SM as a potential focus of the investigation

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That same year, she was snagged on Interstate 5 in Marion County for drunken driving. James, who was 11, was in the car. With a blood-alcohol level of 0.15 percent, she was charged with DUII and reckless child endangerment. Terri pleaded guilty and took a diversion course.

Im not trying to be a smarty pants but if in 2005 she was charged and plead guilty to reckless child engangerment and DUII could she pass background checks to become a substitute teacher in an elementary school in 2005/2006?
I love the new article about the family history. Lots of great info. Yes, she sounds just like any other American mom. We need to know more, though. Every family has arguments and squabbles. To what degree were Terri and the husband arguing, and about what? Why did James move out?
I posted last night that this whole story sounds like a movie plot too fantastic to be believable and now it is even more cliche, with the nanny-turned-stepmom...yikes.

I do think there is something to the possibility of TH changing in her feelings toward a "pesky" 7-year old boy, vs. the adorable toddler she had "signed up" for, that may have become more pronounced once she had another adorable toddler.
Odd that we now find out Kaine was adopted. I wonder if Kristian was also, and if they had the same bio parents or totally unrelated.

Is there a link for Kaine being adoted? TIA

Never mind, I missed it in the article.

Re: that talent show...I know all families are different, but recently my oldest g'son was in the school talent show. Hes always been a shy boy and when he announced he wanted to be in the talent show we were all plesantly surprised.
Myself, his other 2 grandparents, his mom, his dad, his step dad, his aunt and his little brother (only 2 yrs old) all showed up to the talent show. It was held in the cafeteria/ auditorium and there was plenty of room for all the parents and guests. I can't imagine Kyron was "thought to be in school" by his SM and yet she didn't bother to attend his talent show performance? That just baffles me to no end. She had to know he wasn't in school, she was home on FB at the time the talent show started. THAT was her priority, if she had no involvement in his disappearance and she assumed he was in school that day???? Being on FB and not being at Kyron's talent show performance? Unbeleiveable.

I will never be able to look at a tree frog again, ever, without thinking of Kyron. Bless this little boys heart, and :furious: the person who has caused him to disappear.

I missed my daughter's talent show this week. I didn't know she was performing in it, and she stole the show. That doesn't make me a bad mom nor should it reflect poorly on me if something happened in the same week.

And I'm really not trying to defend Terri, I'm just not convinced she's the POI. But I see this nitpicking on her (not in relation to the post above). Am I really the only mom on WS that *gasp* yells at my daughter sometimes? There are times I have "gotten in her face", and there are times that corrections come out much sharper than I intended. There are tons of hugs and kisses and snuggles that are both seen and unseen by others.

I post hilariously funny comments on FB about her antics, and I've long called her "Dennis the menace in drag" but anyone who knows us face to face knows she's the beat in my heart.

I think some of the scrutinizing is so out of line, ...I have no idea what has happened, and I seriously hope it wasn't Terri, but if it turns out to be - she deserves all that the law can throw at her. If it turns out not to be, I hope there's some serious mea culpas here.
Not sure where to post this as I do not see a news thread for today:

Kyron Horman's blended family: Friends describe a close, supportive group
Published: Saturday, June 19, 2010, 10:00 AM

The dark-haired and redheaded women standing side by side at a news conference in the Kyron Horman investigation share a longtime bond with the 7-year-old boy gone missing. With a nation looking on, they shared their grief under the glare of television.

The mother, Desiree Young, 38, and stepmother, Terri Moulton Horman, 40, have been friends for years, long before the beaming and bespectacled 7-year-old went missing from Skyline School in northwest Multnomah County. Since his June 4 disappearance, his blended family has hunkered down out of public view, emerging only as a group. Neither mother has spoken publicly, and the dads have read only prepared statements.

But details of their relationship have emerged in multiple interviews by The Oregonian with friends and family.

Terri was the last known person to see Kyron after she took him to school that day, and she was the first to report him missing when she discovered he wasn't on the school bus that afternoon. That day followed years of caring for him. When Kyron was a toddler, Desiree went to Canada to seek treatment for a serious medical condition. Her close friend Terri became Kyron's caretaker

FINALLY, an explanation why Terri had the care of Kyron and not his mother.
But I stlll have 999 more questions!
Who has a link from other than a rumor source about the Gym yelling? If you can't provide a link please remove your comments about it.

Iwill go see if I can find it, I know it is there brb.....
To CathyinTexas:

Cell pings are evidence, whereas polygraphs are simply tools and cannot be used in court. Cell evidence cannot be questioned, as far as I know, except to as who had the phone perhaps.
Not sure where to post this as I do not see a news thread for today:

Kyron Horman's blended family: Friends describe a close, supportive group
Published: Saturday, June 19, 2010, 10:00 AM

The dark-haired and redheaded women standing side by side at a news conference in the Kyron Horman investigation share a longtime bond with the 7-year-old boy gone missing. With a nation looking on, they shared their grief under the glare of television.

The mother, Desiree Young, 38, and stepmother, Terri Moulton Horman, 40, have been friends for years, long before the beaming and bespectacled 7-year-old went missing from Skyline School in northwest Multnomah County. Since his June 4 disappearance, his blended family has hunkered down out of public view, emerging only as a group. Neither mother has spoken publicly, and the dads have read only prepared statements.

But details of their relationship have emerged in multiple interviews by The Oregonian with friends and family.

Terri was the last known person to see Kyron after she took him to school that day, and she was the first to report him missing when she discovered he wasn't on the school bus that afternoon. That day followed years of caring for him. When Kyron was a toddler, Desiree went to Canada to seek treatment for a serious medical condition. Her close friend Terri became Kyron's caretaker

Wow....very thorough and informative .....Thanks!

So just to start a list of a few of the things which are corrected now that contradict things that have been posted here erroneously that are now proven to be untrue:

TH has now, and has always had a very close and good relationship with DY.
TH has been the primary caretaker of Kyron for his whole life, first as a help to her good friend who was ill, then as the live in caretaker of Kyron for Kaine, and finally as his SM.
NO friend or relative, including two ex-husbands said a single negative word about her.
She is not adopted---Kaine is.
The older son has not had a "tragic life" at all, he was loved and even adopted by his first step father who still pays child support for this adopted child, even though his bio father does not.
TH did complete a full 4 year college degree PLUS her Masters.
TH did not teach for only one year, she taught for at least 4 years.
TH made a big mistake of having a DUI, she made retribution for her error and has never had any other kind of violation.
The family, including TH, remain close and supportive of each other.

There are more, but that shows a small sample of how much misinformation has been put out by some in an effort to damage this person's reputation without the correct facts to back up their erroneous comments.

***************STOP and read, thank you.

Right now, we need some links to all these facts that are being discussed here. We are starting to get very invasive with our posts into people who haven't been named a POI.

Please start editing your "fact based" posts with links now.

And let's stop the family dynamic analyzing without a POI please.

Bumping....... we do not have a POI.

You may discuss the news articles. You may not get more invasive than that.
I am totally undecided on this case. A few days ago, I thought TH was defintely involved or had guilty knowledge at the least, but now I am no longer sure what I believe. It almost seems as if there is too much going on here that points to her. There is another case on the boards here where clues and evidence are piling up against a particular POI to the extent it is almost comical (though I do feel that person is involved) and this is starting to seem that way to me.

Perhaps in both cases, the offenders were, in fact, careless enough to bring about the appearance of guilt in this way. But in Kyron's case, I heistate on the notion of premeditation, if in fact TH is the offender here. All of what points to her guilt can be seen also as a cover-up after the fact, after something horrible had happened that morning. If she was "out of pocket" from 9am-1pm or so, that would leave plenty of time to do the physical work of a cover-up and still be home to "meet the bus" as though nothing had happened. I don't know if she posted to her FB between 9-1; if she posted from a mobile device, I think it would say so on the screen.

So, basically, she needs to account for her time to LE, from 9am-1pm, IMO, and somewhere in this time frame, something is not proving true. If she panicked, she would not remember to remove the battery from her phone in order not to be traced, IMO. Or it could be as simple as she went someplace that day that she did not want to be discovered (nude beach, meet a man, whatever) and she lied initally and it has now spun out of control. And the convoluted tale to the teacher story could be a last-ditch effort to blame the school.

All plausible, in theory, BUT Le is NOT begging whoever took Kyron to please return him, to come forwards, etc. Its like they KNOW hes deceased, already. It would be WONDERFUL if some lonely person kidnapped him to have for themself, and he is safe and while he's still kidnapped, he's being fed and "loved". But sadly, I think LE and everyone else knows that's not whats happened. At least they are not acting as if that's a possibility. JMO

Was TH's mother the source of much of the background info, in that article, I wonder? I know there are quotes from various ex-husbands, but as far as the opinion-type things, as to how well everyone got along, etc...
I certainly wouldn't label her a 'supermom'. I know a few 'supermoms' and she doesn't come close (from what I have read about her) to being one. First of all, a supermom certainly would have attended her sons talent show. Since Terri didn't show up at the school at 1pm (she was on FB according to her posts time stamp) then she either KNEW Kyron wasn't at school or she chose not to attend his talent show. Either way, not a supermom in my book,. But no matter.
I am curious, WHY did Kyron not live with his bio mom? If there was a problem or isssue with Kyron, why did SM not try to get bio mom to take him for awhile?
Blended families can be strained and raising someone else's child would be difficult, I imagine, for some women. Someone said bio mom and SM were best friends (in the past, or now, I am not sure) is that true, or rumor? I am sure there is quite a story there and we will find out what it is in the future. Until then, I am praying Kyron comes home, alive. I am not a religious person but I am praying for this little angel.


SM & BM were best friends long before Kyron went missing. BM got ill and had to go to Canada for treatment after Kyron was born. SM moved in w/ BD to help raise Kyron. They developed a relationship and was married in 2007.

I got all of this from an article posted above (thank you to the person that originally posted the link it was a great help to me). Everyone really needs to read this article. There is so much information about the family and answers a lot of our questions.
All plausible, in theory, BUT Le is NOT begging whoever took Kyron to please return him, to come forwards, etc. Its like they KNOW hes deceased, already. It would be WONDERFUL if some lonely person kidnapped him to have for themself, and he is safe and while he's still kidnapped, he's being fed and "loved". But sadly, I think LE and everyone else knows that's not whats happened. At least they are not acting as if that's a possibility. JMO


I was referring to a POI in another case...I don't think there is a stranger-unidentified POI in this case...maybe I wasn't clear, was mentioning how all of the things pointing to TH remind me of another case...
Is there a link for Kaine being adoted? TIA
From the Oregonian article:

Kaine's adoptive dad, Neil. Horman., says Kyron's disappearance has been a strain on the parents.

"The loss of a child like this is devastating," he said. also says earlier in same article:

More than a year after they were married, on Dec. 8, 2008, Kaine and Terri had a baby girl.

Her name reflects a family tradition of Kaine's biological father, KM, who has a twin sister, KMH. Mengel and his wife, K, named their sons K and K, now 32.
First of all, I have noted that in 2005 Terri was still using her maiden name. So, if we go by that, they have been married less than 5 years.

I just had a thought...

Obviously, you can adore your step son and your son... then feel totally differently once you have a daughter.

What if Terri did not think she could have another child, or would have another child? So she thought that Kyron was the only "baby" she was going to have? Was happy to raise him as her own because she wasn't going to have another one of her own.

Then, when she DID have her own and especially when it ended up being a girl.... Kyron was simply more of an intrusion into her perfect world.

Maybe somebody else would know if baby K was planned or if she was a surprise.

So what came first, she was friends with bio mom and bio mom had to go to Canada, and when did SM marry biodad? Cos its a bit unusual to be BFF with the mother of your husbands child. Was bio mom planning to ever take Kyron and raise him herself, or was she content to let Kyron stay with SM and bio dad? Is bio mom well now, and does she have kids of her own? I;m telling ya', I have a zillion questions.

I hope that the bio mom is doing better in her recovery, my heart truly goes out to her. She is suffering in so many ways.

I think she has shown much trust and faith in Terri. I hope that isn't broken or violated in anyway. Personally she shown awsome character! If my best friend went to take care of my baby while I was getting life saving medical treatment I would think she was so amazing...IMOO..until she married my exhusband then I would have mixed feelings. Greatful but betrayed.
All plausible, in theory, BUT Le is NOT begging whoever took Kyron to please return him, to come forwards, etc. Its like they KNOW hes deceased, already. It would be WONDERFUL if some lonely person kidnapped him to have for themself, and he is safe and while he's still kidnapped, he's being fed and "loved". But sadly, I think LE and everyone else knows that's not whats happened. At least they are not acting as if that's a possibility. JMO


Yes! Where is the family plea??????
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