SM as a potential focus of the investigation

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Are JF and TMH actually really good friends? Or are they just sort of old school friends who happened to reconnect while on facebook? I suppose it might not matter, if TMH is telling her specific things and then giving her permission. But, I'm just curious whether anyone knows that for sure.
It seems to me that there is a strategy in this latest focus on SM that is not necessarily one of suspicion. Otherwise, LE would have had to eliminate entire segments of the timeline (according to various articles) to continue to state that she is the last to have seen him:

8:45 SM waves goodbye to Kyron as she departs school hall and he is at or almost at his homeroom.

9:00 Unidentified school sighting of Kyron reported initially by LE, but mysteriously dropped:

Homerooms separate into groups of approximately 6 students each. Parent/volunteer chaperone sets out with her group, including Kyron, to tour sci-fair projects in other rooms?

Kyron passes his classmate in hall while loosely walking around with his group and mentions he's going to view the cool e-sci-project?​

10:00 Student groups return to homerooms. Parent/volunteer chaperone of Kyron's group notices he didn't return with the group (she had to have seen Kyron when the group formed to recall him; also only 5 students returning in the group wouldn't have stood out to her if she hadn't started out with 6).

Why can't the public know if LE has confirmed that the group chaperone did take note of Kyron not returning to the class with the group. Why would the classmate make this up? This is essential to determining if this is an abduction or not.
I am not sure what side of the fence I'm on in regards to TH, so don't take it that way as I pose a question. This is merely to encourage discussion.

What has been released in the media to make you feel TH isn't involved, if anything?

I haven't been able to clear her since she is the last person to see him (that we know of), but the questionnaire that stopped just shy of putting a blinking red neon light arrow pointing to her from every direction made me wonder if it was just a tad TOO obvious and if it might have been a strategy to make another perp feel comfortable and slip up, get mad that another stole his limelight or scare him/her into a confession if it's someone who likes Terri and doesn't want her arrested for it.
I haven't been able to clear her since she is the last person to see him (that we know of), but the questionnaire that stopped just shy of putting a blinking red neon light arrow pointing to her from every direction made me wonder if it was just a tad TOO obvious and if it might have been a strategy to make another perp feel comfortable and slip up, get mad that another stole his limelight or scare him/her into a confession if it's someone who likes Terri and doesn't want her arrested for it.

This could be the reason for using her photos from after June 4, to show her in distress.
10:00 Student groups return to homerooms. Parent/volunteer chaperone of Kyron's group notices he didn't return with the group (she had to have seen Kyron when the group formed to recall him; also only 5 students returning in the group wouldn't have stood out to her if she hadn't started out with 6).

Not necessarily if it's someone who has been there before and knows the class. If this happened after all the groups had returned to the classroom IMO it wouldn't even have to be the chaperone who was supposed to shepherd Kyron's group around the displays, it could have been another adult who knows how many kids there are in the class altogether and notices one missing, perhaps having seen him earlier the day. Maybe the kids already put their science fair displays away to regain the regular use of their desks and even a complete stranger would have noticed that there was a display signed Kyron left standing, unattended, or if the adults put them aside an empty desk without a corresponding child.
It seems to me that there is a strategy in this latest focus on SM that is not necessarily one of suspicion. Otherwise, LE would have had to eliminate entire segments of the timeline (according to various articles) to continue to state that she is the last to have seen him:

8:45 SM waves goodbye to Kyron as she departs school hall and he is at or almost at his homeroom.

9:00 Unidentified school sighting of Kyron reported initially by LE, but mysteriously dropped:

Homerooms separate into groups of approximately 6 students each. Parent/volunteer chaperone sets out with her group, including Kyron, to tour sci-fair projects in other rooms?

Kyron passes his classmate in hall while loosely walking around with his group and mentions he's going to view the cool e-sci-project?​

10:00 Student groups return to homerooms. Parent/volunteer chaperone of Kyron's group notices he didn't return with the group (she had to have seen Kyron when the group formed to recall him; also only 5 students returning in the group wouldn't have stood out to her if she hadn't started out with 6).

Why can't the public know if LE has confirmed that the group chaperone did take note of Kyron not returning to the class with the group. Why would the classmate make this up? This is essential to determining if this is an abduction or not.

This report came from a classmate of Kyron's, TP. Since LE has now stated that SM was the last person seen with Kyron I am assuming that they aren't considering TP's account. He is just a child and probably wanted to help but may have been confused. I would say that LE's version is the most accurate.
I don't understand the whole "sending a friend to speak for her" thing; TH is a grown 40 year old woman, not a junior high kid sending her friend across the gym to tell a guy she likes him. She's obviously not a puddle on the floor if she's able to go hit the gym, post smilies on FB, and surf the web reading comments about herself. If she's so concerned about what's being said about her, why doesn't she go out herself and pass the message instead of hiding behind this friend? She either wants to speak to the media, or she doesn't. It seems to me she wants it both ways - she won't speak to the media, but she sends a friend to do it for her. I can only interpret this one way; she wants her voice heard, but doesn't want a two-way conversation about it. Why not?
For anyone interested in kind of a long answer to this...

You can recover things deleted, even several times over from a computer, yes. But not if it doesn't have a hard drive. The information is stored on the hard drive, no hard drive, nothing to recover.

A camera is similar, my camera doesn't even store any images on the actual camera. Only on the memory card. (Many you can do both.) So if I take my memory card and throw it in the dumpster... put in a new one... (I have 6 anyway and they are $5, this isn't like an expensive hard drive) then absolutely not, they couldn't recover anything. Though, I am quite skeptical they could anyway.

Also, you set the time and date on a camera. My brother never set his. Mine is set correctly to the minute. I'm anal about it, he's not.

My computer will tell you what time my picture was "created" which is the time the picture was taken.

It will tell you what time it was "modified" on an edited version, when I last made an actual change that was saved.

It will tell you when it was last "accessed" on the computer as well. The last time it was opened or viewed.

All of these come with dates and times. Again, dependent on the date and time you have set on your computer.

Terri, may not even have the original image... she may have edited it or uploaded it and deleted the original. She may not have set the time or date on her camera.

There are different programs for different cameras that allow you to access even more information about an individual image. But I would not assume that they would be able to find out for depends on camera and computer settings, the type of camera, type of computer, what she did with the image...many different factors.

Hopefully that made sense... :waitasec:

Yes, that made sense! Thank you for taking the time to type all that out - I didn't know how all that worked.
I imagine she could be afraid she'd get asked hard questions and the interviews slanted to make look bad, whether she's innocent or guilty.
I don't understand the whole "sending a friend to speak for her" thing; TH is a grown 40 year old woman, not a junior high kid sending her friend across the gym to tell a guy she likes him. She's obviously not a puddle on the floor if she's able to go hit the gym, post smilies on FB, and surf the web reading comments about herself. If she's so concerned about what's being said about her, why doesn't she go out herself and pass the message instead of hiding behind this friend? She either wants to speak to the media, or she doesn't. It seems to me she wants it both ways - she won't speak to the media, but she sends a friend to do it for her. I can only interpret this one way; she wants her voice heard, but doesn't want a two-way conversation about it. Why not?

We only have the "friend's" word that Terri sent her friend to speak for her.
I haven't been able to clear her since she is the last person to see him (that we know of), but the questionnaire that stopped just shy of putting a blinking red neon light arrow pointing to her from every direction made me wonder if it was just a tad TOO obvious and if it might have been a strategy to make another perp feel comfortable and slip up, get mad that another stole his limelight or scare him/her into a confession if it's someone who likes Terri and doesn't want her arrested for it.

Maybe. But I can't see someone who is capable of abducting and/or murdering an innocent 7 year old child being too distraught over Terri (or anyone else) going to jail. There is only one person I can think of who might care that much about Terri, but I don't think he did this crime.
I don't understand the whole "sending a friend to speak for her" thing; TH is a grown 40 year old woman, not a junior high kid sending her friend across the gym to tell a guy she likes him. She's obviously not a puddle on the floor if she's able to go hit the gym, post smilies on FB, and surf the web reading comments about herself. If she's so concerned about what's being said about her, why doesn't she go out herself and pass the message instead of hiding behind this friend? She either wants to speak to the media, or she doesn't. It seems to me she wants it both ways - she won't speak to the media, but she sends a friend to do it for her. I can only interpret this one way; she wants her voice heard, but doesn't want a two-way conversation about it. Why not?

Her friend isn't really doing her any favors. She conveys absulutely no concern for the welfare of Kyron. Perhaps if she spoke for herself she could make herself look less self involved.
This report came from a classmate of Kyron's, TP. Since LE has now stated that SM was the last person seen with Kyron I am assuming that they aren't considering TP's account. He is just a child and probably wanted to help but may have been confused. I would say that LE's version is the most accurate.

Why can't they (LE) just say straightforwardly if the group chaperone confirmed or denied TP's account regarding her? This for me will determine the focus of MY investigation. TIA
We only have the "friend's" word that Terri sent her friend to speak for her.

If it's the case that Terri didn't send her, Terri might want to make that known pronto. This woman is making TH look self-absorbed and self-pitying and it isn't coming off well.
Her friend isn't really doing her any favors. She conveys absulutely no concern for the welfare of Kyron. Perhaps if she spoke for herself she could make herself look less self involved.

Unfortunately, I think she really *is* that self-involved. The "blended family" article spoke volumes about her history of self-centered focus and on top of the behavior she displayed the first few days after Kyron's disappearance, that article was disastrous. And now she just continues - she sends her friend out to face the media and defend her because she doesn't want to do it herself. I can only give someone the benefit of the doubt for so long, but when a pattern emerges I have to at some point say, "OK, she really is like that."

I think I'm pretty much at that point.
I don't understand the whole "sending a friend to speak for her" thing; TH is a grown 40 year old woman, not a junior high kid sending her friend across the gym to tell a guy she likes him. She's obviously not a puddle on the floor if she's able to go hit the gym, post smilies on FB, and surf the web reading comments about herself. If she's so concerned about what's being said about her, why doesn't she go out herself and pass the message instead of hiding behind this friend? She either wants to speak to the media, or she doesn't. It seems to me she wants it both ways - she won't speak to the media, but she sends a friend to do it for her. I can only interpret this one way; she wants her voice heard, but doesn't want a two-way conversation about it. Why not?

can you imagine how people would tear it apart? I can just hear it "oh my gosh, did you see- she blinked three times during that pause and only two times with the other one." or "for someone so educated why did she use a double negative, doesn't sound very sincere to me." :banghead: There's not anything she can or could say that would convince those who think she's responsible that she's not at this point.
Why can't they (LE) just say straightforwardly if the group chaperone confirmed or denied TP's account regarding her? This for me will determine the focus of MY investigation. TIA

They said very clearly that he was last seen with his step mother. I think that invalidates anyone else seeing him afterwards.
Unfortunately, I think she really *is* that self-involved. The "blended family" article spoke volumes about her history of self-centered focus and on top of the behavior she displayed the first few days after Kyron's disappearance, that article was disastrous. And now she just continues - she sends her friend out to face the media and defend her because she doesn't want to do it herself. I can only give someone the benefit of the doubt for so long, but when a pattern emerges I have to at some point say, "OK, she really is like that."

I think I'm pretty much at that point.

I can't argue with you. I really think the Oregonlive piece was to put a spin on her DUI. They knew that was out there and they tried to make it sound better then it was. And they totally soft pedeled the child endangerment charge.
can you imagine how people would tear it apart? I can just hear it "oh my gosh, did you see- she blinked three times during that pause and only two times with the other one." or "for someone so educated why did she use a double negative, doesn't sound very sincere to me." :banghead: There's not anything she can or could say that would convince those who think she's responsible that she's not at this point.

Yes, I think that train left the station with her public FB activity. That huge error in judgment probably can't be undone at this point.
I can't argue with you. I really think the Oregonlive piece was to put a spin on her DUI. They knew that was out there and they tried to make it sound better then it was. And they totally soft pedeled the child endangerment charge.

That whole article was a picture of family dysfunction - marriages and divorces, kids shuffled around willy nilly, DUI/child endangerment. They tried to make it look good, but come on. Seriously?
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