SM as a potential focus of the investigation

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I keep putting myself in her shoes. It seems to me if you need to have a discussion with a teacher about something important you would wait until AFTER class. I never try to talk with my kids teachers before school as it's too crazy. I definitely wouldn't try to speak with a teacher on the day of the science fair. JMO.

If you read the story again the friend says she talked to the teacher about the appt and gave her the paperwork the day before Kyron went missing. She doesn't specify that the SM talked to the teacher before class of even that day.
Not sure where to post this as I do not see a news thread for today:

Kyron Horman's blended family: Friends describe a close, supportive group
Published: Saturday, June 19, 2010, 10:00 AM

The dark-haired and redheaded women standing side by side at a news conference in the Kyron Horman investigation share a longtime bond with the 7-year-old boy gone missing. With a nation looking on, they shared their grief under the glare of television.

The mother, Desiree Young, 38, and stepmother, Terri Moulton Horman, 40, have been friends for years, long before the beaming and bespectacled 7-year-old went missing from Skyline School in northwest Multnomah County. Since his June 4 disappearance, his blended family has hunkered down out of public view, emerging only as a group. Neither mother has spoken publicly, and the dads have read only prepared statements.

But details of their relationship have emerged in multiple interviews by The Oregonian with friends and family.

Terri was the last known person to see Kyron after she took him to school that day, and she was the first to report him missing when she discovered he wasn't on the school bus that afternoon. That day followed years of caring for him. When Kyron was a toddler, Desiree went to Canada to seek treatment for a serious medical condition. Her close friend Terri became Kyron's caretaker
I am totally undecided on this case. A few days ago, I thought TH was defintely involved or had guilty knowledge at the least, but now I am no longer sure what I believe. It almost seems as if there is too much going on here that points to her. There is another case on the boards here where clues and evidence are piling up against a particular POI to the extent it is almost comical (though I do feel that person is involved) and this is starting to seem that way to me.

Perhaps in both cases, the offenders were, in fact, careless enough to bring about the appearance of guilt in this way. But in Kyron's case, I heistate on the notion of premeditation, if in fact TH is the offender here. All of what points to her guilt can be seen also as a cover-up after the fact, after something horrible had happened that morning. If she was "out of pocket" from 9am-1pm or so, that would leave plenty of time to do the physical work of a cover-up and still be home to "meet the bus" as though nothing had happened. I don't know if she posted to her FB between 9-1; if she posted from a mobile device, I think it would say so on the screen.

So, basically, she needs to account for her time to LE, from 9am-1pm, IMO, and somewhere in this time frame, something is not proving true. If she panicked, she would not remember to remove the battery from her phone in order not to be traced, IMO. Or it could be as simple as she went someplace that day that she did not want to be discovered (nude beach, meet a man, whatever) and she lied initally and it has now spun out of control. And the convoluted tale to the teacher story could be a last-ditch effort to blame the school.
First of all, I have noted that in 2005 Terri was still using her maiden name. So, if we go by that, they have been married less than 5 years.

I just had a thought...

Obviously, you can adore your step son and your son... then feel totally differently once you have a daughter.

What if Terri did not think she could have another child, or would have another child? So she thought that Kyron was the only "baby" she was going to have? Was happy to raise him as her own because she wasn't going to have another one of her own.

Then, when she DID have her own and especially when it ended up being a girl.... Kyron was simply more of an intrusion into her perfect world.

Maybe somebody else would know if baby K was planned or if she was a surprise.

Her situation is a different than any I've ever known of personally, in that she was raising her stepson even though he has a mother.

Maybe she was angry with Kyron for taking her time and energy when she wanted to spend that elsewhere or on her own baby. Perhaps her idea of what having a child is like didn't mesh with reality, and she resented Kyron.
I think she appears to be a normal mother, not a supermom. Certainly everything you listed is true of every stay at home mom I know, except the ones I know have all of their biological minor children living with them.

Her situation is a different than any I've ever known of personally, in that she was raising her stepson even though he has a mother.

I don't think that makes her a supermom since she agreed to do it, and I'm in the more-the-merrier camp when it comes to children.

I do think the situation had to be difficult. I cannot imagine a positive, pleasant, situation in which a bio mom would choose to have her ex-husband's wife raise her child. I watched the family at the press conference, and my impression of Kyron's mother was that she was the most distressed person there and that she did not take comfort in SM's presence.

Whatever the reason, SM was stuck in the middle between the bio dad and the bio mom vis-a-vis raising the child. It must have been stressful at times, especially if either of the bio parents ever criticized her parenting of Kyron. She might have felt like a martyr, for all we know. Maybe she felt unappreciated.

It can be a difficult position to be in, having all (or most, or some) of the responsibility for parenting a child, but none of the rights associated with parenthood.

Maybe, if SM is the perp, she did it out of anger towards the bio parents, for revenge. Maybe she was angry with Kyron for taking her time and energy when she wanted to spend that elsewhere or on her own baby. Perhaps her idea of what having a child is like didn't mesh with reality, and she resented Kyron.

It doesn't matter if her anger was justified or aimed at the proper person; what matters is that it fueled the fire.


I certainly wouldn't label her a 'supermom'. I know a few 'supermoms' and she doesn't come close (from what I have read about her) to being one. First of all, a supermom certainly would have attended her sons talent show. Since Terri didn't show up at the school at 1pm (she was on FB according to her posts time stamp) then she either KNEW Kyron wasn't at school or she chose not to attend his talent show. Either way, not a supermom in my book,. But no matter.
I am curious, WHY did Kyron not live with his bio mom? If there was a problem or isssue with Kyron, why did SM not try to get bio mom to take him for awhile?
Blended families can be strained and raising someone else's child would be difficult, I imagine, for some women. Someone said bio mom and SM were best friends (in the past, or now, I am not sure) is that true, or rumor? I am sure there is quite a story there and we will find out what it is in the future. Until then, I am praying Kyron comes home, alive. I am not a religious person but I am praying for this little angel.

Actually no that is not what I stated. I'm "assuming" everything happened according to what we know right now. I'm not talking about her "clearing" herself. We are missing each other. IMHO everyone including the other 3 need to be reaching out to whomever took their child. That was my point in stating my opinion.

Thank you for clarifying; it helps. Because from my standpoint, I can't look at her not saying anything and point fingers, when the entire family is not saying anything. That has to remove HER from suspicion if everyone else is not suspicious for the same action.

And while I'm at it, I see the body language (this is not directed specifically to you, MD MOMMY, but in general) of these 4 adults in an interesting light: Terri's seeking comfort is ANSWERED. Desiree offers her hand. Kaine wraps her into his embrace. She is devastated. She has a look of horror on her face, and yet, they're all 4 standing together.

I say they all 4 know something, and it affects Terri in an awful way that could be read as guilt, but could also be read as remorse that she herself brought this horror into all their lives, but did not herself cause the disappearance of Kyron.

Does that make sense?
Not sure where to post this as I do not see a news thread for today:

Kyron Horman's blended family: Friends describe a close, supportive group
Published: Saturday, June 19, 2010, 10:00 AM

The dark-haired and redheaded women standing side by side at a news conference in the Kyron Horman investigation share a longtime bond with the 7-year-old boy gone missing. With a nation looking on, they shared their grief under the glare of television.

The mother, Desiree Young, 38, and stepmother, Terri Moulton Horman, 40, have been friends for years, long before the beaming and bespectacled 7-year-old went missing from Skyline School in northwest Multnomah County. Since his June 4 disappearance, his blended family has hunkered down out of public view, emerging only as a group. Neither mother has spoken publicly, and the dads have read only prepared statements.

But details of their relationship have emerged in multiple interviews by The Oregonian with friends and family.

Terri was the last known person to see Kyron after she took him to school that day, and she was the first to report him missing when she discovered he wasn't on the school bus that afternoon. That day followed years of caring for him. When Kyron was a toddler, Desiree went to Canada to seek treatment for a serious medical condition. Her close friend Terri became Kyron's caretaker
EXCELLENT FIND!!! Do we consider this a "news source" and therefore, can accept what they are saying about family and past relationships?

It clears up why Kyron went to Kaine at such an early age.
Kyron was born Sept. 9, 2002, and Kaine and Desiree were officially divorced in 2003. Kaine and Desiree shared custody, but Kyron mostly lived with Desiree until 2004, when she went to Canada after suffering kidney failure....

Kyron moved in full time with his dad, now 36, an engineer at Intel. With a demanding job at the company's Jones Farm campus in Hillsboro, where he works in the architecture group, Kaine needed child care. So, Desiree's friend Terri moved in to help....

...That same year, she was snagged on Interstate 5 in Marion County for drunken driving. ---- who was 11, was in the car. With a blood-alcohol level of 0.15 percent, she was charged with DUII and reckless child endangerment. Terri pleaded guilty and took a diversion course.
Paperwork...usually a type of rating scale, is routinely filled out by the teacher if the child has ADD/ADHD. This is done when newly diagnosed...or if they are changing meds, etc. The teacher fills one out, and the parent usually fills one out too. I am an elementary counselor and sometimes help my teachers with this process. This paperwork is handed to the teacher before the scheduled appointment. I always mail the ones my staff that way a parent could not change any answers the teachers marked. (Yes, I had a parent who really wanted their child diagnosed as being ADHD. In that case we felt he was wanting the drugs for his own use as the child showed no symptoms of the disorder and the parent had a drug history.)

BBM- despicable. Guess this happens more than we know. Hope the parents were reported to CPS. JMO

Kyron was born Sept. 9, 2002, and Kaine and Desiree were officially divorced in 2003. Kaine and Desiree shared custody, but Kyron mostly lived with Desiree until 2004, when she went to Canada after suffering kidney failure....

Kyron moved in full time with his dad, now 36, an engineer at Intel. With a demanding job at the company's Jones Farm campus in Hillsboro, where he works in the architecture group, Kaine needed child care. So, Desiree's friend Terri moved in to help....

...That same year, she was snagged on Interstate 5 in Marion County for drunken driving. ---- who was 11, was in the car. With a blood-alcohol level of 0.15 percent, she was charged with DUII and reckless child endangerment. Terri pleaded guilty and took a diversion course.

THERE IS SO MUCH NEW BACKGROUND INFO IN THIS ARTICLE!! I wonder if it can have it's own thread?
That article is a lot more about Terri than anyone else, but it provides a very reasonable explanation for why Kyron wasn't living with his bio mom. I figured it was something to do with medical or financial reasons ... turns out it was both.

One thing I've been tossing around is could SM have offered to go buy a real tree frog that a.m. for the science fair? Could she have told him, "OK, the pet store doesn't open until 9 a.m., so first we'll take evrything to school and set it up, and then we'll go buy a tree frog when the pet store is open." Then when they were at the school, she could have told him to go ahead back out to the truck, she would tell the teacher, and then she slips out herself. Alone, like she said.

Maybe I should be posting on the other thread, but I wanted to respond. I agree it would have been easy for her to get him to leave the school. Had he presented his project yet at that point? Science fairs that I was in and attended with my daughter required giving an oral presentation of the project to some judges. Kyron would have been delighted to leave to go get a tree frog.

I think he would have had trouble finding the truck if he were alone looking for it. And I can tell you that my 7 year old son would stick right by my side, even if I told him to go out to our vehicle alone. I think they slipped out together at a precise time.
We also now that she drives a bright red mustang. IMO, anyone who drives a bright red mustang is screaming for attention and wants to be noticed. Also, MOO of course, I also find it odd that a 40-year old woman with young children would drive a two-door mustang. It's not exactly the most convenient vehicle especially when you're dealing with car seats. But, it does draw attention, especially from young men. I'm just sayin..........MOO.

And quite proud of that mustang,. she was, as I remember reading she had mentioned it at least once on her FB postings. Hmmm.
IMO, red car screams "look at me".

well I know many made comments about desiree being cold to terri.

OH man. If my "friend" moved in with my ex to care for my child and then married him, it would bother me.
Except for one thing. No one is lauding her for being a great mother and for raising another woman's child with loving grace. No one is empathizing with her emotional agony. She is not a hero stepmother -- she is one who is suspected by many of committing a crime.

Maybe she wants positive attention.

She might WANT positive attention, but because of her bizarre actions the day he disappeared, she ain't gonna get it. JMO.

That article is a lot more about Terri than anyone else, but it provides a very reasonable explanation for why Kyron wasn't living with his bio mom. I figured it was something to do with medical or financial reasons ... turns out it was both.

I am glad they published this article it gives everyone a better idea of their life and I don't think it paints TMH out in a bad light.
In all fairness to her she is not a POI officially and she is innocent until proven guilty. I think everyone wants to know the family better and can better relate to them.
I was a teacher for almost 30 years.

I have been given ADHD papers to fill out many times, sometimes with great surprise.

I felt is was a method of trying to control a child's behavior at home sometimes where there was poor parenting skills. Not always. Only if the child exhibited no issues at school.

I have been given the papers many times the day before they were due for the doctor's office.
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