AmazonRain, I agree with your assessment about LS. I see her as a very cold, calculating, business orientated individual. Someone, who possibly uses other individuals as a stepping stone for her own benefit.
I recall her - in her statements- warning TS to being more cautious, when speaking onstage about traditional medicine, the shortcomings and possibly the pharmaceutical machinery. That shows LS' calculating side, being rather a "coward", than presenting herself in an unfavorable light. She even pointed out TS as a doctor needs to be more careful as opposed to herself, who would still not speak up and watch TS' back!
I do not think she is directly involved, just because she would lose way more than gaining (motive), as far as I can see. However, by influencing TS in a way, that is certainly led with manipulation, I can see how LS was creating "another nail in the coffin", literally and very unfortunately.Anyone with some business sense would (financially) advise against a new "Sievers & Spiska: Where East meets West" entity.
Why TS would choose to level up with a massage therapist (yes, I know that was not all she was doing, but officially, that's exactly what she is licensed for) in even creating the new business name is beyond me. A second venture to just cover the workshops and seminar gigs etc. would have made more sense - that's what I first thought it was-, than committing in an entire new business concept. Adding to it a very persuasive LS, who may have talked TS into letting go of first FP, then SH and possibly MS?
And that's another sore point: FP. He claimed openly during his interview he did not steal/used any drugs from TS' office, when being asked. I am wondering who told TS otherwise? We either believe FP in this regard or we would have to assume, that someone else stole/used medication (?), or it was made up (by who?). (How much medication was stolen? When? For how long? FP was there for 5 y, why would he all of a sudden steal medication?)
So again, I cannot see enough motive of LS at this point, unless there is additional undisclosed information. Is she an manipulator. Yes, I think so. She created a possibly very dangerous situation for TS not knowing - or did she? - that TS was possibly getting ready to splitting ways with MS/ divorcing MS/ taking the kids away.
I am also wondering at this point, if LS was truthful about her relationship with TS. Business only? Could it be we are looking at not 1, but possibly 2 husbands, who were on the verge of 'losing' their wifes by separation and divorce? I am aware this is a rhetorical question, since we cannot sleuth LS' husband. But I thought it was okay opining on it.