Specifically hikers or any female alone?

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Here's a link to a photo that gives an idea of where the car was and what the road looks like.

As for the keys being in the car - the police, so far as I know, have not reported what they found (or didn't find) in the car... so nothing is official. I learned about the car being locked and the purse under the seat from an article that quoted a friend of Cheryl's, who was one of the people who found the car on Monday morning. She said the purse was there but the keys and cell were not, and the car was locked. However, the same newspaper and journalist had printed incorrect information in a previous article and had to retract it... so whether this info. is correct, I don't know for a fact.
Here's a link to a photo that gives an idea of where the car was and what the road looks like.

As for the keys being in the car - the police, so far as I know, have not reported what they found (or didn't find) in the car... so nothing is official. I learned about the car being locked and the purse under the seat from an article that quoted a friend of Cheryl's, who was one of the people who found the car on Monday morning. She said the purse was there but the keys and cell were not, and the car was locked. However, the same newspaper and journalist had printed incorrect information in a previous article and had to retract it... so whether this info. is correct, I don't know for a fact.

I'd be more apt to go with information you hear directly from someone involved (person who found the car, as you said) since the information from the people who found her body was all accurate and the rest of the information sources kept on either denying it or just not saying.
Here's a link to a photo that gives an idea of where the car was and what the road looks like.

As for the keys being in the car - the police, so far as I know, have not reported what they found (or didn't find) in the car... so nothing is official. I learned about the car being locked and the purse under the seat from an article that quoted a friend of Cheryl's, who was one of the people who found the car on Monday morning. She said the purse was there but the keys and cell were not, and the car was locked. However, the same newspaper and journalist had printed incorrect information in a previous article and had to retract it... so whether this info. is correct, I don't know for a fact.

Thank you for that photo link. One picture is worth a thousand words, isn't it?
They most likely won't release the police report, yet, which would have a sketch done by the arriving LE showing exactly where and how the car was positioned. Not that those are always accurate, as I found when a car flipped into my yard and it was credited to 3 houses down, causing arguments with insurance adjusters... But your photo leaves little to the imagination, Tallytowngirl!
Do a lot of people abandon cars on that road? Are there a lot left there with that pink or orange sticker the police tag them with when they see them? Maybe if it was out of the way enough, who parked it would figure people thought it was one of those abandoned cars that are on highways time to time. I would see them on I-95 a lot and some other roads. I never knew what the story was with all of them, yet there was enough of them there.
Gary Hilton appears to have supported himself between jobs by stealing money from his victims. If theft was his primary motive, then he likely chose his victims based on the ease with which he thought he could overpower them, the likelihood that they had cash and/ or a bank card and the fact that they were in a place where no one else would see him kidnap them.

Thieves do not always have the sort of similarities between victims that serial killers typically have. I believe Gary Hilton is a sociopath who has so little regard for human life that he killed people just so there would be no witnesses to testify about his thefts.
Hiker, I was thinking the same thing. If you look at the time line that SuziQ posted on another thread and realize if Hilton killed the Bryants in Oct. 2007 used their bankcard, got cash. He killed Cheryl Dunlap the beginning of Dec 2007 in Florida, used her bankcard, he must have been out of money. So he killed to get more money. Then a month later Jan 1, 2008 he is looking for another victim, Meredith. When she won't give him her correct pin number, he desperately call his old boss for money.

This is so frightening to think about - his killing was taking place about once a month.
I believe Gary Hilton is a sociopath who has so little regard for human life that he killed people just so there would be no witnesses to testify about his thefts.

oh yes, he's definitely a sociopath. My opinion is similar to yours, but backwards. I think he enjoyed the killing, and money was his way of "rationalizing" the kidnapping. The reason I think this is because he never seemed to take a lot of money from the accounts (even with the correct pin).

The timing of the events also makes me wonder -
Oct. 21 the Bryants
Dec. 1 Cheryl
Jan 1 Meredith
(Michael Louis went missing on November 21 but I think they've determined Hilton wasn't in Ormond Beach at the time).

It's like a cyclical thing with him.
oh, yes, where are my manners?
Hi Hiker, welcome to the forum! I'm really interested in knowing what all the hiking community knows about Hilton... Thanks so much for joining!

I've wondered where Hilton camped while he was down here - if it was near where he'd left Cheryl's body, and whether he left anything behind at any of his camps. There's a lot of territory to cover with this guy - thank goodness for hikers and hunters!
Gary Hilton appears to have supported himself between jobs by stealing money from his victims. If theft was his primary motive, then he likely chose his victims based on the ease with which he thought he could overpower them, the likelihood that they had cash and/ or a bank card and the fact that they were in a place where no one else would see him kidnap them.

Thieves do not always have the sort of similarities between victims that serial killers typically have. I believe Gary Hilton is a sociopath who has so little regard for human life that he killed people just so there would be no witnesses to testify about his thefts.

Hi Hiker! Welcome!
Seems this predator found ample opportunity on trails and roads. He weaved in and out of view with such ease. I wonder if he used those service roads that connect fire towers and those that logging operations used and abandoned, usually adjacent to the Trail, which I've seen on the northern portion of the AT. He really had a system worked out which would have taken years to fine tune.
I think he started out killing for the thrill of it and then later on decided to start taking the victims' money or credit cards when he needed cash. I'm sure he was just as comfortable hunting his victims on trails as he was on roads. Like it was said earlier, he didn't just start killing this late in life. He could have been killing since his 20's onward. The way he dismembered the victims shows that he is very comfortable with killing and death. He may have started out just shooting them, something less personal that bashing in their heads (i hate to put it bluntly) yet the violence in the way he killed his victims also shows how comfortable he is with killing. If he saw someone walking who he thought was an easy victim, i'm sure he wouldn't be able to pass up the opportunity. Somehow over the years, his methods of killing had to evolve to dismemberment. He could have started out shooting his victims, or maybe strangling them, and worked his way up to bashing or stabbing them. I'm not sure if they will ever find all his victims if he turns out to be as prolific as Bundy. All we can do is find areas he's lived at or been to, hopefully be able to get old pictures of him to see if there was ever any witness sketches or anything to connect him when he was younger in appearance to the area he was in and crimes during that time.
Welcome to you, Hiker!
I agree with all of you that GMH has been doing this for years, and perhaps his M.O. did evolve over the years. I think he always preferred to kill women, partly because they were easier prey...
Insofar as money, as a veteran, wasn't he entitled to benefits? I sure do wish that someone could find out why he left the service just as the Vietnam war was heating up...very odd timing...wish we could get some real info about whether they asked him to leave...just short of a dishonorable discharge....for being too creepy for combat, perhaps....
Welcome to you, Hiker!
I sure do wish that someone could find out why he left the service just as the Vietnam war was heating up...very odd timing...

Maybe he got out as a conscientious objector?

KIDDING!!! just kidding.
sorry, I've got weird sense of humor, and I couldn't pass it up.

he probably fragged his lieutenant, but they couldn't prove it.
Do a lot of people abandon cars on that road? Are there a lot left there with that pink or orange sticker the police tag them with when they see them? Maybe if it was out of the way enough, who parked it would figure people thought it was one of those abandoned cars that are on highways time to time. I would see them on I-95 a lot and some other roads. I never knew what the story was with all of them, yet there was enough of them there.

Cars aren't usually off to the side of that road long enough to get a sticker. People live in Crawfordville and work in Tallahassee, and run out of gas or get a flat - take care of it the same or next day and the car is gone. Most of the time, if a car is off to the side of that road, it's someone who is swimming in a natural spring, someone who is hunting or someone who has to pee too badly to drive to the next potty (ie: my daughter!) The cars aren't there overnight, often.
I think he started out killing for the thrill of it and then later on decided to start taking the victims' money or credit cards when he needed cash. I'm sure he was just as comfortable hunting his victims on trails as he was on roads. Like it was said earlier, he didn't just start killing this late in life. He could have been killing since his 20's onward. The way he dismembered the victims shows that he is very comfortable with killing and death. He may have started out just shooting them, something less personal that bashing in their heads (i hate to put it bluntly) yet the violence in the way he killed his victims also shows how comfortable he is with killing. If he saw someone walking who he thought was an easy victim, i'm sure he wouldn't be able to pass up the opportunity. Somehow over the years, his methods of killing had to evolve to dismemberment. He could have started out shooting his victims, or maybe strangling them, and worked his way up to bashing or stabbing them. I'm not sure if they will ever find all his victims if he turns out to be as prolific as Bundy. All we can do is find areas he's lived at or been to, hopefully be able to get old pictures of him to see if there was ever any witness sketches or anything to connect him when he was younger in appearance to the area he was in and crimes during that time.

I saw a police photo of Hilton from 1995 on the Inside Edition site a couple weeks ago and honestly, he looked like the main character from "House" back then. He actually wasn't that bad looking. Ick :eek:- I can't believe I typed that. But I can see how he has aged so much since then and he would have had to change his approach to gain access to some of his victims. Also, I would not recognize him today by using the 1995 photo. I'm looking for that link.
Yes, he would have had to change his approach from that of deranged/not too bad looking good old boy (and remember, three women did marry him!)
to that of harmless old codger with sweet dog.....

I am guessing that the M.S. that he has has aged him quite a bit. I also wish we knew if he ever had any care from the VA. It makes me angry to know that the prison medical system will have to treat his M.S. Though I can't say that I would wish to go to a prison doctor, still it is more than he deserves!
I don't see the military releasing medical info on Hilton, but nothing would please me more.

I do wonder if some of the guys who served with him remember him and have been commenting on military type blogs or somewhere else.
Over the years he might have frequented veteran establishments like Amvets, VFW or the Eagles. May even have been kicked out for confrontational behavior. I'm sure he shared health stories with someone on the bar stool next to him or the bartenders.

Its interesting that mostly hikers are the ones with the memorable and documented exposures.
I am guessing that the M.S. that he has has aged him quite a bit.

Does he actually have M.S., or does he only claim to have M.S. so he can "self medicate" and explain away any noticeable weirdness? I think it was one of the Tabors who said he had "self diagnosed" and took a lot of Ritalin...

He's certainly aged quite a bit from the old '95 photos of him, but not un-recognizably so. I remember reading a witness interview who said Hilton has really gotten weird (and more unhealthy?) in recent years. But he's had run ins with the law because of his temper/violent streak. I wonder if the amphetamines in his system put him over the edge? He might not have been quite so weird in his military years.

As Native New Yorker pointed out - he married three women, he couldn't have been quite so repulsive back then, (could he?). And they got out of the marriage alive, which is a huge miracle, if he were as bad then as he is now...

But I'm still of the opinion he's been at this for a while.

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