Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #2

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I'm going off of What Jessica Brown from OSBI told Nancy Grace. They went back yesterday to see if someone could have hidden in the brush and that they have a good idea what the trajectory is and whether the Perps were in a vehicle and which way they were traveling (if they were in a vehicle).

IMO, OSBI is looking for a place to do a distance shot. That doesn't mean however, that the perps didn't turn around to get out of their vehicle to do an insurance shot.
I went back and reread what she said. You could be right. So it is possible the shooters were in the thicket and came upon the girls there. The car could have come after as a getaway or had been parked after the u-turn facing the other direction already. I wonder if they are thinking across the road initially or from the same area the girls were found?
That's what I get too. Stupid violence. Videogame violence.

I got that video game feeling too. Like having a hard time separating reality from games. Obviously knowing the difference but the urge to see what it's like being stronger than that little voice that says "yeah, this is a bad idea"

SS thank you! I am pretty looney though lol
Both girls were shot with both guns. What does that signify? Isn't that odd?

To me it signifies two shooters who either enjoyed what they were doing (sorry for how sick that sounds) or were so determined to silence the girls that one of them made the final shots "just to make sure". I cannot see one shooter using two guns on two girls especially since neither of the girls ran, it was an ambush style attack by two shooters. I still think the girls saw something or the shooters thought the girls saw something.

EDITED TO ADD: Actually I'm thinking differently now. The more I picture it, I think it was one perp who sprayed them with the semi then used his handgun for the final shots. I"m glad to hear they are dragging the river but if the perp was that armed that means he is either 1) experienced or 2) had already thought out what he would do if someone interupted him or caused him to feel threatened. With those thoughts in mind I doubt he would have dropped the weapons so close to the scene.

Another thought about the cell phone. Some phones are set to beep when a call has been missed and we know the granddaughter missed her granddads phone call. When the grandfather arrived and found the girls he might have located the phone or thought to use it if it due to possible beeping.
Could this be a misprint or a mistake, or do they indeed have a suspect?

The Oklahoman newspaper quoted a police official as saying there was a suspect in the case.
This article was written on the 10th and the Sheriff did say at the time they had a suspect, but the OSBI quickly did a backpedal on that. So it wasn't a mistake from the reporters, but rather a mistake from the Sheriff. Hope that clears it up. :)
Finally caught up reading from last night...thank goodness I don't have much work here at work. Am I the only one thinking that they may think the shooter was up in the trees? I'm also thinking that a) they were thought to have witnessed an execution--killers would have to take that body because it would give more clues as to who they were...or b) and this scares me to write it but I will, that Taylor was the real target. I have nothing to back that up at all...just due to where they were.

Who knows though....I hope these cold blooded killer(s) are caught soon.
Just had a thought. Maybe the car is what the girls saw that they shouldn't have. Maybe the perp(s) had parked the car along the roadside, gone into the woods to do their deed (cook dope, pick up dope, rape, murder, deposit a body, whatever...) and didn't count on two girls walking down the road and being able later to id the car. So the girls walk past where the car is, maybe looking at it curiously, maybe not, and on the walk back the perps are waiting in the bushes, ambush the girls and high tail it out of there. Course you would think if it was a meth lab the car would have been hidden but if it was a dope head in need of a quick fix or a serial rapist/murderer unable to control himself any better (read "in final stages of melt down") then they may have thought they could just leave the car quickly, do the deed, and get away without anyone seeing them or the car.
It would be impossible to shoot under the chin upward from a tree. I don't see it, but you can't tell without the trajectory and blood spatter evidence to go by.
IMO, the girls were dropped with a semi or fully automatic weapon then possibly finished off with an insurance shot to the head.

Full auto weapons are highly, highly illegal to own. (It can be done, but you need lots of money, permits and licenses.) It is extremely difficult to buy one.

Even illegally, they're tough to get. Not only that, they're usually not worth the effort. Semi-auto's are more accurate and much easier to come by.
The grandmother seemed to think they were killed first and then the guns were unloaded into them while laying down. Overkill. It is extremely violent.

The placement of the shots were deliberate and not done hastily, imo. Left arm, right shoulder, legs, under the chin, and in the chest. Skyla was a tiny girl. They had to either be quite close to her or a really good shot from a distance to hit her little legs and arms.

I have to disagree. I think all these shots were done unplanned and quickly. They wanted these angels dead. I think they were shot exactly where they stood and the killers did not care where bullets ended up. As long as both were dead.
Full auto weapons are highly, highly illegal to own. (It can be done, but you need lots of money, permits and licenses.) It is extremely difficult to buy one.

Even illegally, they're tough to get. Not only that, they're usually not worth the effort. Semi-auto's are more accurate and much easier to come by.

I agree. You wouldn't need a fully automatic weapon to do the bullet spray that was inflicted on these girls, a semi would do it. The head shot was most probably a hand gun.
It is possible, S Finch. Maybe they thought the girls saw something on the walk to the bridge then did ambush them on the return trip. Obviously, if that were the case...the girls didn't see anything because they would have used the phone and headed for home immediately instead of going to the bridge.
Good thought. Very good and likely.

Just had a thought. Maybe the car is what the girls saw that they shouldn't have. Maybe the perp(s) had parked the car along the roadside, gone into the woods to do their deed (cook dope, pick up dope, rape, murder, deposit a body, whatever...) and didn't count on two girls walking down the road and being able later to id the car. So the girls walk past where the car is, maybe looking at it curiously, maybe not, and on the walk back the perps are waiting in the bushes, ambush the girls and high tail it out of there. Course you would think if it was a meth lab the car would have been hidden but if it was a dope head in need of a quick fix or a serial rapist/murderer unable to control himself any better (read "in final stages of melt down") then they may have thought they could just leave the car quickly, do the deed, and get away without anyone seeing them or the car.
I agree. You wouldn't need a fully automatic weapon to do the bullet spray that was inflicted on these girls, a semi would do it. The head shot was most probably a hand gun.

Not only that, but Full-Auto's are so very rare.

Semi-auto pistols, rifles and shotguns are very, very common in this country. You can go into any gun store or even a K-Mart and walk out with a semi-auto. Semi-auto pistols can be carried concealed with the proper permits.

Full-Autos require expense licenses, ownership paperwork, background checks and the guns themselves are expensive. Big, big bucks. Not only that, but you literally can not carry a FA weapon, unless it is between your house and a gunstore or firing range. They are heavily restricted.

Most police departments put FA weapons in the "shoot-first-ask-later" category.

Coupled with the cost, legalities and rarity, it takes a special class of to walk around with a FA weapon.

On the other hand, any child or adult in the US can conceivably get their hands on a SA weapon.
Last time I checked, drug dealers and arms runners don't worry about permits or what guns are "common". They care more about outpowering LE and others who they deem as an enemy.
"the grandfather told everyone "They shot the girls"

Not casting any blame on the gf at all, I'm sure he went into immediate shock and people do say things that are odd at times like that...but it does seem a telling statement that, right away, he knew who shot them (whoever "they" is) or he had some sort of idea who it was. Maybe not specific people but a group in general, say druggies for example. It just seems odd rather than saying "the girls have been shot". It would be like him saying "he shot the girls", people would certainly be focusing in on that, so why this is being dismissed so easily, I dont really understand. But I'm sure he has told LE any people he might suspect, he seems to have a good, solid head on his shoulders.
Wow...funerals are today. Why was I thinking they were tomorrow? First one has been held. Any covereage/feed of them? I cannot even imagine the pain their families feel.
"the grandfather told everyone "They shot the girls"

Not casting any blame on the gf at all, I'm sure he went into immediate shock and people do say things that are odd at times like that...but it does seem a telling statement that, right away, he knew who shot them (whoever "they" is) or he had some sort of idea who it was. Maybe not specific people but a group in general, say druggies for example. It just seems odd rather than saying "the girls have been shot". It would be like him saying "he shot the girls", people would certainly be focusing in on that, so why this is being dismissed so easily, I dont really understand. But I'm sure he has told LE any people he might suspect, he seems to have a good, solid head on his shoulders.
I just don't find it odd as many times as the girls were shot at all. It would be my first reaction, I think. My mind would not instantly think of just one person with that kind of carnage. I don't think the grandfather has any clue really, but he did mention it could be over drugs (IIRC).
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