Similarities to other Cases. Melinda Duckett, Diane Downs and more

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Jessie Davis and Bobby Cutts.

Yes, that was the pg young lady murdered while her son was in the house and they just left the baby, I think he was 18months or so, alone.

But you know...Bobby confessed...and I don't believe he is a sociopath.

BTW, logicgirl, I looked up The Bad Seed on would give me nightmares...

It will be interesting to see how KC does as we get closer to trial
I can't remember how young I was when I read "The Bad Seed" but I was young enough to believe all people were born inherently good, and it was the circumstances in their lives that turned them into ugly beings who committed these terrible crimes, and it was the question "why" that haunted me.

What was it that happened that was so terrible that one person would kill another and in many situations, so cruelly?

I'm afraid I no longer believe that, which may just signify my age. It isn't cynicism that caused this belief swing, but just too many horrific cases with no answers. I think I'm just resigned to understanding evil and now I ask "how", and accept I will never understand and be able to justify the "why" in my mind.

Sorry for the OT but my heart is heavy today with another terrible, terrible death of a child at the hands of his mother and step-father in the news. What have we become?
I can't remember how young I was when I read "The Bad Seed" but I was young enough to believe all people were born inherently good, and it was the circumstances in their lives that turned them into ugly beings who committed these terrible crimes, and it was the question "why" that haunted me.

What was it that happened that was so terrible that one person would kill another and in many situations, so cruelly?

I'm afraid I no longer believe that, which may just signify my age. It isn't cynicism that caused this belief swing, but just too many horrific cases with no answers. I think I'm just resigned to understanding evil and now I ask "how", and accept I will never understand and be able to justify the "why" in my mind.

Sorry for the OT but my heart is heavy today with another terrible, terrible death of a child at the hands of his mother and step-father in the news. What have we become?


Logicalgirl I also heard about this terrible & horrendous crime if it is the same one. (Mom fought to get custody?) Oh my heart aches for how badly that this poor child suffered that I began to cry. I just am now getting to the point where I'm afraid to even turn the news on anymore.

Indeed exactly what have we become?

My DH tells me each and every day that "they're out there" sweetheart. It is to the point that even though I am trained in tae kwon do as well as self defense dh is afraid when I am out alone at night etc. Even given the fact that we live the simple, small town country life. No person is safe. Especially not even our children, nor the innocent children of these violent sociopaths & psychopaths!

How disheartening!!! :furious::furious::furious:
I was watching the show "Snapped" on Oxygen last nite...the episodes of Snapped are dedicated to female killers. The episode I watched profiled Susan Grund...she was pregnant with another man's child when she met her 4th husband, the late Jimmy Grund, whom she is convicted of murdering. She claimed, after two relatives came forward in her case to give information against her to the police (her sister and her own mother--interesting), that she was carrying on an affair with her stepson (which he vehemently denied in open court) and that it was the stepson who killed his own father, her latest husband.

There are more things against her...she lost custody, briefly of one of her own children from a prior marriage because of continuous physical abuse of another husband's child...

Anyway, she also, in some ways...reminds me of KC. Interesting case. Especially, when you factor in the fact that her greatest detractors were her own mother and sister.
I can't remember how young I was when I read "The Bad Seed" but I was young enough to believe all people were born inherently good, and it was the circumstances in their lives that turned them into ugly beings who committed these terrible crimes, and it was the question "why" that haunted me.

What was it that happened that was so terrible that one person would kill another and in many situations, so cruelly?

I'm afraid I no longer believe that, which may just signify my age. It isn't cynicism that caused this belief swing, but just too many horrific cases with no answers. I think I'm just resigned to understanding evil and now I ask "how", and accept I will never understand and be able to justify the "why" in my mind.

Sorry for the OT but my heart is heavy today with another terrible, terrible death of a child at the hands of his mother and step-father in the news. What have we become?

No, this was Ethan Stacey, the 4 year old little boy in Utah, whose father had custody. He had arrived 10 days earlier to spend the summer with his mother. His mother and step father are being held and I think formal charges will come after the autopsy. It an especially brutal crime that included disfiguring the child to avoid identification...I just can't say anymore because it is too terrible, and of course the poor father is beyond devastated.

What struck me when I first saw the news article, were the pictures listed first before I read it. The mother looks much like Casey, but blonde - in other words, a healthy normal looking wasp. Heartbreaking and horrific.
Thanks for posting the episode. It was powerful.

It's creepy how these child killers want to continue having children. I did not know that DD had another child. Was it Susan Smith that got pregnant by a C/O? That's what I fear for KC. These children were replaced like puppies to try and make the perps look better. Just like they said in the episode. DD thought she could garner sympathy.

I have no doubt that if given the chance, KC would try to get pregnant. It was reported early on in either the globe or NE that Ricardo said KC was trying to get pregnant again.
I considered the source and shrugged it off, but now that we have these jail house letters, it is very apparent that KC would want to get pregnant again and/or adopt.

Hey Cookie... lets try to get pregnant together. It makes me want to vomit. God forbid she procreates again. She is a danger to others, especially children.
And Reagan, I definitely got the impression ICA was saying to Robin in so many words - too bad you miss your kids, because I miss Cays, but never mind, let's get pregnant and we can have another one to replace them. Then you won't be upset about your kids anymore because you'll have another one. so they won't matter.
I can't remember how young I was when I read "The Bad Seed" but I was young enough to believe all people were born inherently good, and it was the circumstances in their lives that turned them into ugly beings who committed these terrible crimes, and it was the question "why" that haunted me.

What was it that happened that was so terrible that one person would kill another and in many situations, so cruelly?

I'm afraid I no longer believe that, which may just signify my age. It isn't cynicism that caused this belief swing, but just too many horrific cases with no answers. I think I'm just resigned to understanding evil and now I ask "how", and accept I will never understand and be able to justify the "why" in my mind.

Sorry for the OT but my heart is heavy today with another terrible, terrible death of a child at the hands of his mother and step-father in the news. What have we become?

Yes LG the Utah case is surely more than horror, and words cannot describe the tragedy of it all! It is becoming to frighteningly familiar day after day. And why do these mothers allow other men to hurt their children???!!!!

O/T You know it is interesting because when I was reading through some of Casey's letters the other night so many of them struck me she seems to just ramble on by and never quite focus specifically on much unless or until it comes to her "fantasies" of life once she is again a free woman. It seems that she also doesn't spend much time towards any other one subject either, unless directed at herself. I also notice that she still does somehow manage to blame all of her current problems on anyone and everyone but herself, yet attempts to feign decency by forgiving the offenders. :banghead:

After reading your post above I did go back and reread two of her other notes and did notice what you'd pointed out earlier. Casey simply is void of empathy or any kind of emotion when it comes to Caylee, or anyone else for that matter except for herself. Robin thought at first, I believe that she was making a genuine connection and had no idea what she was dealing with, re:ICA. LG you are right on the money though in terms of her detachment from Caylee. For Casey it is all about the big "speakeasy". Just words and talk for her, all empty though & void of emotion.

Casey truly strikes me as much like Diane Downs in her total lack of empathy and the void of emotion. She's also quite the yarn spinner, and if history tells us anything it does seem like many of these moms who've murdered their children make up and fake some pretty good whoppers.

I often wonder if Casey hadn't gotten an attorney quite so quickly and the press had gotten to her what her responses may have been like? I suppose CA is as close as we will get. When I look back @ some of Cindy's interviews, statements etc. it is almost as if I am listening to ICA herself!
I think I have had waaay to much time while I have been sick..but watch Diane in the interviews in the above link...


If you dare...

watch this one of CA

not making conclusions here...just saying...

Thanks for the links. They (KC & DD) really are similar.
The smiling, laughing, always looking at the camera to make sure the camera is focused on them.

And Cindy-
My God- she NEVER shuts up!
Always trying to justify everything.

She goes on and on about how she/they were victims once more when the bigger picture is that they wanted the brush & toothbrush for DNA to match the hair with the death band.
They wanted these things because there was human decomposition in the trunk of their car!

What is more serious or important than that!?
How can she stand there and talk on and on to a reporter about such nonsense when you have that knowledge in your brain?
How does she even have the strength to stand?

She was more worried about some man who she claimed they tried to help but was profiting off of Caylee.
Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black!?

This family shakes me to my core. They sicken me.

Edited to add:
The Dr. in the 20/20 special did say that personality disorders can be inherited.
If they just showed the jury the above tape of CA they would see that her daughter took after her.
And then took it to the next level.
I was just watching this video:

[ame=""]YouTube - ‪Melinda Eubank Duckett Interview part one Venetian Gardens‬‏[/ame]

It's an interview with Melinda Duckett after her little boy went missing (she was suspected, and a little bit after another interview with Nancy Grace she committed suicide -- Trenton, the little boy, has never been found).

Is it just me, or does this remind anyone else of Casey and the way she acted during interviews? Inappropriate emotion, dodging questions, etc.. it just feels eerily similar.
I've never seen that Nancy Grace suicide interview with this Duckett scum. Anyone have a link ? I can't find it on YouTube
I had posted a link to the transcript, but WS wouldn't let me post it (it blocked the link). I've never seen the video, but the transcript was pretty telling.
The Trenton case was very near to me. Remember when a worker from the Wendy’s in Belleview came forward and took a LDT that she saw Trenton and Melinda at her drive thru window the last day he was seen and it was right across the street from where her boyfriend worked?

That is my Wendy’s and whenever I drive thru or by it I think about Trenton.

Melinda, like ICA was quite a piece of work. Very different in that I cannot ever see ICA committing suicide.
Wow, huge similarities here!

Particularly telling for me was the part where she says she's certain he will be found and is shaking her head NO.

Me, me, me, me.....just like ICA.
I personally always believed that Melinda was just on the verge of confession. Poor Trenton, I think of him so often.
she did a better job of hiding the body!
and saved Fl tax payers a heap.
Casey Anthony DID NOT report HER child missing - ever - her mother Cindy did a month later. Casey Anthony went on with her life as though Caylee never existed.

Casey DID NOT have to fight for custody of her child nor pay over $16,000 for attorneys and tests to keep Caylee.

Casey DID NOT have to battle false allegations called into DCF of child abuse by her husband or mother in law. Caylee's father was conveniently out of the picture - not even identified nor his family.

So don't even go there.

Instead go here:

You might want to read "Trenton Duckett Sighting"

You might want to read "Who Took Trenton Duckett?" part one and two.

You might want to read "The Liar"

You might want to read "Josh Duckett's Other Son"

And less we forget, The Naked Truth About the *advertiser censored*. (Yup Josh is in it).

You might want to go the the uTube "Inquistion of Melinda Duckett" the last 15 minutes of Leesburg Police interviewing her (the DVD was over 2 1/2 hours long couldn't download it to uTube).

There's FDLE public records that show the shotgun magazine clip was jammed and had to be manually loaded TWICE.

There's another FDLE public record I didn't post yet that shows there were NO fingerprints on the gun that killed her, however there WAS a palm print on her own shotgun that laid on the floorboard of the back seat of her car - loaded.

Make all the comparisons you want. But get informed first.
Casey Anthony reminds me of Diane Downs and think she is the closest analog to her. Casey Anthony also reminds me of Kayla Narey and Lori Drew because both are narcissistic.
Casey Anthony DID NOT report HER child missing - ever - her mother Cindy did a month later. Casey Anthony went on with her life as though Caylee never existed.

Casey DID NOT have to fight for custody of her child nor pay over $16,000 for attorneys and tests to keep Caylee.

Casey DID NOT have to battle false allegations called into DCF of child abuse by her husband or mother in law. Caylee's father was conveniently out of the picture - not even identified nor his family.

So don't even go there.

Instead go here:

You might want to read "Trenton Duckett Sighting"

You might want to read "Who Took Trenton Duckett?" part one and two.

You might want to read "The Liar"

You might want to read "Josh Duckett's Other Son"

And less we forget, The Naked Truth About the *advertiser censored*. (Yup Josh is in it).

You might want to go the the uTube "Inquistion of Melinda Duckett" the last 15 minutes of Leesburg Police interviewing her (the DVD was over 2 1/2 hours long couldn't download it to uTube).

There's FDLE public records that show the shotgun magazine clip was jammed and had to be manually loaded TWICE.

There's another FDLE public record I didn't post yet that shows there were NO fingerprints on the gun that killed her, however there WAS a palm print on her own shotgun that laid on the floorboard of the back seat of her car - loaded.

Make all the comparisons you want. But get informed first.

Allllllllriiiiiiiightttty then.
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