GUILTY SPAIN - Mother and son from Germany found dead in cave - father under suspicion, Tenerife, Apr 2019

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La Fiscalía pedirá prisión permanente revisable para el presunto asesino de Adeje

The Public Prosecutor's Office of the Provincial Court of Santa Cruz de Tenerife will seek a permanent prison with revision for the man who allegedly murdered his ex-partner and his 10-year-old son last week in Adeje. As confirmed by sources consulted by SER, the case falls within the assumptions under Article 140.1 of the Criminal Code that establishes permanent imprisonment for especially cruel crimes and against vulnerable persons such as the elderly and minors.

On the other hand, Jonas, the six-year-old minor survivor of the double homicide allegedly committed by his father last week in a cave in Adeje, will testify today in the Court of Arona as a witness. It was the little boy who sounded the alarm when, after five hours wandering through the Ifonche mountains, he was rescued by a German-speaking woman to whom he told that his father had rented a car and had taken them to a cave with the excuse that he was going to give them Easter presents.

That was a death trap because after entering the cave the alleged armed killer who killed his ex-partner and his 10-year-old son. Jonas was able to escape. The minor will testify with the support of psychologists and under protection so that his experience is not traumatic while as for his legal situation, a German Catholic priest will be responsible for accompanying him to Germany to meet his family since they are too affected by the tragedy to be able to fly to Tenerife.

Man who killed wife and son in Tenerife cave shows no remorse

The suspect has only spoken to ask for medication for his aching leg, but shown no interest in his surviving son Jonas, leading investigators to believe the crime was premeditated

(...) The cave was a three-hour walk away, and its particularly remote location has led investigators to presume that Handrick had probably been there earlier, and perhaps even picked out the stones that he would hit his wife and children with, said sources familiar with the case.

Their main theory is that he first killed Sylvia while the children attempted to defend her by throwing stones at their father, who had injuries on his right cheek when he was arrested. Afterwards, Jonas ran off and walked aimlessly all by himself, covering four kilometers until he showed up in La Quinta, dirty and sunburnt. The first person who spoke in German with him was Annelies B., a Dutch woman who lives in the area. Jonas told her he had avoided the road so as not to run into his father.

“The bodies of the mother and older brother were found at different spots inside the cave. They were very disfigured, and DNA tests were required to confirm their identities,” said Civil Guard sources familiar with the investigation. “The woman had sustained most of the blows, to her head and larynx. The child had many blows to the head and one on his back, and both showed signs of having defended themselves.”

Preliminary autopsy results confirmed a violent death from multiple cranial fractures, said judicial sources. Investigators have requested information from German authorities to know whether Thomas Handrick has a criminal record, and to ask for his medical records. Until now, his only words have been to ask for medication for his leg, which he says hurts. He has refused to make any statements, and has not asked about his surviving child.

"When somebody kills without premeditation, they typically confess"

Investigators familiar with the case


So this is what they meant when they said they found a carnage.
It gets more haunting, the story... when you read this #heartbreaking
Tenerife drama: Seven-year-old tells tragic detail
Update, at 19.55
Unfortunately, the story gets an even more dramatic turn. As the Bild (msm) now knows, the surviving son Jonas was asked last year for a brochure of his mother's employer, what his mother is doing in the work.Jonas responded, "Working on the computer and earning money so we can go on vacation." That's very sad, because the holiday his mum had saved for so long was unfortunately her last."
Teneriffa-Drama: Vater tötete Frau und Sohn in Höhle - So geht es für den überlebenden Jungen weiter | Welt
I do not know, if crowd funding can be done for the family in Germany..
It seems not a bad idea, to cover the cost of the funeral and a dignified farewell.
In the case of Roos Verschuren (victim tram shooting Utrecht) a lot of people donated and the total was more then €70.000
Online geld inzamelen voor je campagne met crowdfunding op GetFunded
It always breaks my heart, the risks and the lengths that custodial parents will go to to preserve the children's relationship with the the non-custodial parent. This poor woman, the horror and fear she must have felt at being tricked and seeing her children in danger. That brave boy, probably trying to stop him. And that other brave little guy, scrambling for help after what he witnessed.

Selfish monster just had to destroy everything. Sometimes there's a good reason to keep kids away from the non-custodial parent. Brings back memories of Susan Powell's babies.
La familia remite al juzgado la autorización para que Jonas regrese a Alemania

The family of Jonas, the 6-year-old boy whose father allegedly murdered his mother and 10-year-old brother last week in the Adeje highlands and who is under the tutelage of the Canary Islands Government, has now submitted to the court the authorisation of the child's maternal grandparents to return as soon as possible. With the authorisation that has just been received, the German priest will be able to accompany the minor back to the German town in Saxony.


I hope the priest knows about this.... he has been referred to as 'Catholic' and 'a friend of the family who already knows Jonas' and so on, while in his own words, he has offered help of his Lutheran church to the authorities.
Man who killed wife and son in Tenerife cave showing no remorse

The suspect has only spoken to ask for medication for his aching leg, but has shown no interest in his surviving son Jonas, leading investigators to believe the crime was premeditated

Jonas has been saving candy for his brother for several days. He has been temporarily placed in a home at an undisclosed location, waiting for relatives to pick him up, playing with other children who speak in a language he does not understand.

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Man who killed wife and son in Tenerife cave showing no remorse
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El niño que sobrevivió al crimen machista de Adeje regresa a Alemania

Santa Cruz de Tenerife, May 1 (EFE) - The six-year-old German boy who escaped an attack in which his father allegedly murdered his mother and his 10-year-old brother, whose bodies were found in a cave in the municipality of Adeje (Tenerife), is returning to Germany on Wednesday.

Sources from the town hall of Tenerife have informed Efe that the child, who was in a centre for minors of this institution, will travel from Tenerife accompanied by a German priest authorized by the family.

The Government of the Canary Islands continues to maintain the guardianship of the child as no relative has moved to the island from Germany, although a priest has visited with judicial and family authorization.

The minor returns to Germany after last Monday the presiding magistrate of the Court of Violence against Women of Arona (Tenerife) recorded his testimony, which earlier led to the arrest of his father.

On April 23, the boy managed to escape from the cave to which his father took them during an excursion and in which he allegedly stoned the mother and brother to death.

According to the woman who acted as a translator, the boy said that his father had prepared a picnic in the high area of Adeje and told them that he had hidden Easter gifts.

The Government delegate in the Canary Islands, Juan Salvador Léon, was "sure" that the sexist crime was premeditated: " He had it more than studied; he deceived his children and his wife, surely because of the trust they had in him".

The death of the woman and her son has caused great commotion on the island and especially in Adeje, a southern municipality of Tenerife where the alleged murderer resided, although he was not registered. EFE


I hope they have it all prepared for Jonas at home and that he continues to get the support that he needs.
Have been following this, what a terrible situation. Just a few years ago this was a family of four - now Jonas is alone. Thank God there are relatives who will take him.

It was said he will be 8 years old in a couple of weeks, certainly old enough to ask questions about his family members, especially his mother and brother who he saw being attacked. Has he not asked for them? What has he been told so far?

How will he ever get those images out of his head? I hope he won't ever feel guilty for running off, but he might, and that makes me even more sad for this little boy :(
Have been following this, what a terrible situation. Just a few years ago this was a family of four - now Jonas is alone. Thank God there are relatives who will take him.

It was said he will be 8 years old in a couple of weeks, certainly old enough to ask questions about his family members, especially his mother and brother who he saw being attacked. Has he not asked for them? What has he been told so far?

How will he ever get those images out of his head? I hope he won't ever feel guilty for running off, but he might, and that makes me even more sad for this little boy :(

Spain has been very protective of little Jonas all along, and also very caring. When the German press came asking how Jonas was doing, they were told off, because of privacy. Still, the first night Jonas was allowed to stay with Annelies, the woman who let him tell his story and whom he did not want to leave.

Parts of the German press were upset with the way the alleged perpetrator was treated in Spain: he was namend, his picture was shown and he had to walk the walk of shame when his home was searched - twice. IMHO some of the reports in the German press gave the impression that they were more concerned about the rights of the perpetrator than of those of the victims and survivor. This is a tendency that I have observed in other cases too, especially in the terrorist attacks that happened in recent years in Germany.

Spain is far more victim-oriented than Germany. They keep statistics of women and men who die at the hands of their partners, and children killed by their parents and those who become orphans due to partner-murder.
Jonas, el niño que huyó del crimen de su padre, vuelve a Alemania

Jonas, the seven-year-old German boy who managed to escape from the cave in Tenerife last week where his father killed his mother and 10-year-old brother, has returned to Germany this Wednesday. According to official sources, the child has flown home today. He was accompanied by a German priest who has been authorized by the family and belongs to the Catholic community living on the island.

The president of the Women's Violence Court of Arona, in charge of the case, signed the authorization on Tuesday night so that Jonas could return to his country, and to his maternal grandparents and his aunt. At first, the authorities hoped that Jonas's family might fly to Spain to take care of him and make the return trip to Germany with the little one. However, the advanced age of the grandparents and the aunt's state of anxiety made it impossible.

On Monday, surrounded by a team of psychologists and in a place that was kept in the strictest secrecy, Jonas ratified before the magistrate of the court dealing with the case the testimony he had already given on Tuesday 23. He did so through the questions that the magistrate transmitted in writing to the psychologists.

After reading this... I doubt that the reason why he brutally killed his (ex) wife and son was the divorce and that he couldn't handle it...

Maybe the reason is money related, after all... When the divorce was final,his finance would have changed, big time!

Acoording El Españo, Thomas H. is wealthy "and the owner of several properties in Halle and thought that, with his income, Silvia could spend more time at home. She refused and it was two years ago when the two were seperated more than 4000km away from each other."

This article also includes a picture of Mother and her youngest son, Jonas.

Jonas, traumatizado y solo: nadie vino de Alemania a buscarle tras ver asesinar a su madre y su hermano
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El niño Jonas ya reside con sus abuelos en Hallen

The seven-year-old who saved his life by fleeing the cave where his father allegedly killed his mother and older brother in the upper reaches of the municipality of Adeje, is already living with his grandparents in Germany, his country of origin. This was confirmed yesterday by the High Court of Justice of the Canary Islands (TSJC).

During the afternoon of last Tuesday, the magistrate of the Court of Violence on Women and Instruction number 1 of Arona processed and authorized the return trip of this victim of the double macho crime.

Little Jonas travelled with a German priest and a representative of the German consulate in the Canary Islands.

The boy was taken to the municipality of Hallen because of his elderly grandparents.

However, the custody of the child, for bureaucratic purposes, is in the hands of a German administrative institution, in a process similar to the one undertaken in Tenerife by the Directorate General for the Protection of Children and the Family of the Canary Islands Government.

The TSJC clarified yesterday that, during the trip and its stopovers, extreme precautions were taken to prevent the child from being located by the media.

According to the Court that handles the case in Arona, the child is in perfect physical and emotional condition, under the circumstances he is involved in.


Family drama on Tenerife": Murdered mother from Halle was extremely popular

Flowers and candles lie on a doormat in front of the apartment door. A red police seal is clearly visible on the wood. The apartment in the south of Halle is the home of the 39-year-old woman who, together with her ten-year-old son, was the victim of a violent crime on Tenerife.

The woman and the boy were found dead in a cave last week - the child's father is suspected of having killed the mother who was separated from him and his son. The seven-year-old brother escaped from the cave. After the murder, the neighborhood in which the family was known fell into a deep shock. For the mother who was murdered was extremely popular.

"She was a very dear woman who took good care of her boys," says a neighbour who wants to remain anonymous. She played with her sons in the sandpit and organized bicycle tours. "The father, on the other hand, hardly took part in family life," the neighbour says. But it never came to loud quarrels or visible violence.

She knew from conversations with the woman that there had been differences of opinion about the house in which the family lived. Because the real estate is said to belong to the alleged perpetrator, who wanted to sell it after the separation in the autumn. The mother had not accepted that. "She wanted to live here with her children," a neighbour says.

In Tenerife, a clarifying conversation between the parents was to take place, during which it was to be determined what would happen with the house.
She never imagined that the father would be responsible for the crime, the neighbour said. When she heard the news, she was shocked. When asked about her mother's hobbies, the neighbour shakes her head. "Her hobby was actually the two children," she says.

What will happen now with the seven-year-old boy? Since the woman lived with her children in Halle, the case falls under the jurisdiction of the local youth welfare office. "Even if both partners are divorced, they still have custody. It can therefore be assumed that the youth welfare department will file an application with the family court to temporarily withdraw custody of the father," according to Ilka Kotte, specialist lawyer for family law, speaking to the MZ.

This would be done for the time being, because the father denies the crime and the presumption of innocence applies to him initially. If so, the youth welfare department would first take over the guardianship.

In addition the youth welfare department will request a case guardianship for the seven year old, so that he is represented in a criminal procedure against the perpetrator and can make claims for damages as well as compensation for pain and suffering.

The city of Halle declared that it was currently [ May 2 ] in contact with the relatives. It supports the family and takes the "necessary immediate measures". "Further details and information cannot be given by the city for the protection of the child's welfare," city spokesman Drago Bock tells the MZ.

However, it is unclear who will take care of the surviving boy in the future and where he will grow up. "The grandparents are severely traumatised, as one reads in the media. This is also a terrible event. Nevertheless, the Youth Welfare Office will always first check the accommodation with family members," says Kotte.
If this is not possible, the seven-year-old could also be taken in by a foster family - or initially be placed in a home. These decisions are made in Halle, not in Tenerife.

According to the German Press Agency, a familiar environment is immensely important for children who have been through extremely stressful experiences. "At best, this should be the case with someone whom the acutely traumatised child knows well, such as grandparents," said Isabella Heuser, Director of the Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at Berlin's Charité Hospital, to DPA.

A conscious approach to affected children is therefore important in order to avoid post trauma disorders such as post traumatic stress disorders, the expert explained.

Some colleagues of the 39-year-old, who worked for the Halle-based IT service provider Gisa, exchanged their own profile photos on the social network Facebook for a black-and-white photo of the murdered colleague. "Strong mother & great colleague" is written in white on the picture, together with the abbreviation R.I.P. (Rest in peace). (mz)


This report dates from May 2. Apparently, Jonas did go to live with or near his grandparents after all. In some Spanish newpapers it is reported that he would not be living with the grandparents, but IMHO they are confusing procedure and outcome. Jonas can live with his family even if they do not have custody (yet).
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Große Traurigkeit - - Onlinemagazin aus Halle (Saale)

Great sadness

It is with great sadness that we learned of the violent crime on the island of Tenerife. A pupil of the St. Francis primary school and his mother were victims of a violent crime. The second son survived the cruel event and is now in safety. "I am deeply dismayed and infinitely saddened by this terrible act and the suffering it has caused," Bishop Dr. Gerhard Feige said.

Pastors and psychologists are at the side of pupils, parents and teachers after school holidays. A room of silence will be set up so that pupils and classes can express their individual grief.

It is understandable to everyone that for us nothing is the same as before. Contact persons have been selected at the school to help the pupils, all staff and parents deal with the loss and cope with this event.

We ask all members of the press to respect the sadness of the school community and to refrain from questioning and interviewing.

(signed) Statement of the Diocese of Magdeburg

The following request comes from the Support Association of the school:

The news of the death of our classmate Jakob and his mother deeply shook and touched our school community. Jonas, the younger brother and son who survived the cruel event on Tenerife, is now in the care of his next of kin. Our compassion and thoughts are with him.

In the last few days we have received many inquiries about how to help Jonas. In coordination with our school and after-school care management, we have decided to set up a donation account.

Of course all donations will reach Jonas or his relatives directly.

We hope to give the family a little strength and courage to master the difficult road ahead. May God accompany them.

In deep sympathy

the board of directors of the association for the promotion of the Sankt-Franziskus primary school

After double murder on Tenerife: Now grandma and grandpa want to take care of 7-year-old

After the double murder of his father to his mother and his brother in a cave on the Spanish island of Tenerife, the seven-year-old Jonas will live with his grandparents in the German Panschwitz-Kuckau near Bautzen. That's what his grandfather wants to arrange.

"My 73-year-old Mrs. Anna and I find no sleep at night with mourning, we want to bring him in. The poor little one has no one else left in the world, I let myself be taken to Tenerife, because he can not do it alone" said the 79-year-old grandfather, Christian S. opposite the " picture".

The seven-year-old could just flee from his father. Under the pretext of looking for Easter presents, he had previously lured his family into a cave and there beat on the mother and the ten-year-old son. The mother and father already lived apart on the holiday island.

He also wants to bring back the bodies of his daughter and his ten-year-old grandson to Germany. Opposite the "Bild" he said that they had not yet been released by the Spanish authorities.

Nach Mord auf Teneriffa: Enkel überlebte - Opa will Siebenjährigen zu sich holen
Bless their hearts! 73 and 79 years old is not an easy age to take a 7 year old in. I hope they have help. Wasn't there also an aunt of Jonas mentioned earlier, sister of the mother I presume? I hope she is around as well to raise the boy.
La policía envía a Madrid las ropas del presunto asesino para su análisis

The police has sent the clothes of the alleged murderer to Madrid for analysis.
Investigators see the evidence as crucial in establishing the authorship of the double crime.

The investigation continues intensely after more than two weeks have passed since the double crime that shocked the municipality of Adeje and the whole of Tenerife. After the return of six-year-old Jonas to his maternal grandparents in Germany, definitive autopsy reports of the woman and her 10-year-old son, allegedly murdered by their partner and father, are still pending. At the moment, only the preliminary forensic reports are known that have established that the cause of death has been, in an indicative way, the multiple blows inflicted by the aggressor that caused multiple traumatisms in the victims, incompatible with their lives.

In this sense, it should be remembered that investigators are considering the hypothesis that the first to die was the mother and later her 10-year-old son, and that little Jonas was able to escape from the crime scene. At this moment, the key proof to prove the authorship of the double homicide, is the analysis of the clothes of the man under investigation, clothes that have been sent to Madrid. While the alleged perpetrator continues in pre-trial detention on two counts of murder, he has not shown the slightest glimmer of concern or regret for what happened or for the fate of his youngest son, survivor of the tragedy.

(Remember, the priest that had temporary guardianship of little Jonas..?)

The bad luck of Jonas: the priest who took him from Tenerife to Germany was investigated for abuse

The religious did not respect distances with children during a trip in 2014 and the Church decided to move the priest to a parish in Spain.


The priest Patrick Lindner was chosen by the German consulate in the Canary Islands to travel with him to Halle (Germany). However, if the situation was already quite tragic for Jonas Handrick, now it is more:the religious was investigated in 2015 in Germany for allegedly sexually abusing minors.

The events occurred in the summer of 2014, when the priest examined two children in order to "detect possible ticks" after a field trip. As reported by the newspaper La Vanguardia , were the parents of these who reported the facts since it is usually the children who make such checks after the shower.
The German prosecution considered that Lindner "had not respected the distances", but closed the investigation without charging him with any crime. [ ]


The grandparents did not know anything
The maternal grandparents of little Jonas are the only family he has left. Due to personal circumstances, it was impossible for the elderly to travel to the island, so they accepted the offer of the consulate to relinquish the responsibility of transferring the Jonas to Lindner.

The Government of the Canary Islands , which had the guardianship of the child until Thursday, had no knowledge of these facts nor the head of the court of violence against women and instruction number 1 of Arona, who was the one who signed the authorization on Tuesday so that the priest will accompany the little one. "The judicial authority denies categorically having knowledge of these facts. The priest was proposed by the consulate as a person of his entire confidence, "said yesterday sources of the Superior Court of Justice of the Canary Islands (TSJC).

La mala suerte de Jonas: el cura que lo llevó de Tenerife a Alemania fue investigado por abusos

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