Sources: Casey Anthony Intentionally Killed Caylee

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We have heard duct tape over the mouth, and duct tape on the bag. What if a bag was placed over Caylees head, and duct taped into place? Enough exposure to the elements could cause the bag to disentegrate some. When RK poked the bag and the skull rolled out, the skull could have still been caught up somewhat in the bag and duct tape, making it appear the duct tape was around the mouth.
I can even throw the chloroform into this, as she could have used it to knock her out so she could tape the bag over her head and she would suffocate without a struggle.

OMG, what a horrible thought, but, there were 2 bags found.

But, then wouldn't Dr. G list cause of death as suffocation??
I posted clarification of this some pages ago.

It is *said* that she created a cayleeismissing myspace URL (webaddres)
Before Caylee actually went missing.
People are going off the date hat the My space was created in saying that

Before it was Caylee is missing it was cayseeomarie or something arother

And so was the URL

BUT in myspace You are NOT allowed to change the URL once you choose it

BUT as I said its very possible that it can actually be done, by the my space IT people, and for this particular case of a missing child they CHANGED IT FOR Casey.

So I don't believe she actually did the URL Before Caylee went missing

I believe that is what people have gleaned from the info that my space provide you when you CHOOSE your URL that you MAY NEVER NEVER change it

I think a child missing is a different thing and they DID CHANGE IT FOR Her

Where do you see a date of when the myspace page is created.

When this first broke in July they had 4 pages going then went to 1.

They had Lee's, Casey,s original one, Cindy's, then this one that is still the missing one:

I just want to see when that page the link is was created???
Not if some of these other posters are right and Casey put Caylee in her swimsuit on the 16th after George left.

However, to clarify, I don't believe Caylee's death had anything to do with the pool. I don't believe it was an accident. If it was on purpose, the only reason to go to all the trouble to drown Caylee in the pool would be to make it look like an accidental drowning. It would be so much easier to just drown her in the tub, or even a sink full of water, plus you have the cover of being inside the house.

I don't know, I can't discount the pool playing a part in the scenario depending on what clothes were found with the remains. The house is surrounded by a wooden fence which would give KC privacy without neighbors peering eyes. It would have been easy for KC to lure Caylee into the pool since she was used to swimming in it with her grandparents. There'd be no mess to clean up vs. if she used a bath tub inside the house, nor would there be as much of a struggle since the pool would be much larger and deeper than a bath tub (no ledges to grab). The duct tape would stop the baby from crying out, so the neighbor would only hear what would be a normal sound of playing and splashing in the water (which I believe the neighbor did tell LE they heard somebody in the pool on the 16th). Within a few minutes the crime would be done.

Did she plan on staging a drowning? Possibly but quickly discovered the duct tape left marks or wasn't so easy to remove so she moved on to plan B (Zannie). On the other hand, if the duct tape was wrapped around Caylee's head (rather than just her mouth) then KC had no plans on staging anything and just wanted to get her evil deed done.
Wow, those are some pretty strong accusations the media is reporting as truth. I find it really hard to buy this based on an unknown source/leak. I also find it tough to believe that someone close enough to the investigation to have access to this kind of info would actually leak it. Even though I personally believe Casey is guilty, I think that it is irresponsible of the media to release such a report. Afterall, she still has a right to a fair and unbiased trial. This report essentially takes that right away when the media's "source" has already declared her guilty by "overwhelming" evidence. The media's role in this case has really bothered me personally because again they are all about ratings and sensationalism. This isn't about Caylee at all. IMO they have crossed the line with this one and I'd love to see someone challenge them legally to reveal that "source." Afterall, there ARE individuals who will seek to exploit the confidentiality with a journalist in order to disseminate untruths for whatever reason.
dtown, Take a deep breath and let me put my two cents in here. I'm retired from a 22-year career as a reporter. So, I just feel the need to respond to your many post concerning the media's handling of this news.
The reporter is not personally reporting about this case and the evidence. This is not the reporter's opinion. What you are reading is what the reporter has gathered from the sources. That's what reporting is all about - gather the news from the sources on your beat and put it out to the public.
No where in the article does it say this information comes from an "unnamed" source. It clearly states "Sources close to the case..." The persons who relayed this information do not have to be named. And, please note the story says sources. That's plural. More than one source.
There are many types of sources a reporter will use. Ones you can readily attach a name to and those you can't identify by name or they would no long be your source. But over time they have proven to be reliable and truthful sources. So, a reporter feels safe using the source they can not identify by name.
I personally used sources, some in the courts and cop shop beats, who willingly gave up information (or as you call it - leak) which when checked was true. They do it for many reasons - sometimes because the information is going to be released shortly anyway. Other times as part of a controlled plan to get certain facts out to the public eye and defense experts and attorneys. It happens all the time. What you need to understand, by "leaking" the information, that source or person, is working the case. They only release what they know can be reported without giving away the entire case's investigative results.
Casey is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. She will receive a fair trial. You call what is reported as irresponsible. However, it would be professionally irresponsible for the reporter to not include facts they have gathered from their sources.
You can bet the facts the reporter brings to the story are checked and backed up before they are aired or seen in print. Despite what you may think, the media is very aware of the consequences of reporting something that is false.
You do not believe the press has the right to report from its sources what has been said about the defendant's guilt; then that means you also believe the media should not be allowed to report what Casey's defense team and supporters have to say about her being innocent.
Regardless of what I've written here, you may still want to challenge what has been printed in this report. I encourage you to do that. Contact the news medium that released this story. Talk with both the reporter and editor. Perhaps what they point out will allow you to take a different view on how the news is reported and the safeguards that allow it to brought to the people.
I can't figure out why G and C would lie about the last times they saw or heard Caylee - even though their explanations do not sit right with me.

How could G, for example, have known that some other witness would not come forward to say - I was with Casey and Caylee all morning and afternoon that day - or whatever.

Unless they knew the truth and were covering - I don't know why they thought their lies would help.

I have my doubts about GA's testimony about June 16th, too. But, I don't think he knew she was dead, or was covering for her, or intentionally lied. What if he was just wrong about the last day he saw her. If they left every day in the same routine, and he wasn't asked about it until a month later, I could see where he might have confused the happenings of those days. Remember at first they said it was June 9th that they last saw her. It wasn't until LE found the Father's Day video that they changed it to June 15-16. So, what if what GA remembers as being the last day he saw her was actually June 9th, and it happened just as he described. Then, Caylee and Casey move out, which they supposedly did and stayed at RM's house for a few of those days. KC lets Caylee go with CA to see Grandpa on Father's Day, (I don't know if GA was there or not), they come home, CA and KC get in a big fight, KC leaves with Caylee, or stays and goes to bed, like CA says. KC kills Caylee that night, I'm not sure where, either in her room, or out somewhere. KC doesn't see GA that next day, either she sneaks out, or waits until he leaves, or was already gone. Then, a month later, they start backtracking when they last saw Caylee, and GA is thinking back to his last time seeing her, June 9th. When they realize it was later, he just shifts his last memory of her as being June 16th and sticks with it.
I'm not for certain - I thought it was after - still the point is was Caylee talking to Grandpa as they left - I don't think George said if Caylee was 'asleep' or awake - did he go up and hug Caylee, kiss her, touch her

I could be remembering wrong but I thought in one of the first interviews GA said he was sitting in his chair watching TV, KC and Caylee came out of the BR. He mentioned what they were wearing, KC came into the room to get her bag that was sitting on the other chair/other recliner. KC said they would be back tomorrow, mom already knew. Caylee went to him and gave him a hug & kiss, KC gave him a hug.

I remember the story because he said something that made me think of my dad/reminded me of something my dad would say. Now I don't even know if they have two chairs/recliners so I could be remembering wrong. But this is what I think he said happened as they were leaving.

from what I recall reading, Casey, while talking to Lee or maybe her parents, I can't keep all of it straight at this point, but I do know it was during one of her jail visits, (maybe a phone call) she went on to explaining how she was the one who created the MySpace page with regard to a missing Caylee and how she "did all that." that morning. I believe that was the morning prior to her first arrest on July 16th. She was trying to keep up the "Caylee is missing" front and how concerned she was, blah, blah, blah, lying sack of crap butt dunky, blah... I still think it was Lee on whom she foisted this shovel-full of mularky, but I can't be positive.
i must say though how does one get a fair trail by Jury if they are all tainted by "guilty fry her" comments ? and NO the media doesnt say that but its going around all over and people would have to be blind not to see that.

Also Question will this case be moved to another ? county? location not sure what you call it over there ? district ? whatever ?

I just have to say how does a person get a fair trial if its all over the media that "it was intentional? "

Why bother with the expense of a trial ? why not just have the judge lock her up and throw away the key ? Is obvious the 12 people are going to find her guilty.
How could they not with all whats been said.
i must say though how does one get a fair trail by Jury if they are all tainted by "guilty fry her" comments ? and NO the media doesnt say that but its going around all over and people would have to be blind not to see that.

Also Question will this case be moved to another ? county? location not sure what you call it over there ? district ? whatever ?

I just have to say how does a person get a fair trial if its all over the media that "it was intentional? "

Why bother with the expense of a trial ? why not just have the judge lock her up and throw away the key ? Is obvious the 12 people are going to find her guilty.
How could they not with all whats been said.
I'm not sure Casey would have chanced killing Caylee during the night in the home with the Anthony's. I'd think that chloroform might have some sort of odor that they could smell in the home. If it was premeditated, then doing it quickly in the afternoon makes sense and would also prevent more evidence from being in the home. I could be wrong though, because I never believed that Casey drove around with Caylee in the trunk other than to the site she chose to dump the body.
i must say though how does one get a fair trail by Jury if they are all tainted by "guilty fry her" comments ? and NO the media doesnt say that but its going around all over and people would have to be blind not to see that.

Also Question will this case be moved to another ? county? location not sure what you call it over there ? district ? whatever ?

I just have to say how does a person get a fair trial if its all over the media that "it was intentional? "

Why bother with the expense of a trial ? why not just have the judge lock her up and throw away the key ? Is obvious the 12 people are going to find her guilty.
How could they not with all whats been said.
All I can say to this is:

Remember OJ?

from what I recall reading, Casey, while talking to Lee or maybe her parents, I can't keep all of it straight at this point, but I do know it was during one of her jail visits, (maybe a phone call) she went on to explaining how she was the one who created the MySpace page with regard to a missing Caylee and how she "did all that." that morning. I believe that was the morning prior to her first arrest on July 16th. She was trying to keep up the "Caylee is missing" front and how concerned she was, blah, blah, blah, lying sack of crap butt dunky, blah... I still think it was Lee on whom she foisted this shovel-full of mularky, but I can't be positive.

This is the 4 myspace pages found early on.
And yes even CA stated in a news report that Casey and CA sat and did the myspace page before Casey left with police the morning when she went to universal. CA stated she let Casey take over because she had no clue how to do myspace.​
I don't know, I can't discount the pool playing a part in the scenario depending on what clothes were found with the remains. The house is surrounded by a wooden fence which would give KC privacy without neighbors peering eyes. It would have been easy for KC to lure Caylee into the pool since she was used to swimming in it with her grandparents. There'd be no mess to clean up vs. if she used a bath tub inside the house, nor would there be as much of a struggle since the pool would be much larger and deeper than a bath tub (no ledges to grab). The duct tape would stop the baby from crying out, so the neighbor would only hear what would be a normal sound of playing and splashing in the water (which I believe the neighbor did tell LE they heard somebody in the pool on the 16th). Within a few minutes the crime would be done.

Did she plan on staging a drowning? Possibly but quickly discovered the duct tape left marks or wasn't so easy to remove so she moved on to plan B (Zannie). On the other hand, if the duct tape was wrapped around Caylee's head (rather than just her mouth) then KC had no plans on staging anything and just wanted to get her evil deed done.

I'm a little skeptical on the neighbor hearing someone in the pool on June 16. This didn't even come out until July 15, and the odds are the neighbor was questioned July 16th at the earliest. Then you have George could have been in the pool that morning before he went in to watch his cooking show, or Cindy could have taken a dip when she got off work.
Anyway, this is an above ground pool. It looks to be 4 foot tall. The only access to it is from a ladder. Casey could have stayed on the ladder and held her under, at which point she has to pull her up at an awkward angle. She could have just thrown her in until she drowned, then she has to fish the body out. She could have gotten in with her and drowned her. All this vs. running some water in a tub, holding her under until she drowns, then wiping up whatever water may have splashed out with a towel. Caylee was not quite 3, I don't see much of a struggle going on there. She could even have run water in the kitchen sink, picked Caylee up, bent her over it, holding Caylee in place with her body, and drowned her that way.
I guess we will just be disagreeing on this, because I think tub or sink would be a lot simpler, easier, and less messy than the swimming pool.
i must say though how does one get a fair trail by Jury if they are all tainted by "guilty fry her" comments ? and NO the media doesnt say that but its going around all over and people would have to be blind not to see that.

Also Question will this case be moved to another ? county? location not sure what you call it over there ? district ? whatever ?

I just have to say how does a person get a fair trial if its all over the media that "it was intentional? "

Why bother with the expense of a trial ? why not just have the judge lock her up and throw away the key ? Is obvious the 12 people are going to find her guilty.
How could they not with all whats been said.

Moved to another jurisdiction is what you're looking for.

She will get a fair trial. There are still folks who believe she is innocent - I just came across a post about it. Could'nt possibly be KC. Or it was an accident...

The jury will see all of the evidence that we've seen, if not more.
from what I recall reading, Casey, while talking to Lee or maybe her parents, I can't keep all of it straight at this point, but I do know it was during one of her jail visits, (maybe a phone call) she went on to explaining how she was the one who created the MySpace page with regard to a missing Caylee and how she "did all that." that morning. I believe that was the morning prior to her first arrest on July 16th. She was trying to keep up the "Caylee is missing" front and how concerned she was, blah, blah, blah, lying sack of crap butt dunky, blah... I still think it was Lee on whom she foisted this shovel-full of mularky, but I can't be positive.

CA also spoke about it in one of her interviews, but I can't recall which one. Basically she was asked what KC did after getting home early in the a.m. of July 16th. CA said KC showered, and they worked on creating the MySpace page, then KC napped until LE came back and picked KC back up around 11:00ish a.m. The reason I recall this so well, is because CA made it more about herself than anything else.

She went on a bit about how she 'can't do all the computer stuff...' yada, yada... it struck me as such an odd bit of input in the context of the question. I learned to get used to that quirk...
Moved to another jurisdiction is what you're looking for.

She will get a fair trial. There are still folks who believe she is innocent - I just came across a post about it. Could'nt possibly be KC. Or it was an accident...

The jury will see all of the evidence that we've seen, if not more.

Yes and the jurors are instructed to respond to the evidence presented in court, not their opinions. There have been lots of cases where jurors have said later that they were sure the crime had been committed, but the state had just not proven it. They had to acquit.
Moved to another jurisdiction is what you're looking for.

She will get a fair trial. There are still folks who believe she is innocent - I just came across a post about it. Could'nt possibly be KC. Or it was an accident...

The jury will see all of the evidence that we've seen, if not more.
I am not convinced there was no neck breaking. In that state of decomposition, and with the skull detached, it could have been broken but not enough evidence to use it for the prosecution.

I agree Turbo, with a child that young it can be difficult to recognise a broken neck, the bone ,ligaments and cartilage are flexable enough to disguise the fact that the neck was broken. We may never know if the act took place with our Caylee, may she rest in peace.
i must say though how does one get a fair trail by Jury if they are all tainted by "guilty fry her" comments ? and NO the media doesnt say that but its going around all over and people would have to be blind not to see that.

Also Question will this case be moved to another ? county? location not sure what you call it over there ? district ? whatever ?

I just have to say how does a person get a fair trial if its all over the media that "it was intentional? "

Why bother with the expense of a trial ? why not just have the judge lock her up and throw away the key ? Is obvious the 12 people are going to find her guilty.
How could they not with all whats been said.

Change of venue.

Honestly, I have worked cases with the Innocence Project and actually helped get innocent people out of prison, and I have watched people I was convinced were innocent die in prison so I am the first person to stand up for everyone's rights. I think I mentioned in a post months ago that I felt if they weren't charging her with the real deal her original bond was a little on the steep side of her constitutional rights, but if the girl would tell the truth about ANYTHING, if she had ever told an ounce of truth, maybe she wouldn't be splashed all over the news. If she had killed Caylee and then told the truth, right away, we would have never heard of this child. If the meter reader had found her sooner, it would have been mentioned for 20 seconds on CNN and we would have never known another thing. It would have been sad and we would have all felt bad and then gone back to work on other cases...but also, Caylee would have had a proper burial and there wouldn't have been all this drama and putting her family through this and in a position to be taken down with her.

I have very little sympathy for her as far as the public view. If all of us hadn't have been forced to search for her child, no one would know anything about her and there would be many more people that could offer her a fair trial, but she'll get one. If anything will be unfair it will be ineffective assistance of counsel and we all agree Baez is an idiot. There is also the fact that not everyone follows like we do. I know people in Orlando who couldn't tell you a fraction of what I know. But I have to admit, I could care less if everyone knows what she has done. They should and when she is found guilty we should give her not one more ounce of attention for the rest of her life. That is what would hurt her most.
i must say though how does one get a fair trail by Jury if they are all tainted by "guilty fry her" comments ? and NO the media doesnt say that but its going around all over and people would have to be blind not to see that.

Also Question will this case be moved to another ? county? location not sure what you call it over there ? district ? whatever ?

I just have to say how does a person get a fair trial if its all over the media that "it was intentional? "

Why bother with the expense of a trial ? why not just have the judge lock her up and throw away the key ? Is obvious the 12 people are going to find her guilty.
How could they not with all whats been said.
I could serve on this jury and weigh the evidence impartially with no problem.
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