Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #21

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I just composed a lengthy comment criticizing that press conference, but hey - who needs in-depth negativity. Just let me say that, as usual, I was disappointed.

The info given about contacting LE was confusing - three different phone numbers in addition to mumbo-jumbo about LE doing everything it can to protect your rights, the latter serving only to remind a potential caller of the trouble they're into if they participated in the crime or aftermath - as would almost certainly be the case if someone has actionable info about the matter.

Keep it simple, stress the reward, tug on the heartstrings.

Prayer is a fine thing, but this one took up about 40% of the presser, at the expense of people asking questions. It's fine as a private matter but this was a state press conference and it came across as using God to block criticism of LE non-performance in this case.

And if Miss Jessica calls them "my agents" one more time, I'm going to scream!

Hi wfgodot~
I had a different take on the PC. I think if one pays close attention to the PC you can begin to see the OSBI is handling the case in a new / different manner. First of all, it is no longer just the OSBI that was running the PC. The DA was also involved. I think they brought him in because they have a more targeted suspect pool and are trying to assure them of the following:

- they will get legal representation if they desire it.
- they would be kept safe.
- any viable info would lead to the reward money.

Many people are leary of law enforcement. They may not be comfortable talking to the OSBI. By assuring them they would be given legal counsel, it assures them they will not be taken advantage of by LEO's.

By telling people they will be kept safe, it lets people know that even if they are involved with unsavory characters, LE will offer them protection. Regardless of the lifestyle they lead or the company they keep.

$163,000.00 is a lot of money. Who wouldn't want the reward money?

Reminding people of 1) the reward, 2) they are able to obtain legal representation and 3) be kept safe, was the direction the OSBI / DA was leading the PC. I think they were talking not just to a potential witness but also to the family of the potential witness.

The prayer at the PC was offered by a member of the school. Her prayer was a bit lenghthy but, I can assure you, it was heart felt.

The prayer did not hamper the time the reporters were given to ask questions. The prayer and balloons were a part of the PC that occurred after the reporters had finished questioning the authorities.

I did not think the prayer came across as "using God to block criticism of LE non-performance in this case". The OSBI and other authorities had no idea the local people were going to say a prayer. In fact, before the PC began, the locals who were involved with the prayer / balloons asked permission of the OSBI and other authorities permission to pray and release balloons. Their exact concern was "Do you think anyone will be offended if we say a prayer and then release the balloons"?

Overall, I thought the PC went well. I pray that someone will call the DA's office or the OSBI and give them the information they need to make an arrest in this case and achieve a conviction in a criminal court of law.

As usual, all of the above are simply my opinion.

Hi wfgodot~
I had a different take on the PC. I think if one pays close attention to the PC you can begin to see the OSBI is handling the case in a new / different manner. First of all, it is no longer just the OSBI that was running the PC. The DA was also involved. I think they brought him in because they have a more targeted suspect pool and are trying to assure them of the following:

- they will get legal representation if they desire it.
- they would be kept safe.
- any viable info would lead to the reward money.

Many people are leary of law enforcement. They may not be comfortable talking to the OSBI. By assuring them they would be given legal counsel, it assures them they will not be taken advantage of by LEO's.

By telling people they will be kept safe, it lets people know that even if they are involved with unsavory characters, LE will offer them protection. Regardless of the lifestyle they lead or the company they keep.

$163,000.00 is a lot of money. Who wouldn't want the reward money?

Reminding people of 1) the reward, 2) they are able to obtain legal representation and 3) be kept safe, was the direction the OSBI / DA was leading the PC. I think they were talking not just to a potential witness but also to the family of the potential witness.

The prayer at the PC was offered by a member of the school. Her prayer was a bit lenghthy but, I can assure you, it was heart felt.

The prayer did not hamper the time the reporters were given to ask questions. The prayer and balloons were a part of the PC that occurred after the reporters had finished questioning the authorities.

I did not think the prayer came across as "using God to block criticism of LE non-performance in this case". The OSBI and other authorities had no idea the local people were going to say a prayer. In fact, before the PC began, the locals who were involved with the prayer / balloons asked permission of the OSBI and other authorities permission to pray and release balloons. Their exact concern was "Do you think anyone will be offended if we say a prayer and then release the balloons"?

Overall, I thought the PC went well. I pray that someone will call the DA's office or the OSBI and give them the information they need to make an arrest in this case and achieve a conviction in a criminal court of law.

As usual, all of the above are simply my opinion.


And your opinions are always excellent and well-informed.

Still, I disagree. I thought the offer of "legal representation" was hugely clumsy, a bit like a offering a condemned man his choice of nooses at the gallows, provided he takes his last walk quietly.

Who would trust a criminal lawyer working with the forces that seek an arrest, when your yourself might be a candidate for arrest - if your knowledge was deemed arrest-worthy? Who would trust a criminal lawyer who urges you to tell all you know, if that knowledge might in part incriminate you? I have a friend who is an attorney and he laughed merrily at this "offer." Does OSBI think we're really that stupid?

If they indeed were targeting the family or friends of a prospective POI, why then bring up all the many legal aspects? If I had second-hand knowledge of this horrible crime, and I'm watching the presser and suddenly LE starts talking about having lawyers to represent me, I'm thinking, "Oh ----, I'm in trouble." And I would be even less inclined than before to come forward with what I knew.

One must also take into account the average Oklahoman's relationship with LE. I would say that, across the board, this is not a positive situation - years of corruption and of protection for those who pull the strings make for a very uneasy relationship between our citizens and law enforcement.

Thus, this stressing of the "you can trust us" bit has very little chance of working. Asking for "that one big tip" from the public, as Miss Jessica has stressed for almost the entire length of this investigation, and making that the focus of your press conference after two years of a case staying unsolved, is beating a dead horse. It's an already-tried approach and a failed one.

$163,000 is indeed a lot of money and a large reward has been available for some time now. By the day, it gets more unlikely that any reward will be enough. Centering on that was another tired idea by LE. TRY SOMETHING NEW. NAME A POI. PUT THE PRESSURE ON. Everything you've done so far has failed. CHANGE IT UP A LITTLE.

Repeating endlessly what's been tried before won't do it. Hard work and fresh ideas solve cold cases. OSBI should immediately put more agents on this case and re-interview and re-interview again people suspected of having information. RUN AN ALL-OUT BLITZ. Instead, they're counting on this case TO SOLVE ITSELF.

As for the prayer - I've said enough about it. I know the prayer was heartfelt. I'm not criticizing the contents of the woman's prayer at all. Here at my computer, I bowed my head and prayed right along with her. I'm criticizing the circumstances of the prayer.

If OSBI had good sense, it would have separated the two events. Instead, they were not on top of things if they felt it would be awkward not to allow almost half of the PC to consist of what it did. Did they learn of this request at the last minute? If so, why did they wait till the last minute to learn that? Incredible. They even failed to have the foresight to control their own event.

They did make sure to control the little amount of time given over to answering media questions. This is not a plus.

Listen - I would be more than glad to eat my words - hey, I'll eat my baseball cap, and shave my head, too, and dance naked down any three streets in OKC, for that matter - if good comes as a result of the events we're discussing, and furthers the possibility of arrests.

All of those who follow this case want only one thing: justice for Taylor and Skyla.
~ respectfully snipped from ruflossen's post~

- they will get legal representation if they desire it.
- they would be kept safe.
- any viable info would lead to the reward money.

Just reading between the lines of these three elements that was brought up at the PC.

I think LE has had some credible leads lately. I think LE knows more than one person was present when the murders occured, one of who was not a shooter but a bystander.
I think LE knows this person cannot afford legal representation. I think LE stressed the reward to entice this person to come forward because they could use the money. I think the person will not talk out of fear. I think the person they seek to come forward is conflicted because a member of their family will be implicated. I think LE was speaking to one person in that PC.

I feel if this person doesn't step forward, the only chance of solving this crime is if the mysterious gun is used in another crime and it matches the one used to kill the girls. But how many years could that take?
Heck there's only 1000 people who live in that community, yes? This can't be that difficult to solve if the killers are locals. Somebody must be brave and come forward with info. Enough is enough. I do wonder if it could be a female they are hoping will come forward.

I agree with pensfan that LE needs to shake things up and put some pressure on these suspects like in the Cummings case.

These are all my current thoughts and MOO of course.

It is good to at least have some new info to discuss with you all as this forum has not been very active lately. PUSH....Pray Until Something Happens.

And your opinions are always excellent and well-informed. Thank-you. As are yours..........

Still, I disagree. Why am I not surprised? : ) I thought the offer of "legal representation" was hugely clumsy, a bit like a offering a condemned man his choice of nooses at the gallows, provided he takes his last walk quietly. LOL

They did make sure to control the little amount of time given over to answering media questions. This is not a plus. How did OSBI do this? They let the media ask questions until there were no more hands raised and questions asked. Maybe I missed something?

Listen - I would be more than glad to eat my words - hey, I'll eat my baseball cap, and shave my head, too, and dance naked down any three streets in OKC, Might I suggest, Penn Ave., Northwest Expressway, and maybe just for fun we could exchange one of the streets for dancing around Lake Hefner? for that matter - if good comes as a result of the events we're discussing, and furthers the possibility of arrests.

All of those who follow this case want only one thing: justice for Taylor and Skyla.

In all seriousness ~
As always, I enjoy your posts, thoughts and opinions. Like you, I only want justice for Taylor, and Skyla. I hope we get it soon.
Have a great day ~
In all seriousness ~
As always, I enjoy your posts, thoughts and opinions. Like you, I only want justice for Taylor, and Skyla. I hope we get it soon.
Have a great day ~

LOL on the replies! Yes, I had meant to add, in re: the press conference, that it's easy to control circumstances when the media are as docile as sheep being led to greener pastures while each listens contentedly to his or her own iPod. Baaaa! I'd thought we were on a roll when coverage of the legislator's disgust with OSBI's handling of the Aja Johnson case included reference to our Weleetka girls. I guess I should think again. No big, investigative stories whatsoever on the second-year anniversary, just coverage of official events and interviews with the grieving family.

As for OKC - must include a tour through Bricktown as I may need a couple icy beers to steel my nerve!
forgive me for jumping in late. I didn't get any good hits on my searches.
Has anyone read anything about getting a pscychic involved in this case?
I realize that the results are not always easy to intepret or even correct, but at this stage in the situation, all options should be considered.

any links appreciated.

i can't believe this has been going on for this long and no one knows anything.

This is exactly what I have been thinking. I keep thinking DD (who is still in jail) will one day say something to a cell mate that will turn the tide of this case. I have no idea if DD is involved but he does not seem the type to be able to keep his mouth shut about the case, if he were involved.
Is DD in jail? He is posting on his gangster-decorated Facebook page or someone is doing it for him??? I am hoping their properties will get searched with ground penetrating radar so the guns can be located. Or maybe someone from some federal agency can pull up satellite photos of DD's and MG's properties on the day Taylor and Skyla were killed. Taxpayers pay for all of this technology, so let's use it for other important cases. Bring out OSU's Ag departments and make some excuse for why all the cow ponds MUST be drained in Weleetka. Bring in the OBN from Atoka (they are always there for something), plant poppy seeds throughout these properties and then claim all the land must be tilled. TRY ANYTHING DIFFERENT!
Is DD in jail? He is posting on his gangster-decorated Facebook page or someone is doing it for him??? I am hoping their properties will get searched with ground penetrating radar so the guns can be located. Or maybe someone from some federal agency can pull up satellite photos of DD's and MG's properties on the day Taylor and Skyla were killed. Taxpayers pay for all of this technology, so let's use it for other important cases. Bring out OSU's Ag departments and make some excuse for why all the cow ponds MUST be drained in Weleetka. Bring in the OBN from Atoka (they are always there for something), plant poppy seeds throughout these properties and then claim all the land must be tilled. TRY ANYTHING DIFFERENT!

Hi Pensfan, The last time I looked, he was in jail. His FB page is most likely being updated by a friend. I agree, anything different would help. I am afraid the guns will never be located. It has been such a long time since the crimes were comitted. It is my fear, the guns have been disposed of in a manner that will make it nearly impossible to ever locate them.
My mom stated tonight that she is happy that the case is getting more attention (she watches the OKC channel with Gary England). Is this case getting more attention on the news or was it only on the anniversary date? (I live up North now and we never hear anything about these girls' sad.)
My mom stated tonight that she is happy that the case is getting more attention (she watches the OKC channel with Gary England). Is this case getting more attention on the news or was it only on the anniversary date? (I live up North now and we never hear anything about these girls' sad.)

It is my opinion this case is only getting media attention because it was the 2 year anniversary of the girls deaths. Give it a few more days and we will see nothing in the news. Big Sigh...........
It is my opinion this case is only getting media attention because it was the 2 year anniversary of the girls deaths. Give it a few more days and we will see nothing in the news. Big Sigh...........

That happens each year with the Wix girls too. :(

The girls depend on us to keep praying for justice! :praying:
~ respectfully snipped from ruflossen's post~

- they will get legal representation if they desire it.
- they would be kept safe.
- any viable info would lead to the reward money.

Just reading between the lines of these three elements that was brought up at the PC.

I think LE has had some credible leads lately.
I think LE knows more than one person was present when the murders occured, one of who was not a shooter but a bystander.

I think LE knows this person cannot afford legal representation.

I think LE stressed the reward to entice this person to come forward because they could use the money.
I think the person will not talk out of fear.
I think the person they seek to come forward is conflicted because a member of their family will be implicated.

I think LE was speaking to one person in that PC.

I feel if this person doesn't step forward, the only chance of solving this crime is if the mysterious gun is used in another crime and it matches the one used to kill the girls. But how many years could that take?

Heck there's only 1000 people who live in that community, yes? This can't be that difficult to solve if the killers are locals. Somebody must be brave and come forward with info.
Enough is enough. I do wonder if it could be a female they are hoping will come forward.

I agree with pensfan that LE needs to shake things up and put some pressure on these suspects like in the Cummings case.

These are all my current thoughts and MOO of course.

It is good to at least have some new info to discuss with you all as this forum has not been very active lately. PUSH....Pray Until Something Happens.


Waltzingmatilda & ruflossen, BINGO!
I think the person will not talk out of fear, weakness, dependance, was threatened or/ just plain cold hearted.

I think the person they seek to come forward is conflicted because a member of their family will be implicated.

I think several people know WHO had a .40 cal. Glock pistol with them that Sunday and why they went into a homicidal rage and slaughtered the girls.

I think one of the people who knows is a WOMAN!

Why, do I agree , because in one of the first press conferences OSBI pleaded for a certain person the be strong and come forward.

Most everyone felt 'they' were pleading with a woman.
So Why hasn't 'she' came forward being the girls were shot down and left like a dog on the side of the road?
i just heard that they arrested a man in connection with the murders of taylor and skyla his name is mike or ike bullard. its going around that he has been arrested. don't know anything else. if i hear anymore than i will let you know.
Waltzingmatilda & ruflossen, BINGO!
I think the person will not talk out of fear, weakness, dependance, was threatened or/ just plain cold hearted.

I think the person they seek to come forward is conflicted because a member of their family will be implicated.

I think several people know WHO had a .40 cal. Glock pistol with them that Sunday and why they went into a homicidal rage and slaughtered the girls.

I think one of the people who knows is a WOMAN!

Why, do I agree , because in one of the first press conferences OSBI pleaded for a certain person the be strong and come forward.

Most everyone felt 'they' were pleading with a woman.
So Why hasn't 'she' came forward being the girls were shot down and left like a dog on the side of the road

Hello, ML -

I have respectfully bolded the parts of your post that I wish to comment on.

When I first felt for certain they were appealing to a woman was when OSBI played the 911 call placed by Vicky. I really do not understand how anyone - especially a woman (and possibly, a mother) could hear that call and not do the right thing and come forward.

I know it would be a most difficult choice to make - give up someone, perhaps your own child, to solve these murders. I hope I could find the strength to do it. God forbid that I ever am placed in that position.

After living a lot of years and experiencing and observing a lot of things - there is one thing I can guarantee the person(s) holding important information: "You will never - ever - experience peace in this lifetime. The price you pay for not doing the right thing will not have a dollar sign attached."

I am not in a position to make threats - so, that certainly isn't what this is meant to convey. It's just a fact of life.

All just my humble opinion, of course.
i just heard that they arrested a man in connection with the murders of taylor and skyla his name is mike or ike bullard. its going around that he has been arrested. don't know anything else. if i hear anymore than i will let you know.

Oh, please - - did you hear this in the media? Are you local to the area? What information can you share that would help us research this?

don't know any other detail just that it was being talked about at the plant, yes i live close to weleetka and have been keeping up with this awful thing. my family know that i have been keeping up with this also and they are the ones who heard it at work. i just hope they find who did this to those girls. tired of wondering who could do such a thing. if i hear anymore i'll be letting you guys know.
i just heard that they arrested a man in connection with the murders of taylor and skyla his name is mike or ike bullard. its going around that he has been arrested. don't know anything else. if i hear anymore than i will let you know.

Any idea in which county he was arrested?
that's all was said, i tried to look him up but couldn't find anything. henryetta is okmulgee county.
i didn't know if i should of said anything without no more info, but i know that you guys are wanting the killers caught just like i am and i'm sorry if some of you feel like i shouldn't have post this, but if your like me any news of this case, i would of liked to have heard.

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