SPAIN - Daniel, 46, & Liam Poole, 22, British tourists, Estepona, Malaga, 1 Apr 2019

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Daniel Poole: Father and son ‘murdered in Spanish drug deal’

So my nan has given up hope, my family in which I have nothing to do with have given up hope and pronounced my dad and brother dead.
My dad has got a criminal record, it’s no news to me, it’s no news to anyone that knows him.
My dad has been a good dad, my dad was there for us through thick and thin and still would be today.
My mum and other family on the other hand I can say so much about their loyalties and family morals.
I can say so much about.

My dad and brother were good people and they are still alive out there somewhere, the words of murder and their names would NEVER come out of my mouth or ever be in the same sentence and I am so ashamed to say that I, Kathy, Lisa and any other family member of that side bleed even a fraction of the same blood.
But I have so much pride in carrying my dads blood and my brothers genes.
I am a Poole through and through and will NEVER be associated with that family ever.

The lies they tell and then venom in them to damage an investigation that could lead to their finding is beyond me.

But forever my ‘nan’ and that side of the family will be perceived as victim by themselves and their clan forever.

I am so dissapointed.

My dad and brother are not criminals they are two men who loved and adored their family.
And there’s a reason why they never saw the other half too.

Thank you Kathy for your input but your opinion and fake facts mean nothing.

My dad isn’t related to the gangs by the way.
Info about car is true.
The family's testimony will be featured in Inside Out with Glen Campbell on BBC One at 7.30pm tonight (Monday).

Were missing British father and son murdered in southern Spain in drug deal gone wrong?

Well, this is all just the opinion of Liam's grandmother, nothing has been officially said by LE. She also admits that she does not know at all what's happened to Liam and Daniel, but she assumes they are dead because of a drug deal. Not criticising, she has the right to believe what she thinks is the most likely scenario, just wanted to remind all sleuthers here that it's not an established fact.

I wonder when and where the car was found, and whether this is correct reporting. It's odd that this information comes to light so late. ETA: just Lauryn's post above mine.
Daniel Poole: Father and son ‘murdered in Spanish drug deal’

So my nan has given up hope, my family in which I have nothing to do with have given up hope and pronounced my dad and brother dead.
My dad has got a criminal record, it’s no news to me, it’s no news to anyone that knows him.
My dad has been a good dad, my dad was there for us through thick and thin and still would be today.
My mum and other family on the other hand I can say so much about their loyalties and family morals.
I can say so much about.

My dad and brother were good people and they are still alive out there somewhere, the words of murder and their names would NEVER come out of my mouth or ever be in the same sentence and I am so ashamed to say that I, Kathy, Lisa and any other family member of that side bleed even a fraction of the same blood.
But I have so much pride in carrying my dads blood and my brothers genes.
I am a Poole through and through and will NEVER be associated with that family ever.

The lies they tell and then venom in them to damage an investigation that could lead to their finding is beyond me.

But forever my ‘nan’ and that side of the family will be perceived as victim by themselves and their clan forever.

I am so dissapointed.

My dad and brother are not criminals they are two men who loved and adored their family.
And there’s a reason why they never saw the other half too.

Thank you Kathy for your input but your opinion and fake facts mean nothing.

My dad isn’t related to the gangs by the way.
Info about car is true.

Hi Lauren, sorry to hear about your disagreement with your family members; it must be a very difficult and upsetting time for you. You say Kathy Catney's lying - which parts of the article are untrue, in your opinion? Do you know any more about the ransom mentioned and if it was paid?
Ransom messages were sent, nothing come of them. 2 texts were sent
1 asking for money
2 24 hours had passed asking for money

sent with multiple opportunities to give money, they didn’t respond.

opinion on whether she thinks they went on a drug deal based on dads criminal record is again nothing new here

Giving the public a criminal profile and portrayal of my dad and brother is not going to help find them
Making public aware of a ransom and the fact our family apparently raised 100,000 makes us targets of fake ransom/hoax
Potentially puts my dad and brother at risk IF they are still being held against their will
and my dad is not associated/related with any gangsters but hey maybe this will give me a better street rep

it’s all pretty irrelevant and the headline that’s being shared
‘Father and son murdered in Spain’

if family members are giving up then what are the public meant to do? Hold on to hope that’s not there?
Let’s make people think that my dad was nothing but a dirty rotten drug dealer and that will definitely help them be found and give a sympathetic point of view to the public

what a big mistake

Hi Lauren, sorry to hear about your disagreement with your family members; it must be a very difficult and upsetting time for you. You say Kathy Catney's lying - which parts of the article are untrue, in your opinion? Do you know any more about the ransom mentioned and if it was paid?
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Ransom messages were sent, nothing come of them. 2 texts were sent
1 asking for money
2 24 hours had passed asking for money

sent with multiple opportunities to give money, they didn’t respond.

opinion on whether she thinks they went on a drug deal based on dads criminal record is again nothing new here

Giving the public a criminal profile and portrayal of my dad and brother is not going to help find them
Making public aware of a ransom and the fact our family apparently raised 100,000 makes us targets of fake ransom/hoax
Potentially puts my dad and brother at risk IF they are still being held against their will
and my dad is not associated/related with any gangsters but hey maybe this will give me a better street rep

it’s all pretty irrelevant and the headline that’s being shared
‘Father and son murdered in Spain’

if family members are giving up then what are the public meant to do? Hold on to hope that’s not there?
Let’s make people think that my dad was nothing but a dirty rotten drug dealer and that will definitely help them be found and give a sympathetic point of view to the public

what a big mistake

Thanks for answering so quickly and sharing your views. I agree the published headline does come across as a statement rather than the view of your family member, which gives it undue finality. I agree it leaves you open to false ransoms too.

Do you think the initial texters were legitimate?
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Thanks for answering so quickly and sharing your views. I agree the published headline does come across as a statement rather than the view of your family member, which gives it undue finality. I agree it leaves you open to false ransoms too.

Do you think the initial texters were legitimate?

its hard to say I think it’s more likely they were legitimate than not or maybe some sort of diversion tactic who knows. The messages weren’t consistent, they weren’t answering us or even remotely interested in the fact we were giving them what they wanted. Very strange.

the fact is no one knows what’s happened and to be going to press with damaging statements and information is not in my opinion the intentions of someone who wants to help
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So we can put the car crash theory to bed now.

So we can put the car crash theory to bed now.
So after daughter stating that stories brought forward from other side of family are quite negative ... yes maybe it could possibly not be car incident then but obviously after reading these posts then untill you know for sure I wouldnt assume that everything in press is true ... for you to say put car theory to bed is a statement that what has just been released information you believe to be true.... the daughter is hoping as us all they are still alive so untill you know or anybody else for sure .... have hope.
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New post on Facebook page
Finding Daniel and Liam Poole- Missing Abroad

Recent press release:

Family have been advised by police not to speak with press.
My dad and brother were good people and are unfortunately being portrayed as criminals for a better story line and viewings, however y’know what they say about bad publicity?

If you are watching tonight’s Inside out on BBC:

What is important is that you remember:
Not everything you see on the internet or even on the bbc is true.
Liam and Daniel have family, they are humans with a life that carries memories, love and laughter like every other good family devoted person on this planet.
The family behind this negative portrayal is family in which Liam and Daniel did not have a full relationship with and does not know any significant information on the disappearance of Liam, nor did they see them frequently enough to base their knowledge of them, on facts. Their opinion is based on speculation and a biased opinion, formed of hate for my father and his past relationship.

What I can clear up is:
There was messages of ransom which did not lead to any findings, the people behind the messages were not interested in the money when it was offered to them, therefore this did not help the investigation at all. -We were advised to keep this from the public in the hopes that it would prevent bringing a fake ransom/hoax to us and the investigation, if people were to know about money involvement which they unfortunately do now, then we are a target for this.
It also puts my dad and brother at risk IF this is a real ransom and a real threat to their life.

Police advised us not to give away any personal details about Liam and dad and their trip and to not reflect on rumour, hearsay or speculation. This is motivation for press to form a story. When there is little to no evidence to suggest that it is true.
Past convictions are one thing, and it is no news that my dad has a list of criminal convictions from some moons ago, but it is not relevant to the very ON GOING investigation.

The car was found, however I have no information on the whereabouts, this information was confirmed recently.

With little evidence to make statements that Liam and Danny are dead, I am VERY disappointed in The Times in using this as one of their headlines in such a devastating time for our family.

What I can say for my opinion is that the intentions of people willing to help and want to find Daniel and Liam would not be going against police advice and using a negative portrayal in order to gain publicity and viewings,
Family who are very quick to give up hope and give out vital information to the public in which definitely can damage the investigation and put my brother and dad at risk, is not from people with any good intention to find them.

Remember this when you watch, remember this when you read.

#FindingDanielAndLiam #MissingAbroad
You know you can never encourage people to believe what you think is true or not ......There is a lot of family tension suggested on here so who knows what has happened....half family say one thing ....other half suggesting its false ???? Maybe it's best to await concrete information.

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