Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #7

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I have not heard anything yet on the forum request, but did send a followup email today on it.

Hopefully, since AMW did not air anything about Taylor and Skylar and the POI on Saturday night it does mean that the LE are close to making an arrest. :clap:

I don't think they would have been in the woody/brushy area except to relocate a turtle off the road (which Taylor did like to do). The woody/brushy areas are full of ticks, chiggers and mosquitoes - I don't think the girls were just hanging out or walking in there without a good reason.

Taylor fell practically ON the roadway - I think Skyla was trying to escape - maybe shot down mid-stride. And the only place to escape was toward the roadway - brush was pretty thick. She either was moving toward Taylor when she was shot (1st) or moving away from the shooter backward and then started to run forward when the shots started.

Or both girls could have been kneeling beside each other next to the road and Taylor fell where she was kneeling and Skyla was able to get up, step backward and stumble a few steps and then fell from a standing position a few feet from Taylor.

Don't know, just what I think might have happened - I do know that these were older girls who knew about ticks, chiggers, spiders, snakes etc and probably would not have been tromping around off a perfectly good road in waist- chest-high brush without a reason.

My Opinion

If Taylor free fell upon being hit then she would have been standing about four and a half to 5 feet away from where her head was resting when found. I would estimate her height maybe 4'10" to 5".

I think the uneven ditch area made these girls pitch forward. If their weight was not evenly distributed and they were leaning toward the road when hit then the gravity could cause them to fall forward where the least resistance was.

Or when they both were initially hit but still alive they may have thrown themselves to the ground in a protective mode and the last burst of shots were done as the girls were already laying there. The ME has not confirmed that what Skyla's grandmother has said is true. I just read an article that said none of the family members other than Peter saw the girls bodies before they saw them at the funeral home.

Now Skyla was probably not as tall as Taylor around 4'5" maybe and for her head to be positioned 5 feet away from Taylor she was most likely up on the rising sloped area standing closer to where it rises into the woods when hit.

This makes me believe that Taylor was shot first then Skyla but Skyla did not have much time to retreat either and only made it a short distance.

I have never seen a child worry about ticks and mosquitoes. That is why parents remain vigilant and usually inspects their child closely to make sure no ticks are embedded. They do the same for adults that go into wooded areas. Misquotes are just a way of life for those who live in rural country areas. Usually a parent will spray mosquito spray on the child before they venture out or if they are old enough they will do it when the parent reminds them to.

Many kids go bug hunting if they live in the country......looking for strange bugs.


In your picture of the memorial at the roadside with A & B being Taylor and Skylar where you thought they were positioned at, did you and other one else notice might be a entrance to a field?

The reason I am asking is this, in one of the earlier articles it mentioned that the memorial with the flowers was "near a field where the girls were found". I believe this is the link to that article. I have so many that I am tracking. Would that mean that right behind them was a field, or maybe down to the right or left of the memorial?
I don't see this being planned.
I think either the shooter had a grudge, and seized the opportunity, or he chose them at random.

It was you that provided the picture of the memorial at the roadside with A & B being Taylor and Skylar where you thought they were positioned at. Right?

The reason I am asking is this, if one of the earlier articles it mentioned that the memorial with the flowers was "near a field where the girls were found". I believe this is the link to that article. I have so many that I am tracking. Would that mean that right behind them was a field, or maybe down to the right or left of the memorial?

No, I am sorry that wasn't me. I think it was FlowerChild if I am not mistaken.

I really don't know but it is common to see a grouping of thick trees and then an open field not to far away but from what I have seen of the crime scene I have not seen an open field being shown.

Sorry I couldn't be of help.

Wow, this really hits home. My FIL and his wife lived directly across the street from Graham School, and my two BIL's and nephew went there. We went down there to visit almost every weekend for years. They've since moved closer to Henryetta, and one of my BIL's works at the McD's there. Also, my nephew is a policeman in Henryetta! This is just crazy! I'm going to have to make some phone calls and see what I can report back.

Hello dasky!! Have you any news for us yet ?
Thanks Tom'sGirl!!

I went back and edited my original post.


No, I am sorry that wasn't me. I think it was FlowerChild if I am not mistaken.

I really don't know but it is common to see a grouping of thick trees and then an open field not to far away but from what I have seen of the crime scene I have not seen an open field being shown.

Tom'sGirl corrected me that it was not you but FlowerChild and I did go back and edited my original post.

Maybe the article was saying that behind where the girls were found is an open field as opposed to my thinking the girls were found away from the memorial site.

I was thinking that maybe the girls were in this field and saw something and then ran towards the road.

Welcome to WS to any new sleuthers that I have not welcomed yet!!

Disclaimer: These are images from my head! I have not actually seen these people. When I got the names Brian and Lazarus, these are like the images I got. I cannot draw as well as I used to; my vision is getting wonky. I just wanted to know if there might actually be people in the area like this. Thanks!
As some of you know, I've been dealing with serious health issues along with a death in my immediate family.. I apologize in advance if my questions are either insensitive- appearing to those of you who have followed the murders from the beginning or if my questions are ill-informed. I have NOT had time to read all the locked threads because there is so much there.

Two thoughts came to mind immediately when I read of these little girls being shot and one is being discussed frequently.
That is that they came upon 2 people either dealing drugs or 1 person making a pickup of drugs. Of course, two people are more likely due to the 2 guns used and the fact that neither girl was able to run away.
So, with that in mind:
1) Does anyone know if drug- sniffing dogs have been sent to the area, and if not, do you have any speculation as to why not?

2) This question is a bit harder to ask and I mean no disrespect towards the families of either victim. One of the girls was being raised by her grandparents. My heart goes out to them. There have also been references to " unsavory things" in both family's backgrounds.
So my question is: Is there a party named by the courts to be financially responsible for either girl who is known to have ties to the criminal element in the area? If so, I would look right there first. In other words, to have the child killed to avoid any legal or financial responsibility. We see it happen so often with pregnant women, why not with children who may have a parent who is either financially strapped or possibly just now re-entering society and having to be responsible financially?

I know that one motive supposes that the girls came upon probably strangers, the other supposes a direct familial relationship. If they were running away, then something happened to alarm them. If I saw someone making a drug deal with another person, I probably wouldn't recognize it as such unless someone told me. Some of us have never been around that element of society and like children, probably wouldn't recognize what was happening. I wonder if one of these girls did recognize the man or one of the men.
Have neighbors all checked out clean?

Thank you for reading.

No I haven't viewed the video. I am on dial up and it usually takes forever and a day.........but I will now and maybe there is another video I can find for you on the funeral.
Disclaimer: These are images from my head! I have not actually seen these people. When I got the names Brian and Lazarus, these are like the images I got. I cannot draw as well as I used to; my vision is getting wonky. I just wanted to know if there might actually be people in the area like this. Thanks!

You are very artistic. What ages are you feeling these guys are?

No I haven't viewed the video. I am on dial up and it usually takes forever and a day.........but I will now and maybe there is another video I can find for you on the funeral.
I have DSL, it's not my connection, but rather whomever took the footage, but thanks LD!
SeekingJana, I am so sorry you are having a rough time. I hope life is better for you soon.

#1, I don't know and that's an excellent idea.

#2 We could probably figure that out if we could figure out who Taylors biological parents were. So far we've had no luck.
I have looked at several videos of the area - both by OSBI and various media and there may have been a field between the Placker home and where the girls were found. There is not one (that I can see) behind the girls for at least 50 feet (there is a LARGE tree back there almost dead center) and not a lot of the area between the girls and the bridge has been shown with any detail. I will look on Google and see if I can find an aerial shot of the location - that might help us. If I do I will put it in an album here so we can refer back.

The photo with the girls positions diagrammed on it (by me, not official) came from the interview Rosser (OSBI) did with the reporter for Greta VS's show. Rosser stood right at the scene and pointed and described the murder scene and where the bodies of each girl were.

An aside...A friend of my husband's (Scott Kalitta) was killed yesterday in a NHRA Drag Racing Accident - I have been a little distracted and not on here as much as usual (but I do check in).

I will go do some "research" and I'll be back :)

My Opinion

The link below is from the day it was posted. Maybe the "raw footage" would have something to do with the audio problem?? Or the group shielding the mourners??
Raw footage from Taylor's Funeral showing a group shielding the mourners from being video'd
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