Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #5

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Okay, responding to two things.

1.) Is it possible the reason it took so long to call 911 is that on top of the shock and flagging down Skyla's mom, he had to look for the cell phone? Maybe it wasn't immediately visible, but he knew Taylor had one on her and figured it would be quicker to look than to run back to the house?

2.) Maybe GP was on foot because the girls had a habit of veering off into the woods for some reason. Is it possible he could have thought they were close by, but not on the actual road?

Maybe he walked cause gas is almost $4.00/ gal. and it was less than a 1/2 mile.
Apparently, you have been fortunate not to have experienced shock for your self or witnessed it. It does give you a temporary "lobotomy". Everything within you literally shuts down as your body tries to adjust/adapt to what has happened.


It must, because it never ceases to amaze me the actions or inactions of people under extreme stress. Sometimes it enables a person to lift up a car. Other times it freezes people in their tracks. It's quite the topic on the Baby killed on country road thread. About a dozen people stood around and did nothing but watch a father beat his baby boy to death for a good six minutes. IMO, a temorary labotomy is the only explanation.
When I hear or see something strange, I always look at the clock and make a mental note of the time. Sometimes I will even say so to a family member, so that they can remember it to. Am I the only person that does this? Maybe it's just me because I read too much true crime and hang out on this board.

If I hear something strange I do too. I am not sure he heard the shots. I don't think he would have started walking down that road if he had heard a lot of shooting nearby. I think he would have driven to get to the girls quickly and confirm that they were okay. I guess there is a possibility he heard them after he started walking. We don't really know what he heard or when.
I can't find it right now, but I am 99.9% positive LE said they had evidence they made it to bridge and were on thier way back. Someone?

I don't have a link, but I do remember that.
If Taylor's GP was on foot, then he would have gotten to the end of his driveway and looked down that long, seemingly straight road. He wouldn't have seen them walking, so he would logically have gone for his car/truck to go looking for them.

If the object was to get them there to be picked up by Skyla's mom, then it would make sense to drive, once he realized that they weren't within sight. If they were walking back from the bridge, and they weren't within sight, then he could have walked for a long time without encountering them.

Yet he walked 500-1000 feet, then found them. I find it odd that he would have been prepared to walk so far on a hot afternoon when he knew that the mom was on the way. Once he encountered them, then he would have had a long walk back (with them) to where Skyla's mother was waiting. What was the point of his doing that walk rather than driving? Yes, he's not old, and he's used to the heat, but would he have walked all the way to the bridge had things been otherwise? And if there was no real urgency to get them back, why go at all?

Do we know for sure he was on foot?

Good points, odd how he knew to walk. They could have been in the woods for all he knew!
I emailed OCSD, told them we are sorry for loss, sent them links to all 5 threads, told them understandable the audio not being released, but could they please give us the time the 911 call came......I will update you if I get a response.

Man you are balzy!!! LOL, thanks for doing that, I hope you hear from them.
It must, because it never ceases to amaze me the actions or inactions of people under extreme stress. Sometimes it enables a person to lift up a car. Other times it freezes people in their tracks. It's quite the topic on the Baby killed on country road thread. About a dozen people stood around and did nothing but watch a father beat his baby boy to death for a good six minutes. IMO, a temorary labotomy is the only explanation.

Yes, and you even *imagine* how this man must have been finding these two angels? A beloved granddaughter, no less?

That poor, poor man....:(
I can't find it right now, but I am 99.9% positive LE said they had evidence they made it to bridge and were on their way back. Someone?

IIRC, Christine, in Rosser's recent interview on Greta he said they "think" they made it to the bridge.
Thank you Christine.

I emailed OCSD, told them we are sorry for loss, sent them links to all 5 threads, told them understandable the audio not being released, but could they please give us the time the 911 call came......I will update you if I get a response.
IMO - in regards to the 911 call maybe taking 20 min. to make considering the enormity of what this man just discovered I don't think it is that strange. He told Skyla's mom, she no doubt began to panic and he tried to consol her - they consol eachother. The fact he had to use Taylors phone probably didn't help. If I had to go rummaging through my recently alive but now shot to death grand-daughter to find her cell phone that might take me a couple minutes to get the nerve to do that. I can't imagine the images that are burned into that man's head. I think we need to allow a little time for panic before the call was made. I'm sure he was in a high state of shock and it took him a few minutes to get his bearings.

As for him walking....I don't think that is strange either. He lived out in the country. The thought of getting his car out to go down the road to retrieve Taylor probably sounds crazy to him. He might have already been worried since she wasn't answering her phone and decided to walk so he could poke around in the adjoining woods, etc. BUT on another level, it is a good question that raises some other interesting questions. Ultimately I think the man is innocent but as we all now you can never be too sure. I know I have been surprised a few times.
I emailed OCSD, told them we are sorry for loss, sent them links to all 5 threads, told them understandable the audio not being released, but could they please give us the time the 911 call came......I will update you if I get a response.

You are so good at working with LE. Your assistance in the taped Vegas Pedo case was so valuable!
I can't find it right now, but I am 99.9% positive LE said they had evidence they made it to bridge and were on thier way back. Someone?
I don't believe they have evidence they made it to the bridge...jessica Brown, spoekes person for OSBI said,"They feel like the girls made it to the bridge."
IMO - in regards to the 911 call maybe taking 20 min.

Let's not vilify the grandfather on something that is probably not correct.


That's a big difference from taking 15 minutes. He finds them at 5:25 by most accounts. The 5:40 is from a news article that states that authorities were called then. It could be the 911 authorities that were called or it could be when the sheriff's office was called to investigate a crime.

We can deduce that more than likely the later is the correct connotation because Skyla's grandmother arrives before EMS and has to be waived off and she only lives at most a 20 minute drive. If she leaves at 5:15 -5:20, she doesn't arrive until 5:30 - 5:35.

Heck, if anyone might have seen the kills depart it could have been her depending on which why they went if they used County Line Rd to 1120. If they went east, they probably did pass her on the road.
I do find it strange that he walked, and like it not you aren't going to ponder a 911 call for 20 mins., after a crime is committed. It may be that he couldn't phone immediately. However, in emergency situations, the first reaction is shock, but 911 is next.
Let's not vilify the grandfather on something that is probably not correct.


That's a big difference from taking 15 minutes. He finds them at 5:25 by most accounts. The 5:40 is from a news article that states that authorities were called then. It could be the 911 authorities that were called or it could be when the sheriff's office was called to investigate a crime.

We can deduce that more than likely the later is the correct connotation because Skyla's grandmother arrives before EMS and has to be waived off and she only lives at most a 20 minute drive. If she leaves at 5:15 -5:20, she doesn't arrive until 5:30 - 5:35.

Heck, if anyone might have seen the kills depart it could have been her depending on which why they went if they used County Line Rd to 1120. If they went east, they probably did pass her on the road.

emotional or not then they should release the 911 tapes.
What if another family member was at the house? Maybe someone who was trying to avoid an encounter with his/her "enemies" and perhaps the law as well. The delay in calling 911 could have given this person a chance to get away from whatever he/she feared. And he/she might have given info that led to the "They shot the girls" comment.

Assuming that the timeline is somewhat accurate, I don't agree that people in shock/grief/horror just totally fail to call 911 for a long period of time. You can scarcely watch a tv show that doesn't have a 911 call portrayed in it...we are all very aware of the importance- and ease- of getting help that way. And when a murder has occurred- you don't hang around waiting for the murderer to get away- or come back- without calling emergency services.

No doubt Mr. Placker has dealt with some unpleasant circumstances in his family over the years. Could he really have postponed calling for so long? We're not talking about a naive great-granny or a child. This is a middle-aged man. I don't think he hurt those girls, but if(if) he delayed calling for so long, there was another reason.
A friend of mine told me, that her Aunt found her Grandmother after she commited suicide. She said her Aunt kept saying what is the number for 911, over and over. She never made the call someone else had too. I'm sure the Grandfather was in shock and maybe once his brain cleared some then he had to hunt for the phone.
I do find it strange that he walked, and like it not you aren't going to ponder a 911 call for 20 mins., after a crime is committed. It may be that he couldn't phone immediately. However, in emergency situations, the first reaction is shock, but 911 is next.

I do not think it is odd he walked. This was their home. Their lane. The man, if I remember correctly is 48 years old. The yards he walked are nothing from the home. There was no rush and he probably wanted to meet up with them on foot. No big deal, in my opinion.

As far as the 911 calls, well I guess we'll just have to see the timeline when LE decide to release it...if they do. As far as hearing it, what would be the point? LE cleared it, won't release it because of the content in respect to family. I won't argue their decision. Some things should be held until LE or court shoose to make them public. As they choose.

I do find it strange that he walked, and like it not you aren't going to ponder a 911 call for 20 mins., after a crime is committed. It may be that he couldn't phone immediately. However, in emergency situations, the first reaction is shock, but 911 is next.

I turn into a complete idiot when faced with an emergency situation regarding a loved one of mine. Don't get me wrong - I am great if it is someone elses loved one in an emergency situation. This is really embarrassing, but here goes: When my son was about 16, he was snow boarding out back of our house. His friend came running into the house yelling that Nik had broken his collarbone and had to go to the hospital. I immediately (in my jammies!) ran outside, and seeing my son white as a sheet, I asked him if I could take a shower first - before taking him to the hospital! PULEEZE! Certainly, in my right mind, I know time is of the essence and we must get to the hospital right away, but my first instinct was to jump into the shower! Another time, my husband had overdosed on vicodan in an attempt to kill himself. When I tried to wake him, I realized what he had done. I shook him like there is no tomorrow, and I slapped him across the face. I just could not face the reality that he may actually die - I bet I tried to 'wake him up' for a good 5 minutes (shaking him, yelling, screaming, threatening, slapping, etc.) before I actually called 911. Then, while waiting for the paramedics to arrive, I quickly ran upstairs to change (yes - I was in my jammies again!), then I proceeded to straighten up the house before the paramedics arrived! Luckily, my husband survived and is doing well, BUT - he was very close to death he was comatose for three days), and I had to change out of my jammies and clean the house! PULEEZE!! I know better, but my brain turns to mush when a loved one of mine is in danger...what I am trying to say, is I can picture PP trying to revive the girls, then maybe yelling for someone to come help, then maybe start running back to his house, then maybe remembering that Taylor has a cell phone and looking for the phone, and THEN, maybe thinking clearly enough to call 911...I'm just saying . . .
emotional or not then they should release the 911 tapes.

Let's take a step back for a moment.

In the beginning, the first day after the shooting, local LE indicated they had a suspect.

Then, the state LE stepped in and stated, no, we really don't have a suspect.

We later learn that several people passed lie detector tests.

They sound like suspects to me, at least until their story was verified.

Then, we hear there is a POI and a separate witness who saw the girls only moments before they were shot.

They state that the POI is just that, nothing more, but we suspect this person is a suspect.

They have played with what they have released to the public from the beginning. Why?

I think they did have a suspect, but that suspect was able to pass the lie detector test, but they still don't believe it. They think it was two shooters, and other items in the news indicate that LE may believe that a group of people, may have even been party of the "shooting" party, but they didn't actually do the shooting.

That's why I think LE hasn't released the 911 tapes. They want to verify something with the POI, a time, a something.

I think they have about 95% proof of a suspect, but that 5% missing (an ID, a car description, a something) is a vital 5% missing that turns a circumstantial case into a beyond reasonable doubt case.
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