Sleuthing Madeleine's disappearance.

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not sure who this is directed at but will answer

Hewlett was an evil manipulative man who has an awful record of abuse to children - he was also at the time dying of cancer

If you ask me why he refused to see the detectives - he was just playing his usual games - he knew the form when dealing with the police - when being questioned by police about Lesley Molseed murder ( who was 11 when snatched and murdered ) he knew enough to say no comment throughout the interview. Many ex detectives are open that they think he was responsible but got away ....any way past history now

so I think he changed is mind at the last minute when they actualy turned up. But at the end of the day who knows

For teh record I have no idea if Hewlett was indeed involved - but to try and portray him as an innocent victim who has been pursued by the mccanns living quietly with his kids is a bit off the mark.

He was certainly of interest to the PJ and SY and all I hope is that he was properly investigated at the time . If the only alibi was his wife then that would not be enough for me

So no theories to offer as to why they didn't question him, after identifying him as number one "evil" rock spider in the Algarve at the time?

No one implied he was a saint, but if he didn't take Madeleine, whatever else he did is totally irrelevant. I'm still waiting for links to show the evilness he is accused of. :dunno:

The McCann were spending donated money on the "search" and could've wound it up 2 years ago if they'd gone back to Germany, instead they've spent two more years on other investigations and searches all the while suspect number one languished unquestioned and dying?

Could that be considered somewhat fraudulent behaviour on behalf of the "Leave No Stone Unturned' fund? It sounds as though you're claiming RH was a mighty big stone, yet he was left completely untouched, in direct contradiction to the alleged goal of the fund?

How is that explainable?


So no theories to offer as to why they didn't question him, after identifying him as number one "evil" rock spider in the Algarve at the time?

No one implied he was a saint, but if he didn't take Madeleine, whatever else he did is totally irrelevant. I'm still waiting for links to show the evilness he is accused of. :dunno:

The McCann were spending donated money on the "search" and could've wound it up 2 years ago if they'd gone back to Germany, instead they've spent two more years on other investigations and searches all the while suspect number one languished unquestioned and dying?

Could that be considered somewhat fraudulent behaviour on behalf of the "Leave No Stone Unturned' fund? It sounds as though you're claiming RH was a mighty big stone, yet he was left completely untouched, in direct contradiction to the alleged goal of the fund?

How is that explainable?



Hewlett was under no legal obligation to talk to the detectives - they were private - he was not stupid and he could just refuse to see them - if he was in hospital then it would be fairly easy to turn them away.

I am bit surpriseed that again you ask for links about Hewlett - fabgood posted his bio on another thread and you even thanked for the post ? Dis you not read the link ?? but to make thuings clear here is the link again

It doesnt make nice reading and just reminds me that there are evil people out there who are capable of harming children. Hewlett was one of these and imo he should have got life early on. Things have changed now a bit and he would have got a much bigger sentence today

agaion for the record so there is no confusion - I have no idea if he was involved. But bearing in mind his record , past behaviour and the fact that he was in the vicinity makes him a person of interest to the police and quite rightly looked at and the PI of Mccans also tried but it seems didnt get very far

He is now dead and cant be interviewed any more - but If I was in charge of a cold case review I would certainly be looking at hi known associates and alos a little bit closer to any thing that might reveal something -
not sure who this is directed at but will answer

Hewlett was an evil manipulative man who has an awful record of abuse to children - he was also at the time dying of cancer

If you ask me why he refused to see the detectives - he was just playing his usual games - he knew the form when dealing with the police - when being questioned by police about Lesley Molseed murder ( who was 11 when snatched and murdered ) he knew enough to say no comment throughout the interview. Many ex detectives are open that they think he was responsible but got away ....any way past history now

so I think he changed is mind at the last minute when they actualy turned up. But at the end of the day who knows

For teh record I have no idea if Hewlett was indeed involved - but to try and portray him as an innocent victim who has been pursued by the mccanns living quietly with his kids is a bit off the mark.

He was certainly of interest to the PJ and SY and all I hope is that he was properly investigated at the time . If the only alibi was his wife then that would not be enough for me

he does not have FORM for abducting toddlers and there is not a shred of evidence to connect him to this case, however much the mccanns the SUN and NEws of the world try to make it so, their editor is going to trial next summer for perverting the course of justice! that is enough for me
he does not have FORM for abducting toddlers and there is not a shred of evidence to connect him to this case, however much the mccanns the SUN and NEws of the world try to make it so, their editor is going to trial next summer for perverting the course of justice! that is enough for me

no one is claiming there is any evidence to link him - I have been clear on that - what I have said his past history as a child rapist would make him certainly be looked at

Form ????

This is known criminal history below - I certainly wouldnt discount him for anything
  • Convicted paedophile
  • Three jail terms in the UK for sex crimes involving children
  • 1972 - Jailed for one year after raping a 12-year-old girl he had lured into his car and knocked out with paint stripper. Served served 12 months of an 18-month sentence. Upon release returned to Todmorden
  • 1978 - Attempted to rape a 14-year-old. Hewlett held a gun to her head. Sentenced to four years - served 16 months
  • 1988 - Jailed for six years after the abduction of a 14-year-old newspaper delivery girl at knifepoint in Northwich, Cheshire. Fled to Ireland. Identified as the attacker by forensic evidence and brought back to face trial in UK. Two years into sentence was granted home leave from Leicestershire's Stoken Prison and absconded. Rearrested when he arrived back in Britain from Ireland in 1991.
Rebeccah Wade editior of the NOW and Sun has indeed been charged - but until she has been found guilty or not guilty and the facts are examined in court I will refrain form judgement
Does he have any record of molesting or attacking girls who are near Madeleine's age?
Sex offenders may of course victimize a wide age range of people but just based on those three incidents he appears to have preferred pubertal girls.
Does he have any record of molesting or attacking girls who are near Madeleine's age?
Sex offenders may of course victimize a wide age range of people but just based on those three incidents he appears to have preferred pubertal girls.

I am not sure and it is a difficult subject to discuss

What I have read about offenders like Hewlitt is that they do not tend to be one off - their type of offenders more than often tend to be repeat ie thet are serial offenders and the only thing that stops them is being caught

who knows what went on in his mind - all we can seethat he was very dangerous and should never have been allowed near children

If he started to look at girls younger - then I dont know.

Unfortunatley there are plenty of these predatory paedophiles out there and to try and undrstand their motivation and why the kill / attack children - well i will leave that to others

He is dead now and cant harm again - I just wonder if the orignal investigation really went into his alibi for that night - was his wife ever interviewed - hope so

I dont have any sympathy for people like Hewlitt and it iis pretty standard practice for police to check on all known offenders in the area when a crime against children occurs - it is par the course
I don't think there is any doubt at all that RH had a disgraceful history of abuse, proven in court and also evidence seems to point towards other offences against children that he managed to get away with.

The question of whether he was involved with Madeleine McCann is probably a different angle though.
RH would not neccessarily have had to have taken her for sexual purposes, he could have been involved with others who wanted to traffic her, abuse or any other possibilities.

THe difficulty in my opinion though, is that none of the witness descriptions fit RH, they can be made to fit, by stating he had longer hair or he was the right height, but essentially none of the descriptions fit that well.

We can look at the Gail Cooper drawings and the one where the man has his hands in his pockets, could be described as similar, but, RH had little hair on top (the sketch is remarkably similar in posture, hands in pockets etc, to the photo of RH though,almost too similar)

A key difference is the age and the "swarthy" Dark skinned" appearance.
RH had a suntan but was definitely a Northern European in appearance and did look a lot older than mid thirties, even before his illness.

I agree that all sex offenders should be looked at and hope that they were, did RH really know anything about what happened to Madeleine?
He apparently never said anything that could be proven, he supposedly wrote a letter to his estranged son, who in turn burned the letter, but then went to the press?
I don't see how anything will ever be found against RH personally, he had no solid roots, no home, presumably all the belongings he had were fit in a truck that was sold on, so unless his wife comes forward and passes on information, where else could it come from?
I don't think there is any doubt at all that RH had a disgraceful history of abuse, proven in court and also evidence seems to point towards other offences against children that he managed to get away with.

The question of whether he was involved with Madeleine McCann is probably a different angle though.
RH would not neccessarily have had to have taken her for sexual purposes, he could have been involved with others who wanted to traffic her, abuse or any other possibilities.

THe difficulty in my opinion though, is that none of the witness descriptions fit RH, they can be made to fit, by stating he had longer hair or he was the right height, but essentially none of the descriptions fit that well.

We can look at the Gail Cooper drawings and the one where the man has his hands in his pockets, could be described as similar, but, RH had little hair on top (the sketch is remarkably similar in posture, hands in pockets etc, to the photo of RH though,almost too similar)

A key difference is the age and the "swarthy" Dark skinned" appearance.
RH had a suntan but was definitely a Northern European in appearance and did look a lot older than mid thirties, even before his illness.

I agree that all sex offenders should be looked at and hope that they were, did RH really know anything about what happened to Madeleine?
He apparently never said anything that could be proven, he supposedly wrote a letter to his estranged son, who in turn burned the letter, but then went to the press?
I don't see how anything will ever be found against RH personally, he had no solid roots, no home, presumably all the belongings he had were fit in a truck that was sold on, so unless his wife comes forward and passes on information, where else could it come from?

I tend to agree about anythung coming from this - unless his wife has things to say ? but probably not

the only thng that puzzles me is the similaruty of the walk and posture between Gail Coopers sketch and Howlett - granted there are other things that are not simillar - but enough to make me a little puzzled

I know a lot has been written about Cooper being unreliable and a bit bonkers - will try and read a bit more about her
I agree with you regarding the walk and posture.
I would be very interested to know when the photo of RH with his hands in his pockets was taken and who by, it seems amazingly close to the sketch imo
I agree with you regarding the walk and posture.
I would be very interested to know when the photo of RH with his hands in his pockets was taken and who by, it seems amazingly close to the sketch imo

the thing about Howlett is if we had to imagine the type of person who was capable of abducting Maddeleine - this would be the guy we would come up

a known paedophile
a record of abuse and kidnapp
someone who would not think twice about this - his past record of using paint stripper to subdue - and this is only the crimes he has been apprehended for - what he got up to in his travels across ireland and Europe god only knows - his last known offence was in 1988 - I certaibnly doubt he has been living an innocent life since then -

How did he first come of notice to the PJ - he must have been known in the area

anyway - all just subjecture - and probably history - nothing has come in past 5 years

lets see what Grange says if and when they report
Questions I have in regards to RH -

1. why Team McCann did not EVER actually question the man, despite their insinuations and his consent?

2. Why a blog is considered a valid source of evidence and information? Blogs are opinion.

no one is claiming there is any evidence to link him - I have been clear on that - what I have said his past history as a child rapist would make him certainly be looked at

Form ????

This is known criminal history below - I certainly wouldnt discount him for anything
  • Convicted paedophile
  • Three jail terms in the UK for sex crimes involving children
  • 1972 - Jailed for one year after raping a 12-year-old girl he had lured into his car and knocked out with paint stripper. Served served 12 months of an 18-month sentence. Upon release returned to Todmorden
  • 1978 - Attempted to rape a 14-year-old. Hewlett held a gun to her head. Sentenced to four years - served 16 months
  • 1988 - Jailed for six years after the abduction of a 14-year-old newspaper delivery girl at knifepoint in Northwich, Cheshire. Fled to Ireland. Identified as the attacker by forensic evidence and brought back to face trial in UK. Two years into sentence was granted home leave from Leicestershire's Stoken Prison and absconded. Rearrested when he arrived back in Britain from Ireland in 1991.
Rebeccah Wade editior of the NOW and Sun has indeed been charged - but until she has been found guilty or not guilty and the facts are examined in court I will refrain form judgement

I know the horrible history, I said he doesnt have form for abducting and abusing three year olds! There is a huge difference.

Fabgod, you were asking when the photo of Hewlett taken with his hands in his pockets was taken, which is uncannily similar to the artists sketch in 2008 of Cooperman, it is believed to be 1997.

Alot of info on RH on this blog
I tend to agree about anythung coming from this - unless his wife has things to say ? but probably not

the only thng that puzzles me is the similaruty of the walk and posture between Gail Coopers sketch and Howlett - granted there are other things that are not simillar - but enough to make me a little puzzled

I know a lot has been written about Cooper being unreliable and a bit bonkers - will try and read a bit more about her

There are alot of newspaper stories and some comment here

There are certain things which stand out for me as being illogical, or fanciful,such as the man snapped walking on the beach in the rain in the morning as being the same man mrs cooper had come to her door and frighten her later that afternoon. if you scroll down the page you will see a photo of a man in a dark jacket and light trousers, smartly dressed and short hair and NO handlebar mexican moustache. So in the space of a few hours his hair grew, he grew a giant moustache and turned from smart to scruffy!


Briton Gail Cooper was having lunch with family and friends in a beachside cafe and taking photos when she saw him wandering along the beach, apparently in a world of his own.

"It was odd to see him walking around the beach alone in showery, cold weather." she said.

Mrs Cooper, 53, added that a few hours after the snap was taken, the same man visited her at her rented villa 20 minutes' walk from the beach. The £2million holiday property was in a quiet road near the Mark Warner complex where Madeleine and her family were staying.


Direct link to article

On related issue
Scroll down to powerpoint presentation by mccanns/spokesman in which it says Jane Tanner said the cooperman sketch was 80% resemblance to the man she saw on the night

And not forgetting that the mccann team have tried to make out cooperman, tannerman and smithman were all one and the same person

Talk about muddying the waters
None of this explains why the only credible eye witness positively identified Gerry.

I know the horrible history, I said he doesnt have form for abducting and abusing three year olds! There is a huge difference.

Fabgod, you were asking when the photo of Hewlett taken with his hands in his pockets was taken, which is uncannily similar to the artists sketch in 2008 of Cooperman, it is believed to be 1997.

Alot of info on RH on this blog

The problem with that blog is, it's a blog.

The writer has alleged all this "horrible history" but there are no supporting links.

I would think there would be at least a link to the court hearings or crimes themselves that he allegedly served time for, instead of just going on one bloggers word that they actually exist? They do not even mention what jurisdiction these alleged sentences were imposed in.

If only I understood why walking on the beach in a beach resort is thought to be incriminating.
If only I understood why walking on the beach in a beach resort is thought to be incriminating.


In the rain, no less.


I thought English people were immune to rain, anyway?

The problem with that blog is, it's a blog.

The writer has alleged all this "horrible history" but there are no supporting links.

I would think there would be at least a link to the court hearings or crimes themselves that he allegedly served time for, instead of just going on one bloggers word that they actually exist? They do not even mention what jurisdiction these alleged sentences were imposed in.


I dont think there is any question that he committed those crimes or was suspected of others, its well documented including wikipedia iirc and his own wife has stated she knew of his past history

The blog i linked to, not sure if the same one as gord, has many interesting articles which question the whole seemingly accepted idea that RH coukd have had something to do with this
I dont think there is any question that he committed those crimes or was suspected of others, its well documented including wikipedia iirc and his own wife has stated she knew of his past history

The blog i linked to, not sure if the same one as gord, has many interesting articles which question the whole seemingly accepted idea that RH coukd have had something to do with this

If he was a genuine suspect, they would have gone back to question him.

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