Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #17

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What's with Nancy Grace these days? She has profiled the Anthony case for several weeks now. No mention of the autopsy reports being released. I thought for sure she would jump all over that. But no. Not a word. ???

I'm not accusing the family of anything. Unless we've been in that type of situation, we can't really say how we would act. I just really have a few concerns with Taylor's family. Something doesn't add up there. I never bought into the sexual abuse theory by the GP, but the uncle has always rubbed me the wrong way. I strongly feel that if Skyla wasn't there that weekend she'd still be alive but I can't say that for certain about Taylor. IMO

I have wondered the same thing about Nancy Grace from the get go - personally, I think if ever there was a case that would 'get ratings - enrage the public viewing audience - capture the nation's attention, etc' I would think it would be this one - I felt like she sort of held off from her usual attack mode questioning of this case from the start - part of me has wondered if LE had asked her privately not to - I don't know. It has just bothered me seeing night after night of the other case (again, not that I do not deem it important) and hearing nothing about this one. I am hoping and praying we find answers to all of our questions soon. It's a little disheartening to see over 300 people viewing that case and 13 or less viewing this one - it just never not the national attention I would have expected. IMO. Thanks for letting me rant.
My responses in RED

In answer to a separate question... No, I do not know my source personally (as in face-to-face), I was connected to him thru my large OK family who do know him. I live 200 miles away from Weleetka - I am near that area several times a year - so I might meet him soon. I do talk to him, know where he works, can verify who he is, where he lives and what he does for a living. He is giving me info as a FAVOR but he cannot be ID'd publicly - for a couple of reasons, not the least of which is that if YOU lived in the area and had kids and a wife who were sometimes home when you weren't would you want to be giving out information on your less than "upstanding" neighbors - like Mr Patterson and the Kelough, Harris, Southern bunch - publicly on a site like this? To be honest, the whole thing gives me the creeps and I am happy I don't live in the area right now, I can talk freely without worrying about the guys down the road with an armory in their den.

My Source was correct so far about Joe Mosher being at the scene at being at the Pig-Out after. He was correct about who was at the scene and when and what Claudia Farrow saw. I tend to believe he is also correct about what Joe Mosher saw and what Rose Whitaker did (like times, who called who, etc) did that day and also I think he is correct about the Plackers NOT being home when the girls were killed. His timeline seems to line out perfectly.

And finally Joe Rosser isn't exactly a "liar" regarding the case information, he just isn't telling the media/public everything he knows. He said since the beginning that Peter Placker called 911, he never said Peter Placker was the only one who TALKED to 911. My sense is that the OSBI and LE knew a LOT of things they are not inclined to release to the public at this time...I trust they have their reasons.

My Opinion

Thank you so much for answering me. This all seems to make things make more sense.
I would like all of you to know, that I realize sometimes I panic. I believe the reason for this, is I too have small children near there, but they are my grandchildren. I guess I am as panicy as some of the school children's parents.
Thank you for being patient with me.
Frog - you have every right to feel panicy - I can't imagine having any loved ones that close to this situation - I'm just in the same state and I feel that way. And I think you will agree that along with the panic comes impatience - like an earlier post said, we are frustrated that this hasn't been solved yesterday -(yesterday as in wanting it solved quickly). Knowing this person/persons is out there is a terrifying feeling. Don't ever be sorry for feeling how you feel - you wouldn't be human if you felt otherwise. IMO
Frog - you have every right to feel panicy - I can't imagine having any loved ones that close to this situation - I'm just in the same state and I feel that way. And I think you will agree that along with the panic comes impatience - like an earlier post said, we are frustrated that this hasn't been solved yesterday -(yesterday as in wanting it solved quickly). Knowing this person/persons is out there is a terrifying feeling. Don't ever be sorry for feeling how you feel - you wouldn't be human if you felt otherwise. IMO
Thank you and all for understanding. IT's not like my plate wasnt full with my own life, health or lack of, and wanting to get back to work, so the stress was heavy on my shoulders before this happened. This was just an addition I didnt feel strong enough to take in addition to my own, yet something I couldnt ignore.
Thanks again for the understand of others,
Now.... I will try to stay on topic.
Maybe it was Joe. Who in the hell knows anything at this point?! LE sure doesn't seem to have a handle on it.
I am so sick and tired :scream: of hearing non-stop no-news NOTHING in the Caylee case on every channel. Is there a single person on the planet who isn't comatose who doesn't "know" what happened to Caylee, who did it and feel fairly certain that most of that family suffers from some fairly severe mental "issues"? I mean how many shows can Greta wring out of a case where nothing is happening and at least half the family seems to be certifiable? It's like Jerry Springer's worst nightmare, that family and sadly it has probably ended the life of an innocent child...but Caylee is just one of literally thousands of missing children in this country - many of whom have sincere, suffereing families who would give anything to get 2 minutes on Greta or Nancy. It's not that I don't care, but there are OTHER cases people are interested in - I still cannot believe after all this time with crazy Mom in jail and silent and the G-Parents milking the public and the media for all they are worth that I still can't turn on the TV, pick up a magazine without it being all about Caylee - I can't get on WS sometimes because there are 500 people on the Caylee/Casey thread :eek:

I guess I just "think funny" because I have tried and I just can't get caught up in that case at all and yet it has every hallmark of being the Jon-Benet case of the new miilenium.:waitasec:

I am not a Nancy Grace or Greta watcher - I usually try to stay away from their shows because they seem much more tabloid than investigative but I do realize the importance of PR and media in solving crimes and missing person's cases. I would truly like to see Greta at least give a little time to the cases like this one where there is still a Perp walking the streets. Not so urgent in the Caylee case - I'm afraid :(. And sadly all the attention is feeding a very ugly monster - the egos of Casey and her Mother.

Taylor and Skyla cry out for JUSTICE and parents of missing kids cry out for a helping hand - I just cannot stomach the "Caylee- Casey" when I think of Skyla and Taylor.

My Opinion
Maybe it was Joe. Who in the hell knows anything at this point?! LE sure doesn't seem to have a handle on it.

Maybe it was Uncle Joe. I'm sitting here thinking....if I had seen my own flesh and blood laying brutally murdered on the side of the road THAT DAY, would I have had an appetite for food or conversation. Nope. But that's just me. :waitasec:
Letsthink----- Am I mistaken in reading somewhere that, Uncle Joe said he was at work when he heard about the killings and felt sick to his stomach and had to leave work??
Maybe I have him mixed up with someone else....feel free to correct me.

What that was about was when they they released thr 911 tapes he was at work,
i am so sick and tired :scream: Of hearing non-stop no-news nothing in the caylee case on every channel. Is there a single person on the planet who isn't comatose who doesn't "know" what happened to caylee, who did it and feel fairly certain that most of that family suffers from some fairly severe mental "issues"? I mean how many shows can greta wring out of a case where nothing is happening and at least half the family seems to be certifiable? It's like jerry springer's worst nightmare, that family and sadly it has probably ended the life of an innocent child...but caylee is just one of literally thousands of missing children in this country - many of whom have sincere, suffereing families who would give anything to get 2 minutes on greta or nancy. It's not that i don't care, but there are other cases people are interested in - i still cannot believe after all this time with crazy mom in jail and silent and the g-parents milking the public and the media for all they are worth that i still can't turn on the tv, pick up a magazine without it being all about caylee - i can't get on ws sometimes because there are 500 people on the caylee/casey thread :eek:

I guess i just "think funny" because i have tried and i just can't get caught up in that case at all and yet it has every hallmark of being the jon-benet case of the new miilenium.:waitasec:

I am not a nancy grace or greta watcher - i usually try to stay away from their shows because they seem much more tabloid than investigative but i do realize the importance of pr and media in solving crimes and missing person's cases. I would truly like to see greta at least give a little time to the cases like this one where there is still a perp walking the streets. Not so urgent in the caylee case - i'm afraid :(. And sadly all the attention is feeding a very ugly monster - the egos of casey and her mother.

Taylor and skyla cry out for justice and parents of missing kids cry out for a helping hand - i just cannot stomach the "caylee- casey" when i think of skyla and taylor.

My opinion

AMEN Flowerchild !! Your whole post is exactly what I have been thinking & feeling.
Am I mistaken in reading somewhere that, Uncle Joe said he was at work when he heard about the killings and felt sick to his stomach and had to leave work??

If I remember correctly I think he said this after hearing the 911 call that was released to the public. You know I just can't seem to understand why Uncle Joe would want to go sit in an all night cafe and rehash what he had just seen??? I seriously doubt any of the Placker family slept at all that night with the shock and grief of what happened. Personally, I had a loved one murdered and we gathered at my grandma's house until late that night. We didn't even really talk about it among ourselves because of our shock. When I had to go to work the next morning it wasn't something I really wanted to talk about. My boss was my cousins' husband and in fact he had been the one that came to my house to tell my that my uncle had been murdered. Even he and I didn't want to talk about it the next day. But that's just me.

I still don't really think the POI has anything to do with the crime. I'm not doubting that he was on the road and seen by the witnesses but I think he discovered the bodies after the fact and just got the heck out of there.
The above is bolded by me.
This would mean that Joe Mosher had to be the one who called in the POI! Once again I ask, "But why 4 days later!!!!!!!"
This timeline opens alot to me. 5 minutes between when he saw the girls AND THE POI and from when Rose called and they didnt answer!!!!
Something looks really fishy to me... and I really dont believe now that there was a poi!

Oh, and I am almost certain that is a one mile section from the County Line road that runs East and West, just south of the Plackers, which turns back east to Arbeka Cemetary, and to Bryant Road, otherwise known as East 1120 Road on Mapquest. That is just about a 1 mile section.

This is REALLY starting to look stinky to me!
How much can we trust this information that Joe Mosher saw the girls? I thought it was a big secret who called in the poi... unless uncle joe just forgot to mention it until someone called in 4 days later, and he said, "oh yea... I saw that too!" ya right.:waitasec:

Thanks so much for the Timeline!....

Could he have heard of a Indian driving a white truck mentioned at the restaurant the night of the murders?..jmo
AMEN Flowerchild !! Your whole post is exactly what I have been thinking & feeling.

Good Morning GS!

I have to agree with both you and FlowerChild. My heart aches for Caylee Anthony but the media now has become obsessed over this one case. There are so many other cases that need their attention, like this one and nothing really is even happening in Caylee's case now. Until Casey tells what happened to Caylee that case is stalled too.

I couldn't even believe that none of the major news outlets even carried the breaking news and PC concerning the Laurean/Lauterbach case where DA Hudson's intern copied 6,000 pages of criminal documents and 13 CDs with the intent to sell them for astronomical amount of money but lately they rush all the news through so they can return to the Caylee Anthony story.

I am having problems getting onto WS this morning. "Server is too busy"

Hi Ocean..
" I am having problems getting onto WS this morning. "Server is too busy" "

I have not been posting lately because of the same problem. I just give up sometimes. This Anthony case has seemed to taken over the air waves & cyber waves.

FC, thanks. I'm not quoting due to space.

I would "think" if Joe was driving past the girls, he would have at least pulled over and said something like, "Hey, hop in, I'll give you a ride home" or "Hey, I'm heading to your house, I'll see you there!" I don't think an uncle would just drive on by his niece.

Maybe he did, maybe he didn't.
Questions/Theories - just putting it out here for discussion:
1.Did Joe get back into selling drugs because of money problems?
2.Was Joe involved with the Keloughs or Southerns in any way?
3.Did Joe sell drugs to someone (POI) and they felt they got ripped off; followed him, saw him stop to talk to Taylor & Sklya, and then shot the girls?
4.Did Joe have a 5PM drug deal meet at the bridge with the POI and Taylor & Sklya saw it? And then Joe & POI killed them?

Is this info below accurate as far as we know?

Joe Mosher (aka William Lewis Mosher):
·1988-1992 – Joe in prison for possession firearm while committing a felony
·1991 – Joe married Lou Ann Thorp
·1992 – Lou Ann Mosher & Penny Sue Mosher – criminal felony – Distr Cds (Marij) – dismissed against Lou Ann
·1993 – Lou Ann filed protective order (domestic abuse) against Joe
·1996 – Joe married Kathryn Sue Gregg
·1997 – Joe – domestic assault & battery
·1997-1999 – Joe in prison for 2 yrs – Possession of Cds w/Intent/Meth; Maint Dwell House w/Cds is kept
·1999 – Kathryn Sue Mosher – Felony – Unlawful poss of controlled drug
·2001 - Joe married Nelda Jo Dishman
·2008 (filed in July) – Integris Baptist Medical Center vs. William & Nelda Mosher (small claims: indebtedness) - $1,271.11
·William & Nelda live in Norman, OK (Cleveland County) - ~1 hr, 40 min from Weleetka?

Is this Joe Mosher in the background of this pic of Taylor, Peter, Vicky?
Another thing about what Uncle Joe seen or didn't see. If I had just seen my niece minutes before she was brutally murdered and I even thought I had seen the killer just down the road from her, the guilt would just consume me. I wouldn't be able to live with myself thinking "what if ......" I'm not saying he is involved in the crime but maybe he just likes the "attention" of thinking he's important in solving it? I don't know. But his reaction is just strange to me.
"Questions/Theories - just putting it out here for discussion:
1.Did Joe get back into selling drugs because of money problems?
2.Was Joe involved with the Keloughs or Southerns in any way?
3.Did Joe sell drugs to someone (POI) and they felt they got ripped off; followed him, saw him stop to talk to Taylor & Sklya, and then shot the girls?
4.Did Joe have a 5PM drug deal meet at the bridge with the POI and Taylor & Sklya saw it? And then Joe & POI killed them?"

Wow, Cloudajo, you are really on the ball this morning! These are some GREAT questions!
I am so sick and tired :scream: of hearing non-stop no-news NOTHING in the Caylee case on every channel. Is there a single person on the planet who isn't comatose who doesn't "know" what happened to Caylee, who did it and feel fairly certain that most of that family suffers from some fairly severe mental "issues"? I mean how many shows can Greta wring out of a case where nothing is happening and at least half the family seems to be certifiable? It's like Jerry Springer's worst nightmare, that family and sadly it has probably ended the life of an innocent child...but Caylee is just one of literally thousands of missing children in this country - many of whom have sincere, suffereing families who would give anything to get 2 minutes on Greta or Nancy. It's not that I don't care, but there are OTHER cases people are interested in - I still cannot believe after all this time with crazy Mom in jail and silent and the G-Parents milking the public and the media for all they are worth that I still can't turn on the TV, pick up a magazine without it being all about Caylee - I can't get on WS sometimes because there are 500 people on the Caylee/Casey thread :eek:

I guess I just "think funny" because I have tried and I just can't get caught up in that case at all and yet it has every hallmark of being the Jon-Benet case of the new miilenium.:waitasec:

I am not a Nancy Grace or Greta watcher - I usually try to stay away from their shows because they seem much more tabloid than investigative but I do realize the importance of PR and media in solving crimes and missing person's cases. I would truly like to see Greta at least give a little time to the cases like this one where there is still a Perp walking the streets. Not so urgent in the Caylee case - I'm afraid :(. And sadly all the attention is feeding a very ugly monster - the egos of Casey and her Mother.

Taylor and Skyla cry out for JUSTICE and parents of missing kids cry out for a helping hand - I just cannot stomach the "Caylee- Casey" when I think of Skyla and Taylor.

My Opinion


Thank you for so eloquently stating what we are all screaming inside our heads. Enough of Caylee..........we all know who did it, and they're gonna let her free soon. :banghead:
Just Nose'n - thanks for info re 911 call.

C2C - thanks for Pig Out report.
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