So... where is Lee?

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I’m not the linguist who’s an expert in translating Cindese into English, but it could be that “Call me – major prob” =

I just shelled out five hundred bucks to pick up the damn car you said was in Jacksonville. Where the hell are you?

According to Cindy in the last part of the FBI interview, she DID call Casey and she DID say something quite similar to this. I believe it was "I know you're not in Jacksonville since the car was found in Orlando so you need to call me."
Would it be too far a strerch to assume Lee is laying low before and after doc dump because anything he states right now might run like wildfire into all kinds of speculation. It appears the few times his feathers have been ruffled was because as a " good son" he felt protective of parents. I'mm not divending any of his actions. I'm just trying to use spock logic instead of my emotional approach. People have been posting that ther seems to be and undercurrent of something brewing. I only have a staement from one source who stated Lee did all the questionable computer searches and not to put much mind into those internet searches. I began thinking about this and came up with maybe a young guy might look up martial arts, *advertiser censored*, breaking neck self defense. Not sure where the chemicals come into play unless he thought he was James Bond. Also caller stated he used anthony computer because he didn"t want M girlfriend to know. I'm just the messenger about this so don't show perturbness please. something keeps trying to tell me he has been working with LEE secreatly and the parents now know. Maybe when he high fived it was to show KC some sort of alliance ( remember KC loved Survivor show) so she might open up to him? Just guessing while sluething.
I just noticed something interesting that I had not noticed previously when viewing the jailhouse video visitation. This was the one called "Anthony Chat" and it was part 3, and it was during the part where Casey was telling them how important it was for them to talk to Ryan, they must talk to Ryan, and then they tell her they have talked to Cory and Sean and Chris...and they know she did not do anything, and Casey says (paraphrasing here) Oh I know, those guys are like my big brothers, outside of Lee's friends...and then she kind of trails off...How close exacty IS she with Lee's friends, who are apparently closer to her than her "best" guy friends, and have THOSE friends been interviewed? It is just odd that she would count Lee's friends as better friends to her than her own, and I would think that would merit looking into, yes?

Here is the link to the video I am speaking of:

Well, I am not sure if it was part 1, 2 or 3 now...I am bleary eyed and not finding it right at the moment, but I DO know it is in one of those 3 parts that are all available at the link provided...It is when she makes mention of them speaking to Ryan...just listen for THAT and then it is right after that she says that about Lee's friends. Sorry for the confusion, I am SO tired...Oh no, I sound like Cindy now!:eek:

Here is the ABSOLUTE correct link:

I have also wondered with Lee if he stuck it out until he heard 2 different guys state that Casey had told them that HE tried to force sexual advances on her and at that point he threw up his hands and said "ENOUGH"???
Would it be too far a strerch to assume Lee is laying low before and after doc dump because anything he states right now might run like wildfire into all kinds of speculation. It appears the few times his feathers have been ruffled was because as a " good son" he felt protective of parents. I'mm not divending any of his actions. I'm just trying to use spock logic instead of my emotional approach. People have been posting that ther seems to be and undercurrent of something brewing. I only have a staement from one source who stated Lee did all the questionable computer searches and not to put much mind into those internet searches. I began thinking about this and came up with maybe a young guy might look up martial arts, *advertiser censored*, breaking neck self defense. Not sure where the chemicals come into play unless he thought he was James Bond. Also caller stated he used anthony computer because he didn"t want M girlfriend to know. I'm just the messenger about this so don't show perturbness please. something keeps trying to tell me he has been working with LEE secreatly and the parents now know. Maybe when he high fived it was to show KC some sort of alliance ( remember KC loved Survivor show) so she might open up to him? Just guessing while sluething.

I'm with you kagey. I have often thought Lee has had it with sis, with CA & GA. Maybe he has a shred of a chance at a life not filled with too much bs, but it is only a shred. But, then I vacilate and think Lee is out moving human remains around, and I realized GA being ex-LE he would know better, and think he is being followed. Lately I feel Lee is trying to help while to remove himself from the matter, sort of saving himself in a way from this giant rollercoaster that is about to pop off the tracks.
I just noticed something interesting that I had not noticed previously when viewing the jailhouse video visitation. This was the one called "Anthony Chat" and it was part 3, and it was during the part where Casey was telling them how important it was for them to talk to Ryan, they must talk to Ryan, and then they tell her they have talked to Cory and Sean and Chris...and they know she did not do anything, and Casey says (paraphrasing here) Oh I know, those guys are like my big brothers, outside of Lee's friends...and then she kind of trails off...How close exacty IS she with Lee's friends, who are apparently closer to her than her "best" guy friends, and have THOSE friends been interviewed? It is just odd that she would count Lee's friends as better friends to her than her own, and I would think that would merit looking into, yes?

Here is the link to the video I am speaking of:

Well, I am not sure if it was part 1, 2 or 3 now...I am bleary eyed and not finding it right at the moment, but I DO know it is in one of those 3 parts that are all available at the link provided...It is when she makes mention of them speaking to Ryan...just listen for THAT and then it is right after that she says that about Lee's friends. Sorry for the confusion, I am SO tired...Oh no, I sound like Cindy now!:eek:

Here is the ABSOLUTE correct link:

I have also wondered with Lee if he stuck it out until he heard 2 different guys state that Casey had told them that HE tried to force sexual advances on her and at that point he threw up his hands and said "ENOUGH"???

This may be slightly off topic but I have to say the end of that "Anthonys chat - Part 3" that you are talking about, KC is cut off in the middle of talking about a few of her guy friends and Lee's friends being "her boys", it's at the five minutes left mark and the A's rush off to go out the back door and KC is left sitting there for about 45 seconds. From the very first time I saw this and every time since, at some point during that 45 seconds, there is a flash of an expression on her face that really chills me to the bone. In that instant that this expression is on her face, it is almost like I can hear her thinking: "ok.....cut...scene over...fooled them, now I can go back to not having to pretend cry. Thank God it's over and they're gone!!" I swear thats what I imagine she is saying to herself. And the look that accompanies it is so chilling to me. JMO
Are the A's back from California? Perhaps they have jet lag...and could not make it?:waitasec:
I don't think it's so odd, we'd have to imagine them traveling today. Not traveling today would have been odd.
Are the A's back from California? Perhaps they have jet lag...and could not make it?:waitasec:

No, they detoured the jet to TN to check out the latest sighting.

Next stop: NYC..42nd & Broadway...after all, the saying goes" If you stand at the corner of 42nd & Broadway long enough, you will see someone you know"

Maybe the Zanny took her to Ellis Island to research her geneaology?
BTW..did anyone notice if he had his wrinkly overcoat on and when he started walking out of the courtroom, he turned around and said " OH..and one more question"...

PS thats Columbo for all you youngsters out there
BTW..did anyone notice Lee had his wrinkly overcoat on and when he started walking out of the courtroom, he turned around and said " OH..and one more question"...

PS thats Columbo for all you youngsters out there

That's funny. Thanks for the laugh! :clap:
I'm with you kagey. I have often thought Lee has had it with sis, with CA & GA. Maybe he has a shred of a chance at a life not filled with too much bs, but it is only a shred. But, then I vacilate and think Lee is out moving human remains around, and I realized GA being ex-LE he would know better, and think he is being followed. Lately I feel Lee is trying to help while to remove himself from the matter, sort of saving himself in a way from this giant rollercoaster that is about to pop off the tracks.

I have to disagree. I think the A's, Lee included, are focused on one thing=Acquittal. They will all go to any length to protect KC.

My opinion of GA has always differed from the opinion of most. Of the three, GA is the most deceitful, IMO.
I have to disagree. I think the A's, Lee included, are focused on one thing=Acquittal. They will all go to any length to protect KC.

My opinion of GA has always differed from the opinion of most. Of the three, GA is the most deceitful, IMO.
:mad: THEY ALL SUCK. :furious:
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