So over all-things-Casey --- Anyone else?

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Right there with ya. Last night resorted to watching Sweet Home Alabama and then America's got Talent.....
I'm actually thinking of canceling my cable subscription - downgrade to basic. There is abosolutely nothing on TV that I give a rip about watching.
As long as I can get Discovery Channel, History Channel....I'm good.

I haven't had cable or satellite tv for years and I don't miss it at all. bunch a carp on tv.
I can watch anything I want to see on the internet.
I also have netflix streaming and have about 250 documentaries, movies and tv shows (previous seasons) lined up to watch. networks- including PBS - run episodes on their own websites.
who needs cable?

as for FCA, she is a legend in her own mind.
she's becoming a joke already.

[thanks to andalso from the news thread]

I'm done with CFCA! I've had enough of it. The justice system failed this time but i am a strong believer in karma. She will pay for what she did to baby Caylee and that satisfies me. The best way to get to CFCA right now is to IGNORE her, just like Jeff Ashton said and that is where i'm at right now.

I hope WS locks the CFCA soon, so our attention will be drawn to other cases and other children that need us. Caylee is in a better place now and can never be hurt again. I STRONGLY believe she feels the love and the prayers from the thousands of people who fought for her.

It's time for me to move on to other cases now...but must admit I think of sweet baby Caylee everyday and believe i will for a very long time. This little angel took my heart away...

BTW, I just got back from the grocery store and turned the "People" magazines around that had CFCA on the cover. Also two others, I believe was The National Enquirer and Star???? FWIW, it didn't look like they had sold any/many copies of them! :D
I hope Casey's happy with her Bella Vita, and I hope that George and Cindy are pleased as punch to be the parents of the most-hated woman in the country. Not exactly something of which to be proud, but if it makes money, the Anthonys will find a way to flaunt it.

No more Casey Anthony. Enough already!
I'm over this case. I became involved the night I saw Casey walk that walk and heard, "31 days." Immediately I knew she killed her. I had seen that strut before. My sister's husband had the same strut. I really enjoyed being able to follow the investigation step by step. My sister was killed in WV--no sunshine laws. I wasn't able to see transcripts of all the interviews or any of the forensic reports. It was therapeutic to be able to follow this case so closely. It never really was about Casey for me--it was about justice for Caylee. I still pop in to WS because I so enjoy reading what many of the posters have to say. Sometimes posts will touch my heart and sometimes posts will make me laugh out loud. You guys keep me coming back--not any curiosity about the former inmate. :)
I am with you all. Since she been let out of her cage I find her & the defence very boring. I can't even stomach watching anything on HLN anymore, especially when LKB comes on. So not worth it. I still check in here in hopes she & her defence has been charged for something else, but that's it.
Had KC got life or even 2nd degree murder they would have made more money off her.
This will be Baez's worst nightmare! She will never leave him alone. I'm beginning to doubt he will make any money off her. I bet she is texting & calling him all the time when they are not together.
This verdict could possibly mean the down fall of all of them. Instead of getting rich they are all going to go into dept because of KC. I love it!
For me, it started Monday. I tuned in to watch my usual news shows like jvm, Nancy Grace, etc., and seriously after about 5 minutes of it, I was changing channel to watch seinfeld reruns instead. Yesterday, when I heard about possible kc sighting in orlando, I actually rolled my eyes and thought "who cares?!". Just wondering if anyone else has also reached this state of total apathy in regards to kc? I honestly don't care where she is or isn't.. I'd rather watch paint drying. Don't get me wrong, I care about little Caylee, and welcome any news/progress on honoring her, getting Caylee's Law passed, etc. I don't agree with the jury's verdict but it is what it is... and like it or not, I've accepted it. The 'fat lady' has sang as far as my interest in kc... Only thing I want to dear on news about her is her <modsnip> next arrest... For someone as enthralled with this case as I was, this newly found disinterest not only surprises me, but makes me feel, for lack of a better word, free.
So I'm curious, is anyone else feeling this too?

(Mods-please move or remove at your discretion)

you took the words right out of my head right out of my mouth, im done w/ casey
I think what holds me to this is what I feel happened to Caylee a second time through our justice system 'thrown in a swamp like trash'.
I guess I'm always hoping to hear that CFCA was found in the same swamp in the same condition Caylee was found in.
I am trying to move on, it's just not so easy for me.

ETA: I would also like to know why we haven't heard about the release of the tape of CFCA's reaction when she heard that Caylee had been found. They can say that the jail taped over it all they want but I'd bet that the court has a copy of it. I also want to know why the sanctions against Baez hasn't been addressed.
God, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference.
No, not over it, not until I see 50 law suits filed against FCA and JB, not until I see every $$ deal she and JB plotted and planed dead in the water, dead and under water further down that whale poop. Not until I see CM crying because no one wants to hire him any more because he is ineffective and nasty. Not until the day I see FCA wishing she was back in jail because it was safer. Not until the day I hear FCA can't even walk into a restaurant or bar without someone spilling a drink on her, making a scene, yelling and telling her what they think of her. Then, maybe I'll be over it... Maybe... But not over Caylee...
I will never agree or respect the NG verdict and after 2 weeks, my brain is having a difficult time accepting it still because IMO it totally defies LOGIC and COMMON SENSE.

I am also still finding it hard to come to terms with KC being inflicted back upon our society once again. The idea that in the end she got what she wanted (a life free from the burden of her daughter) unnerves me every single time I consider it. That being said my belief in God tells me that KC has not had her day yet and when her case is retried in a higher court, this time there WILL be an eyewitness and all of the lies in the world can't fool the judge.

I will never forget Caylee's face... The single most comforting thing in all of this mess is the knowledge that Caylee is completely out of harms way and will never hurt again. She is in great hands now and knows of no want, pain or suffering. I hope that when I get to where she is I can find her and give her a HUGE hug :)

RIP angel, you captured our hearts from day one :rose:
I am glad that people are losing interest in that nutjob. I tried watching a little cnn/hln online yesterday (being in Europe), but lost interest very quickly and moved on to other things.
Many of the talking heads are convinced that Casey will make millions. I am not so sure. She is only interesting if she tells the truth about what happened, and we know she won´t do that. Without that, she is less than a nobody.
Yeah, once the Not Guilty verdict was read, I had a time of shell shock, a time of acceptance and now I'm at the place where I don't like it, but I can't change it. As such, it is what it is. I do get irritated when I see something on the news and have even asked out loud, "who cares?", but I have to wonder, if it had gone the other way, would I be reacting the same way? Probably not. So, I think I feel a bit defeated and let down that she walked, as such, it's easier to just "be done" with it.
Casey Anthony will be remembered for who and what she really is - the not guilty verdict absolves her of nothing in the court of public opinion.

The media needs to move on. There are other newsworthy events to cover then some California attorney prancing around a private airport in Orlando. George and Cindy Anthony need to go away too. Enough of the whole family. Caylee is dead. Let her rest in peace.

You pretty much summed it up for me, Dawn. I have some hope even Nancy Grace has gotten the message to let go of this story. Last night on her show, while dissecting the minutia of the "Orlando Casey" tape, one of her "unleashed lawyers", said she and programs like her are the ones keeping it alive.......and she actually agreed. Maybe the media will get the message they are being played by two not so bright lawyers.

"Just Say No" comes to mind. No we won't waste another second of precious air time on the "lying little witch". Make the entire matter "IRRELEVENT". For a women who thrives on publicity, being ignored could be her "death sentence".

Just Go Away, CA!:seeya::loser:

I on the, other hand, just found WS and will continue to enjoy your thought provoking comments.:great:
Yes, agree with what posters are saying about it being too much, no longer interested in CFCA, don't care but will never accept the NG verdict as a just one.

And just an amusing little note - I keep an internet jazz radio station on in the background while I am working, and realized some fool was singing "my brain is getting pounded, and soon I'll be dumbfounded" - and thought - how right is that? Cut it out cosmos - you're freaking me out!

But on a more serious side - I had kind of an epiphany this morning while I was watering my plants.

I've always thought of "Justice" as being my right - people died in two wars to keep that right "mine". And I always thought of Justice as being this big solid thing -that is there - solid - indisputable - not challengeable - I don't know how to explain it. A touchstone in my life.

More than "my truth" but what "IS" - if I am making any sense.

And I realized it isn't that at all. It is a living breathing entity that needs to be looked after, respected,nurtured and protected constantly to allow it to continue to live for all of us.

And that was kind of a scary thought, because we just saw an example of what happens when people choose not to go that extra step to ensure Justice continues to live for all of us. How many of us will actually take that step - that's what scares me....I don't know anymore.
Just spent 5 days on a lake in the Adirondacks with no TV, phone service or internet. Just saw a reference to the "Orlando Casey" tape and realize I have no idea what it is. I don't know anything about her release and it's been great to let it go. I remain dismayed and disgusted by the verdict and what I see as a failure of the system but I don't want to give her, Casey Anthony, my attention. I hope she gets ignored and never makes a cent off of her notoriety-hey,a girl can dream can't she?
Maybe I am over it because I just do not give one flip what happens to or with Casey, IDK. For me, it was about Caylee.

The verdict...yes troubling, but can not be changed. Feels as if I am an animal chasing my tail when I even try to comprehend what happened there. Pointless to ponder and will leave it to more knowledgeable minds (Like Logical Girl and her great post above) to figure out so any miscarriage of justice can be prevented in the future.

My time is better spent searching for those I still have any possibility of helping to find.

Hope this makes sense because as I write it I realize it sounds like a cop out and that I do not want anything to do with the politics of it. Perhaps it is and perhaps I don't. I hate politics, lol.
Just spent 5 days on a lake in the Adirondacks with no TV, phone service or internet. Just saw a reference to the "Orlando Casey" tape and realize I have no idea what it is. I don't know anything about her release and it's been great to let it go. I remain dismayed and disgusted by the verdict and what I see as a failure of the system but I don't want to give her, Casey Anthony, my attention. I hope she gets ignored and never makes a cent off of her notoriety-hey,a girl can dream can't she?
Exactly! :)
For me, it started Monday. I tuned in to watch my usual news shows like jvm, Nancy Grace, etc., and seriously after about 5 minutes of it, I was changing channel to watch seinfeld reruns instead. Yesterday, when I heard about possible kc sighting in orlando, I actually rolled my eyes and thought "who cares?!". Just wondering if anyone else has also reached this state of total apathy in regards to kc? I honestly don't care where she is or isn't.. I'd rather watch paint drying. Don't get me wrong, I care about little Caylee, and welcome any news/progress on honoring her, getting Caylee's Law passed, etc. I don't agree with the jury's verdict but it is what it is... and like it or not, I've accepted it. The 'fat lady' has sang as far as my interest in kc... Only thing I want to dear on news about her is her <modsnip> next arrest... For someone as enthralled with this case as I was, this newly found disinterest not only surprises me, but makes me feel, for lack of a better word, free.
So I'm curious, is anyone else feeling this too?

(Mods-please move or remove at your discretion)

This case is over and done with and who really cares where KC is. No matter where she goes or what she does..............she's still guilty in the eyes of most.

Knowing her history of lies, no interview is going to be worth watching. It would serve KC and JB right if the public isn't interested in any interviews, books, or pictures. It's not about's about Caylee.

There's other cases in the news that deserve the public's attention.
I am not quite over it yet. I am still working through it. Which is strange for me to say because I am not even related to these people. But it has affected all of us who are here on this board. I guess maybe it is the mother in me that can make me so angry with Casey Anthony, that she could disregard that precious child and not even grieve (at least not the way I would have). But to be able to go about as if nothing was wrong, you must have something seriously WRONG with you hardwired in your brain. That sort of thing has always intrigued me. I don't like not knowing how something works, and in this case, how someONE works. But I have to come to accept that some thing cannot be figured out. They just ARE.

As a Christian, I am at peace knowing in my heart that little Caylee is in God's care and will never have to suffer her mother's wrath again. She will never be tired, hungry, poor, lonely, or sad. And I will get to meet her one day, which is so cool! I have to believe she was put here on this earth for a purpose, maybe to spur laws that would prevent other children from coming to harm, or who knows what. But she has touched so many lives, there is no telling how many people are kinder and more attentive to their children because of her. And I think she would have liked that.

I feel like Casey needed to be punished, and I hold onto the fact that God will punish her in his due time. In the meantime, I am like everyone else here who says they will not knowingly buy anything that she publishes or tries to thrust on the public. I just find it disrespectful to Caylee and I just won't go there. And while I don't wish harm on Casey, I will admit that I will have a bit of satisfaction when she implodes and her team have to suffer in the fallout. Not very nice of me to say, but that's just the way I feel.

Sorry for rambling.
I am over it. I live in central Florida and can't even watch the morning traffic and weather without still hearing about her. There was a horrible time in my life that I only watched ESPN so as to block out all other news. I think it's time again.

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