.

Wow, they run the gamut promoting people don't they? from attorneys to wedding planners and celebrity designers .... wonder if they would promote me for the right price LOLOL!!

IMO, MOO, etc.

I think so! They are agents. I think they would get a percentage of anything that JB does; interviews, book signings and sales, so they would be apt to say only the good things, color the portfolio for their clients.
This is soooo OT...but not really.

The Sandusky judge has ordered this: #Sandusky trial judge has ordered defense may present expert witness to testify that the former coach has Histrionic Personality Disorder
As part of the order, #Sandusky must be made available to Commonwealth so they can prepare rebuttal psychological testimony

^^^^^^^^This is what JBP SHOULD have done re that fruit Sally Karioth Grief Expert. He should have made Casey be available for the prosecution, even though she did not testify. If the defense wanted that crap in, then the State should have rebutted.
Gawwwwwwwwd every case I ever watch or read will always have the Anthony debacle as a cornerstone.
Gawwwwwwwwd every case I ever watch or read will always have the Anthony debacle as a cornerstone.

She may have "gorroff" (got off) but that doesn't make her innocent and I am thrilled she's having to move from prison to prison. Her lifestyle such as it is will never change much. She'll never be able to shop freely and hang out with friends and laugh a good belly laugh. For that I am happy.
I keep thinking that when people say (in general)...oh, she should be productive...go to school, get a job...donate money to worthwhile charities...why? Why should she be afforded any of these opportunities? Why would a charity want any money SHE gave them? Why are we talking about her as if she is anywhere near (as we know) human? Regardless of guilt or innocence...she threw Caylee into a swamp and let her rot and be pulled apart and eaten by animals. About a year ago, she decided her child was worthless. She deserves nothing better than the fate she inflicted on Caylee.
Hurry up G-d...there's still a child who's waiting for justice.
I keep thinking that when people say (in general)...oh, she should be productive...go to school, get a job...donate money to worthwhile charities...why? Why should she be afforded any of these opportunities? Why would a charity want any money SHE gave them? Why are we talking about her as if she is anywhere near (as we know) human? Regardless of guilt or innocence...she threw Caylee into a swamp and let her rot and be pulled apart and eaten by animals. About a year ago, she decided her child was worthless. She deserves nothing better than the fate she inflicted on Caylee.
Hurry up G-d...there's still a child who's waiting for justice.

:hug: I think that she SHOULD be productive, go to school, work, I dont know, be a missionary in the baptist faith spreading the love or whatever all over the congo.... the reason is that if she is preoccupied she's not bored and less likely to get into trouble, if she feels worthwhile (I do think it's true she never felt she had worth and why? anything she wanted to destroy herself with, her mother allowed her to do) she is less likely to get into was boredom and a feeling of no worth that made her what she is, and she never had the strength and character to force herself up (she still does not, IMO..please, those pathetic videos? the desperate pretending that she is 15 years old? the moronic giddiness over a nasal piercing? that's all affectation, trying to decrease everyone's expectations of her including her own)

I guess I feel that it is possible that she's human down in her cold soul somewhere...perhaps with hard work, with self awareness of what she did and WHY she did it, she could be rehabilitated...perhaps she could learn to have true contrition for what she has done...I think for her that is the best possible scenario.

I fully believe she should have an "eternity in jail" for what she did to her daughter but she isnt (thanks pinellas 12) but even if she had been, I would have believed the best thing for her was education, work, and rehabilitation.
:hug: I think that she SHOULD be productive, go to school, work, I dont know, be a missionary in the baptist faith spreading the love or whatever all over the congo.... the reason is that if she is preoccupied she's not bored and less likely to get into trouble, if she feels worthwhile (I do think it's true she never felt she had worth and why? anything she wanted to destroy herself with, her mother allowed her to do) she is less likely to get into was boredom and a feeling of no worth that made her what she is, and she never had the strength and character to force herself up (she still does not, IMO..please, those pathetic videos? the desperate pretending that she is 15 years old? the moronic giddiness over a nasal piercing? that's all affectation, trying to decrease everyone's expectations of her including her own)

I guess I feel that it is possible that she's human down in her cold soul somewhere...perhaps with hard work, with self awareness of what she did and WHY she did it, she could be rehabilitated...perhaps she could learn to have true contrition for what she has done...I think for her that is the best possible scenario.

I fully believe she should have an "eternity in jail" for what she did to her daughter but she isnt (thanks pinellas 12) but even if she had been, I would have believed the best thing for her was education, work, and rehabilitation.

I agree. If she wanted to show the world she isn't what people think she is, she should just go out and do something with her life. She doesn't seem to want to do anything because if she did, she knows she'd have to pay at least the state of FL. back the monies owed. She could at least be taking on line classes, there are actually some jobs she could do where she would not be under such scutiny-attendant at a cemetary for one. She could do telemarketing, nobody would know, but she's just hanging around inside a jail within a home, she's a mushroom, waiting for her big money break, once again on the coattail of her deceased daughter. Nuts to that!
I don't know how true this might be but someone posted on a facebook that KC is excited because she is going to make a lot of money on a book (her story) and a movie. Anyone know if this is so. Person said it was said on ET last night.
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