Source: Casey's Attorney Marketing Photos To Media

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Well if JB likens himself to Hitler then I can make the comparison that this is similar to the Nazis taking ownership of lucrative artwork and possessions of the very people they slaughtered. Blood money if you ask me. JMHO (Bolded by listening-in)

(sorry if this is a bad just sickens me that they're looking to make money off the back of this dead child)

I thought that the "perp' of a crime could not benefit financially from the act against the victim....
If KC is not guilty:bang:..then any money made from sale of photos - should be held in an account to be accessed AFTER she is judged non guilty..
HOWEVER....she should in NO WAY be able to benefit from her VICTIM'S demise...(the result of her crime)....For if Caylee had not been murdered ...the pictures would NOT be worth anything except for family (and then they would be priceless, of course) There is NO justice for CAYLEE if KC profits from her pictures ...while she is charged with her death!!
Ok, please clear me up. I assumed they were speaking of photos of the poor child's body. I think the media would pay big bucks for that. Otherwise, why would pictures even be of much value?

I hope I am wrong because I will actually feel better than I do right now. The thought of selling forensic type photos made me feel sick.

If that's what Baez is offering for sale, I hope the media takes the high road and refuses to buy - just like when Howard K Stern attempted to sell photos of Anna Nicole's dead son.
Yes, LP said Casey and Cindy had a huge fight about this. Cindy did not want to let Casey take Caylee's photos to JB's office for possible sale later.

I hope Cindy and George got a chance to scan them to their computer first so they wouldn't completely lose Caylee's precious baby pictures.

CA and GA should go after the pictures with their lawyer .They probably paid for the camera and the pictures.If it was me I go after the pics so they could not be sold.That law that allows a murderer to profit from a victim before conviction is crazy, and needs to be changed.I guess if you live in certain states and your gonna murder someone take a lot of pictures so you can have a pricey defence.Makes me ill.:sick:

i thought that the "perp' of a crime could not benefit financially from the act against the victim....
If kc is not guilty:bang:..then any money made from sale of photos - should be held in an account to be accessed after she is judged non guilty..
However....she should in no way be able to benefit from her victim's demise...(the result of her crime)....for if caylee had not been murdered ...the pictures would not be worth anything except for family (and then they would be priceless, of course) there is no justice for caylee if kc profits from her pictures ...while she is charged with her death!!

i totally agree it is horrible and needs to be changed !!!!!!!!
I PRAY that the people covering this sordid, sad tradgedy read these posts...... PLEASE DO NOT PAY EVEN ONE CENT for pictures of Caylee to aid JB or the disgusting monster mom. PPLLEEAAAAAASSEE. Spend your money elsewhere - - -find missing Adja .... do something GOOD with your money....... anything else - absolutely anything else is more worthwhile and moral and ethical and Christian than paying for photos of this poor murdered child in order to fund HER VOLUNTEER DEFENSE TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope Cindy and George got a chance to scan them to their computer first so they wouldn't completely lose Caylee's precious baby pictures.

The photos are probably digital. Nobody anymore uses film. So whoever controls KC's PC and laptop has the photos. Were the PC and laptop given back to the family after being taken by LE one of the search warrents? JB probably popped in a thumb drive and copied all KC's photo files jic. JMO.
Im not surprised Casey would be clueless that this makes her look horrible...people like her just dont process things the way most people do and obviously insight is not one of her strengths.
This is after all the girl who could pull a Tshirt bearing the photo of a child she murdered over her head ...then pause and side-knot it because it would emphasis her trim little bod.
But could her attourneys who you would think might be somewhat sensitive to the potential juror pool really be equally clueless?
She's a self absorbed 22 year old sociopath...what is their excuse?:loser:
I know this probably will be an unpopular opinion, but if someone is going to profit from the sale of these photos, I would rather see JB and the other experts who worked hard for KC's defense benefit, rather than it going to bankroll the A's who contributed nothing of any positive value.
Im not surprised Casey would be clueless that this makes her look horrible...people like her just dont process things the way most people do and obviously insight is not one of her strengths.
This is after all the girl who could pull a Tshirt bearing the photo of a child she murdered over her head ...then pause and side-knot it because it would emphasis her trim little bod.
But could her attourneys who you would think might be somewhat sensitive to the potential juror pool really be equally clueless?
She's a self absorbed 22 year old sociopath...what is their excuse?:loser:

They want to be paid! I don't think it matters much to them where the money comes from.
One who somewhat understands the nature of sociopathy and narcissism may say that they could see how KC could sell the pictures of her daughter to make money for her defense because she has no conscience, no empathy for her family, friends and others who cared for Caylee and we all know that she never cared for Caylee at all. We all know that - that's a given - so for her to sell these pictures does not surprise me in the least bit because that is part and parcel of her personality disorder. But JB? That really surprises me of him. This should not be allowed to happen and is morally and legally unethical IMO. Either an attorney takes a case on a contract up front with money (i.e. check, cash or credit card), or on a pro bono basis. I heard someone on NG ask if his inexperience had perhaps caused him to do this, and at first I wondered the same thing, however, I seriously doubt this. This is just plain stupidity. This is totally unethical and I would think would damage his career in the long run. I'm now thinking that may GR maybe advised him on this and gave him this idea. Really really stupid. My opinion only - to me - JB (like KC) is no good.
I find this very telling- that JB planned so far ahead. Which makes the suspicion that he might be manipulating this case to his advantage (not his client's) that much stronger.

Interesting point. If she had taken a plea, I doubt the value of the pictures would have been very high. Could he have convinced her to go to trial in order to get paid via this sale?

Scary to think that a lawyer might have that much control. Her fate is completely in his hands and balanced on his (questionable) ethics.
I guess the bottom line is one has to do what they have to do to pay bills.
Interesting point. If she had taken a plea, I doubt the value of the pictures would have been very high. Could he have convinced her to go to trial in order to get paid via this sale?

Scary to think that a lawyer might have that much control. Her fate is completely in his hands and balanced on his (questionable) ethics.


It's hard to tell from a distance who is the puppet and who is the master, but I find it very disturbing that KC appears to have had 0 contact with anyone other than her lawyers (and maybe some contractors directed by those lawyers) for months and months.
I was just thinking this as I pulled this thread up! :furious:

we have seen almost all the pictures of Caylee at any given time...why would new ones, we havent seen bring more money from a media source? It's sickening how many are using this child as a "CashCow"....

Curious about this also, certainly we've seen just about every pic out there, right? What more could there be worthy of marketing to the highest bidder? Possibly infant pics, as we haven't seen many of those.
He is about as low as a human being could possibly go. Casey and Boze make a good team.
What if I were a neighbor of the Anthony family, and year ago my husband and I were invited to a backyard get-together at the Anthony home. Let's say I brought my camera along to take pictures, and several of the pictures I took were of Caylee. Do those pictures belong to me or do they belong to Casey?

You own the pictures however that doesnt give you the freedom to sell
them for publication and for profit
without a release from KC concerning Caylee's image you would be in trouble for publishing the pictures
You own the pictures however that doesnt give you the freedom to sell
them for publication and for profit
without a release from KC concerning Caylee's image you would be in trouble for publishing the pictures

It really isn't this black and white. I as a photographer can sell a photo that I do not have a release for. The person publishing the photo has the burden of determining whether they can publish that photo without a release. I may not be able to get as high of a payday for said photo if I can't provide them with a release, but I can sell it.

Not every image that is taken requires a release for publication either. There is a privacy issue (ie was it a hidden camera in a location one would expect privacy versus in a park where there is no expectation) and then secondly is the use of the photo. If it is being used in a way that viewers could interprete that you endorse/support said product or group you need a release.

If my neighbor kills his wife and I have photos of them together that I took in a public location, I can sell them to the paper who can publish them without a release.

Lots of interpretation and gray areas involved. In this case a "news show" would be the likely buyer so the "purpose" of their use while for profit would not be interpreted as an endorsement. And Casey can provide the release for Caylee so they could really be used for anything at this point in time. The son of sam laws do not apply because she has not been convicted and the profits from the photos are not related to the details of her crime. In most high profile cases there is someone that will at least attempt to stop the preconviction profitting by filing a civil case for wrongful death and ask that all assets be frozen. Doesn't always work, and in this case there is no one that is going to step in and file that claim.
I don't know why the media would even pay for more pictures of Caylee. Caylee's gone now. We have seen dozens and dozens of pictures of her. Who would pay to see more and why??? I don't even know why those pictures are all that marketable anymore. I sure wouldn't go out of my way to look at them.

My take on this is that Baez and company are trying to sell these while they still have value. Once the memorial service is over with, the media outlets might still need a Caylee photo or two to go with their coverage. By the time a trial comes along, people would have forgetten which pictures they had and hadn't seen-- so there'd be less need for new ones.

Beyond my personal disgust with this, I think it's a stupid idea all around. Not only does it show an air of both desperation and craven greed to everyone including potential jurors, but it also adds to the countless photos that remind everyone of the precious innocent life that their client allegedly snuffed out.
My take on this is that Baez and company are trying to sell these while they still have value. Once the memorial service is over with, the media outlets might still need a Caylee photo or two to go with their coverage. By the time a trial comes along, people would have forgetten which pictures they had and hadn't seen-- so there'd be less need for new ones.


Snipped by me

I think you're right. Baez always seems to do things at the last minute. This time his procrastination may literally cost him.
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