South Africa - Martin, 55, Theresa, 54, Rudi van Breda, 22, murdered, 26 Jan 2015 #4

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We're tweeting live from the Cape High Court today where the cross-examination of Dr. Olckers begins

Dr. Olckers admits that her findings were a 'summary' when questioned by Adv. Galloway on her report

Dr. Olckers: the scope narrowed in my findings, which is why it should be considered a summary.

Galloway: So what you reported on is what you were asked?

Olckers: Yes the scope did narrow and I reported on this, it's not the full aspect of problems we picked up on

Olckers: I literally focused in most pertinent issues at a scientific level

J Desai: so the final report is based in evidence, and testimony and issues raised by counsel?

J Desai: Did you not prepare and independent report, purely scientific, before your mind was clouded by evidence presented

[Olckers did not]

(Dirty tricks by Botha and witness, Olckers! Nothing surprises me anymore!)

It would be very useful to produce a report before your mind is clouded by other evidence - Judge Desai to Dr. Olckers

Adv. Galloway now questioning Dr. Olckers about her employment and experience

Adv Combrink Objects. J Desai cuts him off, saying objection is noted, things get heated

Adv Galloway: expert opinion is supposed to be objective, you should make concessions even if it harms defence? Olckers, agrees

G: your positions listed in your CV are mostly academic or administrative? Olckers: Agrees
G: your positions listed in your CV are mostly academic or administrative? Olckers: Agrees


Adv. Galloway touching on the career of Dr. Olckers, which would appear to be mostly of an academic and administrative nature

Olckers: at present I do very little lab work, I train other academics and scientists

G: closest practical lab work that you did was listed in 1985?

Olckers: goes through her practical experience, incl work for PHD for John Hopkin, 1992-1995

Adv. Galloway honing in on Dr. Olcker's experience with physical lab work

Adv. Galloway: you've never worked in a forensic laboratory? Dr. Olckers: that's correct

Adv. Galloway confirms with the witness that her current role involves consulting in the forensic field

Olckers: I do very little practical work currently

Olckers: I have never been employed by forensic facility by the state

In the midst of heated questions between the state and J Desai, Henri #vanbreda raises his hand

Galloway: so you are a training company, not a laboratory?

G: do you use the lab, or is it just props to teach people?

Galloway: you use Lab instruments to teach your courses, not to analyses actual DNA
Prime, Rohde postponed to 1:30pm Wednesday.

I'll head over to CP if you like. Please advise.

Court adjourned for a moment, unexpectedly

And we're back

G: All of these people listed in your CV are not your clients at this point in time ? Olckers: Agrees

Olckers: most Lab work is done by my colleague. I merely do analysis and interpretation

J Desai adjourns for a minute, counsel huddled around accused

HvB raised his hand when the Judge and Combrink were in a heated discussion. I wonder what it's about? What does he have to say, ask?
Talk about smoke and mirrors on the part of the Defence. This is fantastic for the State.

Adv. Galloway cross-examining the witness about her involvement in academic panels as stated on her 33-page CV

Galloway: Still on Olckers CV, moves on to seminars or lectures that Olckers presented at

( Are journos not tweeting because they're disgusted with how this trial is proceeding? It's high profile and gaining momentum with the public as it's nearing the end, but tweets are sparse. It could also be due to court video, which is terrible I might add, rarely has sound. Grrr)

Dr. Galloway still honing in on the particulars of Dr. Olcker's involvement in academic panels as per her CV

Galloway: are you a member of European Malignant Hyperthermia Group? Olckers, I'm no longer part of that group

Galloway: the group, I discovered after googling your name, says you never got back to them to organise the meeting

(what is Galloway implying? What is the significance of this group?)

Galloway, and then Desai, questioning the relevance of inclusions in Olckers' CV

Court temporarily adjourned

G: in some instances, you lost certain aspects of your CV twice

G: asks why is research paper you supervised in your CV?

Olckers: I don't want to take credit for my students work, sometimes when you apply for grant you must mention this work
Panayiotou has started. Mistress testifying.
Morning (well in UK that is). Just catching up. Interesting to see Galloway has done her homework. I haven't listened in yet but from the tweets it seems Desai is not impressed with Olckers. Thank goodness. I wonder if he will be even less impressed with the latest shenanigans by Perumal in the Rhode case. In the past, we have been led to believe that RP is at the top of his trade but it seems maybe not.

Thank you for the tweets.

We're back, with Adv. Galloway resuming her cross-examination of Dr. Olckers

Desai to Olckers: "Why are you running away from the word 'hired' - you were paid? There's nothing sinister about the word"

G: asks why she used the term "invited" as expert in criminal cases

J Desai: isn't it more appropriate to say hired, Olckers says she will make a note of that

Olckers: I was called by the defence to testify....shys away from the word "hired"

Adv. Galloway asks if Dr. Olckers has ever completed any proficiency tests? Olckers replies no, not in a forensic laboratory.

Adv. Galloway shifting her focus now to SOP's and scientific validity of evidence

Olckers has listed many high profile cases, was asked for opinion in these matters, but not testimony

G: have you done profeciency test? O: I have never worked in a forensic lab so I have not done the tests

G: Your mandate to assess the validity of scientific results as set out by Col Otto. Olckers: I indicated that scope was narrow

Olckers: I don't have qualification in statistics, and we don't employ statisticians

G: was that your initial mandate or after you drafted?

Olckers: what is your view on LAN accreditation? [Galloway asking question?]

Olckers: lab must be accredited and independently audited. Registered with SA National access system, must have SOPs in place
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