SKY Investigates: Ronald and Misty - Audio Calls from Jail

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One interesting thing I picked up from the RC tape with the reporter- Ron is talking about when he was picked up after getting cigarettes from the store and then getting into the car with Misty and the undercover guy. He says the FBI, FDLE and Swat decended on them, put them all in handcuffs. Ron says he told LE they didn't need to put the other guy in handcuffs because he knew he was undercover. And then tells Dana- that that sure enough a guy he knows happened by the store right after the arrest and saw the UC without handcuffs going into the store and getting a soda. My question- since Ron has been locked up since his arrest, how in the heck did he find out about what this friend and what he saw????
Ron says he knew the guy in the car was undercover?? Is this the same UC guy he'd been selling to? I think he's fibbing....
slightly O/T, but does anyone else feel that they now know the opening "paytel commercial" by heart?
One interesting thing I picked up from the RC tape with the reporter- Ron is talking about when he was picked up after getting cigarettes from the store and then getting into the car with Misty and the undercover guy. He says the FBI, FDLE and Swat decended on them, put them all in handcuffs. Ron says he told LE they didn't need to put the other guy in handcuffs because he knew he was undercover. And then tells Dana- that that sure enough a guy he knows happened by the store right after the arrest and saw the UC without handcuffs going into the store and getting a soda. My question- since Ron has been locked up since his arrest, how in the heck did he find out about what this friend and what he saw????

My guess is that stuff was redacted--bet Grandma or Mom told him. Maybe heard it from Katrina who according to Misty had pulled over before the arrest. Wouldn't be surprised if she was still parked there and watching.
I suspect the "snitch" they are worried about in jail is the one outted on NG the other night. It's dumbfounding really... How can this man be in jail and talk so nonchalantly about his skivvies and jewelry yet not make a tear come in regard to HaLeigh ORRRRR Butterbean.

Maybe he isn't pulling up any tears,,,because,,,he gave all he had when le and the tv crews were there...He has done his mourning and back to living his life "only God can judge him now"......He has moved on with his life and I saw this a long,,long,,time ago...
"UNCUT" Dana Interview (1)

Listen to the first call. Ron admits to the drugs and tells Dana not to print what he is saying yet. Ron can't wait for someone to be picked up so he can be his cell buddy. I thought he said it had to do with a truck? :waitasec:I may be getting my calls mixed up. I wonder who got picked up?
Who is this guy Ron wants to join him in jail and how does he know that this guy is getting picked up? Did Ron rat someone out?

Dana also paid him a visit that Wed morning, I can't wait for that jail visit to be released.

I read this article today and wonder if Ron knows these LE? I also wonder if they were ever assigned to the Haleigh Case.

Yeah how did Ron know there was a chase going in in the county?
That is another thing we don't hear on the tapes, the first being anything about Haleigh, and the second, no one mentions Jr going back to Crystal and Marie. Not a word..... from either side.

Since Tn says all he talked about was little Haleigh,,,well,,where is the tape??? I doubt if LE would redact that part of the tape.....I think Tn needs to take a LDT....immediately for all the sidestepping and out right lieing about ole,,,Ronny boy.....and that night Haleigh went missing...I wish NG would have TN on her show tonight and straight up ask her the tuft questions like,,,"why did she send aS OVER TO THE HOUSE really that night....
Yeah how did Ron know there was a chase going in in the county?
maybe he's hanging in the WS scanner thread? seriously tho, for someone who has No one to talk to, he was pretty up to date on current events wasn't he?
maybe he's hanging in the WS scanner thread? seriously tho, for someone who has No one to talk to, he was pretty up to date on current events wasn't he?

Maybe someone might be trying to befriend him by giving info.
That is exactly what is she is doing. The same thing with the "I'm hungry". She is wanting that high caffeine, high sugar diet that she is used to. She is withdrawing on several levels all at once.

She isn't worried about anyone or anything other than herself.

She must not be very addicted because if she had a bad problem unless they're giving her something to get off opiates, she would be in the bathroom or in bed. People who are addicted really badly have fluids coming out of every part of their body and they could go into convulsions. It's dangerous. Actually withdrawing from the fillers is worse on some people.
Maybe she wants goodies from the commissary to trade for pills....
I was thinking maybe since it's such a small town maybe they had to pull other workers when they had the major search. Not that they were in the Investigations Lead. With it being such a small town, some that work for the city may share what they heard down the grapevine..

And I have seen stupider things in my time..

No,,,, I meant torching his truck for the insurance money was stoopid.

You may be on to something. They very well could have been assigned to some leg work on the case.

I'm sorry for the confusion.
I've always thought this was very plausible--either while neither one was there (posted under "Changing of the Guards") or other shared culpability scenario in which they're both there but preoccupied (either arguing, or making up) and so not paying sufficient attention to the children. And even tho neither would make MC responsible IMO, once complicit in a cover-up she's committed a felony and has much to lose herself... or they (RC, TN, eg) may have convinced her she is in it as deep as RC. To this day I think this is most likely what happened and that it either resulted shortly after he left because of something he left w/in reach--or most likely happened before he ever went to work. JMO


I just don't feel that the children got into Ron's drugs. I think that Ron and Misty were fighting and the children being children were getting whinny and getting in the way and aggravating them. I think the children were made to take the pills. I think that Haleigh was given a dose too large because she refused to calm down and go to sleep. Jr. most likely just went right to sleep. Haleigh never woke up. TN and GGMS were called. The plan was devised and put into action. Ron was most likely late for work but showed up. Haleigh was taken away somewhere. I'm just not sure WHO took her away to dispose of her. I'm very suspicious of Ron's Uncle helping in some way. However it happened, I truly believe that TN and GGMS know all about it and are involved up to their eyeballs.
One interesting thing I picked up from the RC tape with the reporter- Ron is talking about when he was picked up after getting cigarettes from the store and then getting into the car with Misty and the undercover guy. He says the FBI, FDLE and Swat decended on them, put them all in handcuffs. Ron says he told LE they didn't need to put the other guy in handcuffs because he knew he was undercover. And then tells Dana- that that sure enough a guy he knows happened by the store right after the arrest and saw the UC without handcuffs going into the store and getting a soda. My question- since Ron has been locked up since his arrest, how in the heck did he find out about what this friend and what he saw????

They don't do it like that, for pete's sake. Ron was guessing, blowing smoke, and/or trying to b/s the reporter. Ron was being held in Flagler County which is where Palm Coast is.

Oh suuuure, Ron.... they met off-site before and after every drug deal, photocopied the $$$ for evidence, installed cameras and mics, etc., etc.,... but the u/c is so stupid that he can't drive to another store to buy a Coke?!

One of us is just plain stupid - Ron, the u/c guy, or me. Wanna do a poll? lol
Since Tn says all he talked about was little Haleigh,,,well,,where is the tape??? I doubt if LE would redact that part of the tape.....I think Tn needs to take a LDT....immediately for all the sidestepping and out right lieing about ole,,,Ronny boy.....and that night Haleigh went missing...I wish NG would have TN on her show tonight and straight up ask her the tuft questions like,,,"why did she send aS OVER TO THE HOUSE really that night....

I think just the opposite, LE told them they were doing this to get info on Haleigh. So I think anything being said about Haleigh is being clipped, played back over and over being compared to past testimony and we will never hear it until the trial. Have we heard from Crystal C. ?, If not, I think their asking her to stay out of it.
No,,,, I meant torching his truck for the insurance money was stoopid.

You may be on to something. They very well could have been assigned to some leg work on the case.

I'm sorry for the confusion.

They may have volunteered on the ground searches, but from everything I've heard & read about the Fletcher case, PCSO jail was very understaffed already.

The bloodhounds and guards called out the first night were Fla DOC road prison guards, iirc. Speaking of which - that was another weird-@ss phrase Ron kept using in that phone call w/Dana. "I'm going to DOC." Most people who have lived here very long would say, "I'm going to Raiford."
There was also proof that the vehicle was not moving and that it was something that someone photoshopped to make it look like it was a moving vehicle.

That is all in the KP mess and I for one, don't believe any part of anything that had to do with KP.

I was answering someone's request about a photo showing Jr.'s shaved head. My post was not about whether or not Crystal had Jr. out of a car seat. I was trying to pen down the date that the photo was taken in order to help find it. We were discussing why his head was shaved and the possibility that it was so he could not be tested for drugs by using his hair.
They don't do it like that, for pete's sake. Ron was guessing, blowing smoke, and/or trying to b/s the reporter. Ron was being held in Flagler County which is where Palm Coast is.

Oh suuuure, Ron.... they met off-site before and after every drug deal, photocopied the $$$ for evidence, installed cameras and mics, etc., etc.,... but the u/c is so stupid that he can't drive to another store to buy a Coke?!

One of us is just plain stupid - Ron, the u/c guy, or me. Wanna do a poll? lol

LFlorida - I don't know about there - but I have seen it with my own eyes here. I have seen them handcuff two or three people - have squads come to move them and make sure they take the 1 or 2 that they really wanted to get in the first cars that show up and then leave with them. Then they make a "scene" about "ok you're lucky that you didn't have anything on you - and your license is valid, yada, yada, yada....we're gonna let you go with a warning this time, but next time you won't be so lucky" and they take the handcuffs off, turn around, have a few laughs and away they go. You KNOW who the uc, snitch, informant, whatever was! Seen it myself....
I was answering someone's request about a photo showing Jr.'s shaved head. My post was not about whether or not Crystal had Jr. out of a car seat. I was trying to pen down the date that the photo was taken in order to help find it. We were discussing why his head was shaved and the possibility that it was so he could not be tested for drugs by using his hair.

Well lone I think I brought that up at the time of the release of that pic...castigated for it. I always thought there was no other reason for RC to shave his head.
That was right after Father's Day, when Ronald had to be taken to court to release Jr to Crystal for her 6-week visitation.
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