Excuse my crap photo of my laptop screen, and wonky writing (a technical whizz I am not!). I think this was her planned route.
A - Plan d’Estan where she was dropped off the previous day (and maybe returned to sleep - unconfirmed)
B - Port de Venasque which is the cut through, or “doorway” through the mountains. Fun fact: This was detonated with explosives to form a trading route between France and Spain.
C - Pic de Sauvegarde where Esther was last known to be. She’d have to climb up to the peak and back down the same way to the doorway to continue the trail.
D - Refuge de Venasque where Esther was planning to stay.
E - Pic de la Glere, the last stop on her plan
F - Llanos del Hospital is a ski resort where I think she would have ended her trip, before getting a lift back to her van in Benasque.
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Success! thanks,