Sidebar Discussion #8

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tvguyhal ‏@tvguyhal

Casey Anthony: Jeff Ashton blasts ‘that evil woman’

We have 5 TV's in our house. I'm turning them all for Jeff's movie for ratings just to burn FCA's behind! :floorlaugh:

I'd love to see her face knowing she won't get a penny from this movie. The only thing I'm upset about is the woman playing FCA is way too good looking. they need to ugly her up a bit!! They should make the Zanny in the movie a "10" and make FCA a -10.
Okay - I'm going to quit bugging you by disagreeing with you and do some work which is what I should be doing instead of sliding in here to chat.

It might be helpful to look up Dr. Robert Hare and his work/definitions of a psychopath/sociopath. Then it's not as difficult to understand how FCA could kill Caylee and spend the rest of the next 24 hours in bed with Tony.

I just had to respond, LG. I read his book "Without Conscience" and his description fit FCA so perfectly it was spooky. I'm sure it fits others as well, but that book was so interesting and well worth the read for anyone interested. I am definitely going to read it again (at least once.)
I was actually responding to you and FCA's education in wrapping dead bodies. And no reason to slither away - not you or anyone else. We're talking some evidence here but some of it is opinion and all is discussion. We can't have a discussion if we all agree on everything can we? :seeya:

Oh gosh! in your post 528 it shows that you were responding to ZsaZsa post.
I've seen that happen before lol.

Oh I didn't mean to blame anyone for my wanting to slither away except myself. I just have a horrible time trying to explain what I mean. That I do apologize deeply for for. I'm sorry.
Let me try one more time. I promise I wont bring this subject up again after this.

The only thing I remember from LA's testimony about the dead pets is that he said they used duct tape. The only reason I remember that is because GA and/or CA testified that it was packing tape. (like that would matter lol).

GA and/or CA, testified that the vet had taped the dogs snout/mouth closed. However I have no clue if it was before the plastic or after the plastic, so I apologize for my up thread post. That was what was in my mind but it wasn't testified to at trial so it's anybodies guess as to where I came up with that. LalaLand for me, lol.
For me without question it was the dumping of Caylee's body like garbage so close to home.

And by the way - I didn't buy the whole pets in garbage bags story and George. Before vets became so commercial and cities built up - people often buried their beloved pets in their back garden close to the family, and not many people dumped their pets in a hole in the ground without wrapping them first. i thought the defense was using a pretty dumb excuse of blame the family and/or to explain how Caylee was dumped and maybe point the blame on George. Surprised the prosecution didn't clue in.

For me - throwing Caylee in a couple of garbage bags and dumping her like trash had nothing to do with burying a beloved pet. Nothing.

For me it was the placing of the duct tape. I believe she was alive when it was placed. I also agree with you Logicalgirl. That had to be horrendous and a deed done by a person full of hate. May she rest in he!!.:what:
Okay - I'm going to quit bugging you by disagreeing with you and do some work which is what I should be doing instead of sliding in here to chat.

It might be helpful to look up Dr. Robert Hare and his work/definitions of a psychopath/sociopath. Then it's not as difficult to understand how FCA could kill Caylee and spend the rest of the next 24 hours in bed with Tony.

1st bold:
Ahhhh! I hate when you go away. Bug, bug, bug away. I need to think before I post. I've warned you about how dumb I am and you just keep coming back for more. JK of course. You know I love ya.

2nd bold:
Or to even go on with her life in general as though she never gave birth to a child at all.
I just had to respond, LG. I read his book "Without Conscience" and his description fit FCA so perfectly it was spooky. I'm sure it fits others as well, but that book was so interesting and well worth the read for anyone interested. I am definitely going to read it again (at least once.)

I love his work and first started to read it at the very beginning of this case because I could not understand how someone could do this to their own child or anyone elses either and then go out and party. He's easy to understand and I just thought wow - this all makes sense to me now..
Let me try one more time. I promise I wont bring this subject up again after this.

The only thing I remember from LA's testimony about the dead pets is that he said they used duct tape. The only reason I remember that is because GA and/or CA testified that it was packing tape. (like that would matter lol).

GA and/or CA, testified that the vet had taped the dogs snout/mouth closed. However I have no clue if it was before the plastic or after the plastic, so I apologize for my up thread post. That was what was in my mind but it wasn't testified to at trial so it's anybodies guess as to where I came up with that. LalaLand for me, lol.

You know - I just do not remember ever reading or hearing that. As we used to say in the old days - do you have a link for that? :waitasec: I don't get why a vet would do that if the pet was in a plastic bag - how did the family know?
You know - I just do not remember ever reading or hearing that. As we used to say in the old days - do you have a link for that? :waitasec: I don't get why a vet would do that if the pet was in a plastic bag - how did the family know?

Okay! Let me see if I can find a transcript of that part of the testimony. I may not be able to look until tomorrow and it will take me forever as I've never done it before so be patient with me, lol.
You know - I just do not remember ever reading or hearing that. As we used to say in the old days - do you have a link for that? :waitasec: I don't get why a vet would do that if the pet was in a plastic bag - how did the family know?

I do animal rescue work and unfortunately I have seen a lot of sick animals put down. I have never in my long life seen a Vet duck tape an animals mouth shut after death. That is another flat out lie from the A's to get their murdering Daughter off!!!! I would never allow it anyway, it sounds really like a sick thing to do!! Especially to an adorable little girl. :banghead:
I do animal rescue work and unfortunately I have seen a lot of sick animals put down. I have never in my long life seen a Vet duck tape an animals mouth shut after death. That is another flat out lie from the A's to get their murdering Daughter off!!!! I would never allow it anyway, it sounds really like a sick thing to do!! Especially to an adorable little girl. :banghead:

Agree if they did say that - it's pretty sick. But we don't know if they actually said that - I don't remember anyone every saying that but here we have another poster who does. But let's wait and see - I'm wondering if that assumption was made about the tape - kind of a leap from how poor Caylee was taped to assuming the pets were also - when they may not have been at all.:waitasec:

And bless you for doing animal rescue :blowkiss:
I do animal rescue work and unfortunately I have seen a lot of sick animals put down. I have never in my long life seen a Vet duck tape an animals mouth shut after death. That is another flat out lie from the A's to get their murdering Daughter off!!!! I would never allow it anyway, it sounds really like a sick thing to do!! Especially to an adorable little girl. :banghead:

Actually, I don't even know why I typed that. I don't remember hearing that in the trial. DUH!! I remember hearing they taped the bag shut, but not the dogs mouth shut. I must be really bored today. LOL
Agree if they did say that - it's pretty sick. But we don't know if they actually said that - I don't remember anyone every saying that but here we have another poster who does. But let's wait and see - I'm wondering if that assumption was made about the tape - kind of a leap from how poor Caylee was taped to assuming the pets were also - when they may not have been at all.:waitasec:

And bless you for doing animal rescue :blowkiss:

Thank you!

You're right LG. They were saying they taped the top of the bag shut and were trying to insinuate that the tape found on Caylee's mouth slipped down from the top of the bag. Yeah right!!!
Huh? I don't remember Lee testifying they threw their pets in either the garbage or the swamp?

I will try to search later, but IIRC Kiomarie told investigators that Casey buried pets back on the Suburban drive property?
I don't recall what Lee said about it, and would not find it credible whatever he said.... they all lied so much that trying to keep their statements straight would make one dizzy.
I guess we will start hearing little tidbits from JB's book now. Maybe they will be called "BREAKING NEWS".


In "Presumed Guilty, Casey Anthony: The Inside Story," Jose Baez said detectives should have realized Casey Anthony had built a "fantasy world," and her lies weren't evidence of guilt but signs of someone with "serious mental health issues."

The book is scheduled to be released July 3. The Associated Press purchased a copy Tuesday.

Baez repeats the allegations of sexual abuse in greater detail in the book, saying it contributed to Anthony's mental health issues.
I guess we will start hearing little tidbits from JB's book now. Maybe they will be called "BREAKING NEWS".


In "Presumed Guilty, Casey Anthony: The Inside Story," Jose Baez said detectives should have realized Casey Anthony had built a "fantasy world," and her lies weren't evidence of guilt but signs of someone with "serious mental health issues."

The book is scheduled to be released July 3. The Associated Press purchased a copy Tuesday.

Baez repeats the allegations of sexual abuse in greater detail in the book, saying it contributed to Anthony's mental health issues.

Er....Groupie here...:seeya: ...... I sure hope Jose has his professional liability insurance paid's the George again theory. First he says she's not playing with a full deck and then he believes any story she tells him.:what:

Maybe the last line of the quote says it - casey-anthoy-jose-baez-mental-health.......Oh and of course complaining that people saw him as an inexperienced lawyer....which he was...and still is....:banghead:

Guess that's it then eh? A tidbit a day at least until the book is released.
I'll be hoarse by then by shouting Boo, and Sit Down...and Hook! by the time is book is actually on the shelves.

I gotta tell you though I can't wait until his first book signing - I don't think he'll be able to afford the security to stop the hecklers...:floorlaugh:
I guess we will start hearing little tidbits from JB's book now. Maybe they will be called "BREAKING NEWS".


In "Presumed Guilty, Casey Anthony: The Inside Story," Jose Baez said detectives should have realized Casey Anthony had built a "fantasy world," and her lies weren't evidence of guilt but signs of someone with "serious mental health issues."

The book is scheduled to be released July 3. The Associated Press purchased a copy Tuesday.

Baez repeats the allegations of sexual abuse in greater detail in the book, saying it contributed to Anthony's mental health issues.

I can already feel my bp going up. Can't George sue him for continuing this lie? I can't stand JB. Why doesn't he just admit she killed Caylee and he as a defense attorney had to defend her. He'd probably sell a lot more books if he told the truth for just once!!!
I will try to search later, but IIRC Kiomarie told investigators that Casey buried pets back on the Suburban drive property?
I don't recall what Lee said about it, and would not find it credible whatever he said.... they all lied so much that trying to keep their statements straight would make one dizzy.

I remember Kio mentioning that also - and no - Lee didn't mention it - but I assumed Kio meant the little hamsters, mice etc., that kids seem to want to hold a funeral for and most parents want to just quietly dispose. I didn't think she met a dog or a cat...did you?

My girls used to have thise long tedious funerals for every hamster (and what are those other little thing) that died. The box had to be decorated and a little cloth in there so the rodent would look like it was tucked into bed - it just went on and on...good grief....

Edited to add - haha - I just remembered those larger Eddy's matchboxes were just about right for size and I always had dozens of those stick matches loose in my kitchen drawers because another one bit the dust or got killed by an alpha male....
I guess we will start hearing little tidbits from JB's book now. Maybe they will be called "BREAKING NEWS".


In "Presumed Guilty, Casey Anthony: The Inside Story," Jose Baez said detectives should have realized Casey Anthony had built a "fantasy world," and her lies weren't evidence of guilt but signs of someone with "serious mental health issues."

The book is scheduled to be released July 3. The Associated Press purchased a copy Tuesday.

Baez repeats the allegations of sexual abuse in greater detail in the book, saying it contributed to Anthony's mental health issues.
So these allegations he repeats...are they considered least by legal standards?
That's what gets me.
The DT believes everything that FCA told them to be the truth when everything was really lies, but they think LE should have known her lies were part of her fantasy and not to be believed or even considered.
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