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DNA Solves
All the regulars already there, plus those who "re-tweet"

Okay, all you twitters, tweeters - whatever you are called. Make sure to update us, cause I don't twitter, er is that tweet:waitasec: and if left to try to figure out those convo's I will be in a bird cage somewhere!
I don't know about a nice guy - just someone who knows an easy *advertiser censored* when he sees one...
Can just hope that someone throws their beer in her face!
Imagine being in the same bar as that creature....:notgood:

Be such a waste, a huge waste of a good beer:floorlaugh:

:what:Just imagine if a bar fight broke out over this and she got hauled in for inticing a riot?
Colorado Butterfly ‏@ButterflyMtn
@MattMorganESQ Thoughts on Baez and KC's joke about "Zanny" in his book when KC left jail?..makes me sick to see them joking about that

28 Jun Matt Morgan ‏@MattMorganESQ
@ButterflyMtn I agree
Colorado Butterfly ‏@ButterflyMtn
@MattMorganESQ Thoughts on Baez and KC's joke about "Zanny" in his book when KC left jail?..makes me sick to see them joking about that

28 Jun Matt Morgan ‏@MattMorganESQ
@ButterflyMtn I agree

Makes one think that Baez and Casey had already discussed the "NO REAL ZANNY" issue, doesn't it? Because if he thought that there was a real ZANNY that may have Caylee and Caylee was in danger, wouldn't that be cruel to joke with Casey about Zanny. Let's talk about cruel and unusual punishment that an attorney used toward his "mentally disturbed client". (Not about the LE's so called torture of Casey having to watch on the TV the discovery of Caylee's body in the swamp that Casey already knew was there, BECAUSE THAT'S WHERE "SHE" PUT HER). So, say that Baez bought and believed the Zanny story, which I'm pretty sure that he lead us to believe that he did up until they say, was it (a few weeks or a couple of months?) before the trial. He now claims in his book that he knew that she had mental issues. He also believed that her daughter was kidnapped by Zanny. Yet, he teases her about a house that she points out as being Zanny's. How sick is that? Now, on the other hand, if they had already discussed there not being a real Zanny, then that would show that he knew EARLY on that there wasn't a real Zanny and that Casey was responsible for Caylee's death. Which is it Baez? I'm kinda of glad that he wrote the book. It just reinforces what a lot of people already think of Baez. Too bad that he gets to make money off of it.
What's with the pictures that he choose for the book cover? Is that another dig at George? Gas cans and duct tape? Like they say, every picture tells a story, story! He's like a magician that diverts your attention. His main picture should have been of the one where he's shooting his imaginary six guns down the hall of the court house. The pic of he and Casey should have been one of the several of he and Casey laughing their asses off in the middle of a MURDER trial of a beautiful innocent child named Caylee. The single pic of her should have been one of her angry faces that she used when she wasn't getting her way. Perhaps the one where she's looking in CM's direction and glaring behind Baez' back with her nostrils flaring. Those pics that I mentioned tell the real story of these two players. That's who they are.
I'm not buying or reading his book. But from the bits and pieces that are scattered over the internet we're getting a real sense of who Baez is. Don't you think?
I would retitle Baez' book to read:
It Worked for Me
How Low Can I Go?
Just Us Clowns
Making my living off the backs of the dead

These are just a few that come to mind. JMOO
Repectfully snipped...

The single pic of her should have been one of her angry faces that she used when she wasn't getting her way. Perhaps the one where she's looking in CM's direction and glaring behind Baez' back with her nostrils flaring. Those pics that I mentioned tell the real story of these two players. That's who they are.
I'm not buying or reading his book. But from the bits and pieces that are scattered over the internet we're getting a real sense of who Baez is. Don't you think?

how about this one!!


  • After Jury picked.jpg
    After Jury picked.jpg
    15.3 KB · Views: 63
Repectfully snipped...

how about this one!!

Nah! It kind of looks like she was enjoying her anger there. Looks like she was smiling and snaring at the same time. If you ask me, I think that she enjoyed the camera a little too much during the trial. She sure played up to it. Thanks for posting it up! I personally believe that she shouldn't enjoy anything, but that's just me. It has me wondering how Cindy's chili taste to her now. I hope that she chokes on that too. I hope that every time she swallows she gets a lump in her throat and I hope that she's thinking about Caylee every time that she takes a bite of food or a swallow of drink.


But critics point out that Casey was exposed as an outrageous liar during the investigation into Caylee&#8217;s disap*pearance and murder, so readers won&#8217;t be able to take her statements at face value even if she can find a pub*lisher who&#8217;s not scared off by the prospects of a public backlash.


Even if she could find a publisher, why anyone on earth would PAY to purchase a book penned by a CONVICTED LIAR who has the most extensive resume of lying of anyone I can imagine is beyond me. Even her parents & grandmother acknowledge she is a compulsive liar. (I don't give a crap if Cindy refers to them as 'mistruths' & 'half-truths'; they are still LIES.) Even if you agree with the verdict, you couldn't possibly know what you were reading was truthful. So --- What's the point?

I do believe fear of public backlash is 80% of the reason she can't get a book deal, but they have got to be thinking who on earth would feel comfortable purchasining a book by a confirmed narcissitic liar?

Caylee's Fund - the nonprofit owned by the Anthony family - was voluntarily dissolved on Friday.

tweet from, Steve Helling a few minutes ago....

Well whatdoya freaking know, VOLUNTARILY DISSOLVED?? What about Grandparents' Rights?? What about "lighting the way for Caylee", goodness, is this the illustrious fund Phil donated to???? OMG, I've seen it all from these folks....

IMO, MOO, etc.
thanks for the updates folks - looks like we are heading into a busy week of it.....:maddening:
thanks for the updates folks - looks like we are heading into a busy week of it.....:maddening:

I honestly don't know if I can stomach some of this stuff LG, I hope after this 1 year anniversary Casey and her whole family ride off into the Sunset, never to be heard from again.......

IMO, MOO, etc. :moo:
I honestly don't know if I can stomach some of this stuff LG, I hope after this 1 year anniversary Casey and her whole family ride off into the Sunset, never to be heard from again.......

IMO, MOO, etc. :moo:

Yes, the party's getting rough and nauseous isn't it - AND it's only Monday!
Is Joy Behar still on the show? If so - Joy - it's your turn to shine - don't be letting us down - we remember your classic Dottie interview - bring it one better this time!

As far as I know she is and hopefully she'll ask tough questions again!

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