Sources: Casey Anthony Intentionally Killed Caylee

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Is ANY other news media of any form picking up on the anonymous source's info that they have overwhelming evidence that Casey murdered her daughter intentionally? Anyone else reporting this stuff??

Not yet, but this has been very common throughout this sick saga. One will report something (most likely from LE) and then later the others will pick it up.

On the information about Amys checks it went unreported for a full day except by one media outlet then all of a sudden they all had the Target pics.
If you will go back through this case, you will find many, many instances where their "sources" could only be LE or the defense. The information which "leaked" turned out to be coming directly from their reports and information only they would have had access to in order to release it.

How many times have we seen this? Info is leaked, sleuther's debate for days on end whether the info true because the source isn't validated. Then shortly after the leak, a doc dump happens verifying the info that was leaked to begin with.

There are two things that I've taken away from this case that sets it apart from the rest.

1-An FBI agent on video tells CA that the media has been accurate in their reporting.

2-I am shocked at how many rumors from the rumor thread have turned out to be true.

I usually wait for solid facts before coming to a conclusion. But I've learned in this case, I have to give ALL info serious consideration.

On a final note. LP used to infuriate me with trying to figure out what info to believe from him. What I finally figured out is his theories run the gamut, change daily and are outrageous at times. If I throw out his theories and look at what's left, he's been dead on in his reporting.
That is what I was trying to describe when I said kudzu like vine. Those things can grow through anything.

Yep. Apparently it's ILLEGAL to have it here now! [The things you learn while reading up on this case!] At the crime scene memorial I definitely saw the potatoes and one of the guys I was with kicked one and called it something like a "poor man's potato". It was about the size of a tennis ball.

This weed is so noxious. It'll grow all over everything and literally choke the life out of it (sorry, but it's true).

Plants can and will grow through a bag. If there is the least hole or slice in one where the sun can get through they will grow.

I would bet it was kudzu (don't know the name of it in Florida) type vine, as they grow through bags easily.

And I hate to say this, but any plastic bag sitting around in the woods will be inspected by mice or rats, and small holes will appear. Plus, when that area was flooded, sticks and things would have brushed against it.

In the pictures of the crime scene there were wild potato vines, which also grow here in Tennessee. They only grow in the summer and die back in the colder weather. If one had grown through a hole in the bag, it had to be in the summer. There are also a million other viney things that could be growing there, such as poison ivy, sawbriers, wild grapes, strangle vines, or passionflowers. Any of those are native plants that grow really fast in hot weather. Also, honeysuckle of course.
If it was your grandchild, could you let her be buried without having a second autopsy though? You would be so desperate for [/B]any possible explanation of what happened to her. Although I doubt the bones can provide enough information.

Respectfully, have the A's EVER exhibited a desire for "ANY POSSIBLE EXPLANATION"?.......maybe I missed something but.IIRC , from what we have seen, they were ONLY interested in finding an ALIVE Caylee and protecting KC.
And, from what we have seen, they only talked and did very little looking and would not cooperate with TES when they discovered they were looking for Caylee....dead or alive.....
We all wish she could have been found alive but most knew "from day one" that was not likely.
Jane, absolutely NO GLOATING from here. I wanted so badly to believe it was an accident once it became pretty clear that Caylee was not with us anymore.
Don't beat yourself up , for goodness sake......being "wrong" does not make us "bad" or "chumps"......
rather than wax too philosophical I will just say, for those of you old enough to understand :), "Who knows what EVIL LURKS in the hearts and minds of man?............" (Actually, it isn't "the Shadow" but only God, IMO)
Jer.9:3- And (like) their BOW they have bent their TONGUES ~(for) LIES (8267-sheqer), they are NOT strong for the TRUTH on the Earth / Land. And they Proceed (3318-yatsa) from EVIL to EVIL, and they DO NOT KNOW ME, says Y
According to the ME's report, her neck was not broken. She clearly stated "no trauma to the bones." I would take that to mean, the neck bones were intact. So... no broken neck.

I always thought that with a broken neck, no bones were actually damaged, it is the spine that is damaged, can anyone enlighten me on that?
I never doubted K.C. didn't do it intentionally. Sadly, in my opinion, she " hates" C.A. and taking baby Caylee permanently away was the only way she could take care of her own personal vendetta towards C.A. I also think there is a whole lot more going to come out at trial. It was not just the one night, it was a multitude of things that lead up to precious Caylee's death between K.C. and her first family, especially C.A.
My question today is what will and won't be believed that K.C. speaks about at the trial? As she has lied so much already.........
I always thought that with a broken neck, no bones were actually damaged, it is the spine that is damaged, can anyone enlighten me on that?

i thought that too, that a broken neck could mean no bones actually broken...
i thought a dr on NG talked about this? i forget...
Not yet, but this has been very common throughout this sick saga. One will report something (most likely from LE) and then later the others will pick it up.

On the information about Amys checks it went unreported for a full day except by one media outlet then all of a sudden they all had the Target pics.

I went to lunch at 12:00 and heard it on the local radio 87.7. Apparently, the local stations are running with the "overwhelming" evidence of intentional murder byline...

While I believe it, I also remember how we heard in the OJ case how there was a "mountain of evidence" and how "overwhelming" it was and now we all know how apparently OVERWHELMING is in the eye of the beholder! :)
Is ANY other news media of any form picking up on the anonymous source's info that they have overwhelming evidence that Casey murdered her daughter intentionally? Anyone else reporting this stuff??

Maybee anyone else has not confirmed it yet?? So therefore they are not reporting on it Yet
The Gaff tape was mentioned in an article on channel 9 it said that a myspace page had been saved that belonged to Casey and around the time the "no Clothes party" was held
there was a mention of gaff tape.
Gaff Tape. Duct Tape,Duck Tape or any other name it could be called,it's Tape Why sweat the small stuff... There is much more to come from that sight. I'm back to "The Tell Tale Heart" I hope the evidence speaks clearly,for Caylee because the A's sure haven't IMO.
You never did answer me about how you knew they were going to be in "deep trouble" today with this story.[/B]

This is what I actually said..."I do believe that the reporter had better back up these accusations with documentation pronto or s/he is going to find themself in a whole mess of trouble before the day is done."

The reporter attributes some very strong statements to LE/investigators with nothing more than an anonymous source. You've violated rules of ethics as a reporter when you persoanlly attack someone with accusations that they have murdered their child and that there is overwhelming evidence to prove it. I can't believe that any news organization would stand by this, reprimands are certainly in order. .....if they have not done so, we've sunk to a new low in this country.
I'm with ya on that one Kline. But I think she could have worn latex gloves (she watches CSI) but i think she ripped it with her teeth. Maybe left behind some lip skin or some such thing...

She aint the sharpest tool in the shed thats for sure.

It could be they have DNA from her skin cells or saliva on the duct tape. Course, it could be fingerprints, too- or all of the above!:eek:
I always thought that with a broken neck, no bones were actually damaged, it is the spine that is damaged, can anyone enlighten me on that?

That can be correct. Particularly in a small child because their bones are not mature yet. I really wish LE would have Dr. Bass check those vertebrae and the skull as he finds things many times others miss just because he has the experience.
Well, let's see, this could be a great deal of income for the next few years on appellate issues for him....;)

Does someone use a regular criminal law atty that is not an appellate atty for one's appeal?
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