Skinner - Verified Friend of Mark Sievers - Q & A thread

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Finally after checking that I WAS in the correct thread (...) I am re-posting my comment I deleted before:

Welcome "Skinner", flying through this thread a I see is the same kind of theorizing we are all doing.

However, there are some mistakes in your thoughts. It does not take 10 minutes from the airport back to Jarvis Rd in Bonita Springs, under no circumstances. Also, what flight would she have taken to be home at 11.30pm? Please elaborate. Or did Dr S call from home? Do you know?

I like to hear more about the personality of your friend: What kind of a person is he? Did you ever see him arguing with anyone? His wife? Why did he not once speak in public since the crime and way before the latest developments unraveled? Isn't it normal to address the public and ask for help? Did he have a gambling problem? Did he smoke? Do you think in general it is alright to play frisbee with minor children on a roof, whether your friend actually did this on more than one occasion or not?

These are the kind of questions I like to address. Perhaps you can give us a general idea about your friend's personality?

Yes, I am local and I have met your friend.

Thanks for joining us!

Hi Skinner and welcome to Websleuths :)

First, thank you for your eloquent, heartfelt post explaining your theory of how things may have transpired. Obviously, you think highly of Mark and my heart breaks for all of TS and MS's friends and loved ones having to deal with any of this right now.

I don't even have words to properly express my gratitude for you choosing to dive into this discussion for the purpose of enlightening us so that we can be more informed. Considering some of the opinions expressed here, I know that wasn't an easy choice. Mad respect, my friend. Mark is a lucky, lucky man to have such a loyal, trusting friend. And God knows, he needs one right now. Bless you!

That said, my issue regards Bessie's post I quoted below, particularly the portion I emphasized.

Expounding further:
The house was broken into. There is firm evidence of that, including photographs. It's the 5 hours, I can't reconcile. Teresa returns to her home that had been broken into and unexpectedly discovered WW and JR in her home, I just can't wrap my head around it taking 5 hours. I simply can't reconcile the time lapse on many levels. That she didn't immediately notify police of the obvious break in. Even if you consider she didn't notice it, she was still bound to have had questions about not only why they were in her home without prior consent, questions about why the alarm system faulted, etc... I'm wondering if the first thing they did was take her cell phone and disable the landline (considering they have one, I can't recall that). Even though she knew and possibly trusted WW, discovering him there with another man unknown to her,...well, at the very least, she would have called Mark immediately, don't you think? And wouldn't he have ripped WW a new one and have a LOT of questions? eta: Considering she would have notified Mark, would he have allowed WW to stay and attend her memorial service??? Even if she was unable to notify Mark (phone confiscated) Mark would have had to have known he was at the very least in Florida since he stayed to attend the memorial service. All of it is mind boggling and just leads to more questions...

Thanks again for your willingness to take on our questions.

(Admin note: Don't hesitate for a second to click on the little triangle at the bottom left of each post if you see anyone being rude to you personally. It will not be tolerated. When you click that icon, a message box will appear where you can simply type in "Mod please review")

Whether it's murder or robbery gone wrong, they are now lying wait when she walks in, and her phone is immediately taken away via violence. They (if it's two) are not going to do question and answer period with her, right? They, or JR, acts violently immediately. "Sorry, no phone calls allowed".
I have seen some very bright minds writing on here, and I wish to say to you websleuths, hopefully with what I share, and some things that have me scratching my head, that you'll be able to bring light to more things than I can see on some points, and we can truly arrive at a better solution.

A couple of things that we do not know yet. IF the first of these next statements is true, then I think it's very bad for Mark, but when you hear how I handle that point (my own theory), I hope it turns out as I speculate. The second point, is not as damning for MS, but it would seem to weigh badly if it also turns out to be true, but you'll see that even if it is true, it is not necessarily damning for MS.

1) WW was NOT in Florida at the time of the murder.

IF WW was NOT in Florida at the time of the murder, I think Mark is done for. My words seem emphatic, but knowing the facts as you all do as well as my knowing WW and MS like I do, I think if WW stayed behind in Missouri, I don't see a plausible way out for MS. It would seem like nothing less than a hired hit.

2) JR purchased a hammer at the local WalMart in Lee County.

It's not been established that the kid JR (whom I do not know, nor never heard of before) purchased anything at the WalMart. BUT if he did specifically buy a hammer before going to the house, it would seem very bad.

So now, with regard to #1 - I'm not sure what the main objective is for WW, but he knows that the Siever family is up in Connecticut and has something in mind that he wants from MS' house. For whatever reason, wanting company?, he takes the rascal JR with him. The two of them are in the house when TS comes home unexpectedly, because, maybe, MS had said that they were not coming back until Wednesday (two days after the body of TS was found).

TS knows WW so when she comes home, WW is caught by TS and WW is in a very bad panic, for whatever they were stealing. JR, as we have come to find out, cannot be discovered as having left Missouri while on parole, and he is freaking out, telling WW, "Dude, I cannot, and will not, go back to jail!" Of course, both men know that they are in a horrible dilemma. WW who is now found to be doing a crime against MS, but only wanted something in particular, and the rascal JR's dilemma is he absolutely cannot be caught and turned in, because without question he goes back to jail.

So now an argument ensues. Wayne absolutely does not, and will not allow JR to kill her. He knows and even might like TS, but this is way over the top for him. He got caught red-handed by the wife of his very best friend. What to do?

The argument and heart attack in both is going on and on for 5 hours. Finally, tired, exhausted, Wayne sits down, or looks over at something, walks away from the specific scene, and JR does what he knows has to be done and strikes at her and Wayne is heart sick, but watched the kid JR do the bad deed.

Somebody said they saw a vehicle on the driveway and a guy with eye glasses?

I don't know where that is reported, but I certainly hope that is the case. It helps me to substantiate that WW was actually there.

Regarding the hammer. Somebody reported that he likes to keep one at his side constantly, like some people have sidearms and others carry knives in their pockets? And also, the hammer could have been necessary to break in the door to gain entrance to the house. So having the hammer was not initially for the murder, but then got used for it, if that does become factual that he bought one at Walmart.

One does not need to wear a jumpsuit for a burglary. Dark clothes and perhaps a mask would do it. The bloody jumpsuit, that was located by LE, is the smoking gun in this entire case- for now.

Hi Skinner, welcome and thanks for offering to answer questions.

Can you verify that Teresa called her husband from the airport and not from their home? I don't understand why anyone would call their husband from the airport, to say they were "home" safe - usually a call to say you got home safely, means you are actually home. A call from the airport, just means that the plane didn't crash (in which case, it would have been all over the news anyway).

If people care about you, they want to make sure you make it home, not just to the airport or wherever (I understand it was her calling him, so he may not have had much choice in the matter).

Yes, I can verify that she called from the airport.
Thanks for welcoming me, Tricia, and I enjoyed talking with you on the phone, too.

<heavy breath>

I have read through all of the posts on here, several hundred (6 separate thread full), and would like to clarify some things. Let me start by saying that I'm very hopeful and fairly confident that Mark is innocent, completely, of any wrong-doing.

But if it turns out badly, I will be very saddened, and shocked.

Before I state some clarifications, when discussing crimes and sins, I always preface discussions with the words of Jesus Christ who said, "Nobody is good, but God alone.” Luke 18:19; and as Jesus said to His own disciples, “If you, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more with your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask of Him?” Luke 11:13

Any of us, all humanity, is capable of doing the worst crimes/sins, given the right type of circumstances and pressure.

So with that background, I will tell you that I am almost 100% certain that Mark is innocent.

I could write a very long post here, but do not intend to. I will begin by simply showing some logic from things I have read on here, and help make sense of it from a simply "common user" viewpoint. Meaning, that even if I was not Mark's buddy, people should be able to see what I am about to illustrate.

1) TS gets back from Connecticut at 11:30 p.m. and calls her husband to let him know she arrived there safely. Takes her car from the airport parking to go home. Take 10 to 15 minutes to get home, so she is there by, or before midnight.

2) Two different neighbors testify, one to hearing a shrill scream (approximately 4:30 a.m. to 5:30 a.m.), the other heard loud arguing.

Conclusion: Highly unlikely that a hitman, or hitmen, were there to do a job.

You do not stand around talking to your victim for almost 5 hours. Right? You do it and flee.

The argument against this would be that the hitman, or hitmen, wanted to cause her a LOT of pain and suffering.

As I do not have any more evidence than you regarding this case (except for a couple of things), I think it highly unlikely to be an assigned hit.

Next post coming in just a minute.

Without revealing it here, do you have personal knowledge about Dr Teresa Siever's COD (Cause Of Death)?

However, there are some mistakes in your thoughts. It does not take 10 minutes from the airport back to Jarvis Rd in Bonita Springs, under no circumstances. Also, what flight would she have taken to be home at 11.30pm?

Nin, mistakes, plural? I do not know how long it takes, to get home from the airport. I do not know the layout of the city there. How many minutes does it take?

If it takes 2 hours to get home from the airport, how does that change anything in what I theorized?
Whether it's murder or robbery gone wrong, they are now lying wait when she walks in, and her phone is immediately taken away via violence. They (if it's two) are not going to do question and answer period with her, right? They, or JR, acts violently immediately. "Sorry, no phone calls allowed".

Thank you :)

Re. "They, or JR, acts violently immediately" That is kind of my point, why 5 hours?

Also, do you know when Mark was made aware that WW was in Florida? I know WW attended the memorial service.
Admin note:

Do not address, quote and/or pose questions directed to other members in this thread. It is a dedicated thread for Skinner to answer questions and share insight regarding his friend.
Nin, mistakes, plural? I do not know how long it takes, to get home from the airport. I do not know the layout of the city there. How many minutes does it take?

If it takes 2 hours to get home from the airport, how does that change anything in what I theorized?

Welcome Skinner,

We are grateful or your courage to join in the discussion, and appreciate the insight you are sharing.

RE: TS drive home, it should only have taken 20 minutes to get home from the airport.

Can you share more about the relationship between TS and MS?
Skinner, I apologize but I can't read and catch every post before you're replying. Otherwise, I would have already edited out portions that are not related to solving Teresa's murder. Please feel free to ignore and disregard any questions you find too personal and/or offensive.

To members - DO NOT repost the same questions if Skinner has chosen to not address. Doing so will result in a loss of posting privileges. Zero tolerance.
.. I do not know the answer, if it was not murder. But all the history you sleuths have brought up about home addresses in Missouri and Florida, is absolutely nothing to write about, but past history - real estate deals, hopeful profits. But in that history, WW has made countless trips to Florida and could almost be viewed by himself as a trip to the local 7-11, as many times as he has driven down there. ..

He drove to Florida?

Deleted my post as I don't want to violate any suggestions from Beach
Hi again Skinner. When you last spoke to MS a month ago (not knowing what we know now) did he have a suspect in mind? Not saying who of course. Did he suspect anyone from his wife's office excluding WW? Thanks!
Hi Skinner--You mentioned MS was heartbroken over this,but did you get a sense of outrage and anger also?
Nin, mistakes, plural? I do not know how long it takes, to get home from the airport. I do not know the layout of the city there. How many minutes does it take?

If it takes 2 hours to get home from the airport, how does that change anything in what I theorized?

<modsnip>I am utmost sorry that you have to even consider your friend possibly being involved in all that - or hopefully not.

I will ask very direct questions and may sound harsh. On the other hand I would always take you out for a drink and have a good time.

Let's go back to the 11:10pm info about the call. You were saying Dr S called from the airport. Was it RSW(Fort Myers)?

Skinner, I apologize but I can't read and catch every post before you're replying. Otherwise, I would have already edited out portions that are not related to solving Teresa's murder. Please feel free to ignore and disregard any questions you find too personal and/or offensive.

To members - DO NOT repost the same questions if Skinner has chosen to not address. Doing so will result in a loss of posting privileges. Zero tolerance.

Thanks beach, sometimes a comment is being posted while typing a new one. Hard to catch up.

Hi again Skinner. When you last spoke to MS a month ago (not knowing what we know now) did he have a suspect in mind? Not saying who of course. Did he suspect anyone from his wife's office excluding WW? Thanks!

Hey Bobbywoo,

He had no idea of a suspect.
Welcome, Skinner!

I don't know if MS hired the hit through WW and then JR did the deed, or if it was just WW hiring it for some reason, but I still believe it was a hit. It seems unlikely to me that JR would jeopardize a parole violation simply to drive to another state with a buddy to commit a crime unless there was a HUGE payoff for him--big enough to take that gamble. Murder seems like the most likely big ticket item. Burglary, not so much.

Is there any evidence at all that whoever committed this murder was actually in the house when TS arrived home?

Is there a reason to believe it would be impossible for the perp/perps to have entered the house in the early morning hours (i.e. 4-5AM) instead?

Is there irrefutable evidence that the shrill scream and/or shouting are without a doubt related to THAT home on that morning?

Is there an established time of death? It could have been midnight, or it could have been 5AM for all we know, correct?
Welcome Skinner.... sorry for your angst due to MS being a long time friend & the sad event that has us here on this forum. Thanks for being here. I too am 'on the fence' but hoping for the best outcome for MS & his kids.

JMO but this deafening silence on MS's part, and among other family members, could be due to LE strongly requesting from day 1 a 'no talk' or 'no comment' stance due to the amount of evidence found that day---as the Sheriff stated in the beginning. They're saying nothing without actually stating to the press "no comment". AND LE remains silent other than official statements during PCs for good reason, I might add. REMEMBER... the general public, all of us, do not know any facts other than when TS was found that morning & the investigation commenced. We did see LE take obvious evidence from the Jarvis home & the recents arrests.

My problem with WW taking JR to the Siever home to retrieve something is... why would WW, "The Predator", take JR, a dumbass "Snake in the Grass", with him? Not trying to be nasty here, it's just how they appear to me with their criminal past. WW is smart to a point, also described as 'shrewd'. JR is a hot-head with no smarts. I would think WW would only involve JR to do his dirty work At a distance. Again JMO.
That phone call... LE knows when, where & to whom that call was made. We here can only speculate but I wonder IF another family member witnessed that call to MS, heard some of the conversation, maybe even speak with TS as well---the nature of this type of call is usually short so likely TS only spoke with MS.

WW's criminal past
... anything is possible with "2nd chances", etc along with what we're told of TS's compassion for people. What gets me is that she had to have known WW's past so was she talked into this or what? And why would MS find it ok for WW to work in this capacity in their family business? BIG RISK = the nature of WW's employment involved tech access to not only office internal workings but all patient files, etc.
I know you want MS to not be involved (and I do too for the sake of the girls who will be left parentless after all of this).

I just can't think of a scenario where my two friends who live thousands of miles away (hundreds?) come up with a plan to brutally murder my wife in her home and I have no knowldge or prior information this is going to happen.

I can't think of any scenario where he isn't the one who set this in motion.

I posted this more or less to help everyone's sleuthing...

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