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Ok, now I could be a total idiot, but how does one portrait
an air of irreverent
??? Arrogance, yes, effeminate flamboyancy yes, but irreverence?? Doesn't that show until you talk to a person? Did he bump into all the pedestrians on the pavement, and shouted at them? But simply by looking at a person, it's would difficult to see irreverence right?

As I said, I could be a total idiot, but please can someone fill me in?

Ok, now I could be a total idiot, but how does one portrait ??? Arrogance, yes, effeminate flamboyancy yes, but irreverence?? Doesn't that show until you talk to a person? Did he bump into all the pedestrians on the pavement, and shouted at them? But simply by looking at a person, it's would difficult to see irreverence right?

As I said, I could be a total idiot, but please can someone fill me in?

The blogger used the term "irreverent" as an adjective (not the noun "irreverence", but a word that relates to the flamboyance, i.e. "irreverent and effeminate flamboyancy" ) to describe that the visual flamboyancy was kind of a lack of respect (i.e. over-the-top, or akin to a visual assault).

Clear as mud? ;)

The blogger used the term "irreverent" as an adjective (not the noun "irreverence", but a word that relates to the flamboyance, i.e. "irreverent and effeminate flamboyancy" ) to describe that the visual flamboyancy was kind of a lack of respect (i.e. over-the-top, or akin to a visual assault).

Clear as mud? ;)


Thanks for enlighten me :) It is sometimes difficult for me to translate some expressions or things as such stated above, since english is not my first tongue.
Please, can someone explain me what I have just found.
I dont know if this has anything to do with LM, but to me, this whole thing just sounds sooo "Luka"..
Maybe someone has any information about this.

Initially, I was searching for LM stuff on the net, and found this:

Sounds like him (note the username prada987 and all the KH-LM rumours)
However, this forum doesnt seem to exist anymore.
When serching more about this, I came across this:

... and many more of this type.
I am confused now. Someone help me? :dunno:

Please delete if any links are against the rules.
I will delete this post if it turns out to have nothing to do with the LM case.
Apologies if any is the case.
Please, can someone explain me what I have just found.
I dont know if this has anything to do with LM, but to me, this whole thing just sounds sooo "Luka"..
Maybe someone has any information about this.

Initially, I was searching for LM stuff on the net, and found this:

Sounds like him (note the username prada987 and all the KH-LM rumours)
However, this forum doesnt seem to exist anymore.
When serching more about this, I came across this:
... and many more of this type.
I am confused now. Someone help me? :dunno:

Please delete if any links are against the rules.
I will delete this post if it turns out to have nothing to do with the LM case.
Apologies if any is the case.

It might hold some interest though, the last 2 links then. I've read it too, along with the original thread where all the drama spread. ( i dont know if i may link it here, but i can pm you if you like )

As far as i can comprehend, there was a forum about KH. LM was posting there and he got a ban. ( don't know how long ago though ). But apparently someone ( person A ) lend her IP-adress to LM so he could post there after his ban. Note that this is pure allegation from 1 woman ( person B ).Person A denies that this is true. But person B even adds more to the drama stating that person A was involved in the kitten-vids.

Now this could be nothing at all, but it also could mean everything. I've tried to search some more about this topic, but lack of time and skillz brought me nothing (yet).

I know it is a mishmash what i wrote, but did it make some sense?
Thank you, Shimmers.
Hmm, somehow I get it and somehow I dont... Why is there so much anger about this Jennifer person?
Were you able to find that original forum, where LM has posted?
Do you think this is connected?
Thank you, Shimmers.
Hmm, somehow I get it and somehow I dont... Why is there so much anger about this XXXX person?
Were you able to find that original forum, where LM has posted?
Do you think this is connected?

No, i haven't found the original forum where LM posted and got banned ( lack of time and skillz). I'm not sure if it is connectioned, but it is somewhat peculiar that there is a finger pointed at a person who has something to do with the kitten vid, other then LM himself. Especially when you take in concideration that there was another hand visable in the python-patting vid, which clearly not belonged to LM.

And there is a stillshot from LM in a necrophilic pose, using his own 2 hands.

Now he could be using a tripod ofcourse, but there was something about that angle which made me wondering--> if you place a camera like this, would it not been likely that it would tilt over?

I know it's all vague, but i can pm you the link from the original thread where the pinpointing is placed. You can then read it for yourself and make up your own mind whether it is something worth looking into or not ( maybe with a little help from our friends :) )
I don't want to link it here, since if these people are both innocent, bla bla bla, you get the gist.

Hope my anwser is somewhat satisfying
No, i haven't found the original forum where LM posted and got banned ( lack of time and skillz). I'm not sure if it is connectioned, but it is somewhat peculiar that there is a finger pointed at a person who has something to do with the kitten vid, other then LM himself. Especially when you take in concideration that there was another hand visable in the python-patting vid, which clearly not belonged to LM.

Shimmers, I've read somewhere that the Karla Homolka forum was deleted. There was a lot of drama envolving Magnotta and other members from that board, from what I understood Magnotta was banned and that's why he borrowed another user id from a woman with nickname katzzpaw. They say she was the one who set Magnotta off on the cat killing rampage. Here:
To be honest (thus the user name, my favorite saying-hahah), I think he was trying his hand at ingratiating himself and showing he wasn't just some bot, but it also shows you how full o'crap he was on the daily.

Sadly, I think it's the most optimistic sounding thing I have ever seen him write, even though it was a flat out lie. :floorlaugh:

tbh is great name ;)
I agree about that comment being the most optimistic sounding thing he ever wrote. It's a shame!
Entry "The Falcon Baby that Fell Out" by tinypliny, about a falcon that fell out its nest.
Luka's comment: "aww that's so sad! I love animals."

But then I found this here:
"It is reported that after his siter gave birth, Luka and her decided to keep the baby and raise him together.
They made up a story that the father had left and didnt want the Luka steps in and offers to raise HIS OWN CHILD. How thoughtful and nice. awwwww"

lol, it gives a whole new meaning to what does Luka really means with 'awwww'!
I'm finding the following Ripoff Report's from 24/5 May extremely interesting.

I was of the assumption that LRM used the alias 'Tony Luciforia', but from reading those reports and comments, Luciforia appears to possibly be the ex girlfriend 'Barbie Swallocks' :what:

Report 1 - Ripoff Report on 5/24/2012 10:15:31 AM
Posting from - Luka Magnotta Bisexual *advertiser censored* Actor and Model
12305 fifth helena Dr. Los angeles California 90012
So someone (using Marilyn Monroes death address) creates a report detailing a list of hyperlinks to the crimes of LRM.

There is one reply from Tony Lucifirio, who proceeds to copy and paste a wiki link and uploads five photos of LRM.

Report 2 - Ripoff Report on 5/24/2012 1:54:31 AM *

Here, we have someone complaining about a fitness instructor.
The reply is from Tony Lucifirio and after uploading photos of the fitness instructer with LRM, proceeds to give a link to a t-girl website where Lucifirio says she is called 'Barbie'.
So, is this Magnotta trying to involve one of his ex girlfriends or was it really 'Barbie' that was posting?

Report 3 - posted on Ripoff Report on 5/24/2012 2:14:06 AM *

Uploaded by Mario Fucatti (Los Angeles California), it rehashes the information from report 1.
First reply is Michael Fox bringing attention cryptically to a post in a San Fran website.
Other replies are arguably other sock puppets LRM has created providing more information from his manifestos.

I'm of the opinion Barbie and Nader Eid have been spun into his web at his most delusional point. The posting times could also help the people trying to make timelines of when the video was shot ie at different times of the day. Appears to be a good 8 hours between the flutter of activity online.

* The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year.
Great post! You are right, I think Luka was a human magnet always attracting bullies, I still can't get over of how did he manage to get such strong reactions way prior to the cat killings. I mean after the cat episodes, there was plenty of reasons to all the hate against his online persona, but before the animal cruelty, why would people waste so much time writing mean comments... just because he posted crazy articles about himself or plagiarized texts? come on! tons of bots and fake blogs around spamming and no one writes a comment, lots of idiotic fashion blogs and vain youtube channels and no one cares, it seems Luka really pushed people buttons.

As for that link of mattypantaloons blog post, wow, such a negative impression that guy had about LM... I see odd people everyday and never go around doing grimaces or staring, lol, maybe I'm just too laidback. If I knew nothing about Luka and saw him walking on the street, I wouldn't really pay much attention. You totally nailed that part about the self-fulfilling prophecy. I think that if LM was constantly exposed to this rejection on a daily basis and couldn't avoid it or get away from that, it probably contributed a lot to the person he became.

I agree with you, and it appears he attracted people who picked on him wherever he went. It is weird the strong reactions he got from people (this, the Family Guy thing on youtube). I have also read in a couple of different places, here included, that people who posted things related to him and lived in Montreal had seen him on the street and actually stopped and stared at him because he really struck them as odd. For example, this one from "What really grabbed my attention in this case is how close he is to me (Snowdon district) and that I saw him twice on Queen Mary near the Second Cup. I remember him because I actually stopped and grimaced as he walked by. He exuded an air of irreverent, effeminate flamboyancy that made my skin crawl. I think he was wearing his tilted top hat with a loose fitting tie or some similar fashion statement straight out of an 80's Archie comic."

This guy grimaced at him, people picked on him online and in school, his family rejected him, something about him was very off-putting. Perhaps it did not start this way but became a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy? I cannot help but think the constant rejection and outright ridicule/cruelty helped contribute to who he became, that external hate fed it internally in LRM.
Please, can someone explain me what I have just found.
I dont know if this has anything to do with LM, but to me, this whole thing just sounds sooo "Luka"..
Maybe someone has any information about this.

Initially, I was searching for LM stuff on the net, and found this:

Sounds like him (note the username prada987 and all the KH-LM rumours)
However, this forum doesnt seem to exist anymore.
When serching more about this, I came across this:

That crazy-obsessed-fans blog was created by Luka to harass the owner of a Karla Homolka forum, Jennifer alias WKH (watching karla homolka). I guess he created the blog because he was very angry after he was banned from the board. Note that those comments by littlemermaid and 61george were written by Luka himself, same typos ('trys' instead of tries) and capitalization of letters....The KH forum doesn't exist anymore, it was deleted, maybe if you get the original url and use wayback website tool it will show archived but I haven't tried yet. I will come back if I find anything!
That crazy-obsessed-fans blog was created by Luka to harass the owner of a Karla Homolka forum, Jennifer alias WKH (watching karla homolka). I guess he created the blog because he was very angry after he was banned from the board. Note that those comments by littlemermaid and 61george were written by Luka himself, same typos ('trys' instead of tries) and capitalization of letters....The KH forum doesn't exist anymore, it was deleted, maybe if you get the original url and use wayback website tool it will show archived but I haven't tried yet. I will come back if I find anything!

Thanks to everybody for helping me understand. I have already tried wayback archive, but it didnt work for me.
I am very curious to read through this forum, as it may reveal further clues. One of the users says he/she was threatened by LM and even saw him in the street.
Maybe it will be online again someday.
When I clicked on "prada987", and that picture popped up, I was very creeped out. I made the mistake of putting the laptop away for the night.
Bizarre dreams followed. Until proven otherwise, I am choosing to believe it was phtoshopped in the best interest of my mental health. Needless to say, I'm not a viewer of his images. More power to all of you that can.
Sounds like him (note the username prada987 and all the KH-LM rumours)
However, this forum doesnt seem to exist anymore.

Any chance this picture is just an odd coincidence?

I was reading the WKH board and the owner put up that picture and said it was the last picture LM had uploaded. It does belong to him. It was shortly before they banned his IP address and the user Katzzpaw was accused of letting him use their account.
Thanks to everybody for helping me understand. I have already tried wayback archive, but it didnt work for me.
I am very curious to read through this forum, as it may reveal further clues. One of the users says he/she was threatened by LM and even saw him in the street.
Maybe it will be online again someday.

No, thank you for asking! I was curious about his posts in that forum as well, it sucks that the content was deleted and wayback archive doesn't have it.
I only heard about this whole KH forum drama because a week ago while researching I found one blog with posts about LM and KH and the owner was very patient and kind to me, I made many questions and she explained about what happened, maybe you can ask her some more details, I don't know if she posts or lurks here, I really liked her blog and am always lurking!:
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