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Hi SOTS!! We are on News Watch!! Pretty exciting news - new something that points at FCA and Baez is shaken.....:fireworks:

We are still guessing - what do you think it could be?????

Well.....the "sleuther" in me says it must be something "juicy and sexy" :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: to be making top billing in the local news. The "logical" part of me says it's an attempt to start drumming up media again to benefit the KC team. WKMG has been JB's "go to" media link.

This "news" really throws a kink in my "to do list". :floorlaugh:
Oh no. She could stand on a street corner and confess because she can't be retried.

C'mon now - even if it's just more "branding" - I'll be happy. Now that I think of it - FCA wanted to develop her brand - maybe this is Karma handing it to her on a platter!!!

And maybe it wll be enough for Momsie to tighten the purse strings and throw away the key...
This is new evidence that links to FCA? Unless it’s a video of FCA committing this crime what other evidence could there be. Wouldn't new evidence be a reason for a retial?

Oh no. She could stand on a street corner and confess because she can't be retried.

I'm trying to explain to my 16 year old about double jeopardy. She's pizzed. She can't understand why someone found guilty can get a new trial but someone found not guilty can't be retried. Reminds me of the Henry Fonda movie about some landmark case..can't remember which case (maybe the miranda one?) where he thought his sentence would be overturned but turned out he would just get a new trial. He thought it would be double jeopardy. Inherit the Wind? was that the movie?

ETA: Nope it was Gideon's Trumpet about the right to counsel.
Well.....the "sleuther" in me says it must be something "juicy and sexy" :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: to be making top billing in the local news. The "logical" part of me says it's an attempt to start drumming up media again to benefit the KC team.

This "news" really throws a kink in my "to do list". :floorlaugh:

I wish (and hope) there is a news clip of Baez looking "shaken" cause he's not really good at faking that sort of thing....

Dunno - I'm thinking more like MM aka Muzikman had a hand in this...
I'm trying to explain to my 16 year old about double jeopardy. She's pizzed. She can't understand why someone found guilty can get a new trial but someone found not guilty can't be retried. Reminds me of the Henry Fonda movie about some landmark case..can't remember which case (maybe the miranda one?) where he thought his sentence would be overturned but turned out he would just get a new trial. He thought it would be double jeopardy. Inherit the Wind? was that the movie?

Well she does have that appeal coming up - maybe they will grant her a new trial on that part.....(ummm - could it work that way?)

I am just running implications through my mind.....:waitasec:
Well.....the "sleuther" in me says it must be something "juicy and sexy" :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: to be making top billing in the local news. The "logical" part of me says it's an attempt to start drumming up media again to benefit the KC team. WKMG has been JB's "go to" media link.

This "news" really throws a kink in my "to do list". :floorlaugh:

Hi SOTS! That's what I thought but did you see what Beach said? She said it's the real deal!!
Yep, that is what I saw from some peeps in FLA, SWEEPS WEEK!! I'm going to keep posted over in twitter, but I am SO SKEPTICAL about this whole thing. Hope I'm wrong, but I guess we'll see.

A News Station, During SWEEPS WEEK, with something that will convince us all of FCA's guilt, and has shaken Baez to the core. Yeah, right. By Piptone. Who was reporting positively for Mason/Baez the whole trial.

Oh well, Oh well, LOLOLOL@!!!!

Maybe Pipitone was a mole!!
Well.....the "sleuther" in me says it must be something "juicy and sexy" :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: to be making top billing in the local news. The "logical" part of me says it's an attempt to start drumming up media again to benefit the KC team. WKMG has been JB's "go to" media link.

This "news" really throws a kink in my "to do list". :floorlaugh:

Totally agree, Pipitone and WKMG has definitely been favorable to JB/Mason during the whole trial. I'll have to wait and see on this, but they are certainly getting the DESIRED EFFECT, aren't they? everyone wondering what this "new evidence" is ..... I'm not holding my breath,

BUT I HOPE I AM WRONG!! not yelling, just emphasis!!!
Something to chew on while we wait. A recent discussion with Jose Baez...

Casey Anthony defense lawyer Jose Baez spoke on how a high profile case can affect a lawyer’s practice. You know, high profile cases are always super awesome. Jose is now getting lots of calls, signing lots of autographs, and trying to recoup his life savings and resolve the foreclosure of his home. His new baby, a baby that was born in a hospital where his wife had to sneak in a back door and use an alias to keep the media and angry mobs away, is doing great.
There was so much evidence presented at trial, I just can’t figure out what it could be. Could it have something to do with all of the A’s lies? Could it be about that photo of Caylee reaching for the sliding glass door? What ever it is, I sure hope it helps to bring down all of those who did wrong by baby Caylee.
I wish (and hope) there is a news clip of Baez looking "shaken" cause he's not really good at faking that sort of thing....

Dunno - I'm thinking more like MM aka Muzikman had a hand in this...

I wonder if they might show that clip in the tease tonight?
Paging AZLAWYER ---- Am I reading this correct? Does this give me reason to hope and get excited if this new information points to a fraud having been committed against the court??

Jeopardy will not attach, even in light of a final judgment, if the earlier trial is proven to be a fraud or scam. In such instances, retrial is allowed and no double jeopardy concerns are raised. In Harry Aleman v. The Honorable Judges of the Circuit Court of Cook County, the Seventh Circuit denied Aleman's petition for habeas corpus and affirmed the lower court's murder charges against him despite a prior acquittal on the same charges.[6] Aleman successfully bribed a Cook County Circuit Judge to acquit him of murder charges in 1977, but a grand jury returned a second indictment against him on the same murder charge in 1993 after evidence of the bribery surfaced. The Seventh Circuit held that the first murder trial against Aleman was a sham, and thus created a situation in which Aleman was never in jeopardy in the first place. As a result, there was no double jeopardy issue and the second murder trial was allowed to proceed.

No. This is nothing like that. No new trial, sorry. :(
Something to chew on while we wait. A recent discussion with Jose Baez...

Casey Anthony defense lawyer Jose Baez spoke on how a high profile case can affect a lawyer’s practice. You know, high profile cases are always super awesome. Jose is now getting lots of calls, signing lots of autographs, and trying to recoup his life savings and resolve the foreclosure of his home. His new baby, a baby that was born in a hospital where his wife had to sneak in a back door and use an alias to keep the media and angry mobs away, is doing great.

Didn't he say he was too stressed/depressed to be excited about that poor baby. Poor in so many ways.
It does matter and it matters a lot.

Especially to Caylee.

Caylee is dead. She's not worried about what new evidence is going to come out. Everyone already knows Casey got away with it, and everyone was angered when she was found innocent. So I'm not sure why some new development during Sweeps week matters to Caylee....I hope she isn't concerned with what's what is happening with her "mother" on Earth.
Here I am...just heard there was breaking news?

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What if...

Baez is sick of the bad rep he got from this case. It's humiliating & hurting him financially. Casey has never been grateful. So he "leaks" info to his buddy TP. Win win. TP ges a big news story. Baez gets a "redo" on his reputation. It'll be spun that the prosecutors blew the case. Missed critical evidence. Baez would never have represented Casey if he'd known... Blah, blah, blah. Casey is even more the villain. Baez is the innocent, now on the "good side".

Just call me cynical.
Gah!!!! This news has me SO CURIOUS! Oh please deity-of-your-choice, please please let it be something undeniably incriminating and somehow also prosecutable (while I'm wishing, I might as well wish big!)

I've also got that "this is gonna be a let-down" feeling...because this whole freaking case has been a I'm not ready to put my heart back on the line just yet...sure hoping, though!
C'mon now - even if it's just more "branding" - I'll be happy. Now that I think of it - FCA wanted to develop her brand - maybe this is Karma handing it to her on a platter!!!

And maybe it wll be enough for Momsie to tighten the purse strings and throw away the key...

Very much agree with your first line - absolutely not the 2nd, sorry.

Cindy could watch a videotape of Casey suffocating Caylee to death and she'd "swear to God" (much like she did under oath when she lied), that the videographer Photoshopped the entire thing. :rolleyes:
I suspect that if JB was in on it - he would have booked himself on every HLH show. He's always reminded me of a side-show carnie - I can't see him letting this pass without a sound bite.

Lets see... JA was recently elected in Mid August and a certain someone reared his head to make an appearance, and, of course, take time to speak to the press. Someone who was described by the FBI as a guy "who knows a lot of things - about a lot of things".
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