Skeletal Remains of Child Found Near Anthony Home 12-11-2008 #2

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Jose probably will be allowed to have his own "Expert" present during the examination of the remains but if he thinks a Judge is going to order LE to halt their investigation he is really out of his mind.

Until it is tested they can't be positive (wink, wink) so CA has no say so over it right?
I'm not sure if my last post went through...each page is taking over 5 mins to load, so sorry if this is half a double post.

Firstly this discovery shows that when chris S texted her and said he thought he saw her jogging and she denied it was her, that she had just finished dumping Caylee like a piece of trash. :( :( :(
Alot of people said the records showed he didnt text her on that day, but it shows up the day before or after the date he stated, and I remember looking at the pings for that time and it showed she could have been in that area.

Its obviously why she was trying to spend more time with him after the text, and why she tried to call him after her arrest. I always suspected that he knew about something pertaining to the case, even without consciously knowing it.

Secondly its interesting that the site is almost exactly half way between the A's and lees house., and is at the intersection of suburban dr where she ran out of gas, and where the boys discovered the rope with something attatched.I believe its her clothing that they found there.

And that stupid menu thing we heard about in the vids, and her talking about her new exercise regime- What? Is dumping the child you killed, like the newest exercise fad?
[insert a few expletetives here].

I want to ask that people, even those with really strong fellings toward the A's, to please show as much respect for them as you can muster. Not forever....just for now. Theres plenty of time later to voice your disgust. Now just isnt that time (unless you are just as souless as KC)

No matter what has happened they have just heard the most soul destroying news that they will never see Caylee again. The positive side to this is that they will be able to move into a normal grieving state now, and hopefully one day feel that they have some closure.Instead of the nightmare of never knowing.

This black trash bag- I'm thinking it was one of the ones GA mentioned was in his shed.
And the reports I've heard are that the tape was around the bag, not the mouth of the scull.

And why are we hearing about just a skull? I cannot bear to think that her remains were scattered over different areas, and what that would mean, since the bag appears intact and not scavenged by animals.

Although we knew this would come eventually, its no less of a shock. It was the first thing I saw when I woke up thismorning, and I was a mess. Even I had to take some xanax. I cannot imagine how the A family is feeling right now. I hope they are being well looked after by professionals, and their friends and family.

Normally I hate guys that stop to relieve themselves by the side of the road, (its so disgusting) but I love this man....and will be forever greatful that he relieved himself in that exact spot. And on the day of pre-trial. Talk about timing.
Looks like DP is gonna be back on the table now. Although I personally would prefer her to suffer in prison for the rest of her life. She has spent her life in a fantasy land and now this is as 'real' as it gets.

'She's close to home dad'- Yeah kc she was. But how would you know that if zanny took her ?[insert more expletetives]

I've lit 3 little teddy bear candles for caylee (which were given to me after my mutiple miscarriages) so they are burning bright for her today. I've also lit a candle for the A's, and am sending up some prayers for them.

Now caylee will finally be able to rest in peace.
Finally im in,probably long enough to make this post but i also heard that JB has already filed a motion to keep them from examining the remains. Can anyone update? Do we know anything at this point?

Thank you

I'm now hearing that he wants an independent expert there or some kind of kaka.

What a dumb poo poo head.
They said the FBI would not allow Baez to have experts present in their lab for the autopsy and examination. She is to be flown to Quantico.
watching locally. The A's were taken off their plane from LA, down a set of stairs that run beside the gateway, and taken away in a private van.

JB or his spokespeople may make a statement later today/this eve.

Not sure if this was posted earlier, can't check - sources close to OSCO have confirmed to NBC and local WESH 2 News that duct tape was found over the mouth of the skeleton. I have no confirmation of this (obviously), only reporting what I'm hearing on the local news.

TM on the scene now.

Assuming the tape was put on before the skin decomposed how would the tape now be stuck to the skull? Either there is enough flesh, tissue left or the tape was wrapped completely around the head. If the skin were to decompose off wouldnt the tape come off too?
This is the area that the TV stations are reporting that the body was found, which is incorrect.


From all the footage, this is the area the remains were located.

Jose probably will be allowed to have his own "Expert" present during the examination of the remains but if he thinks a Judge is going to order LE to halt their investigation he is really out of his mind.


Did he say he would be asking LE to halt their investigation????
TinPan, you are correct. CA has no rights for remains that no one knows who it is. Nor would she once they do know, the remains are evidence in a homicide. Until all testing is done, the family has no rights to demand anything be done. The family will receive the remains for burial when all LE are finished.

The emergency Motion JB wants filed is to PRESERVE evidence. That means, not to use up all that may be found in LE tests, and have enough left for defense tests to be done.
I got home this afternoon at around 3:30, full day of classes, no sooner did I get thru my door and my phone began ringing. It was my son, he lives 20 mins from me, no hello, in an extremely "out of character" shaken & upset voice, said, "Mom, they found her! They found her!" I fell to my knees at that very moment and I cried.
Oh, our poor baby Caylee.

I am relieved she was found--what a stroke of serendipity.

Re: Casey's "panic attacks"
I bet she is trying to get mommy and daddy to rush to her side. This is all a show - is she really scared and having a panic attack because she is guilty or is she trying to play the part of distraught mother?
I don't want to give her that much credit. I think it's far more likely that she doesn't like that the attention is deflected from HER. Last night, Mommy and Daddy put on another act of the Casey is Innocent Show.

Today, Caylee is once again stealing her thunder.

Casey doesn't like that.

Evil b!tch. I am diametrically opposed to the death penalty; it runs counter to everything I believe. But my beliefs are being sorely tested today.

One last thought (Lord knows when I'll get on again!): I don't think anyone moved the body here late in the game; I think it's too close to home for that. I think that it's just eluded detection by dumb luck and bad weather.

My 12-year-old was home sick today. Poor kid--his mom spent the whole day grasping at him just to hold him. How does a mother--how does anyone--do that to a sweet child?! A garbage bag?!

My son was so sad when he said, "All she had to do was ask, and someone would have been happy to raise Caylee."

I would have. In a heartbeat.

She deserved so much better.
They said the FBI would not allow Baez to have experts present in their lab for the autopsy and examination. She is to be flown to Quantico.

Until she is positively IDed Baez and his experts have zero right to be present. This could be someone elses child. Seems to me Baez is pretty confident that DNA is going to come back as Caylee's if he wants to be there so badly. Why doesn't he just ask the state to reconsider their death penalty decision. He has done more to proclaim her guilt than anyone in the case.
I have a feeling, and I've had this feeling for a long time, that another Anthony is going to be arrested.

I think George, at the very least, has known that Caylee was dead since the afternoon of June 24th. At the very worst he assisted Casey in disposing of the body.

The Police Report he filed about the stolen gas cans is a crock of BS & I also think it was GA that gave KC a ride from her house to the amscott on the morning of June 27th.
So they are saying.. that they will test to see how long the bag has been sitting there. They suspect it may have been placed there by a 2nd party - if testing shows this was done while Casey was in jail.. dun dun dun . .. it obviously wasnt Casey.

Where was Caylee killed?
Who took part in it?
Was the person who put the bag there also a part of her murder?
Did Casey give secret info to someone about where Caylee's bones were and then they moved to the woods to be found?
Was she always buried there and the rain water finally washed the bag up?

What what whattttttttttttt???? Argh.
TinPan, you are correct. CA has no rights for remains that no one knows who it is. Nor would she once they do know, the remains are evidence in a homicide. Until all testing is done, the family has no rights to demand anything be done. The family will receive the remains for burial when all LE are finished.

The emergency Motion JB wants filed is to PRESERVE evidence. That means, not to use up all that may be found in LE tests, and have enough left for defense tests to be done.

You are correct and that is a very normal request. Actually I am happy he is requesting this. Anything that will help seal her fate and put her away.

Bless your soul sweet Caylee. You trusted your Mama and she should rot in hell for what she has done to you and her whole family.:furious:
Does anyone know if the location of poor Caylee relates to her comment during her Jailhouse visit with Lee "on the bottom left hand side of town"?
Anthony spokesperson says C and G believe it is Caylee and are torn up.
I want to ask that people, even those with really strong fellings toward the A's, to please show as much respect for them as you can muster. Not forever....just for now. Theres plenty of time later to voice your disgust. Now just isnt that time (unless you are just as souless as KC)

I've lit 3 little teddy bear candles for caylee (which were given to me after my mutiple miscarriages) so they are burning bright for her today. I've also lit a candle for the A's, and am sending up some prayers for them.

Now caylee will finally be able to rest in peace.

Snipped. Great post!
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