Sources: Casey Anthony Intentionally Killed Caylee

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Also, she could have attempted to break her neck or hit her in a fit of rage, causing a spinal cord hemorrhage. This would result in paralysis or, in the least, very much pain. With Caylee screaming out in pain she may have duct taped her mouth to keep her quiet.
My theory has been that she left the house after the fight in a rage. CA called her immediately and said "Get back to this house; you have a child to take care of." Enraged, she returned to the house and took it out on Caylee during the night.

Wow, I have to tell you this sent shivers up my spine. I can visualize her doing this. Very good theory. JMO
Not quite, because cell phone and computer usage establish the fact that KC returned to the home after George left. JG claimed to hear Caylee in the background of his call with KC just before 3 - over an hour after George left. IMHO that was sufficient time for KC and Caylee to change clothes, possibly into swimsuits.

George loved his grand-daughter, probably more than anyone. He had no reason to lie about this.

Bolded by me,
I would have bought that up until MAYBE a month ago, at this point I'm wondering why they didn't love her enough to pick her tiny bones up from a cardboard box in a nasty cold funeral home...but that's another thread I suppose.

Respectfully I see numerous reasons for George to lie...
1. Pressure from Cindy
2. Afraid of making Cindy feel guilty due to the fight, pushing her over the edge.
3. Drawing attention away from the embarrasement of a dysfunctional family
4. Fear of making Casey look more guilty

On another note, it was rumored Casey was seen at a nearby motel the night of the 15th, no child...could she have been close enough to home to still be on the same cell tower?

I don't recall JG hearing Caylee on the 16th I know he retracted the 24th story, will check into that.
Nothing I heard tonight ,regarding the latest information released, answers the question regarding the decomp that the dogs hit on in the backyard.

Did she kill her there or move her there prior to putting her in the car? Inquiring Cats want to know! Any thoughts????:waitasec:

I have been wondering about that too!
Nothing I heard tonight ,regarding the latest information released, answers the question regarding the decomp that the dogs hit on in the backyard.

Did she kill her there or move her there prior to putting her in the car? Inquiring Cats want to know! Any thoughts????:waitasec:

For what it's worth, my best guess at this point is
1. Casey carried Caylee's body to the back yard with intent of hiding/burrying
2. Items removed from the trunk were placed in the back yard after the car was retrieved.

I am curious about this as well.
For what it's worth, my best guess at this point is
1. Casey carried Caylee's body to the back yard with intent of hiding/burrying
2. Items removed from the trunk were placed in the back yard after the car was retrieved.

I am curious about this as well.

I need to go back and study the timeline, but maybe this is where the neighbor's shovel (that KC borrowed) comes in.
I am a nurse that works on a cardiac floor. I have many times had to handle people who have passed. It is the worst part of my job and I can not even describe to you how someone feels so different than they feel when they are alive. I must tell you that these have all been people 40+.

You are right - the entire family was with my Mom when she passed away and we stayed with her until the coroner came and took her - it is something I hope I never have to see or do again - tho I know I'll be there when my Dad decides to be with my Mom
Nothing I heard tonight ,regarding the latest information released, answers the question regarding the decomp that the dogs hit on in the backyard.

Did she kill her there or move her there prior to putting her in the car? Inquiring Cats want to know! Any thoughts????:waitasec:

She may of wrapped, or rewrapped Caylee in the backyard, there is also the gas cans, maybee they had decomp on them and GA set them down in the backyard, also I thought Cindy had taken some toys from the trunk of KCs car and placed them in the sandbox, they could have smelled of decomp, if in fact did she did remove toys from the car, we do know the gas cans were taken from the car just thinking here how decomp could have been transfered to the backyard
I think there is a possibility that GA got the 9th and 16th confused. Perp left with Calyee on the 9th and was staying at RM's that night. George recalls her saying, "I might not be home tonight, may have to work late",.....these may have been her words on the 9th to cover for her staying with RM.
Okay - so what does today's 'Bombshell' news item actually tell us? IMO, very little that we didn't already know, or that we have more or less worked out ourselves, or that is pretty obvious anyway! Here's what I get from the article:

Sources close to the Casey Anthony case told Local 6 News on Thursday that they have overwhelming evidence showing that she intentionally killed her young daughter, Caylee, and was solely responsible for the toddler's death.

Firstly the 'source' is not identified, so that should at least raise some suspicion as to the validity of the claims. Secondly, it's not exactly surprising that these 'sources' are allegedly saying that they have this 'overwhelming' evidence that KC is guilty of premeditated murder - after all, that is what they charged her with way back in October so it's reasonable to assume that they at least believed they had this 'overwhelming' evidence at that time. With the possible DP sentence still very firmly in the frame when KC was charged, I dread to think that they were in fact 'sort of not quite sure' whether they believed their evidence to be overwhelming or not! However, believing that there is overwhelming evidence and actually proving it are two different things. Thirdly, despite the 'bombshell' tone of this article, it fails to disclose what this 'overwhelming evidence of premeditated murder' actually is! Let's have a look to check:

Anthony, 22, remains jailed on first-degree murder charges in her daughter's death. Caylee was 2 years old when she was reported missing in mid-July, a month after she had last been seen. Human remains discovered last month in a wooded area near Caylee's grandparents' home were identified as the missing girl.

Nope, it's not in that paragraph.

Sources also said investigators have now established a time frame of death that dates back to June, according to reports returned by forensic botanists and entomologists brought in to anaylize the terrain and insect growth where Caylee's remains were found. Sources said plants were growing through the skeleton and bug evidence was also recovered, both of which helped scientists reach their conclusion.

So, that paragraph tells us that forensic botanists and entomologists have helped to work out a time frame of death, but nothing about premeditation.

Orange County sheriff's detectives believe Anthony took actions that led to her daughter's death June 16, which corresponds to the June time frame of death, Local 6 News reported.

Investigators believe Anthony dumped Caylee's body around June 18 in the wooded area where the remains were found, sources said.

According to test results conducted on the trunk of Anthony's car by the Oakridge National Laboratory, the girl's body spent at least two days there before it was dumped, sources said.

A hair which showed signs of decomposition was also found in the trunk. Sources said the hair matches hair taken from Caylee's remains.

The above 4 paragraphs tell us that investigators believe that they have worked out the date of Caylee's death, when she was placed in the woods and that she spent at least 2 days in the trunk of KC's car, but again what it doesn't say is how this evidence shows that Caylee died as a result of a premeditated murder.

Sources said the time frame coupled with other evidence -- duct tape found over the mouth of Caylee's skull, high levels of chloroform detected in the trunk and cell phone pings from Anthony's phone that place her near the crime scene in mid-June -- points only to Anthony as the killer.

So, there was allegedly duct tape over the mouth (still not officially confirmed), and there seems to be a suggestion here that both the duct tape and the chloroform are connected to the cause/manner of death, and that this evidence, together with the fact that KC can be shown to have been in the Suburban Drive/Hopespring Drive area during mid-June somehow proves that KC is a 'killer'. But it doesn't tell us 'why' this evidence proves that KC killed Caylee, and there's still no link made to premeditation. IMO it's also strange that if the evidence about the duct tape and chloroform have allegedly helped to determine premeditation (as is implied) that it didn't also help the ME find a cause of death.

Sources said although a cause of Caylee's death may never be known, Anthony will be convicted based on extrememly strong evidence.

Strong evidence of what exactly?

Investigators who initially thought that Caylee's death could have been an accident have changed their minds, sources said.

Well, we knew this already. The initial LE interviews with KC indicate that they thought it may have been an accident at first, but it's fairly obvious that they had already changed their views when they charged her with murder1.

Anthony on Thursday was required by a judge to attend a hearing that centered around autopsy photos of Caylee. It was the first time Anthony had been seen in months.

So, what's new? IMO this article is just a cleverly worded piece of non-news. If this is actually all they have learned, they could have got their 'news' from the many theory and time line threads right here on WS!

(bold mine) THANK YOU Devon for so patiently (and bravely!) going before me, venturing into enemy territory, deflecting the arrows and missiles meant for me, grandly stating my case, my very own thoughts and reactions, before I could risk my own life, how chivalrous lol (now what was that you were saying about telepathy!)
:bud: :soldier:
This is breaking news? That LE has evidence to support their charges? That they believe KC solely responsible for her daughter's death? That they've even narrowed it down to June??? The State had better have some sort of theory at least if they hope to prove murder or certainly predmeditation. There was nothing whatsoever "new" discovered, and nothing further learned about the cause of death from this "news" as it fails even to establish whether duct tape was used antemortem or postmortem! So it still can not be ruled out eg that it may have been used postmortem as late as the 18th in staging the kidnapping, a plan foiled by floods. Nor can it yet be ruled out that any of this took place following eg a negligent homicide. And so while even most here at WS have long realized that KC likely did this w/out any help... this still tells us nothing about the cause, or malice and intent. So IMO these "breaking developments" may amount to no more than a strategy by the State to turn up the heat and get her to reveal to them what actually did happen that day. Because until trial all we can be reasonably certain of is that KC attempted--in the aftermath of whatever occurred--to sweep away the broken, decaying pieces of what was once her daughter under the rug. JMO
She may of wrapped, or rewrapped Caylee in the backyard, there is also the gas cans, maybee they had decomp on them and GA set them down in the backyard, also I thought Cindy had taken some toys from the trunk of KCs car and placed them in the sandbox, they could have smelled of decomp, if in fact did she did remove toys from the car, we do know the gas cans were taken from the car just thinking here how decomp could have been transfered to the backyard

I wonder if kc removed the toys from the sandbox and put the toys in her car and then placed Caylee in the sandbox. When she returned, she removed her from there and placed her on the ground till she could decide what to do.
Sedation fits - I'm going to listen to his FBI interview and what he said to LE and his transcript - I'm really curious as to what Caylee was doing - if she was carried, asleep, etc. So it's the 16th - she very well could have been killed that morning - carried out of the house, put in the car seat - Casey leaves, puts Caylee in a bag and in the trunk - that would mean Caylee was in the trunk, in the bag, dead when Casey was out cuddling with Tony, renting a movie and doing the nasty - NOW THAT IS SICK!

I feel bad for Tony - he was sleeping with a murderer!

I do believe she was in that trunk dead when we see the video of her in that movie rental store.
I think there is a possibility that GA got the 9th and 16th confused. Perp left with Calyee on the 9th and was staying at RM's that night. George recalls her saying, "I might not be home tonight, may have to work late",.....these may have been her words on the 9th to cover for her staying with RM.

He originally said the 9th didn't he? When they had the dates wrong.
For what it's worth, my best guess at this point is
1. Casey carried Caylee's body to the back yard with intent of hiding/burrying
2. Items removed from the trunk were placed in the back yard after the car was retrieved.

I am curious about this as well.

My theory that Caylee's bedding was either used or had evidence of murder was confirmed by the evidence taken from the home. It looked like part of her bedding set. My hinky meter went off twice. First, when CA mentioned to Greta that she was still washing Caylee's bedding weekly. I said months ago a normal GP would never touch those sheets. Instead they would crawl into that bed and take in that baby's sweet scent often. Second, when CA failed to produce the JCPenny receipt my hinky meter went off again. What could someone purchase @ JCPenny that would show evidence of a crime. Buying replacement bedding for a missing child? I still don't know if the bedding was found in said car and if CA removed it and either disposed of it or cleaned it. Or if she realized when she saw the receipt that more evidence might be in that bedding. Either way, the bedding has always gotten my attention.
You are right - the entire family was with my Mom when she passed away and we stayed with her until the coroner came and took her - it is something I hope I never have to see or do again - tho I know I'll be there when my Dad decides to be with my Mom

I was with my Mom and although I hated to lose her, it was something I will always cherish in my memory. She passed so peacefully and my only concern was her fingernails were kind of ragged looking, so while the rest of the family came to my house and the funeral home was coming, I painted her nails. I knew she would not want to be in her casket with unfinished fingernails.
Bolded by me,
I would have bought that up until MAYBE a month ago, at this point I'm wondering why they didn't love her enough to pick her tiny bones up from a cardboard box in a nasty cold funeral home...but that's another thread I suppose.

Respectfully I see numerous reasons for George to lie...
1. Pressure from Cindy
2. Afraid of making Cindy feel guilty due to the fight, pushing her over the edge.
3. Drawing attention away from the embarrasement of a dysfunctional family
4. Fear of making Casey look more guilty

On another note, it was rumored Casey was seen at a nearby motel the night of the 15th, no child...could she have been close enough to home to still be on the same cell tower?

I don't recall JG hearing Caylee on the 16th I know he retracted the 24th story, will check into that.

All of those reasons are good. I believe the most important one was Cindy wanted it told that way.

I did not hear about the motel, but I always suspected she either went to Lee's that night or she drove down to the woods across from the school and when Caylee would not shut up crying she killed her right there. School was out, it was a dead end street and the dirt road went across to Econ trail if she needed to get away fast from CA or GA.
The only person I have heard use the word "gaffer tape" is Geraldo. He has always said "gaffer tape" never once heard him say duct tape. In fact I had never heard the word gaffer tape before hearing him.

Also impossible to use duct tape with gloves they stick together!!!!:blowkiss:

Amy actually called it gaffer tape in her message to KC regarding KC stealing it out of her her purse.

That's why I assumed Amy got it from work and either needed to return it or planned on using it herself, on the boxes she was packing during her move.
I hate to even think about it but
What if she put the tape over the mouth to keep the child from screaming?
Since we really don't know the actual cause of death,who knows what terrible things may have been done to Caylee before she died

I have always had fears about what she went through before she did die.
DITTO! The statement is always in the back of my mind. let's not forget....

creating a "caylee is missing" myspace many months before she actually was.

I WANT to believe it was an accident. I WANT to believe it was a kidnapping gone wrong. However, the physical evidence is COMPELLING to say otherwise.

she actually created a missing page for Caylee? when did she do that? Where do we need to go to read this???
I believe Cindy had said her and Caylee had taken taken a swim in the evening of the 15th, so if Cindy and KC got into a scrap after the swim, and KC snatched Caylee up and fled, maybee Just maybee LP would be right about the swimsuit being found with the remains...I remember him saying a suimsuit was found, not sure if its true, but it would make sense

Which would make GA a liar about seeing them the next day.
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