South Africa - Susan Rohde, 47, murdered, Stellenbosch, 24 July 2016

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Repeats a few times how he fell back asleep, and when he woke up "I knew it was before 2 minutes past eight." Again, a nice detail offered there. He can remember that, but not his wife's final words to him. His body language on the stand extraordinary. Reverse fig-leaf, shrugs.

"I went to the bathroom .I just thought, as I said, in my mind's eye, Susan was lying in the bath, just saying 'Screw you, go there without brushing your teeth or...' you know, and that's what I pictured." Uh-oh, another giveaway. Why picture? Why not ask what she's doing?

#Rohde picks up his phone and calls his wife, and hears it ringing in the bathroom. Another huge slip here. Why are you calling her on the phone, without calling to her in person? The answer is obvious. Because you know she's already dead, even in this fake version of the story.

#Rohde describing himself calling Susan by phone in the bathroom. "I realized she wasn't going to pick up, so I disconnected the call." The problem with this version is how soon he phones her. It's virtually the first thing he does when he gets up in the morning.

#Rohde is digging a nice hole for himself

Nick van der Leek (@HiRezLife) | Twitter
In his own version of events, while she's in the bathroom [dead] he's more concerned about brushing his teeth than Susan. Says a lot.

In bogus 911 emergency calls, guilty people usually start off by trying to establish their innocence first, instead of giving priority to the actual emergency. #Rohde does the same in his testimony by calling Susan at 08:02. It's the first thing he does in the morning.

#Rohde "I stepped back. I kicked the door. Hence the crack down the door." Unlike Oscar Pistorius, Rohde's not strong enough to break open the door, but the crack is proof he tried.

Around 22 minutes pass between #Rohde's first call to Susan, and the call to reception. Interestingly, he calls reception before kicking the door. In a proper emergency he would kick the door first, then call reception. Again, he's carefully leaving a call-record alibi.

This grimace isn't a man in grief, weeping. You have to see it to believe it. A lot of body language on display here, mostly dismissive, exaggerated shrugging, twisting of the mouth on both sides. Here #Rohde is describing how long it took for the 1st person to arrive on scene.

Nick van der Leek (@HiRezLife) | Twitter
Daniels, the maintenance worker at Spier, arrived on the scene at about 26-27 minutes after 8. #Rohde's version is that she had been dead for roughly an hour by then. The prosecution contends she'd been dead for about five and a half hours, with time of death around 03:00.

Look at #Rohde's body language; there's a mismatch between how dismissive he is, shrugging on the one hand, and how adamant he is, a stickler for details that are "absolutely correct". Where he should be most concerned about his wife, he uses his "intuition" for the 1st time.

"Why didn't you unlock the bathroom door yourself?" Van der Spuy asks. #Rohde pokes his tongue. When an accused does this it's often a sign of duping delight. The tongue protruding is a symptom, often, of an accused relishing his superior knowledge vis a vis everyone else.

"It wouldn't cross my mind that I could use the front end of a tea-spoon to open a bathroom door." #Rohde's facial expressions say it all. He has utter contempt for the idea that he didn't think of trying to open the door, besides kicking it. At 44:04 of livestream.

#Rohde refers to never carrying coins "or something of that nature" to "lock" the bathroom door. "It's just absurd..." You meant to say "unlock", right?

"I've never seen a lock like that...where you can use a coin or a teaspoon." Then a few big BLINKS on repeat.

Nick van der Leek (@HiRezLife) | Twitter
#Rohde Daniels opened the door. "I went through that door first." Rohde says there was no way he was going to allow a stranger to see his wife. Rohde also copies the holding of the victim, just as Oscar did. Feigning assistance, or actual medical assistance?

#Rohde wipes nose with the back of his hand. Gives a slight sneer. It's a motion he repeats. Otherwise maintains a reverse fig-leaf pose, enjoying the use of the words "absolutely correct". Still no flicker of emotion from Rohde as he describes recovering her body, removing cord.

#Rohde refers to being put on oxygen in an ambulance at the Spier estate. Apparently he was so emotional he couldn't walk, or breathe. He seems less emotional now.

Now, as #Rohde goes through the realization that he needs a lawyer, a brief flicker of emotion. Seems to be self-pity.

Another parallel with the #VanBreda case. #Rohde gave a statement [though with a lawyer's assistance, and not on the day of the incident] then, when he was charged with murder, attempted to have them retracted.

Given today's testimony, this is worth reviewing> #Rohde told cops, family different stories

Nick van der Leek (@HiRezLife) | Twitter
Susan weighed 52kg. #Rohde describes her as VERY heavy, so heavy he needed help to move her. Wasn't he half Ironman?

#Rohde emphasizes the knot "or lasso" around Susan's neck was tight; it wasn't loose. [Daniels said it was loose]. Thompson described her whole neck as "bruised" as opposed to "a thin line" from a cord. "Her body was cold, lips blue...she was porcelain white."

A major forensic defect with #Rohde's testimony is his contention that Susan's body would be completely cold 90 minutes after death. Algor mortis, chilling after death, is a scientific process measured at 0.83 degrees Celsius per hour. In 2 hours Susan would still have been warm.

Van der Spuy: "Did you think she was still alive?" "I thought she was still alive." She was ice cold, lips blue, not moving, not breathing, even the smell of death after 5 hours was evident. You thought she was alive?

Quite a lot of expletives in this #Rohde trial. A lot more than #VanBreda or #OscarPistorius. May seem a small matter, but Rohde talks a lot, and seems to talk back and counter a lot, a real verbal sparrer.

Nick van der Leek (@HiRezLife) | Twitter
#Rohde You often notice in these cases how the cops are the real bad guys. Their crimes are bad manners, violating procedure, foul language. Rohde can't mask the contempt he feels for Appollis, who was also involved in the #VanBreda case.

#Rohde Seems to miss the fact that the police had to come to Randburg to arrest him, then drive him all the way back, a 14-15 hour haul 1 way, 30 hours both ways. This case, like #VanBreda is also about obstructing justice. The cops were doing their jobs.

It's pretty incredible that #Rohde isn't done yet with his testimony-in-chief. In the #VanBreda case, with far more evidence, Henri was done by the early afternoon of the first day. Rohde wants to regale the court with 2 days of testimony and more. Give a man enough rope...

#Rohde has been a tad argumentative with the Judge, and a little flashy with his own advocate. We know he's fired three of his legal team already. In sum, whatever the content of his remarks, does the tone of his testimony ring true? Is he believable? Does he *appear* innocent?

#Rohde testifies to being ashamed, and having to take responsibility for Susan's death. So why did he leave Cape Town that afternoon. Didn't he owe Susan's family - who were there - some explanation?

Nick van der Leek (@HiRezLife) | Twitter
#Rohde shows the first clear grief, when he reviews the moment he told his daughters why their mother had died. Not because she didn't love them, but because of his infidelity. That much is true, whichever way you wish to spin it.

Same rumours about moving cash around just prior to arrest as we saw with #OscarPistorius. This may seem like a small matter, but who in their right minds thinks about bank accounts when someone has died a violent death within arm's reach? Hope the prosecutor can settle this

#Rohde has tried hard to claim Susan wasn't naked. Crime scene pics speak for themselves. When I sat in court a young guy smirked when the images were screened on the wall. I wanted to bliksem him, or have him kicked out of court. Remember the moment well.

From the archives: a medical examination of #Rohde four days after his wife’s death revealed fresh scratches on his back. Can you imagine how those scratches got there, what he might have been doing, when she scratched his back?

How Susan was hanging on the bathroom door is hypothetical, #Rohde's version. Most witnesses found her lying on her back, on the bathroom floor. It was crucial that Rohde be seen removing Susan from door handle, because it was hard to fasten cord tightly.

#Rohde Jason said he flew to Cape Town to hand over another statement he had written. Instead he was charged and his fingerprints were taken. Hassan said there was "no ways" Jason should hand that statement over and took it from him.

Nick van der Leek (@HiRezLife) | Twitter

All I can say is WOW, just WOW!!!
Susan weighed 52kg. #Rohde describes her as VERY heavy, so heavy he needed help to move her. Wasn't he half Ironman?

#Rohde emphasizes the knot "or lasso" around Susan's neck was tight; it wasn't loose. [Daniels said it was loose]. Thompson described her whole neck as "bruised" as opposed to "a thin line" from a cord. "Her body was cold, lips blue...she was porcelain white."

A major forensic defect with #Rohde's testimony is his contention that Susan's body would be completely cold 90 minutes after death. Algor mortis, chilling after death, is a scientific process measured at 0.83 degrees Celsius per hour. In 2 hours Susan would still have been warm.

Van der Spuy: "Did you think she was still alive?" "I thought she was still alive." She was ice cold, lips blue, not moving, not breathing, even the smell of death after 5 hours was evident. You thought she was alive?

Quite a lot of expletives in this #Rohde trial. A lot more than #VanBreda or #OscarPistorius. May seem a small matter, but Rohde talks a lot, and seems to talk back and counter a lot, a real verbal sparrer.

Nick van der Leek (@HiRezLife) | Twitter

I am afraid the stuff I have read by Nik is always overblown. He is a writer and takes delight in embellishment.
#Rohde shows the first clear grief, when he reviews the moment he told his daughters why their mother had died. Not because she didn't love them, but because of his infidelity. That much is true, whichever way you wish to spin it.

Same rumours about moving cash around just prior to arrest as we saw with #OscarPistorius. This may seem like a small matter, but who in their right minds thinks about bank accounts when someone has died a violent death within arm's reach? Hope the prosecutor can settle this

#Rohde has tried hard to claim Susan wasn't naked. Crime scene pics speak for themselves. When I sat in court a young guy smirked when the images were screened on the wall. I wanted to bliksem him, or have him kicked out of court. Remember the moment well.

From the archives: a medical examination of #Rohde four days after his wife’s death revealed fresh scratches on his back. Can you imagine how those scratches got there, what he might have been doing, when she scratched his back?

How Susan was hanging on the bathroom door is hypothetical, #Rohde's version. Most witnesses found her lying on her back, on the bathroom floor. It was crucial that Rohde be seen removing Susan from door handle, because it was hard to fasten cord tightly.

#Rohde Jason said he flew to Cape Town to hand over another statement he had written. Instead he was charged and his fingerprints were taken. Hassan said there was "no ways" Jason should hand that statement over and took it from him.

Nick van der Leek (@HiRezLife) | Twitter

All I can say is WOW, just WOW!!!

Wasn't it Hassan that was murdered?
Well, after this, I wonder who was responsible?
Will we find out?
I am afraid the stuff I have read by Nik is always overblown. He is a writer and takes delight in embellishment.

Agreed. Hence my comment at the beginning of his tweets and "wow, just wow" at the end. He hasn't even heard XX and he's made up his mind as to JR's guilt. He also gets his "facts" wrong from time to time. He did this on a number of occasions in the OP trial. I don't get to see much at all of the live stream due to posting the tweets but I usually find them interesting to read.

Don't be taken in by defence counsel van der Spuy. He sounds very calm now, but when he's on the attack, watch out.
Wasn't it Hassan that was murdered?
Well, after this, I wonder who was responsible?
Will we find out?

Yes. He was one of Rohde's 3 original attorneys, and was shot dead by an unknown assailant.
I've asked Harmony to correct an error on p.19, #366. The third para commencing "Saunders asked her" was a tweet in a different trial. All the News24 reporters covering various trials post on the one page and they're all intermingled. :eek:

The offending tweet has been removed.
Here's the reason, again, via the Summary of Substantial Facts, why #Rohde had to rush into the bathroom ahead of everyone else. The electric hair iron cord was dangling loosely and precariously around the clothing/towel hook on the other side, and loosely around her neck.

Hair iron cord.jpg

Nick van der Leek (@HiRezLife) | Twitter
#Rohde made a weird remark on Day 2. He spoke about not shaving in the context of finding Susan's body. It seemed wildly out of place. Look at this screengrab of the state's Summary of Substantial Facts - in the middle. "The accused appeared freshly dressed and shaven..."

Day 3 of Jason Rohde on the stand. He will continue with his evidence-in-chief. Yesterday, he ended at the point where police arrested him and drove him from JHB to CT.

Lawyer Graham van der Spuy takes Rohde back to the time when police drove him to Cape Town. Jason: "We arrived back [in CT] on 24 August 2016 very early in the morning, before 6am. I was then placed in the cell."

Jason: "I wouldn't say I was unhappy about it. As a civilian, you don't realise how desperate the situations are in those holding cells. I can't talk about prison but these are Stellenbosch holding cells."

Jason: "There are no shower facilities. You are kept locked up 24 hours a day. there is no toothbrush, toilet paper. Faeces are wiped on the walls. Only thing in the cell is a stainless steel basin. Some people would use that to wash hands."
Jason: "I was fortunate I had a blanket. But some other inmates didn't. It was freezing cold in those cells. I wouldn't say I was unhappy. I am just observing what happened in those cells. I was there approximately a week before I was released on bail."

Lawyer brings out a Discovery life insurance policy, taken out in 1 October 2015. Jason says the insured is Susan Rohde. "I have always had life insurance from the time we were married for both of us."

Jason: "It's total benefit is R2.5million. There was an exclusion clause. There was a 2-year suicide exclusion clause. In layman's terms, if a person who is insured commits suicide in that period, there is no payment forthcoming from the policy."

Lawyer goes back to the moment that Jason grabbed Susan's neck with his right hand to shove her out his path, during a fight at the hotel. Apart from that, did you ever hold/grab/squeeze her neck another time? Jason: "No, I did not".
Court now hears about Susan's luggage and handbag left at the hotel. Lawyer asks if the police or prosecutor ever mentioned handing these items over to [Rohde's attorney] Hassan at his previous court appearances. Jason says nothing was said at all.

Jumping from one thing to another. Lawyer speaks about Susan's injuries which led Dr Khan [State pathologist] to conclude that she was victim of 'battered wife syndrome'.

On bruises to Susan's upper legs, Jason says: "She acquired them by doing a handstand and falling forward onto dumbbells which were in front of her, at our home. We had dumbbells, an exercise mat in our bedroom and she would do handstand against wall."

Jason says that he did not witness fall but Susan told him about falling out of a handstand. He recalls that a week before her death, she complained about the bruises and he saw her put Arnica on in the bathroom.
Lawyer talks about allegation that Susan was also smothered. Jason replies quickly: "That is absolutely not true. Absolutely not true".

Lawyer asks if he was aware at any stage of his colleague William Lee witnessing him giving CPR to his wife in the bathroom. Jason says he was not aware at the time.

Lawyers says investigating officer testified that he had expected to find evidence of murder plot by Jason and Jolene, and used this to get search warrants for his computers and home.

On alleged murder plot, Jason says: "Jason says: "No evidence came to light and the reason why, because it's completely untrue. There was no foundation to that. It's not correct."
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