GUILTY SPAIN - Mother and son from Germany found dead in cave - father under suspicion, Tenerife, Apr 2019

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Mother and son from Germany found dead in cave - father under suspicion

The two Germans were reported missing since Tuesday. Now their bodies were found.The father of the family is under suspicion.

Update, 19:49: The discovery of the two bodies causes horror in Spain. Now Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez also spoke on Twitter about the tragic incident: "A woman and her son have been murdered, and macho violence has struck twice again." He continued, "One son of the couple managed to escape, my thoughts are with him, his family and loved ones, we must stop. "

Tenerife - A woman from Germany and her ten-year-old son have been found dead in a cave on the Spanish Canary Island of Tenerife. The bodies of the Germans reported missing since Tuesday have been discovered as part of a major search operation with more than 100 forces on Wednesday at 16.30 clock in the cave near the municipality Adeje, communicated the police unit Guardia Civil. The cause of death is still unclear, involvement of the arrested father of the death of the two is not excluded, a justice spokesman said on request.

Father is said to have lured his family into the cave - son (5) manages to escape
The German had already been arrested on Tuesday evening in an apartment in Adeje, according to police, after shortly before a second child of the couple of passers-by was crying and shocked. The five-year-old then told the police that the father had brought the whole family to the cave and there brutally attacked both the mother and the two children, reported the online edition of the newspaper "El País", citing the authorities in the island capital Santa Cruz de Tenerife. The kid was said to have managed to escape.

According to official data, more than 100 police forces, fire brigades, civil protection and emergency services in Tenerife participated in the search operation. Also two helicopters were used.

In police interrogation, the German denied the official information that he was responsible for the death of his wife and his ten-year-old son. He asserted, it was said, that his wife and son were still alive when he left the cave. A police spokesman said on request, there is still "a lot to clarify."

Mother and son found dead on Tenerife: family was visiting father
Where the family comes from in Germany initially remained open. The five-year-old, who does not speak Spanish, told the police that his father had been living in Tenerife for a long time and that the family living in Germany regularly came to visit, said Adeje Mayor José Miguel Rodríguez Fraga to journalists. There are no complaints of domestic violence against the arrested man in Spain. The five-year-old is looked after by social workers and psychologists, it was said.
Madrid/Teneriffa: Mutter und Sohn aus Deutschland tot aufgefunden - Vater unter Verdacht | Welt
Un niño de seis años huyó de su padre y alertó del asesinato de su madre y su hermano en Tenerife

A six-year-old boy barely escaped death on Tuesday. He managed to escape from the almost inaccessible cave in which his father, Thomas, had attacked his mother, Shylvia, and his older brother, aged 10, in the municipality of Adeje (Tenerife), judicial sources have confirmed.

Hikers found the little boy full of dirt and crying on a path in the area of Taucho, a mountain in the south of the island. It is estimated that he had been in shock for five hours wandering the mountain alone.
He did not speak Spanish, so he was taken to the command of the Guardia Civil in Las Americas and a neighbor acted as a translator. There he told them what had happened. This Wednesday, agents found the bodies of the 39-year-old woman and the brother. They were inside a cave between the ravines of El Burro and El Infierno, as the boy had told them. The couple were estranged but their children did not know that.

Since Tuesday this 43-year-old man from Traunstein, a municipality in Upper Bavaria, has been detained after the young boy told the security forces about the events. There are no previous reports in Spain and the German Consulate has not made a statement. The first investigations, say sources from the Guardia Civil, point to the fact that they were beaten to death. The case has been under a gagging order and the proceedings are being conducted bythe jurisdiction of the Court of violence against the woman number 1 of Arona, according to judicial sources. The child is under legal guardianship, since no family member has appeared for the time being to take care of him.

Sources of the case explain that the woman and the children, of German nationality, had travelled to the island on Monday to visit the father, also German, who had settled there, according to sources close to the investigation. The next day he took them to the mountain. This Tuesday hikers found the little boy on a trail in the area of Taucho, a mountain south of Tenerife, full of dirt and crying. He did not speak Spanish, so they took him to the command of the Guardia Civil in the Americas and a neighbor acted as a translator. According to the sources cited, the boy told that his father had taken the family to a cave, where he assaulted them. The boy saw a lot of blood and ran away. The area of the ravines is very sparsely populated with less than 30 residents and more than 20 kilometers from the town of Adeje.

Later, the Guardia Civil located and arrested the father, who was sleeping in the apartment where he resides. At the time of the arrest, the man was very violent and did not want to say where the rest of his family was, according to sources close to the case. A large team of 100 people was deployed to locate the missing woman and child. Two helicopters participated in the search, which was made difficult by the fog. The Guardia Civil found a wristwatch in the vicinity of a path during the search, which made it possible to mark out the area with the cave where the bodies finally appeared.

José Miguel Rodríguez Fraga, the mayor of Adeje, with a population of 43,000 in the southwestern part of the island, told EFE that the father lived in the municipality although he was not registered and said that the child appeared disoriented around five o'clock in the afternoon on Tuesday. Locals in the area say they had heard children's voices around eleven o'clock in the morning.

This last case raises to 18 the number of women who have been killed by their partners or ex-partners. There have been 993 women killed in these circumstances since the official count of victims began in 2003. Since 2013, the year in which the authorities began counting the young children killed by their parents or their mothers' partners, there have been 28 fatalities. From 2013 until 28 February, 238 children under the age of 18 have been orphaned by their mother's murder. The hotline for victims of gender-based violence is 016. It leaves no trace on the bill, although it does need to be deleted from the call log.

El Ayuntamiento de Adeje convoca un pleno para declarar dos días de luto oficial por el crimen machista

The mayor of Adeje, José Miguel Rodríguez Fraga, has announced an extraordinary plenary session for Thursday, to declare two days of official mourning in the municipality because of the new case of male violence occurred in this area of Tenerife.

This Wednesday afternoon, the Guardia Civil reported that it had located the lifeless bodies of a mother and one of her children. The father remains in detention.

In a statement from the City of Adeje indicates that "in the face of unfortunate events" an extraordinary plenary session is convened which will have a single item on the agenda, the approval of an institutional declaration rejecting violence.

The first act of protest will be to observe a minute of silence at 12.00 hrs on Thursday at the doors of the City Council, and all citizens of Adeje are invited to participate.

La mujer que ayudó al niño superviviente en Tenerife relata cómo escapó del horror

Rosi is the Canarian woman who found the five-year-old boy wandering through the mountains. Yesterday he told about the possible murder of his mother and brother in Adeje (Tenerife). The boy managed to escape from the cave where his father had allegedly killed his mother of 39 years and his brother of 10. Residents in Germany, the woman and children had gone to visit the father, who was living on the island.

"He was tired and all flushed," Rosi explains to the cameras. She is still affected by the situation. It was she who, fortunately, crossed the path of the five-year-old boy, who had managed to escape the alleged aggression against his mother and brother in a cave where the bodies were found hours later.

The woman explained that she found the child very nervous and that he was "grabbing her hand". Rosi, she explains, asked about his parents because it was suspicious to see such a small child alone and he replied that he "did not know". The language (the boy speaks German) made it impossible for the little one to explain himself and so Rosi found a friend to act as a translator and then they heard the description of the "terrible crime."

When they heard the testimony, they decided to take the child to the police. According to media reports, the boy would have explained that his mother was covered in blood. His statement resulted in the arrest of the father for a terrible event that is under secret investigation.

The bodies of the mother and the ten-year-old brother were found dead in the cave with the help of a large group of over a hundred people who spent all Thursday searching for them by land and air in the rural area of La Quinta de Ifonche. The bodies presented multiple traumatisms, a sign that they were beaten.

The alleged assassin had been located in his house, located in the centre of Adeje, where he was arrested, and he refused to say where the rest of his family was. All are of German nationality. The house was also searched by the Guardia Civil.

In statements to the media, the mayor of Adeje, José Miguel Rodríguez Fraga, has indicated that, apparently, the father lived in the municipality, although he was not registered, and his family came to the island to visit him. Until now, the hypotheses pointed to an alleged crime of gender violence, although there is no record of any complaint of abuse, so we will have to wait until the investigation is completed.

"Mi padre pegó a mi madre; ¿me llevan a Alemania?"

Jonas, the 5-year-old boy who fled death in the upper Adeje area, when he saw his father's aggression against his mother, was in a hurry to leave that reality behind. What did he really see that made him want to leave the island alone?

EL DÍA spoke yesterday with Rosi, the resident of La Quinta who found him and, possibly, also saved his life. This 51-year-old woman and her brother went down the track from Las Moraditas to Adeje and saw a child on his own. The works of asphalting on that road forced them to cut it and they had to return to Taucho to go to the coast by the other insular route, which leads to Los Menores. And, as they climbed, they saw the little one again this time near the municipal water tanks. They stopped and asked him where his family and house were. Rosi speaks English, because of her years of work in the tourist area, but Jonas only speaks German. They went to the farm of another neighbour of La Quinta who speaks German. The boy said that his father had beaten his mother. Then, in his innocence, he asked: "Will someone take me to Germany?" Rosi explains, "He was scared and quiet." They also asked him other questions, such as "where is your house? The little boy did not know where his family's home was in Adeje, he just pointed "down, down" in his language. They pointed out to him several of the properties located on the road to Las Moraditas, but in all cases he replied negatively. Rosi and her brother decided to take him to the headquarters of the local police in Adeje, because it was already an unnecessary risk to be with a minor in such circumstances inside a car. And that decision was also the right one. In this way a double crime began to emerge that has left Jonas without the family in which he was born.


The family a few years ago:


The parents Thomas Handrick and Sylvia in Germany:

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La pesadilla de violencia y angustia en la cueva donde Thomas mató a su familia

What happened in a cave hidden in the Burro ravine, in the municipality of Adeje (Tenerife), was a nightmare of violence and agony. Investigators continue to gather evidence after the bodies of Shylvia and her 10-year-old son were found this Wednesday, allegedly beaten to death by their ex-partner and father. One of the hypotheses they are considering is that he first brutally attacked his former partner, who he beat to death while, possibly crouching in a corner of the cave, the 10-year-old was paralyzed by fear. He was the second one to die. Another younger son, Jonas, six years old, managed to flee and was the one who related what had happened.

Pending forensic reports, the police have gradually been able to establish a macabre chronology in which it becomes clear that the alleged assassin drew up a premeditated plan. Thomas, a cook and separated from his partner, had long resided in a house in the centre of Adeje, and was regularly visited from Germany, his country of origin, by his ex-wife and his two children.

Shylvia arrived with her children last Monday, April 22nd, and 24 hours later she was beaten to death with her eldest son. Thomas took them on a Tuesday excursion to the Ifonche area, entering a steep area between two ravines. It was there, in a remote cave, that he launched his attack.

The alleged perpetrator has scratches and wounds caused by the victims' attempts to defend themselves, according to sources close to the investigation. Six-year-old Jonas was able to run away. He wandered for five hours in shock until he was found by locals who reported him to the police. When they went to arrest his father, he was sleeping as if nothing had happened.

At the moment, the maternal grandparents are flying to Tenerife to take care of the child. The alleged perpetrator is still being held at the police station in the Americas, awaiting trial on Friday morning.

The City Council of Adeje has decreed two days of official mourning, and has held a minute of silence at noon this Thursday at the door of the Consistory.

Los 4 km de huida del niño de 5 años tras el brutal asesinato de su madre y hermano en Tenerife

The 4 km escape run of the 5-year-old boy after the brutal murder of his mother and brother in Tenerife

The little one was found disoriented after wandering for hours through the forest, among cliffs. He would have managed to escape from the hands of his father, author of yet another macho crime.

The little boy was found disoriented, among the cliffs, four kilometres from the corpse of his older brother and that of his mother, surrounded by thick fog. The cave in which the bodies appeared is located in the middle of the ravine of El Agua and the ravine of El Burro. From there the five-year-old boy ran, frightened by the terrible beating with which Thomas Handrick, his father, was about to end the lives of his mother and brother.

Just one day after the disappearance of Silvia and her eldest son, ten years of age, was reported in the municipality of Adeje in Tenerife, the Guardia Civíl and the other troops who had been searching for them all day ended up locating their bodies inside one of the many caves in the rural area of La Quinta de Ifonche.

The story of the youngest member of the family, all of whom were of German origin, was crucial. The boy had managed to flee, escaping a mortal blow, and was located around five o'clock in the afternoon last Tuesday in a wooded area some distance from the crimes.

The young boy remained in shock for hours, unable to tell a coherent story. In addition, the situation was made more complex by the fact that the boy could not speak Spanish. So the investigators had to find someone who was fluent in his native language.

This, in Adeje, is not a problem. Adeje is a mostly tourist town, located to the southwest of the island, and many foreigners choose it as their permanent place of residence. According to data from the National Institute of Statistics in 2014, 1244 Germans live there. In his own language, the little boy recounted the horror.

Adeje was the village where his father was living. Both he and his mother and brother went to the island to visit him from Germany, his birthplace. On this last visit, they arrived on Tuesday the 23rd, and the father took them for a walk through the forest to a nearby cave. There he assaulted them, according to nearby sources of the investigation to EL ESPAÑOL, with extreme violence, even with blows to the mouth, destroying the teeth of one of the victims.

The youngest member of the family managed to escape in the midst of the torture. He wandered around the area for a long time; the exact amount of time he was lost in the wooded area has yet to be determined.

The case is being treated as a crime of macho violence. The investigation is being conducted from Arona's No. 1 Women's Violence Court.

The Inferno ravine and its surrounding cliffs are one of the best known places on the island, and are visited by both hikers and tourists throughout the year. "It's a very popular area," local sources explain. In this area, for almost 24 hours, more than 100 people were looking for the mother and child by land and air.

It is also a place plagued by numerous caves and caves, so it took a few hours to locate the exact place where the murders took place. After the discovery of the bodies, the case is under secret investigation.

Thomas Hendrick is 43 years old and comes from Traunstein, a town in the Upper Bavaria region. Silvia, his ex-wife, was 39 when he took her life.

His residence was located in the centre of Adeje, just a few streets from the local police station. "He is being uncooperative. He closes up and there is no way to make him move. He says he went for a walk and didn't know anything," according to sources close to the investigation. It was soon discovered that he was lying. At the end of the day, those same sources explain that the man, at least, recognizes that "there was a fight. They've been able to get little more from him than that he grabbed his ex-wife."

"When he was arrested, they found him sleeping soundly in his own home. He refused for hours to reveal the location of the bodies, and now, after the discovery of the tragedy, he has been taken into custody."

The search became certainly a complicated operation. The little boy spoke to them, babbling, of a cave, from which he had managed to escape and from which he had been wandering for several hours. The operation was deployed with all kinds of troops. However, the area in which the events occurred combines two difficulties that have been crucial: the thick fog of the place and the large number of caves that are found in that part of the terrain of Tenerife.

The very wide search operation included dogs specialized in disappearances and all kinds of land and air means. Even the agents of the Benemérita in Tenerife got in touch with the Central Operative Unit (UCO) of the Guardia Civil, which has a brigade specialized in missing persons, precisely the one that was in charge of the search for the little Gabriel last year, the one that investigated the disappearance of Laura Luelmo and the one that hunted El Chicle in Rianxo, 500 days after the disappearance of Diana Quer.

However, events precipitated this Wednesday. One of the volunteers in the search operation found the cave to which the little one had referred in his statement. "If it had not been for her, we would not have found the cave for weeks," an agent close to the investigation explains .

Therefore, once the bodies were found, it was not necessary to move the agents from Madrid, who already had everything ready to start the trip to the Canary Islands. Now all the attention fis geared to the little orphan, and also to the confession of the alleged perpetrator of the crime.

The residents of the area say that the child appeared disoriented around five o'clock in the afternoon. He cried heartbrokenly on a path in the Taucho area. In shock for more than five hours, he was taken to the Guardia Civil to tell what had happened to him. And what had happened to the rest of his family.

Already in the morning some of the residents in the area had heard children's voices in the middle of the forest. They say they noticed such sounds around eleven o'clock, a little after the first hour of the day. Perhaps the little one wandered aimlessly, without consolation, for hours through those wild places in the south of the island of Tenerife, until someone fortunately stumbled upon the place where he was.

The little boy who revealed the facts and told the agents what had happened did not know that his parents were separated. Nor should his brother, now deceased, have known this.

This case brings to 18 the number of women who have been murdered by their partners or ex-partners this year. In 2013, the count of the number of children murdered by their fathers or by their mothers' partners started. There are already 28 fatalities. It could have been one number more, but this little boy managed to escape the beating and the vile hands of his father.


The name of the father keeps on changing. IMHO it could well be Heinrichs, and not Hendrick, which sounds anglicized to me.
No doubt the Germans will refer to Thomas H.
«Está ensangrentada, en el suelo y sin dientes»

Thomas R. H., 43, allegedly ended the life of his wife, Silvia, 39, and his oldest son, 10, last Tuesday. This German citizen would have done it moments after the youngest of his offspring, only 5 years old, saw him beating his mother and his brother inside a cave of very difficult access, and escaped running.

Bloody, on the ground and without teeth. This is how the little boy described his mother after a strong argument with his father, and before he fled along a road located in La Quinta de Ifonche, the high and rural area of Adeje (Santa Cruz de Tenerife). After the arrest of the man, the Guardia Civil found the two lifeless bodies of the woman and the minor, all of German nationality, in a cave located between the Barranco del Burro and the Barranco del Infierno. According to the story of some police agents, what they found was "a carnage."

The corpses presented multiple traumatisms and signs of having been beaten, confirmed sources of the Benemérita. Shortly after the discovery of the bodies, the delegate of the Government in the Canary Islands, Juan Salvador León, explained that the 5-year-old boy was the one who related the event, with the help of a local woman who was contacted because she spoke German because the little boy does not speak one word of Spanish. The little one had been found "sweaty, totally disoriented, wandering and in a state of shock" according to several locals of this Tenerife population, who have been mourning since Wednesday. The local woman who helped to translate the child's words commented that he had walked almost four kilometers along a road that experts define as very rugged and steep, only accessible to people who know the area well.

"We were going along the path of La Quinta and saw a boy climbing the entire hill. We stopped and asked him where he was from and where his parents were. The child was lost, it was German and I didn't understand it very well. We took the boy and asked him where his house was to take him there. We picked him up and took him to the police," explained one of the locals. The child told that his father had taken them all to a cave, where he would have attacked them, and he was able to run away.

Sources of the investigation explained to this newspaper that the boy was found around 17.00 hours last Tuesday, and after his story, the Local Police of Adeje was immediately notified. The officers went to the man's apartment, who was inside. His behavior was very aggressive behavior, and he put up a strong resistance and, always according to these sources, declared that he had taken some painkillers to sleep, but that he had left his family in La Quinta, while taking a walk through the countryside. The same sources specified that the man had strong bruises on his face and knuckles, as if he had participated in a fight with violence. He was arrested at that moment and the house was also searched by the Guardia Civil.

El presunto asesino de su esposa e hijo sigue sin colaborar con la Guardia Civil

The alleged perpetrator of the murders of his wife and 10-year-old son in the south of Tenerife, a 43-year-old German citizen, still does not cooperate with the Guardia Civil in clarifying the facts and sticks to the version that his family members were alive when he left the area where the bodies were found.

Sources from the investigation have reported that this thesis is the one maintained by the detainee during the search carried out at his home in Adeje, where he was brought by agents of the Guardia Civil.

The crime occurred in a cave in a mountainous area in the upper hills of the municipality of Adeje. It was discovered thanks to the fact that the couple's other son, aged 6, was able to alert the police about the murders. These have already been officially considered as macho violence by the Government Delegation for Gender Violence.

"If it hadn't been for that little boy, we probably wouldn't have found out or we would have found out God knows when," José Miguel Rodríguez Fraga, mayor of Adeje, said to the journalists on his way out of an extraordinary plenary session that was called to show condemnation of the crime and to decree two days of official mourning.

The mayor has indicated that everything points to the man "having prepared everything."

Apparently, the couple was in the process of separation and the woman had travelled to the south of Tenerife with the children to visit the father. He took them on an excursion to the cave where the murders occurred on Tuesday morning.

The alarm came after residents in the Quinta neighbourhood found the 6-year-old boy wandering around the area on Tuesday afternoon. The boy said that his father had attacked his mother and brother in a cave.

After the man's arrest, a search operation was initiated and concluded on Wednesday afternoon with the discovery in a cave of the two bodies with signs of violence.

The surviving child has been left in charge of the Directorate General of Minors of the Government of the Canary Islands. Through the German Consulate they have contacted a relative who will soon move to the island to take care of him.

It is expected that tomorrow the husband and father of the victims will appear before the judge for violence against women in Arona.

The results of the autopsy of the woman and her child are also pending.

Crimen de Adeje: entramos en la cueva del horror donde fueron encontrados los cadáveres

The cameras of Informativos Telecinco have entered the cave where the bodies of the mother and her 10-year-old son were found in Adeje, Tenerife. Only the youngest child in the family, five years old, survived the horror. It was he who, after travelling 4 kilometres through rugged and steep terrain, was found by some villagers and taken to the police. He told them, with the help of an interpreter, since he was, like the rest, of German nationality, that he had seen his father attack his mother and brother. The father is in custody.

In the cave where the lifeless bodies were found, the remains of the horror can still be seen, confirming the child's shocking account. At the entrance, both on some rocks and on the ground, remains of blood can be seen.


Video at link.
The cave looks nothing like I had expected it to be, more like a hole in a hill that was closed off with concrete. but maybe that is vulcanic stone. It is a miracle that the young child managed to escape, because many ytrees have been cut and the woods look very open.

Crimen de Adeje: entramos en la cueva del horror donde fueron encontrados los cadáveres
“El padre del niño de Adeje les dijo que tenía regalos de Pascua en la cueva”

"The father said there were Easter gifts in the cave"

The climb from the town centre of Adeje to the La Quinta neighbourhood, in the south of Tenerife, is a winding, demoniacal road dotted with prickly pears and bushes from which you can see the sea and, on clear days, also the Teide volcano. Almost at the end of that road is the Campo Alegre house, the refuge in which little Jonas spent 24 hours protected by Annalies B., a tall and blonde Dutchwoman. With her eyes hidden behind huge sunglasses, she attended this Thursday to all the journalists who stopped at the sides of the hill. The story is a combination of horror and a miracle for Jonas, the boy who wandered for hours through the fields after seeing his father, Thomas Handrick, 43, violently beat his mother, Shylvia, and his older brother. Handrick was taken by the Guardia Civil to his home on Thursday, in the middle of the narrow street of Ramón y Cajal, to gather evidence of the alleged crime against his family, the murder of his wife and his eldest son. They had arrived on Monday from Germany. The little one still does not know that they have died.

If Jonas, who appeared alone and disoriented on Tuesday among the scattered houses of La Quinta, had taken the road up, rather than down, perhaps he would not have lived to tell. He explained to the Dutchwoman Annalies that he wanted to get off the road so that his father wouldn't find him. It was he who warned of the aggression that was taking place in a cave. After a search of hours with a hundred troops in the area, where there are dozens of caves, the place was finally located on Wednesday in a nebulous spot between the ravines of Burro and Infierno.

The little one, with a muddy and stunned face, was first attended to by Rosi, a resident of La Quinta. Annalies, 59, then offered to talk with him to the Municipal Police. "I don't speak perfect German," she excused herself, closing her blue cardigan in front of her fenced-in house door. Hers, with a perfect accent or not, were the first words Jonas could hear and understand after fleeing cross-country from his father. With affection and a smile that she has not yet lost - "I have not shed a tear to make the child feel at ease" - she managed to get the child to open up and trust her. "Little by little he told what had happened, which was no mean feat," she says. She says that the minor is seven years old, not six or five, as transcended on Wednesday, although sources of the case cannot yet confirm the age in the absence of an official document.

According to Jonas' account, the father had set up an excursion for everyone. He rented a car - a dark blue Volkswagen Caddy that this Thursday was removed from the door of the house after the search of the Guardia Civil -, prepared sandwiches for a picnic and moved them towards the Ifonche area, entering a steep area between two ravines. "Everything seemed beautiful and then the father deceived them," says Annalies with the glass of water that her husband has brought still in her hand. Her mouth is dry after repeating the horror story so often in front of the cameras planted in the middle of the road. "He told them he had Easter presents in a cave. The little boy saw the "very strong" aggression from the father to the mother. "Officially he doesn't know she's dead, but he saw that she was badly wounded," the Dutchwoman adds. She describes the boy as intelligent and calm. He made a reflection that left her frozen: "He said to me: 'It's better to live than to receive Easter presents. It cut right through my heart."

The woman asked permission for the child to stay with them. And he spent almost a day in the Campo Alegre house. He had scratches on his legs. He had time to play with the grandson of Annelies and José, her husband, whom she affectionately calls Pepín. The grandson only speaks Spanish and Jonas only speaks German, but they understood each other. "They laughed and had a great time. Then they opened the folding bed under his bed and he fell asleep without dinner. "He ate only one banana. He was very tired. He fell asleep like a log," says the woman. He left it at noon on Wednesday under the tutelage of the Administration. This Thursday she visited him again. He had been given two treats. The boy smiled and said: "One for me and the other one I keep for my brother".

A premeditated plan to assassinate

The Guardia Civil was able to establish a macabre chronology on Thursday, based on forensic reports, which reveals that the alleged killer drew up a premeditated plan for his crime of chauvinist violence. Thomas Handrick, separated from his partner, had long resided in the town of Adeje and received regular visits from Germany from his ex-wife and his two children. According to sources close to the investigation, the alleged perpetrator has scratches and wounds caused by the victims' attempts to defend themselves. When they came to arrest him, he was sleeping as if nothing had happened.

This Thursday it transpired that a family member was on her way to Tenerife to take care of the child. Annalies B., the woman who acted as translator for the little Jonas, assured this Thursday that the minor's aunt had contacted him by telephone. Handrick sr spent the night at the Las Américas beach barracks in Arona. He will appear in court this Friday.

Oh my gosh - this is one of the most sad and horrid stories I have ever read. That poor little boy; what a nightmare he had to live. On the other hand, what an incredibly strong little man. Can you just imagine he wandered all that way alone; thank God the father did not find him. I wonder if the father realized he got away and if he did, indeed, try to find him. May God bless this little child with every thing wonderful for his lifetime. JMO. Katt
“El padre del niño de Adeje les dijo que tenía regalos de Pascua en la cueva”

"The father said there were Easter gifts in the cave"

The climb from the town centre of Adeje to the La Quinta neighbourhood, in the south of Tenerife, is a winding, demoniacal road dotted with prickly pears and bushes from which you can see the sea and, on clear days, also the Teide volcano. Almost at the end of that road is the Campo Alegre house, the refuge in which little Jonas spent 24 hours protected by Annalies B., a tall and blonde Dutchwoman. With her eyes hidden behind huge sunglasses, she attended this Thursday to all the journalists who stopped at the sides of the hill. The story is a combination of horror and a miracle for Jonas, the boy who wandered for hours through the fields after seeing his father, Thomas Handrick, 43, violently beat his mother, Shylvia, and his older brother. Handrick was taken by the Guardia Civil to his home on Thursday, in the middle of the narrow street of Ramón y Cajal, to gather evidence of the alleged crime against his family, the murder of his wife and his eldest son. They had arrived on Monday from Germany. The little one still does not know that they have died.

If Jonas, who appeared alone and disoriented on Tuesday among the scattered houses of La Quinta, had taken the road up, rather than down, perhaps he would not have lived to tell. He explained to the Dutchwoman Annalies that he wanted to get off the road so that his father wouldn't find him. It was he who warned of the aggression that was taking place in a cave. After a search of hours with a hundred troops in the area, where there are dozens of caves, the place was finally located on Wednesday in a nebulous spot between the ravines of Burro and Infierno.

The little one, with a muddy and stunned face, was first attended to by Rosi, a resident of La Quinta. Annalies, 59, then offered to talk with him to the Municipal Police. "I don't speak perfect German," she excused herself, closing her blue cardigan in front of her fenced-in house door. Hers, with a perfect accent or not, were the first words Jonas could hear and understand after fleeing cross-country from his father. With affection and a smile that she has not yet lost - "I have not shed a tear to make the child feel at ease" - she managed to get the child to open up and trust her. "Little by little he told what had happened, which was no mean feat," she says. She says that the minor is seven years old, not six or five, as transcended on Wednesday, although sources of the case cannot yet confirm the age in the absence of an official document.

According to Jonas' account, the father had set up an excursion for everyone. He rented a car - a dark blue Volkswagen Caddy that this Thursday was removed from the door of the house after the search of the Guardia Civil -, prepared sandwiches for a picnic and moved them towards the Ifonche area, entering a steep area between two ravines. "Everything seemed beautiful and then the father deceived them," says Annalies with the glass of water that her husband has brought still in her hand. Her mouth is dry after repeating the horror story so often in front of the cameras planted in the middle of the road. "He told them he had Easter presents in a cave. The little boy saw the "very strong" aggression from the father to the mother. "Officially he doesn't know she's dead, but he saw that she was badly wounded," the Dutchwoman adds. She describes the boy as intelligent and calm. He made a reflection that left her frozen: "He said to me: 'It's better to live than to receive Easter presents. It cut right through my heart."

The woman asked permission for the child to stay with them. And he spent almost a day in the Campo Alegre house. He had scratches on his legs. He had time to play with the grandson of Annelies and José, her husband, whom she affectionately calls Pepín. The grandson only speaks Spanish and Jonas only speaks German, but they understood each other. "They laughed and had a great time. Then they opened the folding bed under his bed and he fell asleep without dinner. "He ate only one banana. He was very tired. He fell asleep like a log," says the woman. He left it at noon on Wednesday under the tutelage of the Administration. This Thursday she visited him again. He had been given two treats. The boy smiled and said: "One for me and the other one I keep for my brother".

A premeditated plan to assassinate

The Guardia Civil was able to establish a macabre chronology on Thursday, based on forensic reports, which reveals that the alleged killer drew up a premeditated plan for his crime of chauvinist violence. Thomas Handrick, separated from his partner, had long resided in the town of Adeje and received regular visits from Germany from his ex-wife and his two children. According to sources close to the investigation, the alleged perpetrator has scratches and wounds caused by the victims' attempts to defend themselves. When they came to arrest him, he was sleeping as if nothing had happened.

This Thursday it transpired that a family member was on her way to Tenerife to take care of the child. Annalies B., the woman who acted as translator for the little Jonas, assured this Thursday that the minor's aunt had contacted him by telephone. Handrick sr spent the night at the Las Américas beach barracks in Arona. He will appear in court this Friday.

Thank you Zazara for the more detailed version of the horrible coward crime.Sad to say,but I am not suprised that the "father" premeditated the murders,taking them to a no one could hear,see and afterwards..never to be found.

If it wasnt for this young smart brave boy,the father could have gotten away with it..
According to the German media, Jakob (RIP) tried to defend his mother.

"Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Spain) - Now there are new details on the course of action: Apparently, the older of the two brothers tried to defend his mother! This is reported by the Spanish newspaperEl Confidencial , which refers to a police source.

The family went to the report of the seven-year-old boy together in the cave. When they were inside, the father started punching the mother. The older of the two boys then tried to intervene - without success. It had flowed "a lot of blood", the children had cried and screamed. Spanish media also report that the woman's teeth have been knocked out. The younger brother ran away then."
Teneriffa: Wollte der ältere Sohn die Mutter noch verteidigen?
La vida en solitario de Thomas, presunto autor del doble crimen de Adeje

The life in solitary of Thomas, presumed author of the double crime of Adeje

The German citizen, alleged perpetrator of Adeje's double crime, was unknown to most of his neighbours, who held him for a quiet man.


Few clues, few details, the solitary life of Thomas R. H. seems not to amount to much, at least, in what his neighbors noticed. Cook? Hiker? Ill? The German citizen who lived in the calle Ramón y Cajal in Adeje, two steps from the Plaza de Las Rosas, domains of Doña Concha, the most famous resident of the area, hardly showed up.

It was precisely the rubbish bins in the nearby square that had the most to do with Thomas. He approached there, crossing with tranquillity barely 20 meters of distance, to deposit his residues and to return to his house, an adjacent one with an enormous terrace where he spent most of the hours.

In the neighborhood... silence. "I have no idea who he is and I didn't know he lived here," said one of the residents of the first houses on the street, who had heard the news at noon on Wednesday. Sharing a discussion with an acquaintance outside a nearby bicycle shop, he pointed out that "here in Adeje there are so many foreigners that one is the stranger in the village", while assuring that "this German thing has gone so far for what it is, because my cousin was stabbed 14 times by an Italian and was not even in jail".

In Ramón y Cajal street, a resident is surprised by the presence of a television camera and two journalists. "I had seen him a few times, he came out with a moped that he had, but he had no contact with us and we all know each other here," he explained.
Thomas, who in Germany is identified by the media as "the 43-year-old man" without giving a name or surname or origin, lived a somewhat obscure life in the eyes of the environment in which he lived. He barely spoke Spanish despite having been around for at least a year and a half. He did not know the names of his neighbours, nor did his neighbours know his own, and he spent his dead hours lying in the hammock on his terrace reading books.

That's the last image his neighbor had next door. Thomas lying in his hammock, with a book and a beer, after having arrived from the sinister excursion in which it is presumed that he ended the life of his wife and his eldest son. "He was a calm, educated man, he only said hello and well in Spanish, but I never thought he could do something like that," confessed his neighbor Nati, to whom Wednesday night became very long after she heard what happened in the middle of the municipality.

Nati didn't know Thomas's wife, much less that they were in the process of separation, but she had seen their " about seven years old " son playing with a ball on the terrace. It was Jonas, the little one, who escaped the macabre end of his mother and older brother. "I'm still in a state of shock and this has been crazy, the street full of Guardia Civil agents since early, guarding their door and a lot of journalists, I'm shocked because it's all so weird, I would never have expected this," explained Nati about a person she greeted just a few hours after he allegedly committed the double murder and before Thomas went to sleep.

"A person who was right there that day, who killed his wife and his son and was two steps away from me, so quiet, sitting with his book and his beer," exclaimed Nati about her neighbor, a man of whom little is known and whom some media yesterday described as "very aggressive," an image absolutely contrary to that of his neighbors. The Guardia Civil was able to see the dark face of Thomas, who resisted his arrest and still denies having been a vile executioner.

Thank you Zazara for the more detailed version of the horrible coward crime.Sad to say,but I am not suprised that the "father" premeditated the murders,taking them to a no one could hear,see and afterwards..never to be found.

If it wasnt for this young smart brave boy,the father could have gotten away with it..

The story reads like a horrible, horrible fairytale, like Hänsel and Gretel, but a thousand times worse.

Here's a video of the area that little Jonas had to escape from, made with a drone:

El Barranco del Infierno, el lugar del crimen de Adeje, a vista de dron
El delegado del Gobierno: "La mujer y el niño de Adeje murieron por un ataque con piedras"

The delegate of the Government in the Canary Islands, Juan Salvador León, has confirmed that the death of the German woman and her son, allegedly murdered by their husband and father on Tuesday in the south of Tenerife, occurred "as a consequence of attack with stones" inside a cave.

"I'm sure it was premeditated, he had it more than studied, to deceive his children and wife, by the confidence they had in him, he deceived them and took them to a cave telling them that there were Easter gifts," León said this Friday after a minute of silence for the victims.

"It's a terrible thing, how a mind can calculate such an atrocity," he lamented.

In his opinion, "it is impossible that any human being in his right mind could commit this crime, premeditatedly kill, because it is clear that he did so, his wife and his son", and the other son, six years old, escaped because "he ran from the place in terror."

He believes that "something must be amiss, the human mind cannot be so terrible to commit crimes of this magnitude."

León has lamented that the death of the woman is added to that of a "ten-year-old boy just beginning to live and his life is interrupted by a sexist madman." He expects that the law will be applied to the father.


La madre y el niño asesinados en Tenerife fueron golpeados con piedras

The Government delegate, who was nervous - "this is the first time I have assisted with something so terrible" - has indicated that the maternal grandparents of the surviving child are scheduled to travel this Friday from Germany to Tenerife to take care of the child.

"He escaped death, but he will suffer the consequences of the horrible things he saw in that cave all his life," the Government delegate said. He added that "he will be marked for the rest of his life after the atrocity he has had to go through, I think that can never be overcome."

León has expressed his confidence that both the government and the citizens support the families of the victims if they need it and has insisted that it is "necessary to put all efforts to prevent crimes like this do not have continuity."

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