South Africa - Martin, 55, Theresa, 54, Rudi van Breda, 22, murdered, 26 Jan 2015 #4

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The first half of his testimony I got a knife out of the kitchen and had my husband acting it out with me lol.. There is know way Henri remembers action by action how the attack went with the axe and knife. All this right hand turning clockwise while the attackers hand went anti clockwise. Did anyone notice how slow he spoke with Botha and the play acting breathing. Then it gets to Galloway any arms are wide open, standing tall, speaking quick and smirking.
I would give him a 1/10 for acting.
He said to Botha he used his right hand to pull the knife out of his left side, but he was holding the axe in his right hand. I don't think that would even be possible and it makes no sense not to use his empty left hand. Problem is he has to account for that right thumb print, so he can't say he used his left hand.

And I just can't even picture what position he is imagining when he says he hit him with the axe on his right shoulder.

I think he will be shocked not to be believed. He appears to suffer from grandiosity IMO. It struck me when he was speaking about Marli and James being teenagers.
Watching HvB video cross with Galloway asking about the dog, Sacha. I noticed he hesitated giving the answer about the calendar (Sasha's medication schedule the week particularly the Sun/Mon in January), 'I'm not sure..... we'd ah, we did try to confirm because there was a um, a calendar up on, on, on, on, um (looks down with a frown like he's concentrating) somewhere in the house.. I think on the fridge'.

He quickly spoke the part about the fridge, like he didn't want to bring attention to it. I'm focusing on this because he supposedly didn't know that the emergency numbers were kept on the fridge but here, he explains how the fridge was a source of reference for schedules, (contacts, phone numbers?) etc.
HvB discussing his stutter and how he becomes drenched it sweat from focusing on his speech for example at school giving presentations and currently 'while under cross?!' lol. This guy has an answer for everything, he really has a high opinion of himself and his cleverness! At one point, he actually looks bored!!
I'm wondering if he'll be found guilty and if he is, will he even spend a day in prison?!
Galloway asks about his referring to Marli's feet not being in doorway as in photos. You had access to photos, docket? Yes, says #VanBreda

#VanBreda had access to photos? His legal team gave him access to all documents.
Galloway asks if he had prob looking at photos of scene.

Tried to minimise exposure to the photos. Saw it, didn't enjoy it, #VanBreda says.

Dogs barking unnecessarily an issue at De Zalze, Galloway asks? Yes, #VanBreda says; homes were close together.

Domestic worker said Sasha would bark when she arrived. #VanBreda says she barked in response to noise from metal of the gate.

Sasha was technically Marli #VanBreda's dog. Attached to you and your father? Henri says she has always been a loving dog.

Numerous doggie beds in #VanBreda house. Sasha was sickly at time of murders. She suffered a "stroke-like event" when they returned from Oz.

Sasha was on medication until she passed away. She was completely deaf. Very disabled while on meds, one week a month.

But she could use doggie door? #VanBreda says it wasn't that she couldn't get up stairs, but had been seen falling down. Precautionary.

Look at this contradiction regarding Sasha's deafness.

#VanBreda says she barked in response to noise from metal of the gate.

She was completely deaf.

It's ludicrous how he has devised a story to try to explain why Sasha wasn't in the upstairs area as she was disabled for one week a month while on medications. I have had a few dogs in my life who have suffered from "stroke like events" aka seizures, and the medication dosage is, and has to be a regular daily dosage to keep medication levels constant to control the seizures - not a "one week a month" dosage as that would result in her seizures only being under control for the week of medication and for the remainder of the month the dog would be having regular uncontrolled seizures. I have never heard of any dog being disabled while on medication for seizures before. How convenient for him that his family members are not alive / have retrograde amnesia so they cannot dispute all this BS.

This is another feeble attempt to cover his tracks and lies.

Thank you to all involved for the updates!
Asked again why he didn't come to his family's aid. Want to explain? "I wish I could. I wish I did. But I was too scared."

He knew Marli was still alive after the attacker left and knew she was still alive after he "regained consciousness" hours later, and we're supposed to believe that he was too scared to help her even then. I hope Desai noted this. Sickening, just sickening.
Why not testify first?
#VanBreda says he wanted to have his say. Near the end of the case, decided he wanted to testify.

First, he didn't answer the question.
Second, it was always apparent that this was Botha's strategy even after Desai ruled against HvB testifying last. Desai said the court could make adverse inferences from doing so and Botha acknowledged this, but he left it open nevertheless.
Third, no doubt HvB hoped his witnesses would bolster his defence, but they were ALL appalling witnesses.
Fourth, due to their evidence, they gave him nothing with which to tailor his version/s.

In the circumstances, his only chance is to take the stand. I hope he's hoist by his own petard.
Disagrees that he is the only person alive that can remember what happened. "I have no idea what the attackers' memory is like."

What an absolute smartarse. Galloway really needs to apply thumbscrews and get rid of his unbridled arrogance.
I'm sorry everyone this is late but Tracey and Anthony are back on board doing tweets, I will add them quickly before today's trial begins.

Judge Desai arrives back in court and is trying to ascertain the prejudice to Henri re no live stream request from defence

Botha: he is concerned that he may mumble or stutter given the live stream and this may influence Desai's view of his demeanour

Desai, is it not for me to consider that these are circumstances which may cause him to stutter and draw my own conclusions

Botha: if you suggest that the court will consider that when considering his demeanour that is fine

Desai, this trial has been live streamed and the streaming has been relatively unobstructive

Desai: most witness were comfortable and oblivious that they were being televised

Botha: that may be but my client is very much aware of the media interest in this, Desai: that is also the price of democracy

Botha, if he gets anxious and hesitates before answering that could create an impression, if even, subconsciously

Galloway has nothing to add

Desai adjourns until 10am tomorrow to properly consider the request by Botha to not allow live streaming of Henri's testimony

Morning all, we are eagerly waiting for Judge Desai to arrive and give his ruling on the defence's application to stop streaming

Henri is in the bench, behind his legal team looking tired, court is packed this morning

Judge Desai: this is the 54th day of the trial, accused before us indicted on charges of murder and attempted murder

Desai: matter has been live streamed throughout a number of days, I have read the SCA judgment and have been called upon to give

Further effect to the judgment, Botha has submitted that his client may stutter which may negatively impact his clients testimony

Botha conceded that he could not argue actual prejudice, at best potential prejudice

Such prejudice doesnt represent a real danger to the administration of justice

There is a right to information and free press, to consider

Botha did not indicate a real prejudice to his clients right to a fair trial

Desai: court is called upon to exercise proper discretion in this case, after careful consideration I am disinclined to make in roads into a constitutional right, and as such the accused's application is refused, this court will revisit at any stage

Botha- Calls Henri into the witness box, Henri takes the oath

Botha: Please speak loud and clear. Is it correct that you pleaded not guilty to charges? H: correct

Botha: You handed in a plea explanation where you set out your defence to those charges? H: Correct Botha: was it detailed accurate

Henri: It was only a summary account

B: Your parents were married H: Correct B: Rudi born? H: 10 July 1992

B: You? H: 1 November 1994 B: Marli born? H: 12 October 1988 B: in Pretoria? H: correct

H: in 2006 family emigrated to Australia, matriculated in 2012 at Scotch College. Rudi graduated Scotch college in 2010

H: I attended university of Melbourne enrolled in bachelor of science and intended majoring in business

B: In January 2014 your parents and Marli returned to SA? H correct they first came here and Rudi and I joined them every summer holidays since we moved to Australia we would return to SA. We moved back primarily my dads business interests required more of his time here and my mother wanted to be home

H: Marli went to Somerset College, and then we moved to Klein Zalze, intention to stay in security estate near Marlis school

H: I intended to take a gap year and moved back with the family in August. I was using the room which Rudi and I shared in January

H: In December 2014 rudi joined the family, accompanied by his girlfriend, half way through January she returned to Australia. Rudi intended to fly back mid february

H: my plans at that stage was to do a diving course

B: Describe the van breda family?

H: we were a very close family,we shared alot together enjoyed spending time together especially at that time of year

B: your uncles also said that you were close, you agree? H: yes

H: we spent alot of holidays together like skiing,outdoor activities

B: A document was handed in with whatsapp messages between Marli and James her boyfriend, reference made to a discussion re marli and her relationship with James

H: yes there was a mild disagreement re how close Marli and her boyfriend was and touchy subject with her weight at the time

H: the approach my dad was taking was the approach he would take with me and Rudi, if we got a little fat he would tell us

Myself, Rudi and my mom thought that approach with Marli, young girls and eating disorders, was a bit heavy handed

H: I am not suggesting James was involved those whatsapps were just angry teenagers

B: Bianka testified that she had seen you that day? H: Yes B: anything out of the ordinary? H: No

H: Rudi went for a run around the estate and I was watching Tv with my dad, mom in the kitchen, marli in her room. We had dinner at the dining room table, not extraordinary, we regularly did so

My dad opened a bottle of wine, after dinner my dad worked on his laptop in the dining room, rudi and I watched tv

Marli was in her room, my mom was on the phone to her brother it was his birthday, her oldest brother Hein

H: I cant recall the time that we finished dinner, we would usually have dinner at 7h30 for about 45 min

H: later on evening, the 3 of us (Dad Rudi and I had decided we wanted to watch the new star trek we had just got new hi fi system)

H: I cant call exactly when we started watching but I know my dad spent quite a bit of time working between dinner & before watching

H: the times in the statement to the police I wasnt sure about I was using an average evening,Colonel Beneke suggested those times

H: I would say we have dinner at 19h30/19h45 he would say which one is it and he would write down the response

H: We watched the movie quite late, late for a school night

H: After she spoke to Hein I am not sure what else mom did but she would usually say good night and go to bedroom

H: after the movie we all said good night and went to our rooms, Rudi and i were sharing a room

H: when Rudis girlfriend was here they occupied Marli's room and Marli and I shared my room (boys room)

B: evidence of family dog? H: yes, sasha she either slept up in our room or downstairs on matt

H: she was quite sickly at the time and we had to carry her up the stairs, I recall that I did not take Sasha upstairs that night

H: Sasha had a dog flap in the kitchen door where she went through to relieve herself

H: got into our room, got into sleeping stuff,brushed our teeth cant specifically recall exact movements but lights off and into bed

H: we were both on our laptops I was wearing grey sleep shorts and watching a show called one piece on my laptop

H: Rudi was on his laptop for 15-20min, usually would do before bed, after that he went to sleep

H: the show I watched for a couple of hours after that it being rather late I decided to get to bed and started listening to music

H: to get to sleep, listenend to music on my phone, used ear phones, just closed my laptop still in bed

H: after a while not being able to sleep I went to the bathroom

H: I left the lights off in the bathroom, I took my phone with to play games while sitting on the toilet

H: I heard very strange sounds coming from outside the bathroom, from inside the house

H: noise was very loud banging sounds wasnt a familiar sound

H: The bathroom door was slightly ajar, I wouldn't have closed it and I couldn't leave open either as it would bump my knee

H: I immediately got up to investigate, moved to the door,I dont recall what I did with my phone but later on I found in my pocket

H: I pulled door open I could tell the sounds were coming from that room and I could see the silhouette of someone who appeared to be hitting Rudi, this person was standing in between our two beds. I coudnt see Rudi specifically but the person was swinging object down onto where rudi had been laying down

B: graphic- but we have a photo of the contents of the toilet bowl, when u heard sounds and went to investigate did you wipe?

H: no I didnt and after seeing the attack I also didnt bother with such niceties

H: I shouted for help, I cant remember what I said I made some sort of noise

H: from what I remember I cant recall where I was exactly, but from what I remember seeing I must have been in the corner of room, near the bathroom door
Hi Everyone :wave: Enjoy! :D

Henri turns 23 today. Cross-examination by Adv Galloway in his triple murder trial continues in WC High Court shortly.


Adv Galloway asks if landline and cellphone numbers are correct. #VanBreda says it is. Accepts info downloaded from laptops phones correct.


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Henri van breda will take the stand for a 2nd day on his 23rd birthday. State will continue cross examination.

Adv Galloway questions on phone calls made by van breda on the morning of murders

G: 1st call that you made at 04:24 is to Bianca? H: tried twice I couldn't get hold of her

G: first call from landline? H: I don't know why emergency calls weren't successful

First successful call made to EMS was at 07:12

G: you google searches on your phone at 04:27? H: agreed
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