South Africa - Susan Rohde, 47, murdered, Stellenbosch, 24 July 2016

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Khan accused of not asking for more info before making "battered woman syndrome", remark and no suicide conclusion in Rohde evidence

Prime,, thankyou , , and thankyou Judi for the relay of evidence given.. not an easy job, things get a bit chaotic under the circumstances. The time diff has me beaten this time round, at this time of the year here in Sydney, I so appreciate what you both are doing...

My money is on Khan on the accuracy and integrity of the autopsy, not because of his or Perumal's personality, but that Khan got to it first. . Perumal had the more difficult task coming in late to do a second autopsy, a lot of his conclusions have to be guesses, really and defence guesses as well. He knows that, it is inevitable under the conditions he was faced with, and his testimony made that pretty clear, that he was aware of the propensity for a very broad interpretation due to the unarguable deterioration, but enough of that, folks. ..

For this reason, while Perumal has managed to cast shards of doubt here and there, which can sometimes be powerful stuff in a murder trial, I just don't think this is going to go down as a suicide.. despite the mother and sisters stuff about the bruise on her leg..

It is still in the dicey and dodgy stage though!!!.. anything can happen!!.

VDS asks Khan if Susan Rohde's blunt force trauma or swallowed blood killed her. Khan says no. VDS says Khan is dogmatic.

this made me give a rueful grin . If there is one thing the forensic diagnostician doing an autopsy and then testifying about it at trial should be and has to be , he/she has to be dogmatic.... . VDS is a nifty defence bloke, though..

VDS asks Khan if Susan Rohde's blunt force trauma or swallowed blood killed her. Khan says no. VDS says Khan is dogmatic.

Pathologist Khan accused of bringing fellow pathologist Perumal's name in disrepute for saying he missed things in Rohde case

Court adjourned to 9.30 Thurs as pathologist taken to task on battered wife syndrome comment in #Rohde trial
What happened. Did today's trial just end abruptly?

Sorry Apples,it was me. There are 2 more tweets added that I missed, court today at 9.30 am

this made me give a rueful grin . If there is one thing the forensic diagnostician doing an autopsy and then testifying about it at trial should be and has to be , he/she has to be dogmatic.... . VDS is a nifty defence bloke, though..

I agree. He's very thorough, unfortunate for Perumal being outclassed. I hope it was an honest mistake, just inefficiency, meaning slack.
VDS appears quite on top of things, a good defence.
Rohde murder trial: Expert under fire over 'battered woman syndrome' comment

The government pathologist who suggested that Bryanston mom Susan Rohde may have been a victim of "battered woman syndrome" came in for a severe tongue lashing by the defence in the Western Cape High Court murder trial of her husband Jason on Wednesday.

Advocate Graham Van der Spuy started off gently by apologising to Dr Akmal Coetzee-Khan for his poor knowledge of medical terms and begged his indulgence over his apparently poor medical vocabulary.

However, it quickly became clear that Van der Spuy's slightly shambolic introduction concealed a sharp bite.
Trial continues with cross exam of ECape health department pathologist Akmal Coetzee-Khan.

Susan #Rohde's mom said she bandaged it, when on way to CT, said swelling had gone down, could not see it thru her skinny jeans

Susan Rohde's mom said she had family condition of thin skin which bruised easily.

Pathologist says possible that injury could be from handstand.

But in BWS they don't often say what really happened.
Angela Norton, Susan #Rohde's sister stated in 2nd affidavit Susan showed her the bruise evening before the conference at Spier.

Autopsy reports remain under scrutiny as Rohde murder trial continues

Pathologist concedes that there were no other injuries on Susan #Rohde's body that could have aged or dated over time

Angela Norton, Susan #Rohde's sister stated in 2nd affidavit Susan showed her the bruise evening before the conference at Spier.
Pathologist concedes that there were no other injuries on Susan #Rohde's body that could have aged or dated over time

Susan bruised so easily that when younger was investigated for leukemia, which was neg. Defence challenging abuse theory.

Pathologist CK says he asked investigator for medical history at autopsy. Says he was told there was none of note for Rohde
Pathologist concedes that there were no other injuries on Susan #Rohde's body that could have aged or dated over time

Susan bruised so easily that when younger was investigated for leukemia, which was neg. Defence challenging abuse theory.

Pathologist CK says he asked investigator for medical history at autopsy. Says he was told there was none of note for Rohde

This is terrible, he didn't know, it's not his fault. He did his job and reported what he found.
Defence now on ''grey areas''. First is factors affecting time of death - whether had a fever, posture, ventilation etc

Defence trying to tear down CK's autopsy - wants to know why no histopathology (biopsies) was done.
Defence says Susan last had a drink at about 12.30am. 0.05% at death.
Did this impact on time of death - 5.45am?

Now defence challenging pathologist's explanation of rigor mortis in Rohde

On Wed VD Spuy, held up middle finger at pathologist Coetzee-Khan as they discussed that it starts in small joints and jaw trial.
Rigor mortis depends on age group, exercise before death, whether child, size etc. Takes longer with bigger muscle mass: CK

We're back again for #Rohde after the court tea break. Defence's VD Spuy still grilling WCape gov pathologist Akmal Coetzee-Khan.

Defence says it took 9 requests to get copy of State's post mortem report on Susan. Got it March 2017. She died 24/7/16

Pathologist Coetzee-Kahn asked to say exactly what he did when working on Susan's body. First plugged in temp probe
Pathologist CK says room temp 24.3C, outside, #Rohde bathroom 17.4. Body temp 30.3. Wrote all this down in his car later.

Defence adv Graham vs Spuy starts with CK's battered woman syndrome observation re Susan.

Susan's core temp was taken from her ear (28.8). Pathologist said told not to do rectal temp coz of poss assault.

My std grade maths is being tested, but Path. Coetzee-Khan explaining formula for converting ear temp to rectal temp

I have no idea why Leigh-Anne's not tweeting. The tweets are few and far between today.
Ear temp is about 1.5 lower than rectal, hence formula. I think this is going to tie in with Susan time of death finding.

Coetzee-Khan says not unusual that Susan had a red throw over her body. Normal at scenes. Lunch now.
Trial resumes after lunch with defence handing in affidavits by Susan's mom and sister on how she bruised her thigh.

Defence says SAPS on scene wanted Jason's passport to prevent fleeing, and wanted him examined for injuries as well

Defence says that Jason Rohde was examined later in the week and had ''less injuries than I have''
VD Spuy says that somebody who is being strangled will fight back, but Jason Rohde had no injuries ''of significance''.

VD Spuy justifies line of questioining saying that pathologist strongly suspected foul play but Rohde had no material injuries .

Pathologist says nothing on Rohde to indicate that he was scratched by someone trying to defend themselves.
Coetzee-Khan says he was told Rohde wanted to get to airport asap and recommended that SAPS take his passport.

Defence is back to the estimated time of Susan's death. Has problem with way calculated.
Defence: Graham questions Khan's forensic report. Khan refuses to answer a question relating to cause of death.

Graham: Do you, Khan, understand that you are wrong?
Khan says he understands that he might have.

Graham makes a point about a mistake about the death occurring at 5:40 with a 95% accuracy.

Graham: Do you understand in how many times you have made this mistake? Do you understand the consequences.

Graham: Khan, your evidence is not worth the paper it is written. Khan asks for his statement to be repeated.

Khan: I would agree that my evidence relating to the time of death is incorrect
Graham: You've made fund. mistakes in your evidence. You lambast an expert 30 years your senior, but cannot work out time of death.

Graham gives evidence to say that the mean time of death is not reliable. It is an achilles heel in forensic medicine.

Graham: experts say that remedy is avoiding the use of mean values in the time of forensic work. Khan did this for Susan.
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