Found Deceased Spain - Esther Dingley, from UK, missing in the Pyrenees, November 2020

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Hey everyone,

Members may sleuth Esther and Dan's social media but may only refer to what Esther herself has to say (so what Dan or anyone else on the page has to say is off limits).

Also, would all members please familiarize themselves with TOS (aka The Rules, linked in my signature). It is spelled out in the Social Media rules what is or is not acceptable. It is not acceptable to direct quote from social media pages. Members may paraphrase and provide a link, but no direct quotes or copy/paste from social media accounts.

Yes, I agree, it would be unlikely for someone to track her through the mountains, though I do think posting on facebook with a photo and the name of the refuge she is sleeping alone in that night for the whole world to see, is rather naive, why not wait til the following day? I am thinking more of a scenario similar to when she met the man who gave her the lift. Again, I know she didn't have much choice as the weather had turned, but getting in a car with a complete stranger is incredibly risky.

BBM - Not risky if she already knew the "stranger" prior. She'd been loitering around the whole area for a few weeks too don't forget. If you collate her photo locations over the last 3 weeks, she's been around the area say within a 10 mile x 10 mile square if you like moving around for different walks.

She's careful to not posts pictures of anyone else too with 1-2 slight exceptions but definitely no photos that show a clear identity of anyone.
Yes absolutely 100% certain same place and time, same sunlight directions when you break the photo directions down. We are relying on him though for the 22nd don't forget. SM shows the 21st she posted. He said she whatsapped a photo on the 22nd, yet the photo's were all on facebook and Insta on the 21st, he is admin on the facebook page too so he will have definitely known of the posts.

On Insta, you can only post 10 photos per post done at one time, on FB you can post a lot more photos on one post at one time. No doubt she'll have taken 50 selfies at the top, she seems to be constantly taking photos for some reason when you scroll through the 1,000's of photos she has uploaded all over the place.

Seems crazy keen on living a SM life but doesnt appear to be sponsored by equipment nor does she promote any goods so as far as her being an influencer type to make a living out of all this, she probably doesnt earn a penny. Instagram don't pay people with 5k followers to upload a bunch of photographs.

<modsnip: Not victim friendly>

I agree. Admittedly, it’s not the lifestyle I would choose, but I can imagine the money worries are constant.
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No I haven't, it's said this was the photo she sent to him on the 22nd, that's what he said himself.

Gotta be easily proven either way by phone forensics. Entirely possible she sent yesterdays photo to him (and nothing wrong with that) but I'd like to know if he was aware of that fact or whether he was led to believe it was a "here I am right now" picture. As I said, totally checkable, if he has kept the messages.
Gotta be easily proven either way by phone forensics. Entirely possible she sent yesterdays photo to him (and nothing wrong with that) but I'd like to know if he was aware of that fact or whether he was led to believe it was a "here I am right now" picture. As I said, totally checkable, if he has kept the messages.

I do have a feeling that this particular photo was sent to him just because it is probably the direction behind her that he would be in. Looking at the photo location and the location where their housesitting place is, it's pretty much a direct line from her to him - maybe thats the reason. Maybe not and it's late and I'm off to bed. Lets see what develops tomorrow and I wonder if he gets called in for some serious questioning which wouldn't be unusual.
Gotta be easily proven either way by phone forensics. Entirely possible she sent yesterdays photo to him (and nothing wrong with that) but I'd like to know if he was aware of that fact or whether he was led to believe it was a "here I am right now" picture. As I said, totally checkable, if he has kept the messages.

Yes they can easily investigate his phone for receipt of the photos via whatsapp or any medium. Even if he has deleted things.
<modsnip: Quoted post was removed; different case>

I would venture to bet that there are almost always other hikers around on the camino, and hikers on long treks tend to cluster up and hang for a while. I imagine that's especially so on that pilgrimage, as it's a kind of religious walk with other pilgrims. Many pilgrims on the way is kind of the point.
That would add to safety.
On the other hand, the Camino goes through heavily populated areas: way bigger chance of a perp on that trail than some others, I would think.
An occasional murder does not a hazard make, however. There have been several murders on the AT. Does that mean it's unsafe? Well, I'll bet the incidence of murder is lower on that trail than the surrounding areas.
However, who would want to be a predator at 12k odd feet, as in the Pyrenees? That's not exactly low hanging fruit. Plus, the victim would be very fit.
There is more likely to have been a problem if ED hitched a ride. I suppose someone could have tried to steal her stuff (she had VERY expensive equipment) and a fatal tussle ensued. But this also might not have been a "stranger danger" situation. Evidently, nothing has been ruled out.
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Yes, I agree, it would be unlikely for someone to track her through the mountains, though I do think posting on facebook with a photo and the name of the refuge she is sleeping alone in that night for the whole world to see, is rather naive, why not wait til the following day? I am thinking more of a scenario similar to when she met the man who gave her the lift. Again, I know she didn't have much choice as the weather had turned, but getting in a car with a complete stranger is incredibly risky.
Sorry, I can't see on her social media where she posted her location and her destination on the 21st and 22nd. I see only a vague post about the view of Pico Aneto in Spain.
Here's a couple more.



yeah I would definitely describe that as gray with dark red bits, not the other way around
Sorry, I can't see on her social media where she posted her location and her destination on the 21st and 22nd. I see only a vague post about the view of Pico Aneto in Spain.
It is a post on the Esther & Dan facebook page dated 18th November, there is nothing posted for the 21st and 22nd.

<modsnip: Direct quotes from social media pages are not allowed. Paraphrase and link is okay.>

Just can't help but think how vulnerable she must have been on her own at night in these places, not to mention how cold and uncomfortable they look. She also posted photos on the 19th, of the cabana she was going to stay at the following night if she hadn't got the lift, but doesn't given the name


  • Esther 18th November.jpg
    Esther 18th November.jpg
    98.7 KB · Views: 128
  • Esther Cabana.jpg
    Esther Cabana.jpg
    46.8 KB · Views: 115
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Snipped above - I haven't seen the 22nd selfie on any of the other social media posts by Esther, have you? I may have missed it, but couldn't find the exact same photo.

There was a reference to her messaging DC on the 22nd, but nothing more than that. It might have said it was a photo, but the photo didn't appear with the article where I read that.

I believe one of the news articles quoted an LE type source that said Esther was seen by Spanish walkers on the 22nd?
Gotta be easily proven either way by phone forensics. Entirely possible she sent yesterdays photo to him (and nothing wrong with that) but I'd like to know if he was aware of that fact or whether he was led to believe it was a "here I am right now" picture. As I said, totally checkable, if he has kept the messages.

I would imagine it would be standard procedure for police to ask to see the last few days of phone interactions between them, and preferable do that at a police station where the information can be copied and saved.

So I think we can take these sort of things as confirmed when we read them in the media as they're easy enough for police to verify and make sure everyone's got their days straight.
Something seems off. Judging by her FB, Esther is very familiar with the area having been living in the midi Pyrenees region since April 2018 - so over two and a half years based in the area. She spent the initial confinement period in the area. At first I thought she was an adventurous traveller that had simply disregarded or maybe not even known about the confinement orders and had set out on a hike but she very well knew what the rules were and openly defied them.
My in laws live in a village about an hour away from Pic Sauvegarde ( on the French side) and are very impressed by the level of organization to manage this quarantine by the authorities and the respect and compliance that mostly all citizens have for the strict orders. They are Canadian expats and we normally visit them every year except this one so I know the general area. I’m surprised that Esther set out on an overnight hike knowing she would have to use facilities that may or may not have been accessible during quarantine and I’m also surprised that no nosy villager denounced or reported her actions if they spotted her for an extended period of time out and about. Small villagers in the region don’t take to kindly to foreigners flouting the rules.

Anyone think there's anything off with the bf? Just found his demeanour really strange when he was speaking about Esther's disappearance. Judging by their Facebook pages, they seem to have had a need to be apart from each other. I feel extremely mystified by the whole thing.
Anyone think there's anything off with the bf? Just found his demeanour really strange when he was speaking about Esther's disappearance. Judging by their Facebook pages, they seem to have had a need to be apart from each other. I feel extremely mystified by the whole thing.
I get the impression from her facebook posts that it was Esther who had the need to be apart rather than her boyfriend. To me he comes across as fairly passive, and she is possibly the more dominant one in the relationship. What is it about his demeanour you find strange?

I agree it is mystifying, I keep toying between an accident or abduction/murder, or even the possibility that she has voluntarily taken off with someone.
There does appear to be conflicts between them both. Also she seems to be a serial blogger/facebooker and instagramer but she doesn't seem to attract much interaction on those all platforms. A couple of comments here and there and a few likes etc but nothing involving a lot of interaction.

It's interesting that the 5 dogs also have their own social media accounts, why do dogs really need a social media account???. Here > Login • Instagram

They have written loads of books too, books about the dogs.

They have a website called Esther & Dan - Adventuring Together - Life, Love, Health & Travel which doesn't appear to have been updated since June 2020.

Their whole lives seem to be about posting everything constantly on social media channels, there's literally 1,000's of photographs.

the dogs having pages is all about marketing - will sell more books
lots of people have social media pages for their pets

This girl is absolutely prolific on social media. Having a few accounts for sure.

There's her personal one here Esther Dingley

The joint facebook page we know about.

Another one called - Healthyadventureswithlove Login • Instagram - this one isn't very active posting but seems to be riddled with quotes but it's her who's running it.

And the website blog.

Some really bizarre postings she's done. Reminds me of 2 of my friends who do this sort of thing and it gets really tedious to read after a short while, like seeking attention.

It does make me wonder why she feels the need to be prolifically posting all the time on these platforms, it isn't like there is many people interacting, collecting likes and so on can give people a boost so to speak. She looks to me like she is an approval junkie.

probably trying to build their 'brand'
trying to build a career as social media influencers
or just documenting their lives for a future book
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