Sources: Casey Anthony Intentionally Killed Caylee Pt. 2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
As much as we all want this topic to be fact...and it appears that it is....I am waiting for the "sources" to be revealed....would like Doc Dump asap!

Pattymarie .... yes, now I'm wondering who these "Sources" are. Hope it is not the last "Source" that made such 'bombshell' leaks and set the world a tiz!!!! Test ballons???
My post is in reply to discussions on the previous thread regarding accidental versus intentional death.

When the word “accident” is used in reference to Caylee’s death, I don’t think most people are suggesting Casey is not accountable....Caylee may have had an accident and Casey could well have intentionally caused her death!

A simplistic example....If I went for a walk with someone out in the wilderness - say that person was Joe. Joe stumbled on a tree root and fell over a cliff by accident, it was not my fault that Joe fell over the cliff. I don’t know if Joe is dead or alive and I can’t see or hear him down there.

So I have two options:
>>>>I immediately call 911. Unfortunately Joe died on the way to the hospital. Was Joe’s death an accident? Yes he fell over a cliff. I’m not charged as I did the right thing.

>>>>I walk on my merry away and don't report the accident (for whatever reason - maybe I’m scared someone will think I pushed him). I act like nothing happened and coverup the fact that Joe and I went for a walk. I tell people who wonder what happened to Joe that he told me he had planned a vacation in Barbados. When someone eventually finds Joe’s dead body it’s discovered he scrawled a note just before he died....”paddieAB left me”. So the police investigate and I’m charged with murder. Was Joe’s death an accident? Yes or no? Did I intentionally cause his Joe’s death? Yes IMO because I deliberately walked away from the accident, I led people to believe he was on vacation and therefore no one was searching for him, and so I denied Joe the medical intervention that may have saved his life. I’m guilty.

And so may be Casey IMO

Paddie, I've re read this this post 3 times and every time it makes me think of a young Senator named Ted, a young woman named Mary and the night Ted, with Mary his passenger, drove his car off a dirt bridge into a pond. Somehow Ted managed to save himself but Mary did not and then, for reasons known only to himself, instead of calling LE Ted walked back to the party the two had left 30 minutes before the accident, found two friends and attempted a belated and unsuccessful rescue of Mary.

After leaving the scene of the accident twice, with Mary still in the car, Ted went to his hotel and got a 'restless nights sleep'. At 7:30 the next morning Ted is known to have a casual conversation with an acquaintance, never mentioning the accident. At 8 am Ted has a heated discussion with the two men who had assisted him, regarding his failure to notify the police. Still Ted doesn't make the call.

Finally at 10 am, after discovering that that LE had been called to the scene and knowing a body had been recovered, Ted took himself to the Police Dept and dictated a statement to his aide. The letter was then turned over to police. The rest is history.
I don't believe Casey killed Caylee for the LOVE of a man. (men were easy to get, Tony was the flavor of the month)
If she had planned to kill Caylee, she would have staged an accident and got double pay by some insurance agency. Plus sympathy and all that...

She murdered Caylee to keep A's from getting her.

Cindy threatened to take her,and Casey knew she had no job, no home, no way to show
she was stable and able to keep Caylee if CA and GA pressed the point of taking her.

Casey, knew, growing up in the A's household had made her Crazy and decided Caylee would be better off DEAD than to be raised by Cindy and George.

Casey would not be the first mother who felt killing their CHILD was actually protecting them from something far worst than death.
This case has bothered me ,so much because I just couldn't figure how a beautiful 22 year old kills her beautiful daughter and looks so smug. She did it for LOVE.

She did it to keep Caylee from CA and GA. She wanted to see them, when she was trying to get out of jail. but once she no longer needed them, she has refused to see them.
What do you think???
I don't believe Casey killed Caylee for the LOVE of a man. (men were easy to get, Tony was the flavor of the month)
If she had planned to kill Caylee, she would have staged an accident and got double pay by some insurance agency. Plus sympathy and all that...

She murdered Caylee to keep A's from getting her.

Cindy threatened to take her,and Casey knew she had no job, no home, no way to show
she was stable and able to keep Caylee if CA and GA pressed the point of taking her.

Casey, knew, growing up in the A's household had made her Crazy and decided Caylee would be better off DEAD than to be raised by Cindy and George.

Casey would not be the first mother who felt killing their CHILD was actually protecting them from something far worst than death.
This case has bothered me ,so much because I just couldn't figure how a beautiful 22 year old kills her beautiful daughter and looks so smug. She did it for LOVE.

She did it to keep Caylee from CA and GA. She wanted to see them, when she was trying to get out of jail. but once she no longer needed them, she has refused to see them.
What do you think???

That theory is just as reasonable as any other that has been offered on here, and even more so than many that have been suggested. Personally I am still fully open to the accident theory, but even when I look at the evidence against that, I still can't make the leap (as some do) to a planned and determined plot to get rid of Caylee simply because she was in the way. As KC said herself to LE - if she just wanted her freedom, all she had to do was leave Caylee with her parents and walk away. So why didn't she?
IMO, Casey killed Caylee over a combination of things, not just one.
Possibly...But between phone calls, text messages, IM's, myspace postings, faking a job and supposedly "taking care" of her daughter...I can't imagine that she could have had the time to keep a journal!


KC lived her life on Facebook, if it isn't there, it didn't happen. That is why KC is innocent and everything else is a story made up by LE to make KC look bad.

For whatever reason, LE never believed a word "Mom of the Year" said, and from then on they set out to discredit everything she had said or done while tirelessly looking for her child and the nanny. For 31 days, thinking of everyone but herself KC scoured Nite Clubs, scaled stripper poles and did stake outs in her smelly car after 2 dead squirrels climbed into her engine block and decomposed. What a hero. It's all there in her pictures, texts and IM's. If only people would search where KC attempted to direct them. Instead of twisting her words.

KC even manages to get LE to help with her search, in a backwards kind of way by letting them take her to Universal. Because there was always the possibility Caylee or the nanny may have been there. Or their pictures could have been found on Universal's security tapes had anyone taken the time to look. As it turns out it was all a waste, a complete waste. :bang:
That theory is just as reasonable as any other that has been offered on here, and even more so than many that have been suggested. Personally I am still fully open to the accident theory, but even when I look at the evidence against that, I still can't make the leap (as some do) to a planned and determined plot to get rid of Caylee simply because she was in the way. As KC said herself to LE - if she just wanted her freedom, all she had to do was leave Caylee with her parents and walk away. So why didn't she?

Cause she is a spiteful beech and there is no way in he!! she was going to let C and A have her
Did the ME say that "No soft tissue remained" or did she say "No soft tissue remained on the skeleton"? This would be signifigant I think, as it is possible that some skin cells DID remain ON the duct tape and saying no soft tissue remained ON the skeleton would be an effective manner to dodge this idea. I think it is VERY highly possible that there were some skin cells remaining on the inside of the duct tape and I also believe that the duct tape is going to be chock full of signifigant foresnic evidence...
They said No soft tissue but bone is also considered tissue...according to NG last night. That is what an expert said.
I don't believe Casey killed Caylee for the LOVE of a man. (men were easy to get, Tony was the flavor of the month)
If she had planned to kill Caylee, she would have staged an accident and got double pay by some insurance agency. Plus sympathy and all that...

She murdered Caylee to keep A's from getting her.

Cindy threatened to take her,and Casey knew she had no job, no home, no way to show
she was stable and able to keep Caylee if CA and GA pressed the point of taking her.

Casey, knew, growing up in the A's household had made her Crazy and decided Caylee would be better off DEAD than to be raised by Cindy and George.

Casey would not be the first mother who felt killing their CHILD was actually protecting them from something far worst than death.
This case has bothered me ,so much because I just couldn't figure how a beautiful 22 year old kills her beautiful daughter and looks so smug. She did it for LOVE.

She did it to keep Caylee from CA and GA. She wanted to see them, when she was trying to get out of jail. but once she no longer needed them, she has refused to see them.
What do you think???

The problem I have with this is, I have seen nothing to think Casey had any love for Caylee and knowing that Caylee was left inside a garbage bag to rot away for months! No mother who loved her baby would do this.
Just like Truth, imo Casey and Love are strangers also.

That theory is just as reasonable as any other that has been offered on here, and even more so than many that have been suggested. Personally I am still fully open to the accident theory, but even when I look at the evidence against that, I still can't make the leap (as some do) to a planned and determined plot to get rid of Caylee simply because she was in the way. As KC said herself to LE - if she just wanted her freedom, all she had to do was leave Caylee with her parents and walk away. So why didn't she?

Yes, why? That proves to me how spiteful Casey really is. 'I don't want you...but nobody else is going to have you either because you'll love them more than you love me.' Not an option for Casey.

This brings to mind the reason JG says Casey broke up with him: because he loved Caylee more than he loved her.
I don't believe Casey killed Caylee for the LOVE of a man. (men were easy to get, Tony was the flavor of the month)
If she had planned to kill Caylee, she would have staged an accident and got double pay by some insurance agency. Plus sympathy and all that...

She murdered Caylee to keep A's from getting her.

Cindy threatened to take her,and Casey knew she had no job, no home, no way to show
she was stable and able to keep Caylee if CA and GA pressed the point of taking her.

Casey, knew, growing up in the A's household had made her Crazy and decided Caylee would be better off DEAD than to be raised by Cindy and George.

Casey would not be the first mother who felt killing their CHILD was actually protecting them from something far worst than death.
This case has bothered me ,so much because I just couldn't figure how a beautiful 22 year old kills her beautiful daughter and looks so smug. She did it for LOVE.

She did it to keep Caylee from CA and GA. She wanted to see them, when she was trying to get out of jail. but once she no longer needed them, she has refused to see them.
What do you think???

And if you really believe this maybe I could interest you in some ocean front property in AZ.

I think KC had been thinking about doing this killing for sometime, in March, CA told KC she had already planned her vacation for the last week of May, first week of June and wouldn't change it so KC could go to PR. KC started thinking more earnestly about what she needed to do, she even did some half hearted computer searches. The reality was KC knew she already had everything she needed to get Caylee out of her life forever. Her bare hands or a pillow was it.

After watching One Tree Hill, KC double checked a couple things to make sure her plan worked where the Nanny on TV failed. After that, KC started assembling odds and ends to carry out her plan. At some point she got her hands on chloroform, in May she got a roll of gaff tape from Amy. She was almost ready.

The week after CA's vacation, Caylee started complaining more and more about being away from Cici and Jojo, while on the rounds with KC. Caylee had had a good week with CA at home and it pizzed KC off. It seemed every time KC saw CA lately all they did was fight about Caylee and she had just about had it. Caylee was hers, not theirs and she was almost ready to show them she meant business.

KC had promised CA she could take Caylee to visit the great grands for Father's Day, she kept her word and dropped Caylee off. That night Caylee once again started complaining to KC that she wanted to stay home with Cici. Then CA started in about some money KC had needed to "borrow" from her grandparents, a few months before. KC felt her head starting to implode. She was tired from the week before, dragging the kid around with her 24/7 had been worse than any 12 hour shift KC had ever worked. Once Caylee settled down to sleep, KC sent TonE a text asking if she could come over. He said yes, but told her not to bring Caylee. She was stuck, there was no way CA would agree to keeping Caylee after their fight, so the two spent the night texting each other. KC then made up her mind, enough was enough, the next day KC told GA they wouldn't be home that night and the 2 left for work. In reality they didn't go far and as soon as GA left for work, KC brought Caylee back home.

KC carried out her dirty deed as soon as they were in the house, then KC spent a couple hours on GA's computer. Hoping it would calm her down by doing something familiar. Suddenly KC felt panicked. She attempted to call everyone close to her but no one answered her calls. KC jumped up and cleaned up behind herself. Taking Caylee's lifeless body, she placed it in the trunk of her car and hurried over to TonE's. Telling TonE her own version of the last 3 days, they go together to get video's and TonE even skips school the next day to stay with KC. She has just started the rest of her new life.
Lol. I think Casey wanted Cindy's approval up to a point, but the bottom line for me is Casey lies, and not just a little bit. She also seems to get rewarded for her lies. One instance, she tells her parents she deposited $4000 in their account. Lie. Parents say, "Hey, you faked this deposit slip. Where's the money?" Casey says she was robbed while she was working at Sports Authority. George asks about a police report, Cindy says "Go away, George, I will handle this.", and that seems to be the end of it.
You know, there has been a lot of debate about who Caylee's father is, and if he was actually deceased, why Casey didn't go after benefits. I'm thinking maybe, after she was finally confronted on the pregnancy, she claimed virgin birth. The varying stories about an actual father are just to appease outside family and friends. (Just kidding)

LOL I think you're really on to something here... "And the spirit descended and, like, came upon me Mom..." "Stay out of it GA, I'm handling this!" (sorry, couldn't resist either, it's honestly no more ridiculous to me than some of the other stuff KC had them believing geeesh!)

ITA that hurting CA was one of Casey's motives for killing Caylee. Casey's disdain for her mother is painfully apparent in the jailhouse videos--she can barely disguise it. I believe the person Casey was most concerned with was Tony. Her texts to him directly after being questioned by police showed desperation. She needed to make sure that Tony forgave her.

Her now infamous call from jail (waste...big waste!) showed that her only concern was Tony. She actually acted like an addict in need of a fix--and her drug of choice was Tony.

Agree that KC's proven herself a compulsive, serial liar whose lies and spin are the twisted way she learned to control others and their impressions of her. I agree too she was obsessed w talking to AL/TL and doing damage control in the period after she's initially jailed--w reaffirming that now tenuous connection. You'll get no argument from me re that. But the same fear would have likely been her same motivation following any situation causing separation or that had brought her under suspicion. So in my mind, this hardly establishes that there was either malice or intent much less premeditation. JMO
KC carried out her dirty deed as soon as they were in the house, then KC spent a couple hours on GA's computer. Hoping it would calm her down by doing something familiar. Suddenly KC felt panicked. She attempted to call everyone close to her but no one answered her calls. KC jumped up and cleaned up behind herself. Taking Caylee's lifeless body, she placed it in the trunk of her car and hurried over to TonE's. Telling TonE her own version of the last 3 days, they go together to get video's and TonE even skips school the next day to stay with KC. She has just started the rest of her new life.

(respectfully snipped, bold mine) Agree w snipped--but bolded says it best. KC no doubt SPENT A COUPLE HOURS ON THE COMPUTER. During which Caylee was unsupervised, in a home w a pool which had no safety barriers. It just isn't that deep. JMO
Possibly Casey kept a journal or something detailing what she had done to Caylee. Maybe there was something gathered when LE took all those papers out of the A's home right after Caylee's body was found.

Even a journal could be explained away. OJ did just that when he wrote his book, describing how he would have carried out the murder of his ex-wife and her friend.

KC could claim the kidnapper forced her to write something implicating herself or she could say attempting to get inside the kidnappers head, she wrote this story.

I think LE has forensic evidence. If Caylee was alive, even asleep the duct tape would have been drooled on, if she woke up with it in place it will show teeth or tongue marks from attempts to work it off even if her hands were tied.

I believe CA may actually have gotten the nanny is not "the nanny" from something JB or KC said and this is going to be used in her defense.

Babysitters don't suddenly go bad and steal a kid after 2 years of faithful service. But if KC had 'inadvertently' gotten in with a bad crowd and they had threatened KC with the death of her child or her family and had taken her child, telling her she was safe with ''the nanny'' as long as KC plays along.

This would be a line of defense. IMO a completely unbelievable defense, but it worked for a while on CA and maybe even GA. I would imagine if these bad people have the means of keeping a child secreted away for a couple months, they would also have the means of spreading some decomp in someone's car to show they mean business.

With as much information that has been released, LE has shared very little of the evidence they must have proving KC's guilt in Caylee's disappearance and her death. If there had been a 1% chance that Caylee was alive out there somewhere, LE would have worked much harder looking for her. That 1% chance would have been too great a risk when a child's life is at stake.

LE had something very damaging aside from the lies, the car with a very bad smell, the photographs of KC living the high life and a missing baby; long before the FBI came out with the report that the decomp was in fact from beautiful Caylee. And as much as JB has been telling us we're all going to understand KC's actions once her story is told in court. I believe he's right, but it's going to be LE's take on things that tells the true story.
My understanding is that there has been no statement validated stating duct tape was place across her mouth let alone wrapped around her head (as ng states ad nauseum), in the hearing last week when kc was in the courtroom the statement the prosecutor made was in reference to duct tape being found that may yield fingerprints, only confirming that duct tape was found with the remains. When death occurs the skin slides off, sloughs off.......if duct tape was there it would have sloughed off with the skin.
My understanding is that there has been no statement validated stating duct tape was place across her mouth let alone wrapped around her head (as ng states ad nauseum), in the hearing last week when kc was in the courtroom the statement the prosecutor made was in reference to duct tape being found that may yield fingerprints, only confirming that duct tape was found with the remains. When death occurs the skin slides off, sloughs off.......if duct tape was there it would have sloughed off with the skin.

Your understanding is correct. :)
My understanding is that there has been no statement validated stating duct tape was place across her mouth let alone wrapped around her head (as ng states ad nauseum), in the hearing last week when kc was in the courtroom the statement the prosecutor made was in reference to duct tape being found that may yield fingerprints, only confirming that duct tape was found with the remains. When death occurs the skin slides off, sloughs off.......if duct tape was there it would have sloughed off with the skin.

Yeah that rumor has become a beloved Urban Legend. The duct tape...

Speaking generally and not specifically about Caylee's case, Mayes said evidence such as tape or rope, which could indicate a victim was abducted, is crucial.

"It's really important to analyze not just what happened to a person in life or how they were killed," Mayes said. "Often, the greatest evidence comes with how a body was manipulated after death and what someone's intentions are.",0,2333051.story
My understanding is that there has been no statement validated stating duct tape was place across her mouth let alone wrapped around her head (as ng states ad nauseum), in the hearing last week when kc was in the courtroom the statement the prosecutor made was in reference to duct tape being found that may yield fingerprints, only confirming that duct tape was found with the remains. When death occurs the skin slides off, sloughs off.......if duct tape was there it would have sloughed off with the skin.

I agree this is still a rumor.
It could be true, though. The skull was still in the bag, or under the bag, while the smaller bones had washed away or been taken by animals. If the tape was wrapped completely around the head, it would also be taped to the hair, which might have held it in place enough to determine it was originally on the mouth, or just the hair still stuck on the duct tape was enough to detemine it was originally around the mouth.
I'm taking it into consideration, but not as fact until it is officially reported by LE or the state.
This case reminds me so much (in some ways) of the Debra Jean Milke case. She had her 5 yo murdered because he was in her way. She is on death row, by the way.

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