I'm having great difficulty pairing NG and HHJP on the same television screen. Although I can't quote any statements from HHJP, I am under the impression that he was far from approving of all of the media hoopla and resented the circus atmosphere it created. It required him to make the change of venue and IIRC he also constructed detailed plans to contain the media in certain areas during the trial.
And let's face it ~ NG is the face of sensationalizing criminal trials. So I am totally baffled as to why HHJP would even consider being a guest on her show in particular. It seems such a counter intuitive move to me.
Kinda like Billy Graham choosing to be interviewed by Howard Stern. I'm not implying good/bad ~ more oil/water. I just don't understand HHJP's motive. What prompts his message and why now? If one disapproves of what someone (NG) is doing ~ then why endorse that as a means to publicize one's own message?
And, yes, HHJP did let us down. He was not perfect and did not live up to his own publicized rules. For example: "12. Counsel shall admonish all persons at the counsel table who make gestures, facial expressions, audible comments, or the like, as manifestations of approval or disapproval during the testimony of a witness, or at any other time. This behavior is strictly prohibited." (
For me, there is no question that some of his rulings made a difference in the outcome of the trial. I think appealable issues may have weighed heavier for him than they should have. I believe it is possible that may have tempered his heretofore strictness to court behavior in favor of presiding over a trial that had no holes for appeal. I felt he was strict with the prosecution but not so much with the defense and Casey.
Does he have regrets? Is that why he's going to the media? And NG ~ of all people? I just plain don't get it at all!!!!!