Sources: Casey Anthony Intentionally Killed Caylee

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If we think back to the raging turmoil going on in that house the night before all this happened --- the fight between Cindy and Casey, the yelling, swearing, name-calling, throat grabbing --- you know Caylee was reacting to that --- probably upset, confused and throwing a temper tantrum even the following day. I believe Casey killed Caylee in a fit of rage --- no careful planning here. I'm sure more is being made of this murder than is really there. Casey killed Caylee because she was too much of a drag on Casey's desired lifestyle, too much to put up with, and then she disposed of Caylee's body the simplest way she could think of. No hard work there, either.

This is more than forum myth? A fact?

A fight....and yelling, swearing, name-calling and throat grabbing to boot?

Very interesting.....what is your source?
They released a video now:

Sources: Casey Anthony Intentionally Killed Caylee: Video

Wow, those are some pretty strong accusations the media is reporting as truth. I find it really hard to buy this based on an unknown source/leak. I also find it tough to believe that someone close enough to the investigation to have access to this kind of info would actually leak it. Even though I personally believe Casey is guilty, I think that it is irresponsible of the media to release such a report. Afterall, she still has a right to a fair and unbiased trial. This report essentially takes that right away when the media's "source" has already declared her guilty by "overwhelming" evidence. The media's role in this case has really bothered me personally because again they are all about ratings and sensationalism. This isn't about Caylee at all. IMO they have crossed the line with this one and I'd love to see someone challenge them legally to reveal that "source." Afterall, there ARE individuals who will seek to exploit the confidentiality with a journalist in order to disseminate untruths for whatever reason.
According to the ME's report, her neck was not broken. She clearly stated "no trauma to the bones." I would take that to mean, the neck bones were intact. So... no broken neck.

IMO she suffocated the poor baby.Yeah they can't test the lungs but imo there will be evidence to prove it,the chloroform and stuff...
Did you all notice my post about how the young age of a victim could result in a death by strangulation WITHOUT a fractured hyoid bone?

In other words, there may have been no trauma to the bones of a young child but still the child died from strangulation.

I just thought that should be put out there as a possibility and it does not contradict Dr. G's findings.

I read it and it is a very viable theory particularly if Caylee was crying for CA after that fight. I still have the feeling she was hit in the head. Evidently not hard enough to fracture the skull, but maybe hard enough to knock her out and then who knows what happened.
I'm with ya on that one Kline. But I think she could have worn latex gloves (she watches CSI) but i think she ripped it with her teeth. Maybe left behind some lip skin or some such thing...

She aint the sharpest tool in the shed thats for sure.

I don't think she wore gloves. Latex gloves would stick to the tape making it hard to work with. Regular gloves would stick to the tape, leaving fibers. She probably figured since the duct tape was in their home it would be no biggie for her prints to be on it.
DITTO! The statement is always in the back of my mind.

let's not forget....

creating a "caylee is missing" myspace many months before she actually was.

The google searches using certain key words (missing kids, chloroform, neckbreaking, Zenaida, etc.)

car trunk smell and decomp.

KC constantly saying she's "near" and "safe" no need to look outside of Orlando

duct tape on or around Caylees skull

I WANT to believe it was an accident. I WANT to believe it was a kidnapping gone wrong. However, the physical evidence is COMPELLING to say otherwise.

This is new to me! Can you link me to this discussion if there was one? I don't remember it at all! Wow!:eek:
infant and toddler bones are very soft and pliable thus very difficult to cause a true break.
According to the ME's report, her neck was not broken. She clearly stated "no trauma to the bones." I would take that to mean, the neck bones were intact. So... no broken neck.
Question - If she broke her neck, wouldn't that be able to be determined as the cause of death? I know it wasn't a full skeleton but I would think that the if her skull was there, the neck bones would have been found as well. God, that was hard typing :(

Yes, if they have those bones. The bones in the neck would be very very small. The bones would also have to be in decent shape, no animal chewing.
I read it and it is a very viable theory particularly if Caylee was crying for CA after that fight. I still have the feeling she was hit in the head. Evidently not hard enough to fracture the skull, but maybe hard enough to knock her out and then who knows what happened.

That's a distinct possibility too. I just wanted to point out that in children under 10, strangulation deaths usually occur without breaking bones.
The only person I have heard use the word "gaffer tape" is Geraldo. He has always said "gaffer tape" never once heard him say duct tape. In fact I had never heard the word gaffer tape before hearing him.

Also impossible to use duct tape with gloves they stick together!!!!:blowkiss:


Yep, me too. And they did talk about DUCT tape in court yesterday. To me that was the first confirmation that there even was duct tape....only "leaked" and/or speculated about. And BAG(S).
Initially being the key word. They would not have sought First Degree Murder charges if it were believed to be accidental and not premeditated. They would have gone for lesser charges and charged her for covering it up instead.

However, it is obvious with the duct tape and evidently other evidence recovered with the body that furthered the case towards a premeditated murder.

I can't speak for "some investigators", but from everything we have is difficult for me to see how it could be "accidental".

Maybe I am reading more into what was said in the brief article, but the distinct impression I got was that the investigators who believed it was an accident and changed their minds did so after the most recent reports came in following discovery of the body.

As for the grand jury indictment, the rules for handing down an indictment are no where near as stringent as those in a jury trial. The prosecution would typically go after the maximum possible charge whether they thought they could get a conviction or not, then use it as a plea-bargain chip.

Note that the grand jury indictment took place in October, but in early December SA took the death penalty off the table saying they did not have the evidence to support. Because no jury trial has started we really don't know what charges the SA thought (or thinks now) that they can win with.
I'm *new* here so not sure how to do effective searches on the WS site. :-(

Perhaps another member can direct you to that information which is probably in the document/case sticky.
This is new to me! Can you link me to this discussion if there was one? I don't remember it at all! Wow!:eek:
The only person I have heard use the word "gaffer tape" is Geraldo. He has always said "gaffer tape" never once heard him say duct tape. In fact I had never heard the word gaffer tape before hearing him.

Also impossible to use duct tape with gloves they stick together!!!!:blowkiss:

Yep! I heard him use that term as well. At that time, I just figured it was the same thing, only a different term, like coke and pop. Oh, Geraldo...
Wow, those are some pretty strong accusations the media is reporting as truth. I find it really hard to buy this based on an unknown source/leak. I also find it tough to believe that someone close enough to the investigation to have access to this kind of info would actually leak it. Even though I personally believe Casey is guilty, I think that it is irresponsible of the media to release such a report. Afterall, she still has a right to a fair and unbiased trial. This report essentially takes that right away when the media's "source" has already declared her guilty by "overwhelming" evidence. The media's role in this case has really bothered me personally because again they are all about ratings and sensationalism. This isn't about Caylee at all. IMO they have crossed the line with this one and I'd love to see someone challenge them legally to reveal that "source."

I don't think there will be time to challenge the "source" legally. I believe there will be a document dump shortly showing a lot of things which we really do not want to know.

Baez better get some kind of LWOP deal on the table. This is NOT a case to take to trial. If he does, it will only be for his own interest - not the interest of KC.

He should have plead this down in the beginning. He could have flown the "accidental" death theory and got her off with 15 years. Between his need to be seen and the Anthonys need for money they signed KC's fate. All of them had their own self interest at heart and they may cost KC her life by doing it.
I believe now with the evidence they have against KC , no need to offer up immunity to G and C, why should they?? They don't even need them as witnesses , I believe they have all they need, I think G and C have backed off and now its every man for himself!!!! I may be wrong, but I don't think will be hearing anymore from C about poor Casey the victem

ITA!! Who knows if they would tell the truth any way? They are both LIARS, proven over and over, and admittedly by their own attorney. I say no immunity for either of them. I don't want them to screw this up anymore than they've already done so and I certainly don't want them to get away with all those lies. I really hope they don't come back out in defense of kc when they start talking again. I really think the only reason they ever defended her was because of some horrible family secret(s) that they wanted her to keep. I look for her to start laying them all under the bus, one by one, and rolling over all of them. They need to think about that now and stop defending this cold hearted, spiteful biotch. She's going to show them just how cold she is. She is completely evil, IMO, and would stop at NOTHING to make herself look better (just like her mother). JMO
I believe now with the evidence they have against KC , no need to offer up immunity to G and C, why should they?? They don't even need them as witnesses , I believe they have all they need, I think G and C have backed off and now its every man for himself!!!! I may be wrong, but I don't think will be hearing anymore from C about poor Casey the victem

Of course they will still testify... they have to confirm certain dates & times of which only they were aware... finding the car at the tow yard, the smell, the fight between Cindy and Casey, the theft of the credit cards, etc.
Btw... the immunity deal was requested by their attorney, and it is common practice for attornies to protect the rights of their clients, according to Greta.
Turbothink, you are so right. JB missed his window of opportunity.
I'm sorry but I'm not really sure why ANYONE is introducing the idea that the tape found on the remains is GAFF TAPE and not DUCT TAPE. Two TOTALLY DIFFERENT types of tape. All the reports from LE, etc. that have been reported in the media have referred only to DUCT TAPE.

Here is what gaff tape is:

Here is what duct tape is:

Although both are pressure sensitive, one is backed with cotton material and the other vinyl.

PLEASE, PLEASE don't try to confuse the issue ... it makes me think that anyone that tries to say gaff tape was with the remains is trying to point the finger at someone who has not been implicated and is merely involved because she just happens to be a friend of the accused.

GR repeatedly called it gaffers tape a couple of weeks ago on his Sunday night show . He is the only one I have heard use the it.
ITA!! Who knows if they would tell the truth any way? They are both LIARS, proven over and over, and admittedly by their own attorney. I say no immunity for either of them. I don't want them to screw this up anymore than they've already done so and I certainly don't want them to get away with all those lies. I really hope they don't come back out in defense of kc when they start talking again. I really think the only reason they ever defended her was because of some horrible family secret(s) that they wanted her to keep. I look for her to start laying them all under the bus, one by one, and rolling over all of them. They need to think about that now and stop defending this cold hearted, spiteful biotch. She's going to show them just how cold she is. She is completely evil, IMO, and would stop at NOTHING to make herself look better (just like her mother). JMO

IIRC they are on the prosecution's list,yeah I am mean but I can't wait for them to testify! ;) I will take the day off.
Don't feel like a chump Jane, I also was holding out being hopeful that it was an accident or rage. Casey, Casey, Casey what have you done?

I agree, Kat ..
At the start, I thought maybe it was an accident too .. :/
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